Need help

Need help.

Do you think the kingdoms are too big for "petty" kingdoms? The inspirations were the Anglo-Saxons and Renaissance Italy.

Are the borders (flags) okay?

Looks okay to me user

That T-Rex is going nom the fish

The size of a country does not generally affect if it is considered a petty kingdom, a petty kingdom would generally be a kingdom within a (generally defunct) De Jure kingdom.

For example: trough the initial parts of english history, there was the idea of england, the land where the Anglo-Saxon people lived, there were rough geographical borders for England as well. However, there was no King of England, instead, the lands were governed by smaller states (in this case, Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, East anglia and a dozen others), however, they all had the same culture and language and all existed within this unofficial larger country named England

Why do almost all Fantasy maps have an ocean to the west and land extending off-map to the east?

I guess because they are all based off of Europe.

why are the Kingdoms too big? There should be tributary states/allied states not just huge chunks of kingdoms.

not true. look at greyhawk map, for example :)

onion lol

Well, he said only almost.

All names are kinda flavorless try something like "Kingdom of Meleras", "Republic of Oniond", Grand duchy of..., Tribal council of..., Holy order of..., Mahrabad of...etc.

No villages, try adding villages (Forest, mountains, Rivers) for strategic resource gathering and reasons for castles to protect.

Some of the terrain where the castle are located are weird(mostly near sea) try River ones, near lots of village and one or other on major ports.

Some borders are weird and don't be afraid to consider either disputed or no man land (tribal) even in between the kingdoms.

Your map stings my eye here a brighter one

Your map stings my eyes. Are you vision-impaired?

Duh. Same reason it's colder in the north and hotter in the south
(did you know most of Mediterranean and Middle East flipped the map so the North pole was at the bottom?)

Nah just autism

And the Medieval standard was the East-oriented T-O maps.

Oniond is going to be in trouble when that T-Rex chomps it.

In my setting, the sun is false and is slowly moving towards the west, so the east is always dark and devoid of sunlight, while the west is getting hotter and hotter. The world is originally a frozen planet.

Europe is the optimal material to base off a perfect functioning and acceptable fantasy land. Not too big, not too small, and varied enough that it isn't a boring or uninteresting place

You should provide a scale before asking that, dude. As far as I know yeah those are too big to be petty kingdoms because Oniond is bigger than Australia.

It has a scale.


A scale that sets "130 miles" as the unit for some reason, lol

Bizarre, but it is there.


I'm not good at using scale.

This would have the size of france, right?

I like Oniond, very flavourful.

I prefer Onionvinit

looks like your average ENB


that looks like almost a ripoff from the warband map

Because it's a peninsula?


OP, what program did you use for mapmaking? it looks hella dope.

How do I change the map so that it no longer looks like a T-Rex?

Okay, I didn't know that. Apart from Ellon, they have the same culture and language.

Thanks for the feedback.

Argion, Meleras and Harloriand are Kingdoms. Ellon is an Confederation of Tribes. Oniond a Theocracy.

I didn't add any villages because I didn't know it was worth it on this scale. So I limited myself to the bigger settlements.

Campaign Cartographer 3.

>Harlond + Lorien + Beleriand = Harloriand