Does your setting have any notable philosophers?

Does your setting have any notable philosophers?

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Aren't we all philosophers? Aren't we all notable in our own special way?

Do fictional settings really 'exist'? Can something that doesn't exist 'have' philosophers?

What does it mean to exist?


You know god damn too well user that this is bullshit.

Everything is ideology. Even mouthbreathers that don't think philosophy is important are espousing ideology in arguing its impotence.

Its semantics. Ignoring philosophy is also a subset of philosophy, making a radical philosophical decision to remain uneducated.
It would be like a man speaking frequently of how he despised talking.

More on topic all good ancient philosophers are nationalist trolls who fuck with everybody until they an hero for the banter. I've got a Diogenes stand it who bullies the local archmages frequently.

Do we really exist as our own Things, or are we just variations on a theme, shadows cast by a few much realer Things?

Each of us is a gateway unto the infinite in and of ourselves, for every smidgen of skin on this paltry and mere shell of ours is countless beyond counting, a sea of cells unto cells unto cells. Every particle that composes us must be made up of something; every foundation must have a foundation, every essence an essence, every possibility ten-billion fold more leading up to and beyond it. The amount of matter (and the amount of drastically ascending scales and layers of said matter) that goes into just a single human being is astonishing and quite literally incomprehensible. Our most menial and idle thoughts are filled with so many intricacies, so many nuances and subtle factors, for to deny this would be to deny the one-hundred billion brain cells that swim through the endless sea of your mind right this very second user: all those insignificant idle daydreams and all those ponderings on what to eat for dinner are in and of themselves a figurative cosmos which defies even the most brilliant sage's intellectual capacity. That about ourselves which we forsake as simple is so complex that it cannot possibly be cataloged, defined, and understood completely -- it may only be accepted.

If that is the truth, then what of the thoughts and feelings that truly matter to us? If the passing echoes of a grocery list are epics and sagas spanning so much in so little time, what are the stories we weave, what are the yearnings we hold in our hearts? Do we not create a new meaning in our lives every second we experience a new emotion? Does not this love that springs from us, beings of eternity, contain the secrets to all that is and more -- the secrets to our hearts and souls, which by necessity overflow with knowledge and enlightenment far greater than that contained anywhere else?

For entities such as us, grand in our most simplistic of simplicities, is not the act of simply drawing breath philosophy?

Really makes you think.

My setting has actual philosophers and theologians.

Cheeki Breeki

You're damn right.

Ogg no think good. Ogg smash wordy brain man

"muh philosophy"
watch this and GTFO

>aren't we all special
No, because then technically nobody is special.

epic post, user. please tell me all about the opinions of this old unattractive white dude

lol larping faggot

But Ogg, to smash is to think, is it not? To grip your club you had to will it to be so -- to move your finger even an inch you had to formulate your intent and direct it and in order to direct it you had to channel your vast and unimaginable mind and the feelings stirring within it and you. When you take these steps you prove yourself an enlightened being, a creature truly strong in spirit and in self, a being with the ability to master the infinite raging within you and use it to your own ends. By clubbing me to death and dancing over my body as I writhe within a pool of my own blood, you show that you are a cohesive whole, a gigantic whole that is ever-changing and yet constant... you have the capacity for greatness Ogg, not because you smash, but because you are.

You've made me proud Ogg. Go forth and take your place among the intellectuals of this wondrous world -- claim the promethean fire and recognize the greatness inherent within you and us all.

Life is made up of contradictions user. You must embrace the paradoxes to achieve true understanding, not reject them.

Yes. He's been writing mind blowing quotes and bits of knowledge or wisdom on outhouse and stall walls for as long as anyone remembers and he's been known to address people by name, title, physical description, or sometimes just by date.
Nobody has ever seen them in the process and some elven scholars have dedicated centuries to sitting in the same outhouse just to see what would happen only for new bits to be carved in the walls when they blink or sleep. Other scholars have made it their duty to catalogue every single square inch of any and every stall or outhouse they come across to try and cross reference for related tidbits.
Kings have staved off calamities like wars or famine by finding "only a fool discounts wisdom because of the source." Or "learn to read you dingus!" At opportune times, blacksmiths have learned new methods of ore refinement by studying the vulgar carvings that cropped up in their own wash closet, and the framework for a national economy boomed into existence when brokers glimpsed formulae and division brackets doodled into their bathroom doors.
In reality its just a nameless senile wizard who just carves shit into a magic wall in some cave miles below the surface(geological processes previously it was a mountainside fortress) because he find a it entertaining when it magic erases itself without understanding Its transmitting the doodles elsewhere. It's so ubiquitous that it's stifled out other possible scholars by either corrupting them at an early age or making the ones who still try look like chumps by dating their own quotes centuries ahead of time only to sit in a scholars tome until they open their mouth.

Isn't me rejecting the paradoxes a contradiction of reality and therefore paradox itself and thus well within the confines of the system?

Fuck. Got me there.

Sorentius of Casana, a student of the Elf Teloniel, who imported Elvish ideas about the immortality of the soul into Human philosophy and indirectly influenced the great religions that followed him.


Philosopher is actually a class in the game I'm trying to convince my players to learn so we can play something that isn't D&D

Yes, but they never come up in play because my players are here for a fun game with an interesting story, and not my Encyclopedia of Autistic Escapism.


Fuck off.

the most notable philosophers in my game are wartime philosophers
>There are no generals quite as terrible as they who would claim new land by carpeting it with their own dead.
—Caille Jouange, 1st Duke of Zi'enne

Nu Veeky Forums can't into philosophy because that'd highlight how magic vs body is illogical and they'd stop being atheists.

AIs love philosophy.
I'm not talking about measely chat bots.

Some. Every major culture have at least two. I had aristotelic and epicurean elves, some nietzchian humans and a ezra pound dwarf.
Savage cultures have no philosophers except for a gnoll in ages past who was literally sun tzu, meaning he basically invented warfare

There's a philosophy that a lot of humans have begun to follow that I based heavily off egoism.


Fuck off applesponge

I feel like Diogenes would be a fun NPC to use.

yes. always. I usually base them on local settings and races need to respect their own historical figures including philosophers.

the scientist was called natural philosopher until Newton, anyways.

All paradoxes may be reconciled, user.

Philosophers are just another group of assholes who try to feed themselves by asking complex versions "Why is the sky blue?" and "Can love bloom on the battlefield" and hope people are mystified enough to throw coins at them.

No one has ever solved the mysteries of the world by sitting down in a chair and thinking hard enough about it.


How would you implement philosophy into a campaign?

Would the players even give a shit?

Not too many, because I don't want to wax poetic when there's adventure to be had, but I did port in Empedocles as a lich who threw himself into a volcano and his resurrection melded him with the basalt and obsidian. He's a cool guy, lives up in the mountains trying to determine the nature of the universal elements and making alchemic firebombs to throw at passerby.

Still lost a sandal during that jump though.

There’s a man who wrote a saga of satirical stories

>How would you implement philosophy into a campaign
give your players trolley problems


No. I don't want to get into that shit with my players. I learned long ago that they don't want that, they want a chance to hang out and have fun once every week or two by going on simple adventures, fighting evil wizards, becoming demi-gods (over years of play), and (s)laying dragons and other monsters only to become mothers/fathers to half-breeds after the end of their adventures.

Revath the Unwise, Patron Saint of Luck in Scholarly Pursuits

Years ago, I ran a campaign where Revath, a half-orc Bard-Cleric multiclass was a field researcher for Not!Candlekeep. Much of the library and university grounds had been destroyed in a previous campaign with different characters and even different players. While they were able to supplement some basics with copies of tomes from generous donors, much of their compendiums on monsters were missing.

Revath was sent out after several others had gone missing, along with a Warden of the University and two apprentices about to complete their training and needed to show aptitude of skill in the field to pass their apprenticeships.

Along the way, a plot to undermine the university was discovered and thwarted only after half the teachers were killed in another destructive event and Revath made several important discoveries about non-humanoid nature. He sired 37 children and not a one of them was more than half-humanoid.

Eventually, he rose to the position of re-founder mainly due to the fact that few others were powerful enough to do so. His teachings in the nature of Monstrous Sexuality eventually earned him the semi-ironic moniker "Unwise" once it was revealed he managed to successfully mate with a Salamander dude to a combination of spells and potions, all of which buffed fire resistance.

Eventually, he managed to revolutionize monster/human relations in the world and many of the more commonly interacted with monster races existence hinged on his work, earning him nomination of sainthood.

Yet many have found the answer of how to live their life with happiness.

Theirs, not everyones. If that was possible you'd only need someone to write it down once instead of trying to re-invent the wheel a million times over and getting a pat on the head for being clever.

If you really want to get to it everyone is a philosopher because "truth" is so nebulous you might as well find what makes you feel better and stick with it.

For some it's living in a little quaint dirt hovel shovelling horse shit and tossing barrels of hay. For others it's walking the world and seeing what's around the corner. But what does an old drunk know of these things?

I had a campaign that involved a prominent theological and religious reformer gone drunkard as a major NPC.

He was the author and demagogue responsible for local branch of notChristianity going full apeshit, then dropped from the reformed church's it's new leadership because of his massive alcohol problems. We originally picked him up for use as a bargaining chip in operations against the crazy church. He ended up convincing most of the party that his teaching was right, and that the reformed church was not apeshit enough. Ended up hijacking the reform, going full ISIS and taking over some neighboring nations for our brutal theocracy. Shit was cool.

Does... does this man know what degenerate means? Both literally and colloquially speaking.

I dunno, man. astronauts and fighter pilots are pretty special

Didn't click the video but these days "degenerate" just means "I DON'T LIKE YOUR POLITICAL OPINIONS WAAAAAH".

I know that, but it's mostly used by younger nationalists. Calling great icons of ancient Greece "degenerates" doesn't really sound like something that'd come from the Alternative Right. Unless it comes to pederasty, of course.

Depends a lot on your campaign and group is playing a bunch of what amounts to silk road bandit-kings, in the spirit of the Kushans or Babur, and there's a bunch of different pantheons, philosophical traditions, and a few mystery cults and such to choose from, with a lot of it tied to the ethnic-cultural stuff too. So they all enjoy picking and choosing for RP, being patrons for certain groups, one PC is a poet, etc.

Its not like we have "real" philosophical discussions or anything, but all the players are pretty smart people, and know the basics of a lot of history and social studies. So I can describe a certain group as "sort of like Manichaeans, but do _____ and ____ because of ____, and ____ is where the duality comes from" and they'll get the point. Its more just an immersion and character development thing really, and is plenty fun.

Is this loss?


No - or rather yes, just not shown or relevant, but presumably there's some running around.

Reason being is I'm not well-versed in philosophy and attempting to portray one despite that would inevitably be worse than not bothering.


Sure, I could name a few, such as Aless, Istotelesar, Chimedesar or Okratess. They are were great thinkers and some of them also contributed to sciences such as mathematics. Their words are quoted frequently, though some people use the old-common versions instead of modern common.