Based on Aesthetics, Steel Legion or Vostroyans?
Based on Aesthetics, Steel Legion or Vostroyans?
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Vostroyans all the way
Neither, Valhallan.
Steel legion. Get the gasmask and greatcoat aesthetic of Krieger without
>being a laughable Krieger fanboy
>shelling out for FW
>being a laughable Krieger fanboy
Death Korps please
this but unironically Kreigers are the cancer killing the guard.
Vostroyans all day every day forever
They're both only available in metal though. Why would you do that to yourself?
Steel Legion are more grimdark. And in this case, yes, I think that does equal better.
Metal is pretty easy to work with if you aren't disabled.
It's heavier, and more expensive than plastic. Monopose as well.
What do you prefer in terms of design : multipose scions or monopose vostroyans ?
The vostroyans look nicer, but they'll look the same as everyone else who plays vostroyans.
In an ideal world there'd be plastic vostroyans, but until then I'll take fugly plastic scions/cadians/catachans over good looking metal models.
Solar auxilla 4 lyfe
The plastics look like complete shit or are just as expensive and posability is a fucking joke with those plastics anyway
GWs plastics are ugly as sin.
The scions are monopose plastic for all intents and purposes. I have a shit ton of them and the special weapons guys will inevitably start to look the same.
Vostroyans look like they fit the setting.
Fantasy space Cossacks fighting space AAYY LMAOs with fur hats and wooden stocks on their laser weapons.
why did it have to die?
Steel Legion is just be another army of faceless identical dudes like kriegers, cadians and scions, boring to assemble and paint. Vostroyans are the better choice.
Steel Legion
3rd War for Armageddon best day of my life
Kill all Orks
isn't it because the resin is toxic ?
Catachans all the way
This tovarisch gets it.
What's with the Krieger hatred? Why do people dislike them so much?
Death Korps
Classic Catachan didn't understand the question.
Forgeworld got addicted to easy Marinebucks
Steel legion all the way. Love that they have a dieselpunk grim look going with the over the top finery and bullshit of vostroyans.
Defend this Death Korps fanboys
Delete this now
fek off number boy
You can fuck right off back to Macragge. Read Helsreach, Steel Legion a best.
>Based on Aesthetics, Steel Legion or Vostroyans?
is your head too small?
do you feel inferior?
cant stand the sight of glorious mustache?
then steel legion.
if you are a man
you dont know any 40k army other than IG
and no regiment other than vostroya
>is your head too small?
hat. i mean
well both
> Valhallan for troops
> Vostroyans for veterans
Would it works?
>When the year's crop of nutrient paste is almost palatable.
drookian fen guard>everyone else
Vostroyans legit have sexiest pin up girls
Vostryoans all the way.
Read it; all the Legion does is stand around with their collected thumbs up their butts while the Black Templars and AdMech do all the important stuff.
I mean, I like the guys, but that's not a good example.
Maybe if they updated the Vahallan models.
Right know the Vostroyans are like twice their size.
post proofs
Always gas mask and helmets.
Safety first people.
>10 years ago
Jesus Christ
Is this even a question? Vostroyan, obviously.
Why do people hate Death Korps?
Because they're emotionless beep boops when the entire point of the guard is their humanity.
What if their autism and their sad, broken child inside a self-sacrificial soldier machine turned into a tool for an uncaring bureaucracy that literally uses them as numbers shtick only adds to their humanity and relatability to some people?
Plus they have great aesthetics.
That said their fans often deserve hate. Bad fanfiction abounds around the death korps of krieg.
The usual: overreaction to excessive fanboyism.
I just can’t get over the steel legions lasgun. Is it gas operated or something?
I assume the bottom tube is a bayonet mount, so the barrel isn't at risk of getting bent when he jams the blade into an Ork ribcage.