Explain This


Looks perfectly fine to me, OP

It is a photo.

Horrible paint scheme

Thanks Doc

Either the store manager doesn't actually know their lore, or GW has made a retcon. Again.

Clearly, the Emerald Hydras, the 27th founding space marines of Guillmans legacy, got some primaris reinforcements.

Not traitors at all, no sir.

damn alpha legion got their hands on them already

Did the manager fuck up and reveal the Alpha legion loyalist early- I mean, what's this?!

somebody being cheeky with the lore and successfully trolling your pathetic lily colored, shit eating, panty sniffing, cant even thin your paints handling, neck beard self.

Looks like someone just used hydra decals to make their own custom dudes.

Also, why didn't you take a picture of the Nurgle units below them? From this blurry ass photo they look painted very well.

It appears to be a display case.

I don't pay attention to various Marine chapters outside of chapter specific codices.
What's wrong with the picture?

Primaris marines painted as Alpha Legion and put in 'Imperium' section. It's another case of Veeky Forums looking too much into something.
Also, checked.

HAHAHA holy shit dude, I saw you taking pics outside the store
The manager wanted to try out an Alpha legion scheme on some loyalists. That's it.
Oath you're a dipshit
The nurgle stuff is pretty nice for a tabletop standard.

>plastic contemptor
I can’t explain it. It’s unforgivable.

Which store is this?

>tfw I had this exact paint scheme for one of my chapters in DoW3
nice to see what it looks like on real models, I like it.

>The manager wanted to try out an Alpha legion scheme on some loyalists. That's it.

OP here. I figured that was probably the case. I only took a pic because of Alpha Legion memes. Seeing their paint job on loyalists was really amusing.

I'm around town for awhile, if you see me give me a wave

Oh lord, the meatspace is spilling over.

Ah yeah, sure. Come in an givvus a hoy!
T-They're not that bad!
A little bit of cutting and chopping and they're good.

Don't forget...

>Explain This
I am Alpharius.

I'll be the one painting my ghosts
I've got this great new technique with nihilakh oxide and white spray that's gonna take duncan by storm