Warhammer 40000 General - /40kg/

Best Friend Edition.

>NOVA Info:

>I have met my enemy, it's an abomination:



>Old Black Library Mega:


Other urls found in this thread:


First for mini knights

2nd for Callidus cock

*blocks your path*

Remember to paint your stuff, learn the game and actually go to the store and play instead of pretending to do it here and just shitposting. It'll be much more fun.

Text Translation is weirdly broken up.

*squad of 30 boyz makes 150+ attacks*

Big Celestine titties blocking your path !

>She isn't going to fuck you
Challenge accepted.

What does it mean?!
*inception horns intensify*

It's okay squad, you go on ahead. I'll deal with this situation here.

>Op included my shitpost instead of the Duncan vid
I urge everyone to watch that short film, if just to see a time capsule of what 40k was and could have been.

It might have something to do with Commander Shas'O Rgood's operations in the Thegrea system...

Genestealer cults, emperors children or dark eldar. Which is best for a sexual degenerate?


So it seems like most of our synergy will be derives from focusing fire on high value targets instead of just abusing auras. Stacking markerlights, stratagems, etc. IMO the problem is that it just reinforces MSU and cheap blobs of chaff, so that you can't get the most out of your shooting.

Xth for making Malcadors great again :^)

Dang, it's a tough call between Necron and Techpriest...

Also I'm not seeing the cons of tyranid friend...

Emps needs to slow the fuck down though.

You mean like Necron Warriors have been forever?

Post link then


Me on the left.

It's the youtube link in the OP. It's time stamped at the trailers, so rewind it to watch the movie.

What does he think of Big G ?

Is it a bad idea to take multiple poxwalkers?

Looks like the leaks were correct. Fucking useless sept traits on the whole.

Multiple units*

Leave Abaddon to me.

Do you think she brings a homecooked Attilan meal to him, which he hates but pretends to like anyway?

Now I feel a little bad cause youre gonna die by your "friend"

Shit this is adorable, that power armour...

Well I don’t know how you’d take just one, I think you need at least 10.

I wouldn't mind target picking as long as it's balanced and promoted.

I mean that's really all I wanted like guerilla warfare surgical strike stuff with smart little tactics. Too bad this will just be gun lines.

Posted the wrong image.

>Tau are shown to actually be getting really decent stratagems and new rules on units

>Taufags STILL bitching

Why are tau players the most entitled people on earth?

Multiple units. Like two squad of 20?

NOW I'm interested

I think it would be better than corpse meal.

I watched it yesterday. It was pretty rad.

As broken as JSJ was, at least it helped prevent playing dull-arse gunlines

Because they are fedora tipping weaboos.

I think fish fury was what tau were meant to be. Just a bit more balanced.

It'd be better to just take less but maxed out squads.

They should have released a 5-man box of them for the 30th anniversary.

hey that tongue looks familiar..

>overwatch is now literally twice as effective

“Fucking useless traits”

he sees him every time he looks in the mirror

Actually die in a fire. I'd rather the flat featureless pain of facing a gun line than the incandescent fury of facing an army of crisis suits JSJ hiding behind blobs of terrain with a couple of trees that count as a forest, perfectly adapted to playing on one side of a table.

I want everyone else to be less bland.

>40k box that doesnt involve space marines
>involves my two fave factions
am I dreaming?

Truly the worst of players

>/40kg/ STILL bitching
Fixed that for you. The main faction I play is Tau & I couldn't give a toss about being competitive - just want a force that plays fluffily. Coordinated fire strats & traits go some way in helping with that, but I'm still holding out for interesting auxiliary stuff

? So just one squad of 20?

They weren't going to be happy without a better than -1 to hit trait (like, -1 to hit AND some other good trait in one).

Taufags were expecting armywide +1 to hit as a sept trait


Depends on points, I wouldn't ever take a unit of 10 though.

This Jesus Christ, with marker light 5 it's another turn of shooting.

>The actual state of taufags

>These guys will fit into your Lord of War slot neatly
This makes me so happy. Fielding a Super-heavy Detachment in 1000pts will be cool as fuck. Also Necrons start collecting + forgebane half give you 1000pts of vanguard detachment. I'm so fuckin in

Of course

Rolling for ultramarines

Are you retarded? Modifiers don't affect overwatch.

I mean, they're essentially Mordians but worse, so I agree with whiner user. I haven't seen any leaks so I don't know what other Sept traits are coming, but Overwatch on 5+ is hardly a compelling subfaction ability.

Except ML dont work on Overwatch? Overwatch specifically says it ignores modifiers.

Are Tau going to be mid-tier?

Is my dream coming true?

Ive prayed for this during the dark times of 6th and 7th edition

Every unpainted riptide fielded was one more strike against every tau player. Karma has finally caught up

So, with Forgebane coming, mini-Knight as Heavy Support for admech is going to be a thing ?

I am a Taufag, I aint bitching. I don't want my SC box choice to be the noob one, I want sweat, blood and laser miniguns :E

Mini Knight is a superheavy

>not getting your list reviewed by top level pros
You don't want to stay casual and keep losing, do you Veeky Forums?

>irrespective of the firing model's Ballistic Skill or any modifiers
>ANY modifiers

It's a LOW mate.

It specifically says it treats it as another round of shooting silly. But yeah forgot.

Still b.s. 5 shooting for the opponents turn is nutts. Tau fags should never complain about their Lack of deny the witch.

COMPLETE TRASH tau everything. Still hit worse than SM despite superior training, superior equipment, superior genes.

I thought I could get by playing a fluffy army like tau. Obviously I need to sell and go eldar.

the article cleary says the mini knights are LoW

>COMPLETE TRASH tau everything. Still hit worse than SM despite superior training, superior equipment, superior genes.


>Mini knight is LoW
> 2 knights in the box

Oh god


prepare thy anus

*gag* is..is that real? Are people really that desperate and lame?

To be fair you just need one for reroll and that only requires 3 shots.

>It's only fluffy if I can win with it

What's up with FW's recent fascination with making resin butt-plugs? Does it have to do something with how most of their models look like ass?

>Tau are bad
>nidz are good

Im starting to get the tiniest bit of hope for the ork codex

Im at like 1% hope

>I only want the ability to win

whats the best way to utilise war walkers? Shuriken cannon harassers or missile launcher platforms?

Dark eldar is the way to go friend.
Buy mandrakes and thank me later!

>resin butt-plugs
Expand your perception. Butt-plugs are crude imitation penises. They're making resin penis models.

I sincerely hope people aren't paying for this...

Have fun with your waac codex.

Looking at the box they have to be like 250-300 points each.

Really fucking cheap for a lord of war.


Lord of war

What are you fighting?

you'd miss

I actually kind of want to get the skype package and just set the most awful, casual-fag restrictions I can think of and demand he make a tournament winning list.

So what base is this? 100mm? 80mm? Looks like 100mm imo

>Still remembers Guard, Nid, and Eldar fags all bitching about their shit

It's just a symptom of the hobby, perhaps the generation, and in all likelihood, the entire human race, and maybe even some of the chinks, too.

>probably some nasa dude somewhere like, "We only went to the goddamn moon, it's a barren rock within walking distance, let's not pretend like we're gonna send cars to mars or whatever."

Oh it is real and smart people already are doing it.

The best thing about this is there will be people who will actually think this is a genuine Taufag opinion & rage about it on a Cambodian print-pressing theatre

Someone who very much enjoys renegade ogryns and cultists.

Does "fedora" even mean anything but "people I don't like"?