You don't want balance, you want to overpower everything. The guy wants fighters capable of shit like cutting a mountain in 2 with a single swing of a blade or having the strength of 30 men and arm wrestling dragons.
This is all without acknowledging that magic in most mythos isn't overpowered, it's absolute and permanent.
He wants the kind of power that doesn't just trivialize his achievements, it trivialize the game.
He could play 1e, 2e, 4e, exalted, acks or gurus if he wanted more balanced spellcasters comparatively to warriors but instead he bitches and moans and whines about what I can only imagine is 5r where martial are already better than spellcasters.
Adam Rogers
>Because that is how magic works everywhere else. No, it doesn't, user, outside very specific mythos like Hindu legend. In fact, you are more likely to see the gods not using magic as you see in rpgs, but the same shit people want martials to do, if only on a greater scale.
Jack Rivera
>I want wish fulfillment but even when I get it no one else can because I say so
Eli Powell
Monks use physical abilities because they're specialized into powerful defense spells.
Caleb Stewart
Going off of the retard from the previous threads, the reason is because people have an issue separating game mechanics from setting fluff and give magic a free pass because they assume "hey, it's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit, it just works."
So the concept of a martial getting a bunch of cool abilities which they can use at the cost of a resource is alien to them, because they assume that the martial's job is simply to swing their weapon(s) at whatever's in front of them all day everyday.
Camden Carter
Abdul Alhazred, the "Mad Arab" :^)
Brayden James
Really? Because circes polymorph lasts forever and cannot be broken.
Wish fulfillment goes both ways.
Mason Murphy
>Wizard is governed by magic, so when he bends reality - it doesn't break verisimilitude. Oh yes, because having a character who can fly as a Level 3 ability doesn't break the verisimilitude of a setting where you're supposed to be a party who relies on one another to get through the adventuring day.
I mean fuck, forget about realism or breaking reality, I'm just sitting here wondering why Fighters, Monks, and Rogues still exist when literally every other class has the ability to do what they do but much better than they could ever hope to be.
That's what I'm wondering, in a world where god wizards exist, why do we still have martial scrubs?
Camden Watson
Because not everyone can be a wizard? Just because Asians exist in our world doesn't mean we can all be Asians.
Jackson Mitchell
Technically speaking he dealt with the Outer Gods, although he did so indirectly.
Anyway, the problem with the assertion that since most mythological fighters were demigods, non-demigods shouldn't get comparable power is that modern fantasy wizards also don't make sense from a mythological perspective, as most spellcasters were either descended from supernatural creatures (Sorcerers), made pacts with supernatural creatures (Warlocks), were chosen by God(s) (Clerics/Paladins) or were supernatural creatures themselves. That's the thing about most mythological magic, it was usually seen as something beyond mere mortals and there wasn't any meaningful distinction between something like Circe turning men into pigs, Hercules holding up the sky or Achilles being fucking invincible, it was all "magic"/"divine bullshit"'.