Who /holytrinity/ here?
Who /holytrinity/ here?
Other urls found in this thread:
I have 2006-09 /b/ in me... /Pol/ was nice before 2017. Veeky Forums lulz
I used to go on Veeky Forums and /pol/ but now I just go on Veeky Forums. This board is so addicting...
Replace /pol/ with /v/
UPDATE 0.15 incoming!
Cloverhash incoming!
Bittrex incoming!
>The tipping extensions
Chrome : github.com
>JS/Ruby/C/C++ developers are welcome in the team!
You forgot /k/
Holy trinity of the ubermensch, yes indeed
yeah no, it stopped being fun like 2 years ago
Fucking hell, hitting home with this one
Deus Vult brother.
Reporting in, 10 years ago I would have never expected my life would be like this. I don't do /pol/ anymore, Donald killed it.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Nah, fuck off. I'm not an edgy 15 year old mestizo who fantasizes about Hitler 24/7.
how dare you not include our homeboard /g/?
who else is going to develop our shitcoins?
2015-2016 /pol/ was best /pol/
>Roleplaying winning in a Lottery
literally the three worst boards on Veeky Forums excluding /b/
fucking kill yourself you subhuman
lmao that fucking fatty
you first, soyboy
Reporting in. It's all about the gains, brah.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
It was neat during the Trump election, and the Zimmerman show..
I still go there when there is riots, terrorist attacks or just browse the catalog once in a while in case of any news.
why can't they just stop larping I don't get it
I'm pol, k, and g here.
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
replace /pol/ with /tv/
/pol/ stopped being good during the Trump campaign when normies and reddit infested it
healthy dose of reality
my nigga.
Have you ever had intercourse with anyone under the age of consent?
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
/ic/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
>no /a/
>lelelel, look at some furries in front of a swastika, that means they represent fascism
You're totally deluded, my man. These fuckers do not represent anything, no matter how hard you try to ignore reality.
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums /x/
>Veeky Forums
>/r9k/ when life hits hard
Watch it reach $10 per coin this year.
sadly, no
Veeky Forums
>70% Veeky Forums
>10% /m/
>8% /mu/
>5% Veeky Forums
>4% /a/
>3% /tv/
i might be too diversified tho, thinking of selling off some of the shitboards and get more Veeky Forums
full/pol/ and /9k/ for me
i do love the Veeky Forumsizens tho
Veeky Forums /x/ Veeky Forums
Get paranoid. Make money. Eat sammiches.
pols boring now, theres no happenings. Trumps president, hes not going anywhere, SJWs are just up to thier usual faggotry, i mean who cares
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
/pol/ has been garbage since late 2016
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums are the only boards I like nowadays
My progression over 7-8 years:
>Veeky Forums
and now, exclusively Veeky Forums for the last 2-2,5 years. Once I gain my first mil, I'm out of here. I've way outgrown this shithole known as 4chen.
why do you do this to yourself?
agreed this is truly the best board on the internet, it's like a huge digital school with all of the social aspects and cliques and shit but you're also learning a ton. not to mention you're potentially making a lot of money off of it. most fascinating place i've ever seen
i cant bare to even go back to pol, i dont know what i was thinking, it was pretty awesome around election time thoa
Nigger, you ARE Veeky Forums.
Replace /pol/ with /int/ and Veeky Forums with /tv/ and I'm there
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
reporting in
/pol/ - the mind
Veeky Forums - the body
Veeky Forums - the wallet
too late you're getting colonized. hating nazis is for bugmen
Good luck finding better online communities
You're here forever
/pol/ is bad for your head... there are some smart people there, but also a bunch of conspiracy theorists and deluded schizos...
Yeah but I don't browse /pol/ or Veeky Forums anymore. I've extracted everything I possibly could and have thousands of gigs of books. Continuing to browse would be a waste.
>pols boring now, theres no happenings.
Jews are trying to start a war with Iran right now. Problem is that Trump's a Jew now.
oy goy, it's just a conspiracy theory
totally, just like there's a bunch of pajeets and brainlets on this board.
if you want patrician antisemitism, read kevin macdonald.
>the mind
wrongfucking image. fuck
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
it makes me smart lol
>07 /b/
>09-12 Veeky Forums, /v/, rare /b/ way too many traps and ponyfags
>12-16 /pol/
>17-18 Veeky Forums
If the trend continues and meme magic is real. This post ends in digits, I'll be on Veeky Forums for the next 4 years.
Thanks for this OP, just bought 100k.
pol's not healthy to be on all day, but it will change you forever once you've fully engaged with it. once you step away, the insights are always there. the redpill is a real phenomenon
Haven't been back to /pol/ since the election. Been on Veeky Forums since 2008 and it seems about every year has been a new obsession and a new set of boards as an outlet. /v/ and /g/ went hand in hand, Veeky Forums Veeky Forums and /tv/, Veeky Forums and /diy/, /pol/ was by itself and after the election I felt all was done and I could move on. Now it is Veeky Forums, I'm 30k richer and will probably call it a day around 2M.
>/b/ first
>see /pol/ shills all day
>move to /pol/ for meme and flag luls
>see Veeky Forums shills all day shilling btc and Iota way back when
>come to Veeky Forums to see what the deal is
>all of a sudden I turned 500 bucks into 6 grand
Thanks Veeky Forums, wish we had flags though.
enlighten me user
When you find the fucker who is shitting up Veeky Forums with /pol/ bullshit.
I do too user. It's really difficukt to explain what it was like, but I understand.
where's /tv/
post the rest of these instagrams
Pol for the mind, fit for the body, and biz for the pocket
now /s/ck/biz/
I like girls, booze, food and money, what can I say.
I already have my dream life planned out.
>get filthy rich through Veeky Forums
>get swole through Veeky Forums
>live youth like this
>pull a Trump and when old become President for /pol/
I want to be the swolest president in history.
/a/, /g/ and Veeky Forums
I'm glad
>I've way outgrown this shithole known as 4chen.
>he doesn't know
poor child
I'd vote.
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
Rich, muscular and well dressed. Everything else is pure faggotry
Wising up
Going from /v/ to Veeky Forums to Veeky Forums
/pol/ makes you get back to the beginning.
fuck off virus Nigger. Mine your own coins
if you think in a rational sane way about wanting ethnic self-determination in your own country (like Japan/South Korea/Israel/any nonwhite country), you will be deemed a Nazi.
Good article: rightrealist.com
The entire moral world of modern leftist society is that Nazism and the Holocaust is the absolute of evil, and all moral thought now stems from this notion.
The Jewish lobby changed our immigration laws in 1965, and our politicians lied to us about the consequences. The Iraq War, Syrian conflict, and now our actions against Iran have been brought about by Jews, and 9/11 was largely a response to America's role in the tyranny of Zionism.
Our response to 9/11 was brought about by Richard Perle and his Jewish neoconservative allies, to further Zionist aims:
GAINZ in 2018
>It's all about the gains, brah
>too diversified tho, thinking of selling off some of the shitboards
>Not Veeky Forums, /k/ and Veeky Forums
yeah, those people who all lost a war and died 75 years ago represent fascism in 2018, not edgy internet larpers. Good Point
Crypto is the only way for us whites to get some serious cash, not only do we need to make mad gains in money, we need to make sick gains in the gym to prepare to cleanse our societies of the shitskin hordes.
>us whites
?? lets be real here for a second.. aren't we all just working in various server farms scattered around in India and south-east Asia?
I hope one day I too can become civilized, stop using the streets to relieve myself and use a bottle instead like those fancy westerners.
Weren't those sad fucks saying crytpo was a scam since 2012?
jesus christ what dweebs
Very nice
>not /sp/
gotta step that banter up my lad
I fixed it.
you know it