Most iconic cards from each TCG

What are some of the most iconic cards from each TCG? Whether it was because of collect-ability or meta.

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I don’t even play Yu-Gi-Oh and I know this card thanks to the stupid cartoon.

What about this piece of old musty cardboard?

>White border

I dunno, I always associated that game more with this guy, but that might have just been because of the show and his fantastically dumb-sounding name.



Charizard, Black Lotus and Blue-Eyes White Dragon are the big three.
V:TES didn't have one "that card", neither did Netrunner really. L5R depends on your clan. Anime card games barelly survive the pumP and dump scheme long enough to become known much less iconic.

I guess Hercules Kabuterimon from Digimon TCG and Dragon Dorado from Mitos y Leyendas would be the next on the list.

>Mitos y Leyendas
Good shit. Also Zeus was fucking iconic in that game

These cards were pretty awesome in the show, but I don't know how they played in the game.

>but I don't know how they played in the game.
You use Sphere Mode to break unbreakable boards.

I wish I held onto this deck

You can rebuild it for next to nothing

The obvious choice.

a challenger appears
what? you can play it live at Fireside gatherings.

I suddenly realize I hate pretty much every tcg that divides card power into attack and defense.




Cause it has the same art as the box art.

Isn't Magma Rager pretty useless because 1 health and 3 mana cost?

Iconic because of how infamous it was for those of us who played during this nightmare meta.

Yeah, it's a card that barely ever sees play. I'd argue Grim Patron is a better choice, as it's just as well known, but actually playable.

That and there was an entire set based around spamming grim patrons, until Blizzard nerfed it, like it does with most builds it doesn't like.

Going old school here.

You're both wrong.

It's such well known garbage it gets a reference every couple sets.

>Am'gam is just Magma backwards
>Health and attack have been swapped
>Still 3 mana

Neat little joke, but why waste a card slot on something that will still be crap? Hell, could've made it 6 mana and then it would definitely never see play.

>aaand the merge of all is a woman
They tried way too hard to stuck feminism in my kid's mind.

>pleb posting
kill yourself

Blizzard devs believe you need to release bad cards so that people can understand why good cards are good.

It's a guy. A very feminine guy. Because that's Kazuki Takahashi's style.

God, I miss this game. Never again in the history of card games have been flavor and ruleset this much on point.

Completely with you, user. Still have all my decks. Also fixed most of MTG's problems as well. Such a great game blooded, gutted and sacrificed upon the Hearthstone altar.

Pretty sure it has tits.


Just bought some DM stuff off of amazon even though I have no one to play with, damn you all.

What does it do?

draw 2 cards

The "any number of these in your deck" makes it really stand out. (And you need lots to make the specific deck for it)

>card only functions if you have 20-40 of them in your deck, more in EDH or with shenanigans
>"Hey what rarity should this be?"
>Not common

That not what I was trying to post


>Most iconic cards from each TCG

In for Call Of Cthulhu LCG

>Systemizing Great Old Ones

fuck off

Ballom is more Iconic

You never said it had to be the most liked card.

Arguably the most iconic, its still meme'd about and even referenced in other cardgames to this today.

Veeky Forums duel masters meetup when

I'm looking for a game to play alongside MTG, what would you guys recommend? Needs to be standard card size so my sleeves fit.

is the game fun

Off the top of my head you can play Pokémon and/or Buddyfight. Both have faults, but both can be fun.

I don't even play FoW or know what R/R does and I hate that card. I don't think I ever heard anyone call it balanced, even the people I knew who played it we're just waiting for the ban.

Is Buddyfight affordable? Pokemon is decent fun but I can't imagine playing more than a few games a week and I hear the playerbase is terrible.

I've recently gotten into Android: Netrunner. It's pretty fun and very different from mtg.

I hear Caster's Chronicle is good. Maybe Weiss Scharz if you like the anime they have.

The ding of dongs
Haven't played in a year though

The real question is, what's the most iconic playing card in this set?

The King of Hearts

ace of spades

Ace of Spades

FUCK YEAH Guardians represent!
Booze, booty and babes!

If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, all the same to me
The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is THE ACE OF SPADES

It depends what you mean by affordable. Any deck from new sets can be built fairly easily for less than a Magic or Yugioh deck, but finding any copies of important older cards is a nightmare.

one can hope user
one can hope ;_;



>Slifer the executive producer
Seriously what was the deal



The one true king


Ha! Good luck winning this iconic card, I have 960bp

Pokemon if you like Legacy levels of busted card draw and filtering through your deck for a fraction of the price.

>the most iconic

Rest in peace

Which illuminati "prediction" card is most iconic.





what game

The Caster Chronicles. I'd say DBS, but apparently that game is going south fast due to the new expac. Biggest issue with TCC is low print run in the states due to them dipping a toe in to test the waters and see if it sells well, which it is. Probably will remain niche as hell though.

Looking at Caster availability, I'm going to try FoW. Thanks for the help!

>not Blood Doll
>not Govern
>not Villein
>not Tasty
>not Kino

No worries. FoW seems to be steering the boat to a good direction at least, Green should stop being 2gud/getting everything next expac or the one later possibly.



Useful effect on a nice body. Might have been my fav card if not for Zero's booty.



Did it get banned?

I know nothing about this disgusting shit but mechanically it seems decent.

the fuck tcg is this?


furoticon, Veeky Forums participated in its creation 5 or so years ago

Awesome, what decks run it?

Fuck this busted ass game.

Guardians CCG

I assume it's dead?