Is she biggest Mary Sue out there?
>Fucking everyone loves her
>Illiterate but can argue with veteran theologians and professors
>Could ride a horse without any training
>Literal chosen one
>Saved a whole country from guaranteed loss
>People lost their sexual desire near her
>Found an ancient sword behind cathedral
>Had to be executed for wearing only clothes she had because they couldn't find other charges
Is she biggest Mary Sue out there?
Huh, I sure wonder who could be behind this post.
No because you forgot about Rey
>stories which definitely happened and not just embellished over time
Thou art Homosexual, Blackguard and a Knave.
What reasons would the english, who hated her, wanted her branded as a witch and dead, could possibly have for spreading false stories about Joan being super cool and an all around saint?
No bully Jannu.
not gonna lie Rey being burned at the stake would almost redeem the dogshit the sequels have been so far
>>Saved a whole country from guaranteed loss
The English Channel did that already.
England was conquered by a noble from France. In the end, that dysnaty and the dynasties that followed eventually broke ties with France.
There could never have been a unified British and French state.
Won't defend my half-joke post, just was skeptically shitposting. Anyway, previous thread mentioning Jeanne has some interesting discussions about her.
Tell /fgoalter/ the guy that made this said "Hi".
I usually don’t agree with Veeky Forums, but Rey is pretty unabashed “YASSS QWEEN SLAY”
You forgot to add:
>Literaly an ancient SJW dyke who din't do anything but act as a glorified cheerleader.
Did you get upset your MtG threads were deleted?
>Better at being a mechanic than Chewie (and Han)
>Better at flying the Falcon than Han (and Chewie)
>Somehow better at being a Jedi than Luke
>Universe is apparently explicitly on her side to make sure she's the equal to or better than any opposition
>All setbacks are either temporary, irrelevant, or only serve to elevate her further in short order.
Yep. She pretty much ticks every single checkbox there is. And amusingly enough, none of those things involve her gender, which is why NuWars shills screaming about "muh womynz" amuses me so much.
>second post is a Star Wars post, leading to a spam of muh Star Wars talking points
I am sure OP did not make that post.
>using cheerleader as an insult
her impact on french morale had an immense effect on the course of the war, regardless of how you wish to dress it up
Wow. Not really much left to say about that, is there?
You forgot the part where she wasn't entirely sane, or so we can presume from the hearing voices, but this somehow only helped her.
>she wasn't entirely sane
It's call chemical insight senpai- bitch had certain parts of the IQ pieces working overdrive producing higher cognitive effects.
>perfidious Albion detected
Faster, Jannu!
Probably just found out about Patay and thinks that anyone who crushed the precious Longbow must have been cheating.
Nah, that would be Lancelot du Lac.
I like Rey's and Kylo's conflict in the last jedi. They subverted a lot of the bits about the chosen one. Everything else is garbage. It would have been more interesting if Rey had joined Kylo. But Star Wars fans and producers have no creativity.
History's biggest Sue coming through.
Even if you believe there was an historical person, the accounts are full of events looted from other myths. Hard to call that history.
Joan of Arc is one of the earliest truly documented people, due to being put on trial twice by states wanting a spotless procedure.
Hard to embellish the story over time when you have thousands of pages of contemporary testimonies.
You have to stop using buzzwords without researching your subject, user. It just makes you look like a tool.
He pales compared to Galahad or Gawain. But can we call someone a Mary Sue when the story is basically full of super sayans?
Those "borrowings" boil down to shit like
>He was traveling teacher
>He did miracles
>Golden Rule
And other categorisations that can be made about any pre-printing press character
There are a lot of people that kill sexual desire just by being around.
The carpenter's son stands tall above ordinary men, but has nothing on most characters in Vedas.
You forgot one:
>One of the most striking aspects of Joan of Arc (1412-1431) was that her primary weapon was the cannon. Not only that, but she was very skilled with it. There are several testimonies from those who fought with her about her ability to place and aim cannons, as well as predict the target of enemy artillery.
It's not just that he did miracles, it's the specific content of the miracles. It shouldn't be a challenge to your faith to admit that the writers of the gospels probably took the water into wine thing from Dionysus because it's cool. Even seemingly important elements seen earlier in other myths like having a mortal mother and divine father (all those sons of Zeus), or the death and resurrection (Osiris among others) aren't really essential but your mileage may vary.
>People lost their sexual desire near her
Wink wink, nudge nudge
How is she a Mary Sue if the British hated her and she was a real person? That's like saying Jesus is a Mary Sue
Well if it's a character focused stuff it makes sense. Movies don't need to explain and overcomplicate things. Things like BvS is a bloated mess trying to follow everyone poorly, Lex's weird daddy issues confusing his anti god angle for example.
Cute, cute!
No, she was fucking schizophrenic. Don't fucking sugar coat it because she's a literal saint. She was nuts.
I cant wait to see where this thread goes
Except there is no documentation of him and evidence to support that he was made up. You say "pre-printing press" like they didn't have writing systems and documentation practices that were passed down. That era is well documented and there's no mention of him until like 300 years after the fact. He wasn't real. Deal with it.
The french had her trialled because she was undermining the authority of the king. Pure politics.
Best Joan coming through.
What does this have to do with traditional games?
>What does this have to do with traditional games?
The Hundred Year's War is a common setting for historical war games.
Joan of Arc is often used as an example of the Paladin class, found in Dungeons and Dragons and some of its descendants.
Mary Sues are a recurring feature in traditional game settings.
being hated by the brits is a virtue for any heroic character
That's awesome.
read the thread
I know it's futile arguing on a Cambodian weaving forum, but nearly every ancient historian agrees Jesus probably was a dude. Plenty of other figures from the period have much scantier literary evidence, written about them comparatively as late or later. Archaeological evidence from his lifetime is slim too, but it's not surprising considering he was literally a cult leader who grew in popularity, and we know there were other cult leader "messiahs" running around doing similar things in the period. Archaeological evidence from followers does turn up a little later however, and earlier or contemporaneously with those literary accounts.
I'm not a Christian, and I definitely don't believe in the miracles, no good historian of Jesus should. Nevertheless, even putting aside the bible (which is legitimate evidence to various degrees), Jesus is far more likely to have lived than be entirely made up.
>tgw no cannon cunt gf
jesus was a mary sue.
>Evidence to supoort he was made up
Official academic historiography disagrees heavely with you. Jesus Mythers are flat-earthers of history and archeology.
Well she didn't actually fight so that's a pretty big hole in the mary sue ship
Rian"first draft or the shaft" Johnson wanted to make something that would subvert expectations. He succeeded terrifically, I wish he hadn't. I wish some kind of committee of writers was there to tell him his ideas were shit. I wish for a lot of things, but then I realize I shouldn't have wished for more Star Wars.
>Jesus is far more likely to have lived than be entirely made up.
All the best lies are made out of truth.
There was no contemporary record of Christ. All evidence of him is hearsay.
ie: myth
Brits are the villains of history, it makes sense
Link to article?
>I wish some kind of committee of writers was there to tell him his ideas were shit.
There is. It's entirely comprised of feminists that want nothing more than for Rey to become Christ in Space, only better than Jesus because she's a girl.
>peasants burned every artifact she had ever touched during the French Revolution
>the only thing left was a single hair of hers, but someone stole that
>Any Character I Don't Like Is A Mary Sue: The Post
>guaranteed loss
Seriously, nigger?
Why that stupid dyke hair? I'm 100% sire she didn't wear her hair like a modern dude.
The entire house where she was born and raised is still standing and is now a museum.
I bet you think he dislikes her because he's a sexist wh*Te male.
French here
>Female prophets and witches were common at that time
>They were good for morale but basically useless at anything
>Jeanne d'Arc was mostly famous because she rallied Orleans people, ending up lifting the siege and that was the turning point of the war
>She really didn't do much in her life. Each time she fights she gets wounded
>She tried to butt in politics, and annoyed the king so much he didn't bought her life after she was captured after yet another failed battle
Mary sue my ASS
Alexander the great was more sueish, nigga basically Madara Uchiha tier and only died because he drank himself to death.
M8 she's a pretty textbook example. She even translates Wookie to fucking Luke of all people.
>>Better at being a mechanic than Chewie (and Han)
This is the only complaint I don't personally put stock in. She mentions before they take off that she's been put to work installing random bits on the thing and she's really sure [this certain part] is a piece of shit and won't work. When the hyper drive fails she just uninstalls that one part.
Just about everything else surrounding her is tripe, though.
Oh just fuck off with that atrociously terrible franchise.
Nuts for CANNONS.
Why does stuff that features Joan of Arc not more often include her love for HEAVY ARTILLERY?
She would be one hell of an IG player.
You should have wished for strict adaptations of expanded universe materials, not the fucking cancer we got
Bloody peasants!
The first movie had a dumbass super weapon that was OMG SO MUCH MORE DEADLY THAN THE DEATH STAR!1!1
Thats basically the old Expanded Universe in a nutshell.
I do not understand this meme, can somebody explain it to me?
>hurr expanded universe was all retarded superweapons all the time
t. never read Thrawn or X-Wing
Considering her sainthood was practically bought by the French I wouldn't consider her anything more than the typical French Oracle girl, which is extremely fucking common in their folklore.
If you read the English trail testamonies, they even make a good case for her being a lunatic.
Classic justification of the L to your worst enemy by puffing up the opposing leader.
The English didn't "hate" her. It's just the folklore of France and England are different.
In France, a girl claiming the voice of god is seen as an oracle.
In England, a girl claiming the voice of god is seen as a witch.
It didn't help Jean claimed it was an ENGLISH Saint who told her to "Kill all the English" in French.
Being a lunatic doesn't stop you from being a badass
And that's how I know you've never read either
Soldiers don't have long hair in any era.
It's just never a good idea to have something your enemy can painfully grab and manipulate your most vital appendage with easy leverage by.
No, but it does make you look like a witch to the English.
I mean the whole trails of Jean is a literal meme at this point but by the standards at the time they were literally bending over backwards to just let her go.
They literally said "Stop wearing clothes of a man and you're free" and Jean said no.
it would make sense if she was a soldier
Standard bearers still march into combat, user. And she had to kill somebody with a sword at least once.
Why read something that's non canon?
>muh jesus was a true prophet
>joan was a schizo!
What, like the nonsense that is the Yuuzhan Vong.
They shouldn't have made ANY new star wars movies, they just get worse each time.
>It's on the internet so it must be true
She went into combat in armor, doesn't matter if she was carrying the flag instead of a lance.
because what's canon is shit m8
>what is Dark Forces
>what is Shadows of the Empire
>Performs no miracles
>Gets to be a saint
When you claim an English Saint told you in french, despite the Saint never knowing French, that you should kill all the English, that is fair grounds for Heresy.
No other content, just 90 minutes of her being burned in different ways.
Christ mate, calm down.
Fuck you. We're burning the witch and we'll pay 45 bucks to see it, snackfood included.
best sequel movie
deal with it faget
The fact that she fucked up as much makes her feel all the more real to me.
>If you read the English trail testamonies, they even make a good case for her being a lunatic.
Yeah, I'm sure the English which had absolutely no interest in the matter and were butthurt enough to threaten their own clergy with death to force a conviction were completely unbiased.
Which Madara Uchiha do you mean?