Warhammer 40000 General - /40kg/

Citadel Paints Edition

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>I have met my enemy, it is an abomination:



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Go to bed gue'brits.


Let's start this thread off with a topic:

What's your favorite paint?

Personally mine is Retributor Armor, that color gold just looks so regal.

GW does do some nice golds

Xth for the Dark City

Damn. You seem pretty upset.

mephiston red applies so goddamn smoothly it actually makes me giddy whenever i have to use it

Hi - Hi! We're your Battle-brothers - Ah-huh -
And have we got news for you - You better listen!
Get ready, all you neophytes
And leave those camo-cloaks at home. - Alright! -

Zeal is rising - patience's getting low
According to all sources, forward's the place to go
Cause tonight for the second time
Just about half-past ten
For the second time in history
It's gonna start crusading men.

It's Crusading Men! Hallelujah! - It's Crusading Men! Amen!
I'm gonna go out to run and let myself get
Absolutely fucking mad!
It's Crusading Men! Hallelujah!
It's Crusading Men! Every Specimen!
Tall, blonde, dark and lean
Rough and tough and strong and mean

God bless Man-Emperor, he's a crusading man too
He took off to heaven and did what he had to do
He taught every angel to kill and maim
So that each and every man could kill the xeno and traitor!
It's Crusading Men! Hallelujah! - It's Crusading Men! Amen!
It's Crusading Men! Hallelujah!
It's Crusading Men! Ame-nnnn!

I feel stormy weather / War about to begin
Hear the thunder / Don't you lose your head
Rip off their heads and send them to hell!


Are there any good alternatives for cheaper models that fit for the Imperial Guard? The cadian troops are looking really aged these days, and really don't want to spread my ass for Forgeworld

My Archon!

The place that gets fucked everytime a space marine thinks about going there?

Not bad.

You mean when Space Marines are lured into the city to destroy rival Kabals?

*blocks your path *

These weeks without releases are trying times, anons. Let's work together to make a new General image out of MSpaint edited penguins.
Dark Eldar, Sisters, Tau, Grey Knights, Guilliman/Vanilla Marines, Orkz, Abbadon, Renegade Guard, Khorne CSM
>Needs doing:
Craftworld Eldar, Harlequins, Inquisition, Deathwatch, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Custodes, Admech, Imperial Knights, Death Guard, Chaos Daemons(all varieties), Tyranids, Genestealers, Thousand Sons.
Pic related is the template, please try to make the image so that the background can be removed easily.

Can we have Chaos doing the Time Warp next?

What are peoples thoughts on the Talos Pain Engines? Have they done well? Poorly? Best loadout? Worst loadout? Also curious about the Cronos Engine too.

>Thinking DA are better than BA because you can't figure out how to play an army that literally just runs into the enemy turn 1 and smashes their face

Damn, I'm glad I'm not that retarded.

I bought some figures but I've got no idea what paints to choose. There's so heckin' many of every shade and size.

victoria miniatures

wait a second, bones and spinal bones don't move that way. every time i see dark eldar pictures i have more questions

Does the details really matter when talking about killing xenos?

My Cronos is definitely tanky, especially when it ties up a Chaos Lord of Slaanesh with Murdersword in combat and kills him without going down a single wound(he managed to recover 1 every combat round).

You need a spray primer - chaos black or corax white. Then think what will be your main colour and get a spray paint of this colour i.e. zandri dust or deathguard green. It's all about your paint scheme

>priming twice

>not painting your army with nothing but different colored primers

Victoria does good looking models that are a bit cheaper than FW

You won’t find anything cheaper than Cadians that’s doesn’t also look like shit

Only corax and chaos are primers - other spray paints are just spray paints

Do you give it the other Spirit gun or just run it as stock?

Does anyone happen to have source for storm of damocles?

How do you and your team/ club get ready for the events you go to Veeky Forums? Our team of course plays as many games as we can - we practice on a more stringent time frame than the tournament allows so we can bump our speed. We also tend to do a ton of think tanking and build various armies out of the shared collections so we can split the army cost between team members.

A spray primer? Heck, I've not even bought brushes yet! Goof!

I routinely only use the GW color sprays as my base - Chaos Black and Corax are no differently formulated than the GW color sprays (i.e. they're not ACTUAL primers). The only reason to prime first is to create different shading opportunities. Otherwise you can lay down a color spray as the base and you'll be just fine.

Gave it the Spirit Vortex as well.

So you'd say it's worth using?

For 13 points it isn't half bad. I'd say take it if you have the points, but don't sacrifice stuff on other units for it.

Was meaning the Cronos as a whole, but that's good to know.

What noise is he making?

Oh yeah, the Cronos aura is very nice. The occasional healing a wound is just a cherry on top.



What are you working on Archons?
How did your last game go?
Have a blurry shittily leveled photo of my progress repainting my cult.

Lesser races may apply

>tfw can't spray often and have to hand paint with Abba-don black

So my Flesh Hounds of Khorne came in the mail recently, and I was going to start them tonight/tomorrow.
Is there anything special I need to know about working with resin? I never have before. Also, the kit doesn't have instructions. Should I just dry fit everything and and go for it, or what?

Related, I recently read about using acrylic gesso as a primer instead of traditional spray on. Does anyone have experience with this?

it's a damn shame that I fucking hate the way deldar play, I love everything else about them.



Will definitely pick one up then. Have you used its cousin?
Trying to work out a colour scheme for some Harlequin allies atm. Last game went pretty terribly; Tau S5 guns wounding Venoms on 4+s is pain.


New noise marine kits when?

Vallejo Old Gold for metallics.
Vallejo Smoke for just about everything else.

I have, and it's really taken a hit. The Ichor injector used to be the key piece of Wargear, now it's a mid strength melee fighter. It's still decently tanky, but it's lost a lot of lethality. Hoping there's a stratagem for Cronos/Talos and Grotesques. They're some of my favorite units in the army.

Choppy ghosts or shooty ghosts? Which one is better?

Alright boys I'm nearly finished putting together my marines from the Know No Fear box. If I'm making a predominately/exclusively primaris army using Fists tactics, what's a reasonable next step? I say predominately primaris because I don't think it's been touched upon yet if/how normal marines are integrated into an ultima founding chapter

Choppy are better as a single unit to counter-charge your shooters

Get the Dark Imperium primaris half

Damn. Any other units that over- or under-performed in your experience?


This guy is pretty good. Grab some more hellblasters and intercessors. The rest of the primaris range is pretty meh.

By RAW, is there anything that prevent my

Currently my DE are chilling until the codex drops.

Playing and painting my Nids currently. Still got like 2k to paint because I haven't been able to decide on a color scheme until recently

What is his endgame?

Fuck those are pretty.

As with literally every other eldar unit, which is better depends on what other units you're taking them with. Choppy ghosts are better blockers to keep your squishies safe from hordes (and are usually better if you give swords), ranged ghosts are supporting fire that can stand in the way if necessary, good for wiping a tough unit your nearby infantry couldn't handle.

I personally prefer Wraithguard to run in the middle of a group, and Wraithblades to run in front of it.

>servants of slanesh

To get cucked by guilliman

Hopefully in the next Chaos release cycle. They revamped all the other chaos god specific lines not long ago (khorne still needs somethings)

People in 40k have endgames?
Its not like the plot will continue to move forward for longer now

>is there anything that prevent my

Dark Lance Scourges are pretty nuts. Park them in terrain and watch vehicles disappear. Ravagers are always a good choice. Haemonculus with Electrocorrosive whip is surprisingly great in close combat. Lelith was pretty meh, even with +1S drug. Razorwing Jetfighters have a very nice amount of dakka for the cost. Shatterfield missiles are amazing at d6 hits S7 -1 D1, rerolling wounds.

Yes, it specifically says Ultramarines Captain. Now you can play Ultramarines and call them Bob's Asssuckers but if you actually replace with it you can't take the relic.

What are Inceptors, Aggressors?

Neither are really amazing in the current edition - shooty ghosts work better in Ynnari than choppy (which is the only way I'd consider fielding them).

Sir, you are having a stroke.

Claw dread or burna dread?

Checking my digits, I imagine

all of them

My voidraven consistently overperforms with its void mine, usually almost wiping a full squad turn one before I even get to shooting.

Strangely enough I'm also getting some good value out of my wyches, though I think that's because I usually get them to tie up multiple units, miraculously surviving through the enemy turn until I get to shoot.

What online store, excluding GWs one, do you guys recomend me to get a lot of stuff?
Miniature market is the only one I know.
Bonus points if it sells other wargames.

burny dredd

klaw dredd is overrated. Shooty, stompy and choppy is better than merely stompy and choppy

I thought he is just a model with no background after the 8e launch

Iz you a grot?
Klaw ya git!

How are they compared to tacticals?


No, I'm just replying to a fucking illiterate with the same disdain I would any other mongoloid.

Great to know. How are Wracks anyway? I haven't gotten a chance to test them out.
You are the first person I've heard of to have Wyches that do things. Other than die, that is.

Where are you from?

How much would cost to buy alll those paints?

Trying to muster the will to continue working on these guys. 5 Trueborn(2 Dracons) and 5 Kabalites I'm thinking I'll do the details before the actual armor to reduce the amount of paint I rub off the armor edges.
Never used Wracks before, I like their models, just haven't bought any.


It's Vect and he's trolling everyone

-1 AP and 6" extra range really shows.
They are able to plink units without leaving whatever cover they deploy in, are reasonably tough and surprisingly good in CC.

Anyone got a link to the Eisenhorn audiobooks?

as far as troops go they're better than tacticals and not as usful as scouts, overall still pretty good.

Better in most armies, but also not as good as scouts


I used audible for them

Better than tacs, not as good as scouts. Probably worth including in most builds in small numbers.


Oh they die, but if their 80pts prevent an enemy moving onto an objective they've done their job. T4, 4++ and some opportune placement does wonders for making them last into the enemy turn too.

The unit on its own isn't great, but they're a good screen for my boats of kabalites and trueborn that would otherwise be at risk of being shot/assaulted. Reavers are similarly great.

Their existence allows me to play far more aggressively and keeps the focus off the real damage dealers.

Klaw dred has 2 more attacks, which can really make the difference between damaging and bracketing or bracketing and killing your target.
It just depends on what you anticipate fighting, but if you're planning on cracking vehicles or fighting other walkers, klaw dred is best.

I dont buy the official paints, its expensive as fuck, main colours I use on mine are creamed bone for power armour interspersed with rusted brown for weapons and bright purple or green for flesh/guts. Main is chaos but expanding into death guard more.