Should I sell all my LTC for ETH?
Should I sell all my LTC for ETH?
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Sell low buy ETH ATH. Never change Veeky Forums.
yea put it in xlm right now 2:09pm Pacific western time USA. RIGHT NOW its about to go up atleast 10%...and fuck charlie lee in the asshole
LTC is going to be the first dead big coin
This fucking coin is dead, cut losses
I swear Charlie went from one of the coolest people in crypto to biggest faggot in a short amount of time. Litecoin should be at least $500 or $600 right now. If Charlie wouldn't have said a word after it mooned to 350, that's where we would be. It was primed to be the coin of transactions and replace BTC like BCH tried to do and failed. Litecoin has been the biggest shit the bed I've ever seen.
buy high sell low right
I'll see you at 400. Have patience.
mother fucking gook just fucking fuck off
Charlie Tweets made the coin decrease by atleast 100. what a drama faggot emotional low test beta fag tweeting about his coin in a negative way, fuck that bitch made me lose 700 dorra!
>from one of the coolest people in crypto to biggest faggot in a short amount of time
kek. everyone knows eth will break 1k do you disagree?
hope you're right desu.
He is effected by rabies because of his dog-only diet
At least wait for the surprise
Dont touch your LTC until Q2'18 OP or you will regret it. Screencap this
If the total coin supply for ETH is capped, 5k is conservative estimate, user
have you seen
>At least wait for the surprise
have you seen
the day you sell your LTC is the day it moons
Litecoin has been a good tool for transfering coins from various exchanges with lowest fees so far.
I have most of shit in ETH but 30% is still in Litecoin just to have fast "liquidity"
The trend looks bad and the exchange for ETH gets worse but I wont do shit until 4 months
>people still hold ltc
this actually makes me sad
protip. sell your litecoin for xrb right now.
thank me later.
I really feel bad for the ltc holders charlie is a fucking douche you guys are stuck with his bags while hes probably in monaco or some shit right now
Yes. He regrets it because people are hounding him about it and it puts pressure on him to deliver something big. Doesn't mean it won't be positive or major.
Or he knows it is fucking nothing and he exaggerated to hell in back.
>puts pressure on him to deliver something big
Technically, when he knew what is going to be delivered, that's why he said that.
You laugh but people are doing just that.
Wait, a coin that's actually used for something? Damn
Fuck it contrarian investor, buying in.
Should have done it when it hit 400. It's still a good time. Tbqh the whole Charlie Lee fiasco really hit it.