Who's the most powerful Chaos God? Who would win in an all-out war? Who would you join, if you had to choose?
Nurgle for me.
Who's the most powerful Chaos God? Who would win in an all-out war? Who would you join, if you had to choose?
Nurgle for me.
Tzeench is the most underdeveloped of the for. He's too abstract and there's nothing you can do for his schtick, visually.
Khorne's violence: easy, blood and gory beasts. Nurgle's death and decay: easy, boils, pus, and anything putrid and rusty. Slaanesh is desire and lust: easy, babes, chains, and BDSM gear.
Tzeench is plotting and change: ????
What the heck visualizes that?
Where exactly would the chaos gods stand within the Cthulhu pantheon generally speaking? I don't mean call of Cthulhu specifically, I simply mean the weird fiction pantheon of weird alien gods and things scarier than gods.
Worse and more abstract and ethereal than Cthulhu, but not as powerful per-se as some of the bigger Eldritch Gods. The Chaos Gods aren't even Gods, really; they're just WARP-manifestations of certain facets of life, not necessarily built-in to reality. In fact, if you could find some way to destabilize or void the WARP, they wouldn't even exist in the first place. Their "magic" and "divine power" is really just more-powerful-than-normal psychic energy.
They're far-lower on the totem pole.
Chaos a shit. In nurgle's case, that is literal.
Like this user points out, more ethereal and abstract, rivalring a few of the Old Ones, stronger than a few, weaker than a few.
FAR below the tier of Elder Gods though.
They are a bigger deal than Cthulhu and most of the Great Old Ones, but easily lose out to the Outer Gods.
Magic, Skaven society without Clan Pestilens
Sounds like they're somewhere between dreamlands deities and great old ones in hierarchy, possibly slightly higher than a few of the great old ones, but it doesn't sound to me like the great old ones or the outer gods would be hostile towards them unless direct hostility was expressed by them towards the GOOs and OGs.
Fortunately for them in my case the warp is crucial for the existence of a functional universe, so it will never be voided except in universes which fail to arise or universes that are ending momentarily. The specific role the warp plays in my universes is it's a counter-pressure to the expansion of normal space, slowing it to the point that material-space realities aren't infinite and do eventually end, releasing their energy when they do.
Now I've just got to find out what if any direct relation they have to the unpronounceable gods. Or invent some relation and use that.
Nurgle is best!
Best art!
Trips speak truth! Papa Nurgle!!!
Nurgle has best modded models!
More devoted sluts of Nurgle, please.
Shit, I didn't notice the nudity. Sorry, mods.
I am discusted and aroused.
i bet she stank
Nurgle delivers.
>W-would you f-fall to Chaos for-r m-me, an-user?
>Truly, only the powers of Chaos could create such twisted anatomical distortions
>Who's the most powerful Chaos God?
>Who would win in an all-out war?
>Who would you join, if you had to choose?
A couple years back I posted Cultist-Chan image in a /cgl/ thread then talking about Warhammer cosplays.
I didn't realise that the one I had saved was actually a lewd edit of the one I thought it was and got a 3-day ban for and had no idea why.
>Who's the most powerful Chaos God?
The one who has the greatest influence over you.
>Who would win in an all-out war?
>Who would you join, if you had to choose?
I love how Nurgle is coming to be the new face of chaos. His uncanny take on happiness never fails to disturb me
It was said in the old WHFB armybooks.
Most powerful Chaos god by a hair. He also has the most followers.
Slightly less powerful than Khorne, but since his specialty is plans, he also happens to be behind every alliance of the four gods.
Nurgle is a bit particular since his power fluctuates the most : depending on the moment, his diseases are more or less spread, and his powers soar when an epidemy strikes. He is usually third in power, but can rise ahead of Khorne if the circumstances are right.
Youngest and most irrelevant god. We knew that already.
As to who would win in an all-out war, that's a vague question considering how a war between these gods go. Usually it would be Khorne or Nurgle, but other outcomes are still interesting.
How do we fix Tzeench? He's literally the most boring of the for gods.
What do you think a Great Unclean One smells like? You know besides corpses.
Dab nabbit.
We fix nothing. Tzeentch is awesome.
taco bell poops
Name 9 ways he's awesome.
>Why 9? Because fuck you that's his number that's why.
Put more emphasis on the Lovecraftian side to it, not just "Nothing you do will ever have meaning in the grand schemes of Tzeentch" but more "Humanity is the lesser beings of creation and are created to serve the Gods."
Really tho I think it's fine.
9: He is the DM of the 4 and that means has the highest tolerance for bullshit.
But his units are boring to look at.
>Sorcerers are his babies
>Thousand sons
>Best primarch (out of all the Chaos gods)
>Best WHFB champions (this fucking guy who heals everything he touched and has flowers sprout in his path)
>Just as planned
>Blue horrors can fucking read
>Trolls even his own worshippers, for example by turning them into dust
>Definitely then nerdiest of Chaos gods
>His greater demon isn't the keeper of secrets because he shares his knowledge and madness with everyone
There you go
Fair enough.
That's subjective.
The problem with Tzeentch is that all his non-psychic units are boring as shit. Khorne guys are really strong/crazy, Nurgle guys are really tough, Slaanesh guys are really agile; what are Tzeentch guys like? More often than not, it's something boring like pic related.
IMO, Tzeentch guys should be the dedicated ranged units of Chaos, as a natural outgrowth of them being obsessed with dirty tricks and 'smart' tactics.
There are worse ways to go I suppose
>best WHFB champion
Sigvald doesn't worship Slaanesh
Champions, plural.
I admit Sigwald is awesome, but Tzeentch has several champions that are undoubtedly great (while I don't know about other champions of Slaanesh)
>Horned Rat
Y'all's posting in a troll thread.
How long until I'm good enough to pint like this?
depending on your patience, skill and willingness to experiment, anywhere between a few months to a year or so. It hall depends on how much time and effort you put into it.
I hate anything that requires time OR effort. It's why I gave up on my dreams and why I'm about to drop out of college despite graduation being 9 weeks away.
If I had to choose? Zhuvassin the Undoer. Everything goes wrong for everyone around me anyway.
>graduation 9 weeks away
You're too far in to fail now, user. There's so little time left!
I hate you so much.
Which of the Old World Fantasy gods could beat the Chaos Gods, or match them one for one? Obviously talking in regards to before GeeDubya fucked everything up and turned it into one big Chaos fapfest.
I'd say Asuryan. He supposedly took them all on and won enough that they fled to the Chaos Wastes.
Can a threesome be a hatefuck?
They already fixed him in Malign Portents by giving multiple competing minds.
None. Before or after, the Chaos Gods were all powerful. In fact, all other gods were just fragments or guises of the Chaos Gods
Gee Carnac, what about the part where "The Phoenix" (Asuryan) came to Ulthuan right as the Chaos Gods themselves were present and destroying it, then defeated them all and forced them back to the Wastes?
Or when Aenarion got a fragment of Khaine's sword and went on a rampage that made them tremble at his wrath?
Or when Slaanesh got uppity with Khaine and the Murder God responded by leaving Slaanesh a gigantic scar that his illusions of beauty or appearance-shifting couldn't heal?
Or when Archaon, with all the power of the Chaos Gods behind him, balked in fear as he saw Sigmar's symbol on Valten, and then was defeated by a common Orc Warboss?
Or when the Chaos Gods lost every single time they tried to take over the world, one time loosing all of their legions on the world and being beaten by mortal Elves and Lizardmen?
Or when the Gods of Law were around and through their unity could directly challenge, impede, and revert the efforts of Chaos?
Or when there were the Renegade Gods, including Malal, whose laughter caused even Khorne to grow fearful?
But I guess you'll just lean on the End Times or Age of Sigmar to say all that's "FALSE, NOT TRUE, BULLSHIT, FAKE, LIES", usually in all caps, because the End Times and Age of Sigmar are love letters to your faction. Like saying it's proof that McDonald's food is good for you and citing it with official McDonald's press releases.
I'm sure you will, Carnac. Indulge in the same old song and dance that dozens of impersonators have done since this stuff first started popping up with TIDF.
Aren't Nurgle's creatures and cultists pretty comfy, in general?
Sure, they're diseased and rotting, but doesn't Papa Nurgle's influence enable them to enjoy that?
All headcanon. I want you to quit making stuff up. The Chaos Gods themselves weren't defeated or harmed in any way. Caledor just banished their armies from the world via the Vortex.
You are really a disgusting person. Making stuff up even after every time you get BTFO.
I feel good knowing that I will NEVER be that horny.
>There are worse ways to go I suppose
No there aren't.
Nah, theyre horribly suffering from all the diseases. But by accepting their fate they find nihilistic joy in rotting away. Keep in mind Nurgle is the opposite of change. Its pretty fucked up, but so are all of the chaos gods.
>Nurgle is the Great Lord of Decay and the Master of Plague and Pestilence. All things, no matter how solid and permanent they seem, are liable to eventual corruption, and Grandfather Nurgle sows the seeds of that entropy with carefully brewed infections and epidemics. Yet despite this grim work he is not a morose or dolorous god. Life begets death, and in turn death gives birth to new life, in the form of pallid, wriggling things that crawl free from mouldering corpses. Thus, the Plague God sees himself as a benevolent fellow, and goes about his business with laughter and honest joy. He sees mortal souls not as things to be dominated and destroyed, but naïve children to be plied with flesh-rotting gifts, and thus enlightened as to the true wonder of disease and decay.
>Clarity was Nurgle’s gift to his chosen: to see the world as it was, stripped bare of the tattered masks of desire and hope, leaving only a beautiful despair. There was comfort in surrender, and joy in acceptance. There was love there, at the heart of all endings, and serenity at the end of all things.
>There was precious little malice in the workings of Nurgle. Cruelty, yes, as life was cruel. Rapaciousness, even. But the horror of Nurgle was one of cosmic consideration. Khorne cared not from whence the blood flowed, but Nurgle cared for every life, no matter how tiny. Nurgle noticed every life. Every soul that crossed the threshold of the Lord of All Things received a splinter of his attention, and suffered for it.
-8th ED Nurgle lore
Nurgle's followers know genuine love though.
Slaanesh fags weak
Chaos God's are the result of humanities own personal fuck-ups while humanity is a result of the Elder Things personal fuck-ups.
Skaven socity is every chaos god though.
>Plotting and scheming.
>Autistic anger and murder for everyone and everything
>Everyone lives in a decaying ruin of their own filth.
>Skaven are all neurotic, obsessed spaztics who go several notches beyond what is strictly necessary at all times.
>most powerful
Khorne by a country mile. The galaxy has been embroiled in endless war for millenia.
>who would win
Khorne, unless Tzeentch has some ridiculous keikaku to take him out.
>who would you join
Nurgle, his followers seem genuinely happy, and unlike Slaanesh followers , they aren't constantly hunted by Khorne devotees
Why do people like this picture?
>slaanesh is implied to be hermaphrodite nonsense
>lol, let's just draw thin woman with some tentacles in the background
I wanted to play Slaanesh, but all of the miniatures looked bad. So I played Nurgle, he's my #2 pick, I really love that dark, hideous, nightmarish-WHY ARE THEY ALL SILLY LOOKING NOW?
Why does everything have to look like a happy meal toy??
>that nurgling on the left drinking her piss
why do people follow this guy? What are the perks? With the others you get bloodlust, pleasure and moustache twirling mind opening knowledge.
But Nurgle...?
No more pain and true happiness
is it a primordial soup eva thing or?
Nurgle gives you inner peace. Where the others fill you with a void inside that constantly needs to be filled, Nurgle makes you content to rot away. Part of the whole "generosity" angle, and how his followers fight to thank Nurgle, as opposed to sate their own personal desires.
>Why does everything have to look like a happy meal toy??
a chunk of that is down to the studio paintjob
Also, some of them didn't have a choice and never got around to liking it and just want to make others just as miserable as they are.
>Hating on Nurglings looking like Nurglings on all things
The way it worked in Fantasy was Nurgle would spread horrible diseases and tell you he'd give you immunity if you followed him, and said you'd be free of pain and suffering.
Obviously it was only half-true, or true with strings attached, but in Black Death land it worked.
I was actually referring to the giant cartoon mouth.
I knew posting a picture that was actually 4 pictures was a bad idea.
Don’t you mean dag nabbit?
It looks shitty because it's the studio paint scheme, they always look shitty.
You can make them even MORE silly but still look the part if the paint job is good enough.
That's amazing, where did you find that?
I would bet on Nurgle.
Khorne is the strongest, but it's easy to imagine Slaanesh and Tzeentch ganging up him since they both hate him. Maybe even Nurgle would join in on the fun.
Tzeentch would fuck himself over for shits and giggles, or get fucked over by one of his followers.
Slaanesh is just too weak. Even Nurgle at his weakest easily beats her.
I would probably worship Slaanesh though, or maybe Tzeentch.
>Tzeench fucks himself over for shits and giggles.
This is the best possible reality.
How do people even pull off this greenstuff sculpting??
Here, I fixed it.
Well, Veeky Forums?
The only true god is the Great Horned Rat.
Don't drop out, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
> t. brother was a college drop-out