How would they fare in 40k?
How would they fare in 40k?
How would he fare in 40k?
But how would he fare
dead in 5 seconds upon first contact with a hostile force
Fool, those are trained samurai shielded by armor wielding swords folded one million times made of the purest japanese steel, only the Tau could stop them
These are Kurosawa samurai though, not anime samurai. These guys get shot to shit by arrows and guns, and are only very strong against arrogant, rude samurai and hordes of cowardly ones that attack one at a time.
God, his samurai films are so fucking good
Yet they win in the end, after much loss mind you.
So... they're basically melee focused guardsmen?
Do we need to roll up a regime?
Ah, but they didn't win, user, they lost. The farmers won; there is no victory for the samurai.
I think you could teach them 40K pretty easily. They would be good with tactics, but probably need some educating on what vehicles are and how the setting works. Eventually they would see how broken the game is with regards to the different power level of each codex and poor balance.
My guess is they wouldn't find it very interesting and would just keep doing samurai stuff
Living in the end is victory, by my account.
Also Yojimbo won in the end
It would be a regime of only 7 skilled soldiers and a dozen drafted fodder, with a focus on setting up defenses and traps and slowly whittling away at the opponents forces, with the 7 skilled soldiers occasionally moving out alone to attack a specific target to weaken the foes forces.
Have you not seen the Seven Samurai, user?
Sanjuro (the name he gives in the film) never truly wins; it is the people of the town that won. He might have delivered them the victory, but it was never for his own sake. He keeps wandering.
So... Catachans?
Isn't there a Tau version of them?
I own the movie, user! I understand their perspective, and how despite all their efforts, they lost too many good allies and friends, but they themselves survived again, and the peasants sort of threw them aside after it all. I understand from their perspective it was a loss for themselves and it was only the peasants who won the day, but to me, if you are alive at the end of the day, you have won.
>if you are alive at the end of the day, you have won.
That's a way to look at it for sure, but not necessarily for the samurai who practiced ritual suicide in the face of failure. The samurai always fight on someone else's behalf, when they have opportunity to realise their own dreams, they are old and all their friends and family are dead. The character Takashi Shimura plays (the leader) DOES say something along the line of "only by saving others can you save yourself"
It's such a good movie. I wanna get Yojimbo, already seen it, but I wanna own it.
I assume you've seen Sanjuro? I'd argue it's actually better than Yojimbo in many ways; it's certainly more fun. The guy in the closet kills me every time.
I have not! I actually have not heard of this movie, I will have to check it out.
Oh you really should. The main character's essentially the same as in Yojimbo; at the very least he gives the same "joke name". It's one of the funniest films I've ever seen without it actually being a comedy at all.
Literally an only war campaign
How much does he charge for fare?
bretty good
You won the thread
Sengoku or Edo Era Guardsmen?