Reference pics for Fantasy RPGs

Sometimes I like to use images to represent what places look like to players so they get the idea what cities/rooms look like, so I'm gonna dump the ones I have saved and you post whatever you got








okay, dude. You're on. FYI - I'm dumping the whole folder, which may include some futuristic/postapo pics as well.


Those are fine too. IMO it's harder to picture futuristic/apocalyptic settings




Huh, I've got a fair few of those, I can chip in if you want. My entire folder would probably take two threads by itself, though, so I'll go easy.























weird. I could have sworn the picture was saved properly




Got anything Japan related?












These are the same street corners ~50 years apart, accounting for Magitech's growth under Moore's law




This guy really loves his scuba diving.

Here's the rest of that set



I forgot where these came from but they abandon these cities periodically, to the wolves



I love this style

That's some cool Night Land action art

I agree, it's so colorful and hopeful

They're from a russian pagan i think who believes that all happens in the past, and russia is the home of the aryan race who came from space (i think).

he makes good, interesting art



