Such a comfy hold lads
2018 is going to be great
Such a comfy hold lads
2018 is going to be great
Should I buy this dip?
Only have 6k XLM, had to take a loan for it, bought at 2600 and 3500 sats. Will i make it?
is it too late to get in?
it's going to correct so hard
already dumping
see you at 8k sats tomorrow
come on man just look how retarded the XLM chart is. Not trying to FUD. I hold a lot of XLM and want it to hit $5 but you know this run is going to end very soon. Stay safe
This isnt some pajeetcoin, we just fucking started
You mean besides it mooning overnight while the americans sleep for the past few days?
>lol cant wait more than 2 days for correction before it goes up again
OK m8 see u on the Fomo train for the 6th time
Then fuck off weak hands
for stellar marines only
Rockets need to be refueled from time to time, but this ship is going beyond the solar system
Ok I warned you. Dropping by the minute
Gained 52K today and now lost 7K. Oh my god, correcting so hard x)
I agree this is a 1 yr hold but expect a big drop soon
If you can, because fucking binance doesnt fucking work
I just got 500 bucks worth at .90, what am i in for?
The nightly moon, get comfy
the coin is underpriced, especially when valued against XRP. This is just a much needed correction, hope you sold at the top
Probably .10 gain on every .90 you spent by the end of tomorrow.
I did. And agree XLM will be huge in 2018. Now Just waiting for the bottom ;)
Seems to have bottomed out, cheers to another 12 hour accumulation phase
this. so many weak fucks
where can I buy this shit?
buy BTC somewhere then head to binance and swap for whatever
nice traggetory stellar snake!!!!!
that fucking 5500 dip
F to everyone who missed
Good bye planet earth
Buy with eth or btc?
>hits .89
>all the pussies that probably bought in at .91 start dumping
Still feeling comfy af
fuck I only have 750 am I gonna make it
Depends on prices really, eth is more stable so works well for fucking about transferring between exchanges
if it goes $2 youll have 1500.
$2 EOM maybe
moon phase incoming
Rockets re-fueling, get ready. If you have anymore coins, sell them and jump in while you still can, this will hit $1 by tonight.