Genestealer Cults in Necromunda-A Problem

Ok /tg. Today I come to you with a problem and ask you for advice. Recently my club and I started a Necromunda turf war- we've had a blast with it except for one issue. One of our players has decided to play Genestealer Cults from White Dwarf- all cool, all good, except for the fact that he found a rule interaction between the demolition charges and the infiltration rules that allow him to deepstrike in an Acolyte with a demo charge anywhere on the board and instantly clear an entire room with a damage 3, no risk miss weapon- which more often than not results in dead gangers. He is using many of these, making games against him more or less impossible- round 1 he just demo charges you in the deployment zones, wherever they are. Using this he has only ever had 1 ganger taken out of action in 10 games, and in a single cycle is at 15 gangers, while everybody else has taken huge losses. So I ask you- what should be done? Should we refuse to play with him? It's a dick move, but it's not really in our interests to do so, and the rest of the group risks losing interest if the games last as long as "I deepstrike and destroy your whole gang, game over." I don't want the group to fall apart, but I don't want to punish the player for finding this rules interaction, even if it leads to such a dominating lead- honestly, a huge gang wouldn't be an issue without the demo charges. So, what should be done? I risk alienating a player or destroying the group.

It's more an issue of keeping the group together than anything- should we be expected to play against such tactics, even when it is not in our interest? The rule interaction is broken- there is literally nothing you can do, and suddenly your gang is down for the count, with one or two- or three if you're lucky- survivors on other parts of the board round 1.

Surely he's aware this is a broken mechanic? Can you not just have a straightforward, adult conversation with him, acknowledging that it's evidently a problem and try to find a workaround with the group? Why must everything be cloak-and-daggers, all-or-nothing?

That's a very good point. I have had said conversation, and his response is, "This is Necromunda, it's more hardcore than 40, get gud." The other players are tired of it as well, but I don't want to just straight up say "you can't use demo charges anymore, y'know?

Cuz technically it is our responsibility to find workarounds for tactics like this. It's just I'm not sure there is one given that all this occurs on round 1 before you can react in most cases.

So I guess it's the old, "How to deal with a broken player" issue. I know games arn't supposed to be balanced in Necromunda, and I really don't want to just stop playing games against the guy, but I've lost a ganger the last 2 times I've played him. Not to mention that he works the capture mechanics with the Webber weapon until there's a 50-50 shot that you lose another ganger to capture after it's all over.

If his response to being asked nicely about what he's doing is being a dong about it then you are within your right to say "nobody has fun when we play with you, so cut the shit or stop showing up"

Why not suggest to him that the roles switch for s game or two? He takes a different gang, you take his GC and play the same tactics as he usually does. If he fails to beat you he should see the problem from your perspective. If he does beat you, then maybe he's correct and the problem is with other players and not the mechanic.

Or this

Well yeah I totally would switch roles, cept for the fact that his response would be, "yeah I know it's broken. So what?" Like, he knows that it's broken- he's not claiming otherwise. His response is that we should just deal with it.

Assuming this is all true, which I doubt, you are dealing with a terminal WAACfag and you need to put the unpleasant little shit in his place - that kind of obnoxious behaviour is ingrained and you will never talk him out of it without teaching him a lesson first. Refuse to play against him, kick him out of the group, whatever it takes to ram it home that an obviously broken RAW loophole is not a good excuse to wreck everyone else's game.

Well then you're within your rights to tell him it's no longer fun, and he's being an obstinate twat.

What do you doubt? Perhaps I'm not clarifying enough. It's not just me bitching- whole group is so.

I think all the answers are in this thread mate. If diplomacy is not working, then you know what the solution is.

If people stop having fun at his expense and he's unrepentant about it, he deserves to be booted out of the group. There's no excuse for being a shitty player and taking advantage of broken rules just to get a lead.

Just straight up tell him, "This is a broken rule and we're not going to tolerate it any longer. Either you sort your shit or you'll end up with nobody to play with."
If he drops it and begins playing cooperatively, good. If he throws a tantrum or tries to call you out on it, he doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as you and your other players.

Nip this in the bud, before people start leaving.

yes, that's right: blow up his house

Killing him in a drive-by as he gets out of the FLGS?

Burn him on a cross as an example to others

This guy gets it, house rules exist for a reason and fun should never be at someone else's expense in a friendly environment.

Make demo charges single use that have to be replaced by trading between games.
Require him to roll for the trade in front of the guy he's just played AND that opponent must initial any successful rolls that net him more charges. If his roster doesn't have an authenticated set of initals by the demo charges, he doesn't have them.

just don't play against him. i was a cheesy fuck back in 6/7th ed fantasy that ran the unkillable tzeentch dragon lord with a bunch of chariots. people stopped playing against me and caught the drift (have played goblins ever since)

"You can wank by yourself with your broken rules exploit, or you can keep playing with us. Your choice."

Stop being a pussy and letting this guy cuck you.

holy fuck just tell him to fuck off, christ how hard is it to man up and boot some fag.

Maybe you do need to git gud.

Or come up with a strat that's going to fuck him.

Genestealer Cults were crazy strong even in the original Necromunda, though for different reasons. So it kind of stays the course here.

There will be errata eventually, so either just ask him nicely to stop or suck it up until then.