Warhammer 40k general /40kg/


>Tau WD previews

>(F) Duncan


>Sega's Megas in Las Vegas:
>Old Black Library Mega:

>Mathhamburger Helper:

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Custom chapters are best chapters.

Xth for the Dark City! Praise Be to Beckjann!

RIP in piece Duncan, always in our hearts and paints

Quick /40kg/ pick the best army in /40kg/ based on lore alone!


Word Bearers

*blocks your path*



is 100 stormtroopers too many?

Just got 1 razorwing jet fighter, 6 venom, 2 talon pain engine, 4 raiders, 60 warriors, 15 scourges, 6 jet bikes, 1 succubus, 1 haemonculus, 1 archon and a bunch of bits for 400. Did I do ok or get hooked? I think I came in a bit under my LGS prices

Gonna need a lotta las cannons

just about enough.
You'll need a few of these

For one detachment.
You'll need 3 more.

Maybe, you'd want a bit of non-stormtrooper stuff as well.

50 is a good number, though.

Which are the BL books that tell the tales of the Lion’s heroic exploits across the galaxy sundering the traitors and racking up more wins than Russ ever did, furfags btfo

C’mon now guys.



Rate the Billboard my Boyfriend helped me make for my display board? Just gotta paint it up, print this out, and it's ready for Saturday.

*laughs in feel no pain*

speaking of fw. I recently was given the opportunity to buy from a dealer at whole sale type prices and was thinking of making a DKoK army with 3 macharius vulcans 10 10 man combat engineer squads 3 quartermaster cadres and 3 marshals
Opinions?critics? should i do it?

Big Savlar tits right in my face


>based on lore alone

Step aside Not-Guard armies.



Y'know, I was going to respond with something mean, but you make a great point. Flat Savlar tits right in my face. I hope you have a great week.

>needing to worry about flimsy DEldar weapon platforms



I gotta get me some of those FW ironclad hunks.
Also Chaplain dreadnought best dreadnought

you forgot that they get to loot stuff after each battle and the arbitrator who capture them act as commissars


Is there anywhere to confirm this?


That's the fun and profit bit. Also, they get captured? I thought they willingly signed up to leave Savlar, as it's a bit of a shit hole. However, any fluff on them is good fluff to me, thank you user!


>a dealer
Like Forgeworld?
>at wholesale-type prices
Just say China bro

that don't look like Tank Girl

why does your boyfriend draw like a chick? Too much soy in his diet?


>Hey guize Deldar can totally have Wraithknights too despite it operating using technology we deliberately never use and despise.

*laughs in screaming fury*

some chem dogs are captured by arbites who then will use them as a fighting arm, so they are basically 'commissars' except that they understand them more because arbites are also undercover hiveworlders

anything on the list?

Why does this awful meme continue to exist?

wait why are we paying respects to Beckjann? He hasn't posted in years.

because wimps still exist

Nah man, not a Guard player.

>not heavy chem sprayers

0/7, huff more poison.

Vect literally has an army of them piloted by tortured souls of captured Craftworld children.

>you X like a girl
>calling people wimps

Normies circa 1950's Americana get put of my hobby for nerds REEEEEEEEEE

My boyfriend didn't draw that though, Qsy did, she does a lot of 40k art, he made the billboard part of it though.
Huh, neat! Thank you user, do you have any recommended reading to get more info/fluff on them?

That's a really good volume of stuff for $400, especially since it's all stuff that will regularly see their place in a bunch of different list. And if you got all that and still came in under your LGS prices for $400 I want to know where this fucking store is.

In a vacuum? AdMech or Orks.

its 90 vulcan mega bolter hits with 200 wound on 2s shotgun hits

oh, this explains that, then

Qsy should stop drawing 40k fanart that isn't outright porn, her style isn't suited to it

>You get to leave Savlar

Doh, I like her stuff. I'm planning on getting 2 more Savlar pin ups, so I can throw them on the sides of my Vulture cockpits.

you now realize that Savlar is 40k Australia

Read up on Vect's Castigators, sonny boy.


yet you probably have a bunch of Eversor pics saved

just look up old codexes or RPG books about the penal legion, i remember chem dogs are part of the penal legion.

Her porn is fucking top tier though.
Like goddamn, it's hit or miss, but when it hits I'm fucking diamonds.

jesus christ /r/warhammer was a mistake

Alright /40kg/ what's the best loyalist chapter and why?

What's the issue?



God damnit I really wanted to paint my big seraphon with cosmos and shit on them since they're star creatures but all these faggots just splatter painting and calling it galaxy has killed the idea

Also whats the best army for someone who loves shotguns and DOOM?

Space Puppies.
They yiff Rowboat Girlyman's codex and don't afraid of anything, even the Grey Knights trying to invade their planet


Not the best, but let's see yours.
These trigger me because I lost a painting competition for "heroes" to one of these sporting a very mediocre paintjob and drybrush. But noooo, people vote for the "cool big model". A couple of the other entries were really great, too.

Do some blending on yours. Fuck those assholes if you put in more work and have a better paint job people will know. If anything you'll trigger them when you come along and one up all their lazy work making them look bad.

Path of the dark eldar books good shit!


feck off m8

Well pilfered soul stones at the very least sure there are some kids in there!

Don't really like their aesthetic also need a million dollars for a 2k list

Vect's kabal raided a craftworld of its wraithbone and constructs and took all their children to use as pilots/fuel for the constructs. He then pushed the ensuing Killer Sexy Space Clown justice on one of his 'allies' to escape being turned into paint.

For shotguns I'd say guard or SM for scouts. If you want doom guy and shotguns probably Deathwatch but they're uh... a little bit garbo.

Yes. Remember that you need to have 50% of dudes on the board when deploying and having scions just sittingon the table with their range 18" guns is just a waste. 30 stormtroopers is enough + characters. I'd only ever use Tempestor primes with 4x plasma bodyguards deep striking

Path of the DE. They think they're defending their homes from demons or some shit lel. Dystopian as fuck.

That said, despite the book saying they're tortured, the point of view perspective just makes it seem like they're all really happy from what I recall, protecting their homes and shit.

Pretty close. They aren't happy. They're just reliving those battles every time they get woken up. They get turned off, wake up again and suddenly they're reliving the battle they already finished AGAIN.

I hope DW codex makes them a little better at least. I've been looking at them for a while and I think they'd be cool as fuck. Plus painting a shit load of different chapters would be fun.

[Laughs in invulnerability]

not if you china or russia them

Thats a good deal, even if the models are old edition. If theyre all 5th ed then you absolutely won.

You might want to convert some of the Raiders into Ravagers with some magnetized guns.

Doesn't really help that I just don't like how the army looks.

the store just does 20% off all GW and I probably beat my planned storebought army by about 50 bucks but it was a really barebones list compared to this lot.



Oh, right. Thanks user. It's been a while. I'd definitely recommend that series to anyone interested in DE though, it was pretty great.

my current army is 52 ss 6 tarux primes and 2 vendettas

everything looks like new plastic. I am pretty excited



Yeah. It definitely pushed me over the edge to make DE my main army over GK. That and the fact that GK codex has been irredeemable garbage the last 2 editions. DE at least had some fun to their builds. 7E Ynnari was fun but ridiculous when my friends said they wanted to go against it.

Breachers began in 40k, they were a troop choice in Siege Assault Vanguard from 5th-7th ed.

You forgot
>Enough drugs to either kill a Dark Eldar or actually make you feel something for once.

Huh. Didn't know. Never played against IF, and I play a non C:SM marine army. Neat.