Stat her
Stat her
Stealing precious things +2
STR 11
DEX 14
CON 11
INT 20
CHA 17
Wizard level 9, School of Evocations. All custom spells, some stolen.
hahaha, that is good
Some ungodly witch/thief multiclass. Chaotic neutral alignment.
Touhou is for autismos who outgrew Sonic
Human Wizard with Spell Focus (evocation) and ranks in Craft (alchemy). Starts off Chaotic Neutral, slides towards Chaotic Good or Neutral Good as she gets older.
>Looting defeated enemies means you have thief levels
Adult 2
Child 4
Beast 0
Youkai 4
Marisa has at least a +1 Strength modifier. She's not super-strong, but she's in better shape than most spellcasters.
That's insulting, as a touhou-fag I can tell you that touhou has a way higher level of autism than Sonic.
Stat Yukarin
5 dots in follower: miko mindslave
She takes a penalty to AC because her BIG BUTT makes her easy to hit
Age category: venerable
Creature subtype: hag
Size: small
I recently thought about making a character like that in 5e. A character who's primary spellcaster but decent at sneaking and has very loose understanding on the concept of personal belongings, able to fill rogue's role in the party. Basically Arcane Trickster / Wizard multiclass. Has anybody tried something like that?
>The BBEG just wanted to go for a walk outside
Int 10000
Str 100
Wis 1
Cha 8
Dex 100
Con 1000
Abilities: Custom - can pretty much do whatever she wants
Marisa isn't any good at sneaking. She just walks in the front door.
Also it's been years since Marisa has made any references to stealing stuff, and she acts a lot more responsible nowadays (though she still goofs around a lot when the stakes aren't serious).
You don’t need to sneak when your go-to spells are all big fuckoff doomlasers.
>Wizard level 9, School of Evocations
Far from it, all she knows from magic magic is low level alchemy, all her magic boils to is star danmaku, mix mushrooms in a flask and look how hard it explodes when you throw it, and master spark
She has displayed some knowledge on the basics of magic, but she has not displayed any real magic, other than danmaku, which every hoe can spam regardless of their power level, or even of being capable of magic
Marisa is honestly underwhelming in the power department, compared to the walking powerhouses waltzing around, were shit to finally go haywire a la koishi's misadventures,
she'd go down rather fast
Age: Old
Please do not bully Miss Yukari
It's not bullying if it's fact.
>She has displayed some knowledge on the basics of magic, but she has not displayed any real magic, other than danmaku, which every hoe can spam regardless of their power level, or even of being capable of magic
>has literally canonically stopped an entire night progressing with the help of Alice in Imperishable Night
No, she's pretty decent at magic.
But it's after the birth of Christ, you can't be 17!
All right kid, that's it, you're getting gapped.
It's a neat trick, but it doesn't stop you from being a hag.
>ooting defeated enemies means you have thief levels
Breaking into a library and stealing shit on a semi regular basis means she has thief levels. Just because the owner of said library gave up on trying to actively stop her doesn't make her any less of a dickass thief.
>has literally canonically stopped an entire night progressing with the help of Alice in Imperishable Night
Yeah, Alice, an actual magician capable magic, who usually clutches by limiting herself to magic threads and being a puppetmaster, and performs real research. Who is also in possession of the grimoire detailing the secrets of the ultimate magic, and the one who called marisa to fix the moon in their route, which in touhou context means, go beat the shit out of whoever's fucking with the moon
>The BBEG just wanted to watch a tree bloom
Apparently Remilia only started the incident because spellcard rules were brand new and she wanted to try them out. Which might explain why the first few bosses were such absolute chumps with them.
In Pathfinder, she's an alchemist with a mandatory avowed gestalt.
Remilia likes causing trouble generally. It's implied, but not outright stated, that the whole reason the spell card rules exist is because she and Yukari nearly went WW3 and everyone agreed some safer proxy was needed for the purpose of having quarrels.
3.5 wizard with Elven Spell Lore (fireball) and Arcane Thesis (fireball) along with a shitton of metamagic.
Unlike every other type changer, ESL doesn't specify what you can change damage type TO. Just that you can for that spell. Pick Force, use your metamagic to turn Fireball into a line, and then use Arcane Thesis's metamagic stacking tricks to just shove as much bullshit as you can on that fireball. Incantatrix too, for more stupid bullshit.
Crone 20
Hag 20
Ancient 20
Natural abilities: really, really saggy tits.
Best Milf, 10/10, would dick ALL of her holes.
Even her gaps.
Ran stop shitposting on Veeky Forums
We need that autism to help memorize the patterns user.
It makes us stronger.
Stat her? I hardly know her!
How do you know I'm Ran?
I am in fact Chen