Got fired and now I am a full time trader/NEET - and I'm happy

>Portfolio blasts past $1 million last week
>Get fired today
>I cant contain excitement of being a fulltime trader/NEET, boss sounds a bit confused with my eagerness to leave
>I'm already thinking of all the tax money I'll save on a lower income bracket
>My masternodes make x4 my wagecuck salary

Veeky Forums is now my new work homepage. I get to do what I really want to do, trade and invest in crypto and stocks all day long. What timeline is this?

I cant believe its this easy. We're gonna make it anons.

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We get the last laugh kek

Congrats on losing wagecuck job.
What coins do you have?

Why’d you get fired for?

Post portfolio

buy land, or an apartment and rent the shit put of it

How are you planning on paying yourself out?

Just having 1mill on a computer screen doesn’t replace your job exactly.

>boss sounds a bit confused with my eagerness to leave


DLT (Agrello)

A bunch of other ether tokens and shitcoins

I dont keep blockfolio because I dont like directly tracking USD price of my coins, it makes me have weaker hands.

I will be taking some profit and converting it to USD on coinbase. Unfortunately I'll have to pay taxes...theres no evading the irs on this one.

Do your research and Hodl hodl, never ever sell your shitcoins, never, you will never know when they will moon

> Do your research and Hodl hodl, never ever sell your shitcoins, never, you will never know when they will moon

Woooo weeeee, we got ourselves a reallll smart one here. Another Warren Buffett.

Seriously though, you got lucky in a bull market. Despite that you sound more retarded than that bitcoin millionaire kid with the huge dorky glasses.

This op. We need to hear it

I work in sales, the product just didnt sell and the company was retarded. They didnt understand the market. It was a startup with major issues.

Is your Boss name Sergey?

>>My masternodes make x4 my wagecuck salary
what coins ?

collect unemployment too

Which masternode coins OP?

ALQO runs on masternodes, along with COLX and a few other shitcoins on


Nice, I got fired first quarter of 2017, on my birthday nonetheless; manager thought they were being a smug prick. I very excitedly told them that was the best birthday present they could offer and wished them the best. I haven't even thought of looking for another wagecuck. Welcome to the club.

Do you leave your computer on to run the nodes? If so do you use another computer other than your main?


Damn dude congrats. That is the dream, being a NEET, browsing biz, and making shitloads of money just click a few buttons.

Oh hell no, you gotta put those nodes on a VPS baby. run em 24/7. I only use my computer to wallet stake.

Even staking ODN via desktop wallet has yielded $40/day, kek, unreal. So much profit in this market. We NEETS get the last laugh

I also look forward to being laid off. I've missed many moons because of wagecucking eating my time. The dream is to be on unemployment and trade full time, at least for a few months.

Me too OP, got fired in November. Since then I've made $22k off trading crypto which is more than I made in my two years working there. Feels good man

I don't understand

Why doesn't OP like making his boss money?

You can work here too, if you want:


>tfw the non-autist bunch of us (excluding me) who make it can become an IRL version of this
top kek. Well minus the contributing to the community part hopefully

Maybe I'm just a pathetic loser op but don't get too excited.

I graduated uni in may and couldn't get a job. I spent all my free time in crypto and put all my money into it. Have been doing it ever since. I'm not rich, but I have over 500k now and gain a lot every day. I was gonna go to grad school and do research bit I thought this was the wiser decision financially. And honestly, I hate my life. I don't do anything but sit on my computer looking at charts, browsing biz and jerking off. Even when I make 50k in a day I feel so unacomplishrd and hate waking up everyday. The fact that I can do that and complain though makes me feel like a whiny piece of shit, but I just feel like there should be more to life than this. I used to like going to school and grinding through my research even though it was a lot of work. Now I don't know what to do with myself.

sounds too good to be true... you are telling me that if I run a Gobyte node it will cost $48500 but i will get 17k monthly for it?

Spend some of that money on women dipshit. And go to the gym and eat healthy. You can hire a fucking private chef and a personal trainer

fucking saved


get hobbies. start a business. you have a ton of options, just have to actually TRY. you have the biggest shackle removed from you, by making it to financial freedom and you don't (or shouldn't) have any debt from college. you have no idea what some people would do for that

Slave mentality.

Indeed. Don't forget the NEET bux.

smoke weed and buy a pull up bar, you are acting like a huge bitch rn

Do random giveaways, help poorfags on Veeky Forums

Started trading with 0.3k here, made it to 1k today, first milestone that was exciting as fuck desu

jesus fuck that's basically my situation, are you me? I'm a bit poorer than you and less depressed but it's starting to get to me

Just run for a position as a local city councillor or senator. If you are rich you can get away saying what you want.

If earning money in crypto isn't rewarding, challenge yourself some other way. I always liked trading, so crypto is both fun and profitable. On my free time I read business news. For you, maybe programming is fun. So do that instead.

You’re about to reach the post financial lifestyle.

When money simply doesn’t matter you no longer work to live. You need to assess what you want to work for instead.

Musk, Bezos, Jobs and Gates weren’t in it for the money after a few years of success.

fuckkk i only have about 120k but the fact that literally my entire waking hours have to be focused into watching binance charts is just too much for me too

Started with $200. I lost my shit when I hit $500 and $1000, but I haven't felt a damn thing whenever I've reached much higher milestones

Yes. Though I cant guarantee that the roi % will stay the same throughout the year you have it - most likely, its safe to assume the ROI will decrease over time. But, if the market continually rises, the coin's marketcap will rise too, so it will act as a buffer and it might even out or raise your ROI. Like the ROI % for ALQO was lowered, but I actually make more with it. Originally a month ago the total yearly ROI for an ALQO node wad like $4k, and now its $15,000, even though the ROI lowers. Thats how it works as a coin matures.

MN coins are amazing, you basically being a jew and printing money

> I dont like directly tracking USD price of my coins
The absolute state of bull market "traders". The gravy train cant go on forever.

Implying 1mil will last you longer than a year. Have fund blasting thru that money and living off hand outs when it runs out fgt.

I pissed my pants

wtf are you blowing 1 million on a year

I think if I reach 10k I'll literraly shit my pants kek


>When money simply doesn’t matter you no longer work to live. You need to assess what you want to work for instead.
how? is there a "living a fulfilling life as a rich guy for dummies" I can buy?

>Started with $2k on December 16
>Bought bitcoin at ath like an idiot
>Somehow at $10k, mostly thanks to XRB
>Have a few thousand in fiat in case of a crash (aka crypto sale)
>Willing to all-in still if there is a good low-cap crypto
>I want to make it or be broke, I don't give a fuck about anything less than six figures
Hoping I will have enough to set up a masternode of a good alt in the summer. We're all going to make it.

That's actually a good strategy. It's been proven that it's better to long hold your coins... watching usd value can drive you crazy.

I know you are right user

I think I realize how actual hollow my life was before all this. Outside of school I literally did ntohigb aside from browse Veeky Forums and play videogames, which I don't even like doing. When I try to think of something I might like to do I just go blank. Id buy things for friends but I don't even have any. Does one have tips on how to get motivated? I just lay in bed all day, often wishing I'd just die.

I am also very used to being poor and saving everything so spending any of my money is very painful. I still don't own a car and live in a room in a house of strangers on the outskirts of the city to save rent. Idk if I'm just fucking retarded or if anyone else knows this feel.

>I am also very used to being poor and saving everything so spending any of my money is very painful. I still don't own a car and live in a room in a house of strangers on the outskirts of the city to save rent. Idk if I'm just fucking retarded or if anyone else knows this feel.

i know this feel, no car, at moms house, could afford all of these things

what the fuck you dumb nigger there are so many good low cap coins mooning right now what have you been doing

>I am also very used to being poor and saving everything so spending any of my money is very painful.
>Idk if I'm just fucking retarded or if anyone else knows this feel.

i know this feel

Life is about real experience. There's no possible way to explain it. The awe you feel when you step out of your country into a new culture. Feeling just amazing looking at how big the ocean is. The touch of a woman when you're cold in the winter as she wraps her legs around yours.

Real, visceral moments like these activate the brain in ways we don't realize it can be. A computer can tell you how big an ocean is, but it can't feel that for you

join a hiking club or something. get a trail name, I don't know. I'm a film maker

Literally, go lift bro. Also, read pic related or better yet, download the audio book and listen to it while you go lift.

why is this book being shilled here?
it also has some devastating reviews

>Life is about real experience. There's no possible way to explain it. The awe you feel when you step out of your country into a new culture. Feeling just amazing looking at how big the ocean is. The touch of a woman when you're cold in the winter as she wraps her legs around yours.
I've experienced all of this at some points in my life but they never did anything for me. I've had a girlfriend for some time but i couldn't make myself love her. I suppose sex is different when you're really in love but i haven't had that feeling since my early teens, i'm in my mid twenties now and never even watch porn.
I'm hoping the money from this crypto might change things, or pay for therapy perhaps. I don't know i just feel like a corpse all the time.

you cant lift for 8h also (ok tecnically you can but you get the point)

wtf is a masternode? How do I hold an alt and generate money from a masternode? wtf kind of wizardry is this? I have 55k to spend to get one, shill me the step by step Veeky Forums

Holy shit you need to go lift bro and raise your T. Seriously. This is a celebration thread of NEET ascension. Not this backwards shit.

Lift, make gains with crypto, then find a petite Asian girlfriend that secretly loves BWC that you can dominate. Simple winning strategy.

Thanks man. I grew up in very rural northern Canada and used to spend all my time in the forest. I moved away to Ottawa and lost touch but always wanted to go back. Maybe I need to step away from crypto and go /out/ for a while.

I know what you mean and I think I need to experience that again. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever been so calm and at piece with myself as when I was there.

Is lifting actually that much of a boost to your emotion? I see so many people post that but always thought it was a meme.

Anyone have experience with this?

>Portfolio blasts past $1 million last week
>Get fired today
>boss sounds a bit confused with my eagerness to leave
>My masternodes make x4 my wagecuck salary

Why the fuck would you even be working if you supposedly already had a million in crypto and your nodes were making x4 your salary? You're either full of shit or the dumbest motherfucker on this planet.

Yes you dummy. Your testosterone is fucking critical. It's so fucking important it's like your furnace. It's what keeps you going.

Raising your T has so many beneficial effects. You'll feel better, more energy, no more depression, better work ethic and best of all... No brain fog.... You think clearly and decisively like a real man.

Then you find a petite Asian girl and dominate her. Bing bang boom. Kek.




Living expensives?
Buying Houses?
Dragon Dildos?


Being a NEET is a dream itself imo...

I think you should get professional help. Go to therapy. Hope you will live happy life man

How do you success stories research which crypto to invest in? whats your strategy?

Fucking kek, you deserve a (You).

Getting ripped is the #1 way to feel good. I haven't worked out in years and I feel likes shit. Even running 30 minutes in the morning uphill is better than nothing.

That sounds really nice, been to montreal and it was amazing can't wait to see Canada again

>Veeky Forums is now my new work homepage. I get to do what I really want to do, trade and invest in crypto and stocks all day long. What timeline is this?
>I cant believe its this easy. We're gonna make it anons.

Thought i was reading about myself for a second.

Left my wage cuck job right before christmas. Now all i do is trade, browse biz, lift and wait for my girl to come home from work and hop on my dick

feels fking good man and for everyone else out there, you can all make it

Fuck. This is exactly the same feel I have.

Dated lots of women that just call you a piece of shit because you don't love them, when in reality nothing brings you excitement or joy any more. I don't even live a boring life it's just everything seems pointless and sterile.

Can you name a few?

personally i just follow and buy what they suggest. i get at least 5x per month doing this for the last 3 months. i only stay enrolled to keep getting the calls since im too lazy to do my own research