Desired scans : Rank and File supplements Harpoon 3 & 4 supplements Force on Force supplements Hind Commander At Close Quarters War and Conquest Modern Spearhead The Face Of Battle General d'Armee (TFL version) Swordpoint
Luis Murphy
March the 3rd in military history:
1575 – Indian Mughal Emperor Akbar defeats Bengali army at the Battle of Tukaroi. 1776 – American Revolutionary War: The first amphibious landing of the United States Marine Corps begins the Battle of Nassau. 1779 – American Revolutionary War: The Continental Army is routed at the Battle of Brier Creek near Savannah, Georgia. 1799 – The Russo-Ottoman siege of Corfu ends with the surrender of the French garrison. 1857 – Second Opium War: France and the United Kingdom declare war on China. 1878 – The Russo-Turkish War ends with Bulgaria regaining its independence from the Ottoman Empire according to the Treaty of San Stefano; a few months afterwards the Congress of Berlin stripped its status to a vassal principality of the Ottoman Empire. 1918 – Germany, Austria and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ending Russia's involvement in World War I, and leading to the independence of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. 1942 – World War II: Ten Japanese warplanes raid Broome, Western Australia, killing more than 100 people. 1943 – World War II: In London, 173 people are killed in a crush while trying to enter an air-raid shelter at Bethnal Green tube station. 1945 – World War II: American and Filipino troops recapture Manila. 1945 – World War II: The RAF accidentally bombs the Bezuidenhout area of The Hague, Netherlands, killing 511 people. 1980 – The USS Nautilus is decommissioned and stricken from the Naval Vessel Register.
Jeremiah Foster
It is 242 years since the Raid of Nassau, a naval operation and amphibious assault by Colonial forces against the British port of Nassau, Bahamas, during the American Revolutionary War. The battle is considered one of the first engagements of the newly established Continental Navy and the Continental Marines, the respective progenitors of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. The action was also the marines' first amphibious landing.
With the beginning of the American Revolution in April 1775, the Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, directed that the colony's supply of arms and gunpowder be removed to Nassau, Bahamas lest it be captured by colonial forces. Received by Governor Montfort Browne, these munitions were stored in Nassau under the protection of the harbor's defenses, Forts Montagu and Nassau. Despite these fortifications, General Thomas Gage, commanding British forces in Boston, warned Browne that an American attack would be possible. In October 1775, the Second Continental Congress formed the Continental Navy and began purchasing merchant vessels and converting them for use as warships.
The following month saw the creation of the Continental Marines under the guidance of Captain Samuel Nicholas. As Nicholas recruited men ashore, Commodore Esek Hopkins began assembling a squadron at Philadelphia. This consisted of Alfred (30 guns), Columbus (28), Andrew Doria (14), Cabot (14), Providence (12), and Fly (6). After taking command in December, Hopkins received orders from Congress' Marine Committee which directed him to clear British naval forces from the Chesapeake Bay and North Carolina coast. In addition, they gave him some latitude to pursue operations that could be “most beneficial to the American Cause” and “distress the Enemy by all means in your power.”
Jayden Reyes
Departing Cape Henlopen on February 17, Hopkins told his captains to rendezvous at Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas should the squadron become separated. Two days later, the squadron encountered rough seas off the Virginia Capes leading to a collision between Hornet and Fly. Though both returned to port for repairs, the latter succeeded in rejoining Hopkins on March 11. In late February, Browne received intelligence that an American force was forming off the Delaware coast. Though aware of a possible attack, he elected not to take any action as he believed the harbor forts sufficient to defend Nassau. This proved unwise as Fort Nassau's walls were too weak to support the firing of its guns. While Fort Nassau was located near the town proper, the newer Fort Montagu covered the harbor's eastern approaches and mounted seventeen guns. Both forts were poorly sited in regard to defending against an amphibious attack.
Reaching Hole-In-The-Wall at the south end of Great Abaco Island on March 1, 1776, Hopkins quickly captured two small British sloops. Pressing these into service, the squadron moved against Nassau the following day. For the attack, Nicholas' 200 Marines along with 50 sailors were transferred to Providence and the two captured sloops. Hopkins intended for the three vessels to enter the port at dawn on March 3. The troops would then quickly land and secure the town. Approaching the harbor in the morning light, Providence and its consorts were spotted by the defenders who opened fire. With the element of surprise lost, the three vessels aborted the attack and rejoined Hopkins' squadron at nearby Hanover Sound. Ashore, Browne began making plans to remove much of the island's gunpowder using vessels in the harbor as well as dispatched thirty men to reinforce Fort Montagu.
Jack Collins
As Nicholas consolidated his men, a British lieutenant from Fort Montagu approached under a flag of truce. When asked of his intentions, the American commander replied that they sought to capture the island's munitions. This information was conveyed to Browne who had arrived at the fort with reinforcements. Badly outnumbered, the governor decided to withdraw the bulk of the fort's garrison back to Nassau. Pressing forward, Nicholas captured the fort later in the day, but elected not to drive on the town.
As Nicholas held his position at Fort Montagu, Hopkins issued a proclamation to the island's residents stating he was there solely to take the munitions. While this had the desired effect of preventing civilian interference with his operations, the failure to carry the town on March 3 allowed Browne to embark most of the island's gunpowder on two vessels. These sailed for St. Augustine around 2:00 AM on March 4 and cleared the harbor with no issues as Hopkins had failed to post any of his ships at its mouth.
The next morning, Nicholas advanced on Nassau and was met by the town's leaders who offered up its keys. Approaching Fort Nassau, the Americans occupied it and seized Browne without a fight. In securing the town, Hopkins captured eighty-eight cannon and fifteen mortars as well as variety of other much-needed supplies. Remaining on the island for two weeks, the Americans embarked the spoils before departing.
Although bloodless, this encounter is a fascinating moment of the AWI, and provides inspiration for a similar-themed wargame where the odds are more even. The amphibious aspect is novel for its time and offers the chance for naval gaming alongside the land fighting.
Osprey - GNM - The Pacific War - From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa By Dale Dye Robert O'Neill.pdf
Jace Edwards
So, help me comrades. RL has taken a toll on our gaming time and one of my best pals has no time to paint anymore.
What are the best Print&Play games around? Something for an afternoon of relaxing play. We're very flexible with historical periods, as we did everything from ancient history to 80ies.
Mason Anderson
Check out the Hex&Chit games, find one that seems small enough to print = easy life of fun
Wyatt Robinson
Which scale for minis would you go for playing something WW1-ish, WestFront for example? I'd always go with 1/72mms, because Zvezda, Caesar, emhar, airfix and Hat are still obtainable, and cheap but are there any alternatives?
Also, I've had idea for WW1 battlefield table/diorama with interchangeable terrain. Like, diorama would be cut into square grid pieces, so that I can set it up anyhow I want. What material would be decent for that, other than styrophone?
Lincoln Gomez
>Which scale for minis would you go for playing something WW1-ish, Anything modern that isn't a dozen figures a side should be done in under 15mm.
Liam Martinez
1/72 is good for WW1, as you said, huge range of cheap plastics and very nice detail on them (the Caesar German Army infantry are amazing). There's also a wide range of metals for 20mm / 1/72 as well to supplement these cheap plastics. Big range of vehicles in plastic too which is nice. Can often just head down to a toy store and buy a few Mk.Is or Mk.IVs.
One really cool side effect of Caesar minis is each miniature has a kind of flashing attached to it which when cut off makes a perfect spent artillery casing (pic related).
15mm and 12mm (kallistra) would be fine and I think the ranges are ok.
6mm is another option if you want really huge scale and pretty cheap minis. I think a few people make 6mm WW1 stuff.
Evan Sanchez
>One really cool side effect of Caesar minis is each miniature has a kind of flashing attached to it which when cut off makes a perfect spent artillery casing (pic related). Wow, that's great.
Consider greenstuffing a shell on some of them to look like ammo yet to be fired?
Ethan Nelson
>Consider greenstuffing a shell on some of them to look like ammo yet to be fired? Possibly, but often the shells for smaller or medium caliber guns were kept in a Caisson a short distance away, which would be outside of my base. I like to think of WW1 artillery surrounded by countless empties...
Matthew Bailey
I wouldn't be surprised if, just like on their battleships, many nations were "breaking the rules" and pulling cases right up to the guns to improve fire rates.
We know that contributed to the explosive British BCs after all.
But that makes sense and is v aesthetic already.
Nicholas Cook
I could be wrong - there seem to be many photos of the caisson right next to the gun. Maybe I'm thinking of Napoleonic cannon drill.
Either way I probably wouldn't need to greenstuff any projectiles unless it was for a large caliber gun where they just stack the ammo on the ground next to the gun (too big for a caisson) - I seem to remember getting some caissons like this with some artillery set, and one of the figures from the royal horse artillery set (the one in my pic above) is holding a full round.
Jacob Long
Here's some shells a little more thicc... too big for a traditional caisson to be much use
Aaron Anderson
1/72 plastics or 20mm metals. Early War Miniatures does a lot of stuff that can be used to supplement the plastics.
Grab Trench Hammer from Nordic Weasel, it's a simple game to get into WW1 if you're looking for rules.
Jayden Evans
Small unspent shells?
Duds or just unfired?
Aaron Allen
Historyvirgin here; I don't play any real historical wargames- I was always a 40kid/WHFB/Warmahorde guy but I really enjoy lurking your threads and the tidbits of interesting history you share related to games. I'm starting to look more into history and the history of warfare in general now because of it and I'm really enjoying it.
So really I just wanted to say thanks. I always learn cool new stuff from you guys.
Easton Clark
user here, who was mad about Lion Rampant.
Played a game of The Men Who Would Be Kings today, by the same author based on the same system. It's much better, I can actually recommend it for colonial skirmishes.
Liam Ward
I just realized it's the centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, but I doubt anyone is commemorating that The big WW1 event coming up this month will be the centenary of Operation Michael on the 21st; the famous "Spring Offensive" which was Germany's last gamble at a decisive victory in the West Also this month marks a century since the first confirmed case of "Spanish Influenza" was identifed in Kansas; it would go on to kill some 50-100 million people in a global pandemic over the next two years
Jack Carter
So they fixed it? That's good to hear.
Andrew Thompson
What 15mm Moderns look good together. I like stuff from Khurasan, QRF, and Peter Pig but I can't find many comparisons.
James Morgan
That was supposed to be a question sorry. Shouldn't be phone browsing at work.
Jonathan Collins
Nolan Powell
Thomas Jones
come. Join us. You are one of us. Choose an era. Choose a scale. Go nuts.
Josiah Gonzalez
Here's the image I promised yesterday.
>macedonians wearing pants
Remove this ahistorical relic.
Noah Hall
And remember, start with a small project... but build both sides.
Anthony Harris
Some bleed from another thread.
vola /r/eg7x9k0c
There are some posts of hex and counter games in this vola we may want for the /hwg/ troves.
Remember, files on vola disappear after 2 days.
Joseph King
what is an alternative to Zippyshare that lets you upload a file without having to Sign Up for their service?
Nice, the horse colours are really good - I've always sucked at painting horses.
Jaxon Thompson
Lovely! You've already painted more then me in such a short period of time! I think your painting is great and your horses look fine too. What period are your guys supposed to represent?
Michael Nelson
What’s with the X-hammer series name? Are the rules warhammer-like in someway?
Blake Mitchell
I'm painting the core of a 2nd Punic War Carthagnian army, all I have at the moment are; African/Libyan/generic Phoenician mercenary Spearmen, Elephants, Phoenician Heavy Cav, Numidian Cav, Skirmishers.
Then it would be a case of adding Iberian mercenaries and more Africans if I want to set them in the Iberian theatre or Iberian mercenaries, Gauls, and Italian allies if I want to set it in Italy.
Thomas Bell
Where is the best place to find VASSAL opponents for hex and chit games?
I am looking to play a game of Panzer by GMT and can't find anyone. I've tried the Vassal facebook group twice and no dice.
At this point though I'd be willing to try another hex and chit game if it's easier to find players. As long as the rulebook is available online and it's easy enough to learn (aka not ASL)
Yeah, seems so. Looking forward playing it more, and finally starting the Boxer Rebellion and gathering all the RedBox kits.
Logan Watson
Impetus for VASSAL update; 0.4.121
121 armies complete out of 276 total. (43%) Bronze age complete, Classical age core armies done, Imperial age complete, with scatterings of core armies for the other ages.
Just finished the 15 European renaissance armies, so now you can push of pike all day erry day. Feel free to join us and find players at
Nathaniel Phillips
user, what source would be good about army of post-Golden Horde countries? Kazan, Sibir khanate and some other.
Eli Harris
Most 15mms look fine together. Peter pig and Old Glory for example are the same size.
The only odd one out imo is Eureka, whose 15mm are a bit smaller - they're the same height, just less "bulky" Eureka detail is very nice though
Nathan Butler
Man, either my eyes are getting worse or you need a tripod.
I wish more people around me had 15mm historicals. Man, there's just something about 15mm and under... I don't think I can return to 28mm+
Hudson Brown
Ayden James
Won't do a full battle report this time, but I'm venturing to take my awful French list against Spurious' Burgundians for a skirmish.
Aiden Wright
Any good Chechnya Ospreys showing uniforms of both sides?
Just got a bunch of 15mm Russians and Chechens from Eureka - they are very nice! Bearded chechens with skull caps or rolled up balaclavas, Russians with the afghanka-style winter coats and helmets.
That Pershing is a big beast.... 1:56 Itareli M3 Stuart at the back, 1:48 Tamiya Panzer in the middle, 1:48 Tamiya "in progress" Pershing in the front with Bolt Action British Airborne metal dude for scale.
Pointless really, no one to game against. Just buy up platoons of dudes and get them support vehicles like Cromwells or Panzers.
Evan Hill
Its not pointless if you enjoy building and painting though.
Landon Peterson
Did you pledge for the War & Empire kickstarter?
Owen Adams
user, do it because you like it. I hardly play anything else other than WW2, but I still really like painting up my Colonial and Napoleonic dudes.
Model on, some day someone will come and play with you. Heavens forbid, it might be a girl.
Soon enough when my boy is old enough, we will game. 8yrs old and has had brief tabletop intro from me. Move dudes at allowed rate (few inches?), 1d6 to hit and he's out on a 4,5,6 etc.
Those Tamiya kits are top notch though. Real kickass quality.
Nathaniel Russell
>Man, either my eyes are getting worse or you need a tripod. It's not your eyes friendo, it's my A++ camerawork
The Chechens should be easy enough, I can just do random sportswear mixed with brown/green camo. Even the russians admit a complete mixed bag of uniforms, let alone the Chechens.
I finished reading "One Soldier's war" and it was a superb read: poetic at times, and pulling absolutely zero punches. Excellent look at the Russian army's operations in and around Chechnya and the mindset of the common soldier. Really they were just a partially organized band of thugs, beating the snot out of each other, selling whatever they could to whoever would buy (mostly the enemy) in order to get the things they needed. Cooks sold their food to buy vodka, soldiers sold their bullets to buy food, and even though everyone did it, those who were caught were severely punished - one incident involves two fresh conscripts selling an RPG and some rockets to the Chechens for Vodka, then getting drunk and passing out. When the Russian officers find them they're beaten pretty much to death, electrocuted, shot at point blank range with a bullet-proof vest on, tied up to a gibbet suspended by their arms off the ground and left overnight until they get beaten again in the morning. Later on a delegation from Moscow turns up, gives medals to all the cooks, and clerks, and none of the men who actually saw combat, then leave - commending the officers for the improvised gibbet and denouncing theft.
At one point a few of the old hand soldiers decide to stage a Chechen attack so they can rob the kitchen, they wait till night, throw some grenades, fire an AK wrapped in a shirt so there's no muzzle flash, then sneak away while the battalion goes nuts, steal whatever they can find in the kitchen and stash it away in a pit for later.
Nathan Bailey
Oh shit, that must have been why the latest instalment of the Moderns folder went down, and why it kept getting flagged At least I've discerned the source then; clearly Putin doesn't want you getting this one! Let's try it on MEGA:!b0slCRAQ!uumYspxyfKh7ZJgwYxH59KRJUPzaI27vWbFXG5YDPGs
Jace Reed
You're a saint user, and that is a beautiful table. I'm currently working on some terrain (ruined 5 story apartment blocks and destroyed houses) and this kind of image is an inspiration
Russians is just covered from the Osprey that user put in download. Checens didn't have uniforms. Some used civilian cloth, others camo of various origin.
Blake Hughes
does crossfire have any kind of following at all? I'm tempted to start battalion historical and honestly the CF rulebook is the only one that I found myself "okay makes sense" or "oh that's clever" every two sentences
>"It doesn't work all that well" GEE WHO WOULDVE THOUGHT
Joseph Young
That is why I called it the panzer in the middle.
>1:56 Itareli M3 Stuart at the back, >1:48 Tamiya Panzer in the middle, >1:48 Tamiya "in progress" Pershing
There are others not shown including a Cromwell.
Josiah White
What's happening this Sunday lads?
Doing some 15mm North Africa and 15mm Cold War Soviets. It's pretty good.
Connor Bell
Playing some Blitzfreeze, writing up stuff for the blog.
Owen Cruz
First or second war? Reason I mention is a lot of fighters during the first war had uniforms liberated from state stock (along with a small number of tanks and IFVs etc). During the second war they were a lot more fragmented and ragtag depending on who was in charge of what cell/group.
Carter Taylor
Built some PSC Brits, and getting angry about Blood Bowl figures. Also basing up some Colonial Highlanders.
Liam Brown
Maybe painting something.
Image unrelated except for era.
Levi Morales
I made a big fuck-off casserole and am now too full to paint anything.
Anthony Ortiz
Checen Army was not an real army as we know it. Was only a definition of people that fought for their indipendence. Surely during the Second War many fighters wore russian uniforms, like in the First War and many others wore civilian gymnic clothes. Then I don't understand your question.
Alexander Perry
They were more organised during the first war and had access to a larger proportion of interior forces stockpiles.
From a modeling view point if the user your talking to is doing the first war it's more appropriate to have a higher ratio of models in Soviet/Russian interior troops stock clothing. If its the second war then your going to have a far bigger mix of clothing styles in part due the larger presence of foreign fighters, mercs and radical Islamic fundamentalists operating in the area.
I'm not saying your wrong or anything i'm just saying that the answer your giving about uniforms slightly depends on which war you look at.
Leo Ortiz
Panting DAK Panzer III G in 15mm.
Nicholas Carter
how the actual fuck do you transport pikes like that anywhere without breaking them?
Charles Rogers
? In a box tall enough for them to be protected.
Joshua Torres
/hwg/ I made a mistake
I read the comment section on a market garden video
Cooper Morales
sit down and make yourself tea. No need to be angry about random guys on the internet
Gabriel Garcia
give us the highlights!
Easton Cook
I'm not mad I'm just baffled by people turning it into a weird patriotic pissing contest between the uk and us with little regard to the actual history
Connor Ward
Americans defending Gavin's every decision mostly by shouting how's the British have never won a war (????) and saying the British sabotaged the op as revenge for the AWI. British saying the Americans are retarded and the op was flawless if not for american and polish incompetence.
Eli Adams
desu they are right about polish forces
Jace Butler
Ethan Hill
Polish were shafted really, dropped late due to British, forced across the river to machine gun fire by the British. Blamed but British officers who were too scared to take the blame.
Ok, I understand it. Agree about a higher ratio in the First War. During tha Second, like user said, the presence of some foreign and Daghestani fighters, put a larger mix-max of clothes.
Joshua Anderson
>gripping beast swordpoint >whole supplement for 100 years war >new armies are free pdfs >even the way warmachines work >except the sengoku jidai, that's only a text document
Juan Bailey
Workin’ all day but hoping to do a bit of painting this evening.
Easton Thomas
I always just imagine other internet commenters are autistic 12 year olds whose options can be discarded without a second thought.
Chase Parker
But wait user, their's more!
>Book contains lists for Ming Chinese >Book contains lists for Medieval Burmese >No Koreans >No Thai >Sengoku Jidai is a txt file
Isaac James
I was thinking of doing a 28mm Mongol Invasion of Japan. What ruleset should I look at for something larger than Ronin but not as big as Impetus. Something maybe SAGA or Lion Rampant in scale?
Zachary Turner
I’m currently writing a horse and musket (and magic, but that’s not important) ruleset, and I was wondering at what point did cavalry and artillery start becoming a divisional-level rather than a corps-level attachment? I mainly want to know so that I can decide whether to refer to the main units as regiments/battalions or as brigades.
Levi Evans
Depends on the size. You could do DBA or test of honor.
Nolan Wilson
Any suggestions for a Cold War gone hot game? I know about Team Yankee already.
Jonathan Parker
A Fistful of TOWs.
It's basically king shit of that era unless you're looking for something much larger or much smaller in scale.
Robert Diaz
... Dang. I missed it by a single day. Looks like an amazing deal too.