Does the Imperial Guard deserve a new tank?
Does the Imperial Guard deserve a new tank?
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The guard deserves nothing but a good death
I legit think they should get a new vehicle to honor cadia. No clue what to call it but the first things that come to mind are.
>the will of cadia
>might of cadia
I dunno something like that
How about new infantry kits?
It's pretty well suited to their needs and can be produced in the millions, there's very few flaws if you take it in context
Guard tanks get named after important military figures - if there was a new armoured vehicle after all this time and it honoured Cadia, I'd guess it'd be called the Creed?
Not too terrible a name, though you'd probably have a lot of puns
>Cadia cadia cadia
Cadia is dead son.
Rambos are the new IG poster boys.
I would just make a Lemon Russ MK.II.
Give it a more realistic cannon and some suspension and you're golden.
>the "legacy of cadia" tank
>one-use-only transport vehicle
>troops enter, weak points then welded shut to increase overall armour value
>tank drives toward the enemy, then breaks in half allowing the infantry to exit
The IG are effectively a dead faction at this point. No way GW is going to put any focus back on them now that they have even more super-soldiers to concentrate on.
And, honestly, that's fine. The models have always been shit. The background was fun, but it's been getting worse and there isn't much hope of it getting better. The only good guard-related thing recently has been Regimental Standard. GW just needs to admit that it has no interest in ordinary humans and concentrate on space marines, slightly different space marines and fantasy space marines, possibly recycling some of the fun elements from the guard and the empire in order to give them a tiny bit of personality.
factions that need new vehicles more than IG
DE, CWE, Orks, CSM(regular), Tau(fuck battlesuits)
I think it would be neat if the guard had a light tank, something between a sentinel and leman russ in terms of armour and firepower.
Upgunned chimera?
Sounds familiar.
I don't know about a new tank but it would be nice to see a new kit for the basilisk, one that came with a alternate build as a medusa or something.
>Creed Pattern Stealth Tank
>just a bane blade painted black
>the crew is issued copies of Creed's book on stealth and grand strategy
This sadly
>Orks, CSM(regular)
Real Ork players scratch build their vehicles out of any random crap they have laying around. Making Ork vehicles kits is what killed the faction. No two trukks should ever look alike. If they wanted to sell Ork vehicle kits, they should have just made it a huge box of random parts with no cohesive theme and a slip of paper that just said "Figure it out, Grot."
To the same point, CSM have as many vehicles as every imperial faction put together. Just bust out that putty and start putting eyeballs, spikes and tentacles on things.
So, what, like a Centaur or Salamander? The entire family of chimera chassis is also on the "between a sentinel and a russ" band.
too soon
I'd rather have an updated kit for the Leman Russ. It fits the faction but the model is starting to look a little dated.
Well, if they're desperate they could always have the Admech discover an STC or build a tank bigger than the Baneblade.
>Does the Imperial Guard deserve a new tank?
Yes, Imperium needs another fucking release while half of everyone else models are in metal/finecast
A splodge of tentacles is not a cool tank, being able to convert tanks is cool- its one of the strengths of getting a csm army
but its not a substitute for a cool new type of tank, because at the end of the day it will still be a land raider, predator or vindicator- and will have to play the part
Isn't that just an armored/heavy sentinel?
Orks need new vehicle kits more than Guard. It's still rather jarring to see 2nd ed Gorkamorka Orks driving Warbuggies when Primarines are on the table.
That being said, rather than a new Taurox or some other "new trademarkable line," I do wish that GW would broaden the general options for upgrading their current hulls.
Did you know that in 2nd ed Citadel Journal and in Epic, there were three different variations of the basic Chimera?
The Chimerro had a rack of six Hunter-Killer Missiles (alternately a reloadable HKM turret) and was primarily used as an outrider/early skirmisher in support of mechanized companies.
The Chimerax (pic related) had two Twin-Linked Autocannons and acted as a "Budget Hydra" that could transport units. Although it was actually pretty lousy at AA duty (which is why Hydras are a thing), it could give reasonable ground support.
The Chimedon was the most hilarious one though; it was a Chimera with a Battle Cannon. Naturally, the Chimera wasn't meant to use such a weapon, so it did have a bit of recoil.
The Chimedon had the Conquerer Cannon I thought?
Man, I am so getting "Pentagon Wars" vibes from that thing.
Huh, does the Imperium have a Pentagon equivalent mentioned at all?
Last time GW designed an "IG" (I know scions ain't IG) vehicle we got the Taurox.
Food for thought.
It may have been retconned; I know that the Chimedon's rules first came out before Forgeworld (and the Russ Conqueror) were actual things.
Made me think of this which I saw recently
Some kind of horizontal drop pod, a side pod if you will.
Oh, and of course, bringing back the Griffon Mortar would be neat too. As opposed to the specialized infantry shredding of the Wyvern or the sheer damage of a Basilisk, it should serve as the "utility" artillery-piece. The Guard's "Sternguard equivalent" so to speak.
Back in 2nd edition, it had frag shells, inferno shells (which could set stuff on fire), but most hilariously, it had Melta-shells. Yes, the Griffon Mortar could literally fire oversized meltabombs in mortar-form.
>40k Pentagon Wars
>Colonel murdered by Tech Priests for daring to suggest any changes to the Holy Design of the STC
>It's not stupid, it's sacred.
How is the Salamander considered a light tank/scout vehicle when it's literally just a Chimera without a roof?
Look at what sells: Space Marines, Guard, Chaos Space Marines.
Nothing else sells even half as much as those three lines.
They had it half back for one edition, but it was lolFW so no-one took it.
Imperial bureaucratic wars are 100% a thing, so yeah, 40k's pentagon wars would be spectacular, and due to the lengths of time needed to get the techpriests to agree to innovate/for the innovation to happen, they'd be dynastic
>updated Russ
Nigga I have FOLDERS of inspiration: mostly kitbashes, so GW legal...
For WWII guard, I present:
>Implying that the cannon isn’t realistic
Seriously though the tank is suposed to look like a tractor with downs syndrome.
Eh, there's enough leeway and Realpolitik involved where although "new ideas from scratch" are a no-go, permutations of what is already known are aok. IIRC the Wyvern's fluff mentions that it uses a "bastardized version of the Hydra's targeting Machine Spirit," and thus was a jury-rig beforehand.
In other words, if it works, then that must have been the real purpose of the STC design all along...If the idea didn't work, then it's clearly heresy. In a lot of ways, it's emergency experimentation without an actual scientific method.
So hellhound?
And some less aesthetically unified options, but still in the interwar/WWII-style:
>Bong (Churchill)-pattern
The adeptus mechanicus
>A Realistic Russ, based on an actual tonk (a perfect Vanquisher)
>For Catachans, a 'nam-style Russ:
>A Chieftain/Churchill for Bongs/Praetorians
A plastic Malcador or Macharius would be awesome.
>GW just needs to admit that it has no interest in ordinary humans
Which is so sad. What's to not like about ordinary humans Holding The Fucking Line? The Guard needs to get less grimdark and more late 1800s Light Brigade style heroism and be more about heroism. I would buy thousands of dollars of that army.
HFY cucks stay cucked.
>The models have always been shit.
Metal Stormtroopers in Cadian Armour
Don't talk shit user
>Metal Stormtroopers in Cadian Armour
2nd Edition Stormtroopers were best stormtroopers.
>less grimdark and more late 1800s Light Brigade style heroism
Glorifying suicidal charges into fortified positions based on a set of incorrectly issued orders? Where basically everyone dies?
>Cadia Destroyed
>Survivors resettled throughout the Imperium.
>100+ year Indomitus Crusade timeskip.
>There are dozens of established mini-Cadia's now.
>Creed Pattern Stealth Tank
I think I already have minis of those.
Compared to modern 120mm guns its not. Battlecannon is something a slim laddie could crawl in.
Why build when you can loot?
>The Guard needs to get less grimdark and more late 1800s Light Brigade style heroism and be more about heroism.
You realise that the Charge of the Light Brigade was less heroism and more down to officer squabblings and miscommunication, right?
But if it's dumb, suicidal charges you want then just build a Guard army with Chenkov at the helm.
That’s exactly my point... The ridiclous caliber is an artistic feature that isn’t supposed to make too much sense. Well, except if it has an autoloader but how in hell does the officer crawl to the hatch then...
While you are correct in the cause of the charge of the Light Brigade, you fail to acknowledge how it was portrayed by British media at the time. People genuinely thought of it as a glorious example of British heroism and devotion to their duty
Which is basically how imperials already view the Imperial Guard.
No. The Kasrkin are among the best GW model.
It would carry like 3 spare shells anyway.
Well it only fires six times max during a game....
We're going to have to disagree on this one user. Personally I prefer, the beret-wearing-light-infantry look to the generic-space-soldier look.
Actually come think of it, it all makes sense now. The demolisher is basically a sturmtiger. It fires rockets, not shells.
I have just the design for you!
My nigga. They had the best backpacks and targeters, for sure.
space cuirassier scions are a close second though
I like that the design is a compromise between the different Stormtrooper variants.
>going into battle on alien planets and/or in spaceships
>against all kinds of aliens, and monsters, and weirdos
I woulda kept my fuckin space helmet on, just in case
>they should have just made it a huge box of random parts with no cohesive theme and a slip of paper that just said "Figure it out, Grot."
Fucking this. Holy shit they would have a hard time keeping up with the demand.
But realistically they'd include some instructions to go with it, but just recommendations.
>I woulda kept my fuckin space helmet on, just in case
Guard recruitment standards have really gone downhill.
Back in my day they gave you a t-shirt (wrong size), flashlight (cheap batteries), and a wheelbarrow to hold your massive balls.
I bet you go crying to the Ministorum Chaplain when your platoon sergeant gives you a telling off.
The orks do need actual rules for fielding items though. The removal of Looted Tanks altogether was a cardinal offense of 8th. At least let them take an IMPERIUM VEHICLE and replace IMPERIUM with ORK, and with LOOTED
>implying the ww1/ww2 hybrid tank isnt cool
>Chaos Space Marines
Death Guard and Rubric does not a renegade chapter make.
CSM's need a rules update to make them fucking viable over cultists and an overhaul of the entire range to actually fucking theme it to the fluff of them being on the ascendency seeing as they now occupy, you know, over half the fucking imperium.
>Actually constructive autism
I do like those MachaRusses: just say Robutt wanted to standardize the Guard and forced Bellysaur to turn all the Russes into Chimera variants...
Who cares about renegade chapters? Only Legions matter.
"Nobody here but us trees ..."
It's also faster and maybe has good radios?
"Look natural."
Plastic malcador now! Fluff it as rawbooty found an STC during his new crusade.
I disagree the models have always been shit. Guard have had some of the best average model quality across their range until the last two editions. Nothing post vostroyans is very good. New commissars maybe.
Will we ever get plastic Steel Legion?
Is Armageddon even relevant anymore?
Is the guard even relevant anymore?
>What's to not like about ordinary humans Holding The Fucking Line?
Super-humans holding the fucking line is cooler. They also succeed at it more often which makes for more consistent Big Damn Hero storylines, which GW seems to like.
As background fodder which has failed miserably and needs strong muhrene to save them from the unstoppable hordes of darkness.
>ARL based russ conversion
Why would you ever do this? The ARL is such an ugly piece of shit, even the normal Russ looks positively handsome by comparison.
Upgrade the guard to early cold war-era tanks. And have Cadian fatigues actually have a chest rig.
Everyone's storing spare ammo in their asses. Making guardsmen more reasonable compared to the entire setting they're supposed to be a part of would look odd.
>tfw you will never serenaded yourself an Eldar GF...
Life hurts
>Is warhammer40k even relevant anymore?
Why the fuck would we want a new tank when our basic infantry kits are from fucking 3rd edition? Update the damn infantry squad boxes so people don't have to bits order weapons just to outfit their basic squads, then we can talk about adding a brand new shitty tank because Lord knows GW is too ass backwards to give us something cool that FW already makes in plastic.
>late cold war-era
How about they upgrade to WWII era first?
>is Eldar even relevant anymore
>is Tau even relevant anymore
>is Ork even relevant anymore
>is Necron even relevant anymore
Game should just be Muhreens vs Chaos
>implying IW, BL, NL, WB will ever get their own dexes
GW only gives a fuck about mono-god legions and only then insofar as to serve as a way to summon daemons
this tbqhwyf
I'm the guy that wants plastic Steel Legion but they just aren't relevant, you know?
An important part of the design is coping with the insane ranges the game takes place on. You don't want or need a long barrel on your tanks, or sloped armour, or being low to the ground, because stuff like that just makes people ask stupid questions like "why am I taking a tank whose gun has a range of miles into a CC battle?" and "why is my artillery on the front line?".
The game takes place on a 72" x 48" board with minis 1.5" tall. Scale wise, if a Marine is 2m tall, then the entire battle takes place inside a 100m area. With artillery, and fucking planes doing doughnuts so they don't fly off.
So you need vehicles that look like you'd bring one to a fucking football field and not be able to hit the other side with any accuracy.