Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

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show your machetes, get free spaghetti edition

>NOVA shit

>Tau in every campaign book



>Old Black Library Mega:


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1st for KRIEG


Reminder to convert your warlords, and use 3rd party if the girls aren't hot enough.


Remember to have fun.

maybe we'll finally get a celestine hotglued

I'm turning my DV ravenwing bikes into black knights by putting plasma pistols in place of the bolters does this make me a bad person

Hai hai!

>Ephrael Stern comes out of the Black Library, has an audience with the Emperor and comes out pregnant with the Emperor. Now she holds the Starchild in her and binds psykers awaiting the day the Emperor is reborn.

Would you bow to the new Empress of Mankind?.

How many of them do you think are dead?


Eh, when you say concept art I think rough sketches. That just looks like a piece of art that was commissioned after the model was done.

>that guy cumming in his pants with his roll



Aside from unsubstantiated theoryhammer, what makes Custodes so bad?

at least 5

Do you think he meant to say their geneseed came from the Iron Warriors and not the Iron Warriors?

The guy on the far left is probably 80

model count is low

Low model count in an edition that favours hordes.

Was digging through my older brothers collection and dug these guys out, they seem to hold up pretty well painting standard wise after all these years

Tough as hell though and can make their points back quickly.

One of these things is not like the other.

Don't be gay. Convert your warlords

>when you nut but she keeps sucking

dat yellow robute

>unsubstantiated theoryhammer

RIP in piece Duncan, always in our hearts and paints

Why would you lie on the internet?



why the fuck would I convert my warlord
let's see what your warlord looks like

>no primaris
Im a little disappointed

They were part of the 21st Founding, which used Traitor Geneseed that was sealed in stasis after the Heresy (presumably the same stash Cawl has been eyeing jealously).

They are not direct descendants of the Iron Warriors in that they aren't from any Iron Warriors warbands, but they are made from Iron Warrior geneseed. They're Iron Warriors divorced from their historical and cultural lineage, but they're both made from the same stuff.

Guy clearly wasn't confisent with custodes.

>trajann failoris
>no bike spam

shame about the murder suicide

To make it yours.



Kind of creepy they're just releasing the stuff he made before the accident.

Your lies will not deceive me, witch.

fucking eyes how do you do them

Sorry? Wrong link?



True against some armies but others have ways to deal with them, like Guard or AdMech with their ability to cheaply plasma-spam. Throw enough mud at the wall and something inevitably sticks and Custodes struggle the moment they start taking casualties.

I've only played one game against Custards and my clowns one-shotted three of them in a single round of combat with kisses. A single round of bad rolls and he was in serious trouble, by comparison, armies with more wounds per point are more resilient as a force, even if they're squishier individually.

I think it's pretty insensitive to the family for GW to keep playing his pre recorded videos like that.

wait what happened to duncan

Take a brush with white and lower it sideways into the eye crevice. Don't dot with white. Also layer your skin my dude.


It isn't. Tzeentch (I assume this is old bait) is the god of lies and deceit.

Holy fucking shit where have you been.

He was in a river after a party, in the hospital for a week. Then they found he had cancer. It's fucking fucked up.

Can someone please mathhammer custodes wounds per point?

Okay but where is the sisters leak?
Is this like the old thousand sons leak or something he posted on accident?

I'd worship dat ass if you are able to interpret my subtlety.

I thought Math user did that, there's only like 4 models.

That sounds awful considering the Kiss is the worst Harlequin weapon. Did the Custodes have shields?

No, Wardens with axes.

I wish. He only does damage outputs.

I'd let her use my face as her throne

>Plastic Sisters Preview

Don't forget about the syphilis from drowning in nerd clunge for the past couple years

triple homicide


The hell was he doing hitting clowns with axes instead of Hurricane Bolters?

I feel like no one's at fault but me for believing.

I thought he got over that last year?

>The hell was he doing hitting clowns
For a second, I thought you were talking about Duncan, Emperor rest him.

Done as I'm gonna be, now I'm gonna pass out and get hype for tomorrow!

Alright, list criticism time. I hope you like my autistic formatting.

2000pts DA/Custards

Dark Angels
--Sammael in Sableclaw 216pts
--Talonmaster (Heavenfall Blade) 188pts
Total 404pts
--2x 5 scouts (bolters) 55pts
--5 Tacticals (bolt pistol/plasma pistol sarge, Plasma Gun) 86pts
Total 188pts
>Fast Attack
--2x 5 Black Knights (Power Axe) 235pts
Total 470pts
--Predator (LC, HB) 160pts
--Predator (LC, HB) 160pts
Total 360pts
>Dedicated Transport
--Razorback (TAC, SB) 116pts
TOTAL: 1505pts

Adeptus Custodes
-Supreme Command
--3x Shield-Captain on Jetbike (misericordia) 164pts
TOTAL: 492pts

List Total: 1997pts

If a weapon has D6 as it's damage, does that mean each successful roll to wound automatically knocks 6 wounds of the target model, or that I have to roll another D6 and that roll determines how many wounds are removed?

I cannot into reading comprehension apparantly, the rulebook is confusing me.

Honestly same here.

dont play tiddlywinks with my emotions, really what happened


Forgot to change some subtotals, ignore them.

Uh... you roll one d6. The number on the dice for damage is how much is removed.

You don't hit clowns, clowns hit you, they have ridiculous mobility and can usually choose their fights.

He added a third layer, Peachy had to take the matters into his own hands if you know what I mean.

He fell In a river after a party after getting drunk. Got sick and had to stay in the hospital. The cancer part is fake.
He should be fine.

Nurgle rot

not at all, fuck paying out the ass for plasma talon bits

Not if a couple dozen hurribolters are covering the Wardens overwatching on 5s rerolling 1s.

>hitting clowns

>2x 5 Black Knights (Power Axe) 235pts

Who do you think the new chaos god is?

Apparently they were getting the charge off

I'm going to believe this because I don't like any of the alternatives

you can't be serious

He's on vacation for a week or two.

That was medical leave, and obviously they don't expect him to come back to work, now.

>Remove Xeno
You're good folk user


They sent his paint supplies to him in the hospital because he was realy bored. You can't seperate the man from painting. He wants to come back badly.

I had hypothermia after a similar incident, I wouldn't say I got sick, but I was dizzy and conked out for like 3 days after

use 3 scouts instead of tacticals, all sniper with missile
Shroud of heroes instead of heavenfall blade maybe
only take one predator with all lascannons at most
missing ravenwing bikes
take deathwing terminators instead of custodes captains

That's worrisome.

I mean, statistically he's going to kill about 3 clowns per Vertus if he's overwatching 5+ with rerolling 1's, so yeah it'd probably wipe the unit or negate it's threat, but this really depends on them not already being in combat and being placed to cockblock a Harlequin unit that just dashed halfway across the table to melee one of your units.

As with most things gold, they're incredible units that will ruin anything else 1-1 most of the time but you've not got many of them. Even relatively expensive lists like Harlequins will still have far more minis than you so it's unlikely you're going to have enough Vertus to screen all of your units all the time.

Unless his list is spamming Vertus in which case it's cancer.

It was in the pasta for almost 2 days before someone decided it was too cruel.

Fucking Lord, I haven't laughed that hard in a while