Almost finish painting my 2000p of Genestealer Cult. Planning to play with them for the first time next week. What should I expect ? (my opponent will be Death Guard or Eldar).
Christian Jenkins
Post beep boops that aren't mars
Elijah Hernandez
Reminder dat orkz iz da best!
Charles Gomez
Still waiting for the new Cain Novel...anytime now
Cameron Myers
Orks are a meme army of course it is still true.
Robert Gutierrez
Blake Hernandez
The emperor was always a tragic figure, who had good intentions, but was too short-sighted to see he was causing his own downfall. Then ADB turned him into an autistic manchild who treats his children and generals like cogs in a machine Now I'm being told he never wanted to help humanity, but control them with a chip? Like I said, I'm going to need some goddamn sauce for this.
Christopher Howard
Lets see you fight and win in 8E.
Robert Roberts
>Implying that orks have never won a single game ever
William Anderson
How can you not believe this?
Name an edition where Orks were better than Eldar. It will always be a relevant meme because Ork players were born to suffer.
Jordan Hall
>blood angels last stand >against daemons I get the idea but Nids would be better.
Aaron Bailey
Is that guts in 40k?
John Peterson
That's because orks are a meme faction.
Jayden Garcia
You think people hate tau, imagine the incandescent shitposting if people were losing to football hooligans like they did to tau.
Jordan Robinson
why there wasn't a book about daily life of porno slate artists?
Josiah Gutierrez
>Name an edition where Orks were better than Eldar.
Eldar where a top tier army every fucking edition. I stopped 40k back then because of serpent spam being unfun to play against.
Grayson Allen
No, the BA eventually get off their battleship to do battle and or endlessly sail while their creator buys thousands of dollars worth of Idolmaster DLC.
Asher Sanchez
Robert Ortiz
Plastic sisters when ?
Eli Gray
Instead of*
Gabriel Cruz
Reset the clock!
Andrew Brown
Because sex is bad and violence is good.
Luis Watson
>berzerker next to daemonettes
Jaxon Johnson
How retarded am I? I haven't played any 8th edition yet, this is all old stuff from years ago that I'm putting together to play 8th. Any recommendations for what to buy for a casual?
Well Death Guard has got Typhus. Hes a hard bastard to kill and he wont have a problem killing your warlord one on one. Then there are all the new nurgle daemon codex units they can bring.
Caleb Moore
Considering Khorne was looking to sweep in and steal the kill, I'd argue Daemons are appropriate.
Leo Rogers
Ayden Roberts
Take comfort in your faith, Sister.
Mason Barnes
*blocks your path*
Mason Cook
Elijah Morgan
>implying khorne wasn't there to stop the nids from stealing his toys Khorne wants them to fall not die.
Jose Fisher
*squad of 30 boyz makes 150+ attacks*
Xavier Stewart
Dunno, probably not the kind of book they're interested in. Most of the 40k literature has focused on conflict I've noticed
Sebastian Cooper
walk over this traterous cuck
Gavin Hill
>How retarded am I? Completely, mixing armies within the same detachment removes access to army wide special rules. Read the rules at the front of each army list section for more information on that.
Juan Perez
I see your swartz is as gangly as mine.
Colton Smith
No a psyker would be dead by a Culexus helmet turned up to max.
Michael Smith
*is a better titan*
Jaxon Cook
>special snowflake weapons claws fucking furries
Josiah Rogers
i meant something like short novella or short story in a compilation of a life of a ordinary Imperium citizens
Cameron Flores
>it's fine when the Blood Angels do it
Ryder Roberts
Split into two detachments. 1 batallion for guard and one [whatever the fast attack one is called] for sisters
Parker Reyes
Actually, yes.
Daniel King
Carter Morris
*blocks your way*
Zachary Fisher
You are correct.
Jayden Rogers
*slaps duct tape onto him*
Samuel Gutierrez
>glowing energy claws vs snowy snow frosty ice of maximum coldness Nah fuck off
Luke Scott
they should have starred in 40k tv series
Robert Lopez
Perfectly fine.
Eli Lopez
So that nobody could watch it?
Noah Evans
Well good to know fuck the furries.
Henry Morales
he'stan is the best capitan ever
Xavier Myers
Am I a dick for bringing butcher cannons and soul burners?
Dylan Collins
he'standing on your warlord, fucking your legion up
Gabriel Evans
Rowan Atkinson and Tony Robinson playing characters loosely based on characters they played in another franchise... would be weird
Joshua Bell
>>Consoles are a children’s product; just look at Labo and the AAA annual releases >REEEEEEEEEEE LIES STFU PC FAT >Not this shit again...
Xavier Williams
I'm so sorry for your home planet
You made really nice tanks
Julian Miller
Alexander Sullivan
Okay might as well pose the question:
What's the best way to make a terminator themed army -function- (not asking about competitive, just standard pickup meta) in light of half your drops needing to start on the board?
Ryan Martinez
I've beaten a fair number of people as Orks, mostly they had fun since even wining Ork fight are heavy on the back & forth.
Well untill 8th really, now it's usually decided turn 1.
Those orks however are awful. I don't even get how it's possible to make uncanny valley apply to fucking orks.
Luke Hernandez
On a contemptor? no, Butcher cannon/ chainclaw /soul burner is the patrician's choice
Dominic Foster
Is he rolling on the ground blood and brains running fro his nostrils?
Samuel Rogers
Chaos or Dark Angel terminators with combibolters shooting twice a strategem.
Jaxon Cruz
>Land raiders >chaos with warp time >spartans
Hunter Lopez
Take loads of terminators.
Henry Young
Who can share last BL books: Magos, Ashes of Prospero and Lukas the Trickster. I can share short story about Sanguinius from Sons of th Emperor book.
Joseph Carter
Start your troops and non-assault termies on the board. Use Land Raiders.
Christopher Thomas
Lucas Young
What will happen if BL retcons his death?
Jacob James
>NYT Best Seller
Bentley Robinson
Logan Lewis
Same as happens every day. Neckbeads will cry "everything si ruined forever", threaten boycott and then dump the months paycheck on schedule as always.
Easton Lee
>if they're already doing it, user. codexes have preempted this shit.
Adam Campbell
I don't know why they act like that is some sort of accomplishment.
Jaxson Brooks
Is a spartan good? I know a land raider isn't.
Nathaniel Perez
They could do it. They could just got Saint Celestine and then we found out that Sanguinius could revive himself like her.
Oliver White
he wasn't even that good of a character anyway
Bentley Thomas
Jace Cox
Owen Richardson
tu'shan is the best chapter master dante is a shitty faggot
Camden Howard
tu'shan't say that again and live, heathen,
Jack Robinson
>Mentions Leman Russ leaving him
Hudson Campbell
BAs is what make him good, their nobility, their struggle with the curse that they inherited from Sanguinius.
It's safe to say people like him because he is the primarch of BAs.
Samuel Scott
no, he was also worse than Dorn, Vulkan, Magnus, and Kurze
Jaxon Nelson
At least Dante has a model :^)
Joseph Fisher
>revived Girlyman >Lion soon going to wake the fuck up Imperium Secundus V2 soon boys Are you ready for Sanguinus to go full Celestine and suddenly revive himself to complete the trinity?
Ethan Turner
Easton Robinson
shit would be so cash
Adam Miller
>Kurze You invalidated everything there, I can accept the other 3 in some way but no on edgy batman.
Thomas Hernandez
BA are worse loyalists than Sanamanders and less interesting than the Other angels
Jackson Ramirez
Blackadder 40k would be great
Cooper Hernandez
>less interesting than MUH SECRETS nah. Dark Angels are less interesting that watching paint dry.