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What's the stats for the mini-knight like? Or does this box even have regular 40k datasheets with it?

>40 page Forgebane Rulebook
>Fold out Warhammer 40,00 Core Rules sheet

The inclusion of the latter makes me hopeful that the former will have the regular play datasheets even if the core game of the box is it's own special rules. Though given how many models are in this I don't see why special scenarios with the generic rules wouldn't work

What is the list of units?

>No space marines or chaos space marines

Into the absolute trash it goes

1 tech priest dominus
10 vanguard/rangers
2 armiger warglaives (new, small knights)

1 cryptek (new model)
5 immortals
5 lychguard
3 wraiths

>admech and necrons


Fuck how much is this going to cost?

Less than 200, like every other boxset.



Maaaan, if only the Cryptek still had all that cool Necron end-of-science wizardry tech, then my boner would be totally unstoppable.

Actually they've not had a 'dex this edition, right?

True. Tau are up for preorder now, then it's necrons or drukhari next. Most likely necrons. The cryptek in the box is a new model, so maybe he gets some sweet new wizardish rules as well?

No, they aren't. Preorders are up this coming Saturday.

>"guys we've got a problem! nobody is playing Necrons!"

>"Fuck. idk. why don't we stick em a box with a new knight and see what happens."

Games workshop could package literal horseshit in with a new knight and people will still line up to buy it.

The head and carapace sort of reminds me of the DWEDNOUGHT from Space Crusade

its the legs, the reverse legs, thats what makes it so delicious

I dislike how knights look, but the reverse legs on this "knight" are just what i need

>dem chiken legs

Guys, it's a sentinel wirefeame some studio wog bukkake'd with CAD artifacts, not some game changing technical innovation.


Another lame ass crypto-boardgame, but this is a beautiful goldmine for conversion bits, so color me interested.

AFAIK they have to be boardgames to get around the fact that the board of directors have refused to allow price reductions on GW products. Also the boardgames are actually getting really good reviews in that scene, apparently betrayal at calth won some awards.

>betrayal at calth won awards
>AoS didn't

really makes you think

Why the fuck would AoS win anything ?

AoS novels won fantasy novel awards.

What was the competition ?

Probably all the D&D and D&D world setting novels

>betrayal at calth won awards
Of fucking corse it did. It's a full army in a box.



I mean whatever you say. Cheap Immortals on Ebay as well Cheap Wraiths is not a bad thing for me. Just the opposite.

Is it? This looks like an actual 40k box to me.
That doesn't make sense, since there are loads of GW boxed deals; the start collecting sets and the main starter box.

I think this might actually be an alternative starter box to Dark Imperium.

It won awards where the models are nothing more than irrelevant playing pieces, it's a good board game.

>nothing new for crons

He's conflating two different phenomenon. There are majority share holders of the company, people like Tom Kirby, who are categorically opposed to price cuts of any kind. Kirby was the CEO responsible for implementing the annual price increase, rain or shine, and tried to dress it up as a sales opportunity – prices increase in July so be sure to buy all your Space Marines in June!

He's no longer calling the shots but he and people like him still have an outsized role on the board and, consequently, can affect the overall corporate policy. That means prices will not go down, period.

However, that's not to say that you can't sell a new product at a lower price, which is why – for instance – Primaris Aggressors cost a third less than Centurions; or why you'll be about to buy a starter set that contains $354 worth of models for $160.

The board games have been a high profile way of getting around the pricing structure of existing product for the last two plus years but they've been doing the exact same thing with their Start Collecting and Battleforce boxes. You don't have to look far too find a deal on GW miniatures right now, the only issue is whether you're going to get the maximum value out of everything in it.

You mean newer than what was already known? It has the new cryptek model.