>demon that can make innocents ping as "evil"-aligned
Horrible things
Other urls found in this thread:
>Detect [alignment] spells
An evil gnome the party pisses off early on who does nothing but drop invisible, Magic Aura'd beartraps, tiger pits, mines, etc. around their home base or operations. Never stays around to fight. Never faces the party.
>A monster that can convert class levels into levels from a different class.
a monster that makes martials better than casters
Is it possible to learn this power?
It seems that /v/ elitism is finally spreading to Veeky Forums
yes its called not playing dnd
A lich monk
Well, the flavor text of 5e says Ki is just another type of magic so technically I could see Monks and wizards adapting the ritual to turn oneself into a lich while undoing some of the bad parts (like sacrificing an innocent and making a phylactery) through self mummification and ritual suicide.
I would love to see this an an archetype for monk.
What? We've argued about alignments and spells-related for as long as Veeky Forums has existed. The only difference is that before there'd actually be an argument and not a single Greentext word.
Anyway, the true answer is to use the MTG alignment system.
>China is being attacked by ritually self-immolating Tibetan lich monks out for revenge
Sounds like it'd be a great shadowrun campaign
Sword that does 15d12 untyped area damage per hit
>words on red are oriented to the outside of the wheel
>everything else is oriented to the inside
This is on purpose, right? Red goes against the grain, yeah? Either way it's driving me insane.
Shit, meant for
Alignment is fine if it makes sense with the setting unfortunately most settings aren't written by people who understand the implications of objective morality
Hm, why would one section of a wheel have the text flipped compared to the rest. I wonder, I wonder. It's quite the mystery really. Some arcane secret human minds just can't really grasp. No way there'd be a simple, practical reason for it, that just can't be.
DMs that force alignment changes either as a punishment or to try to encourage role-playing
You still have some (green, black) upside down.
Didn't really think this one through, did you.
>Didn't really think this one through, did you.
Did I? You think I'm a graphics artist working for WotC? They flipped the bottom one that'd be fully upside down, the ones that were mostly just on their side they kept. Nothing more to it.
>You think I'm a graphics artist working for WotC?
Oh not at all, I was just pointing out that you're kind of a dummy.
You mean like level drain variant? Instead of losing a level it converts a class level to Fighter?
It would be more interesting if you rolled for the class
This fuck
I'm not saving the peasant's children out of the goodness of my heart, I'm doing it because they're paying me to
Even worse is said gm changed my alignment to LG then said I couldn't do evil acts anymore because I was good now
(Said evil act being hanging a bandit)
That's just your DM being a fucking muppet.
One time I've told a player "if you keep acting like that your alignment might change."
The party had pissed off the locals in a village and one got arrested. They broke him out and fled town. So far it's all good, nothing alignment-change worthy. The PC had been framed, and they avoided so much as hurting someone.
The town forms up the militia to chase the party. Because the party had roughly a four hour head start they were free and clear as far as I was concerned, it's just what the townsfolk would do.
The sorcerer casts invisibility and fly, and goes to see if the townsfolk are pursuing. I describe the situation: the party is in the clear, and it looks like the peasants are getting tired of this and are arguing about just going home.
The sorcerer decides to toss fireballs into the middle of the crowd, killing and injuring dozens. Basically he doomed the town economically as well as killing a bunch of people for no good reason. The town had plenty of new widows and orphans that day.
His alignment was CN. I informed him that if he kept creating widows and orphans by the dozen for no good reason he might find himself CE at some point.
I see nothing wrong with that.
> The setting's gnomes are a hamfisted jewish insert
I hate, hate, HATE this trope so damned much, they have so much potential as a race but this lazy asspull keeps coming up in campaigns that are completely unconnected with each other. It's frustrating as fuck, I play tabletop to escape reality to a world where heroism still matters for three hours a week, every saturday, not to suffer through some dotard idealist's shitty "intrigue" campaign. If I wanted to do a realistic man against the Man campagin where all the le ebin "conspiracy theories" are lel ackshually true XD XD XD, I'd run GURPS.
Lmao publicly hanging a verifiably guilty bandit is as righteous as it gets.
Since we got a Glorantha thread going, maybe you have some time to talk about our Lord and savior Heroquest?
Runequest is pretty rad to if you like tacticool sword fights
Missed opportunity for a Darth Plagueis joke
there should have been a
>demand reward
>leave without payment
option before he determined any alignment shift
Reminds me of the evil dryad whose been stalking my civquest village for several months.
She's been living in our trees/wooden houses and spying/snooping through our stuff but hasn't actually done anything and we haven't developed anything yet that can catch her.
>DM advertises a genre, story, and kind of game
>second session in he abruptly changes all three
>DMPCs start flying down from where the Gods roam
I think he's right, and you're being a douche.
> a demon that feeds on the affection between people. As in, it hangs around a house and eats the friendships and love between the people that live there. By the time its done, everyone hates each other and no one knows why they stopped being friends.
> an evil wizard sneaks into the kings castle, and places a powerful curse.
> all of the coasters in the castle become intangible in the middle when laying flat against something. So you think you are using a coaster, because you are, but really any glass you set down on it is resting against the table beneath and you don't even know.
>he actually thinks the color wheel is an "alignment" system
Dumb babby drinking MaRo's retarded numagic koolaid.
That's called the GM's gf.
But a good parasite doesn't kill the host, and a better parasite actively nurtures the host (becomes a symbiote).
These demons must not be very bright.
ah, that explains it.
Somebody find me that strip from 8-bit theater where black mage explained how his spells are powered by love.
So the paladin knows the innocent person is a dick.
And...? What's so horrible about that?
I don't mind alignments, but detect evil spells and those like it are literally retarded. Feels too meta-gamey for a Paladin to know what some random stranger's inner beliefs on law or morality because he has so magic ability to.
I think it's actually his god telling him who they think should be smitten... at least that's how I choose to believe it plays out.
Detect Evil spells are retarded. Detect Evil as a specific ability of Paladins is cool, but only if you play the class straight where there are maybe 3 paladins in the entire world.
At that point you might as well just do away with the 2-axis morality entirely and have paladins/clerics be defined by whatever spheres their god has.
>demilich that is just a foot uses his godlike magical power to kick people in the balls
>Aniki dies
I was still watching you bastard.
>he doesn't know yet
In 5e detect evil or good is literally just detect extraplanar influence. Why they didn't name it "detect outsider" is beyond me and leads to confused people posting in threads like these.
3D women
That's fucking evil, dude
Doesn't Detect Evil only works against people with strong auras like clerics and monsters?
In 5e you have the Glyph of Warding though.
>Anything that could be related to RP or non-combat Character description.
I need my HP and my weapon, any skill checks can be done with one of those 2.
I can't believe faggots imply anything that isn't a self insert is fun. Fuck off with that gay "Character arc" and "role play" shit.
Here you go.
it's such a bad attempt at trolling it made me laugh. have a (You), buddypal.
Well demonic influence is demonic influence.
Even in /osrg/ that would be seen as a joke, but he is faintly brushing against a real point to be made.
>old party I GM'd for decided they needed more help for a quest they were on
>"let's go hire mercenaries"
>they find a small troop of mercenaries, some looks less savory than others, but this group have been together for a couple years backstory-wise.
>paladin face of the party "can I tell if any of them are evil."
>oh here we go, fuck it, it's time to shatter this shit once and for all
>"sure go ahead, roll a check."
>paladin finds that three of the seven mercenaries are of some evil alignment, but can't tell if it's chaotic, neutral, lawful, etc.
>player is foaming at the mouth ready to cleanse the world but the party reminds him that these guys haven't done shit to them yet.
Why do people think evil alignment is literal evil. It's just an indication of your character's motivations. Replace "Evil" with "Selfish", replace "Good" with "Selfless", bam, instant alignment problems fixed. smfh
Neutral is Selfish, Good isn't necessarily Selfless and Evil goes a few steps farther than Selfish.
not from the Wizards
my idea was the same, except that evil always describes some kind of sadism. there is literally nothing worse and less productive than legit sadistic behaviour. Selfish behavior doesnt need to include harm to others, and can be seen as the "natural" state of living individuals as it is a driving force of survival instincts.
Behold the paragon: the very patron deity of newfags.