EDH/Commander General

Critterswarm edition

Previously: RESOURCES
>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Question
What's the fastest/earliest your group has ever seen a win?

Other urls found in this thread:


I plowed through a Doomsday pile on turn 3 once

>What's the fastest/earliest your group has ever seen a win?
Some dude who'd never been to our store brought a fully tuned competitive Mizzix deck and won on turn 4 through disruption. He attempted to make a slightly less competitive Meren stax deck which also didn't go over well, and after about two months he stopped coming to commander night.

>What's the fastest/earliest your group has ever seen a win?

>Opening hand
>Dark Ritual
>Cabal Ritual
>Phyrexian Obliterator
>everyone scoops

>What's the fastest/earliest your group has ever seen a win?

Seen turn 3 wins a few different times, though after that the person tends to get focused so hard they have to dismantle the deck or tone it down.

Our playgroup runs a lot of answers, its just that turn 3 people think its fine to tap out for a cultivate. If we get spooked that means your fetches get Stifled and your mana rocks get hit with non overloaded vandalblasts or ingot chewers.

It's also probably worth mentioning that he was the kind of greasy fatass who literally called people "brainlets" for playing anything creature-based. He was just kind of an unlikeable cunt.

I figured as much.

>played fully tuned Mizzix for his first night at the store
>expecting him to not be an asshole

I once won turn 5 with Kalemne

>At local game shop
>EDH night
>Come in late so most people are in groups already.
>One person not playing
>Ask him if he wants to play.
>He asks if I want to play against a fun deck or an asshole Oona deck.
>Say Asshole Oona deck.
>He wins by turn 3 by decking me.
>Proceed to hand me the deck and tells me to give it a go.

All and all, it was a fun evening.

>What's the fastest/earliest your group has ever seen a win?
seen a turn 2 kiki combo through some total bullshit where the guy drew/milled half of his deck then had an etb creature that brought a creature back from the grave, got kiki, tapped, grabbed pestermite, killed table
he had a shitload of cantrips and actually hardcasted dramatic reversal at some point
we usually try to keep the meta pretty casual and while his deck is usually powerful, its usually more like a turn 7 win but he had the nut hand and had the right cards on top of his library too

>What's the fastest/earliest your group has ever seen a win?
I managed to go to magical christmas land literally once ever and won on turn 2 with ramp into a Nim Deathmantle/Priest of Gix combo into Exsanguinate.

Never been there again, but it was nice to visit.


>everyone else scoops
>My turn


T1 biterblossom, T2 contamination, T3 nu-Kalitas

He had time to lock pretty much any wincon that involved black mana easily after that

Probably people scooping turn 3 after a stupid keep.

Hear me out, lads.

What if Commander 2019's gimmick was that you had a "Commander" that, for some kind of price, let you search up a special artifact/enchantment/land that, after meeting some kind of condition, transforms into the REAL Commander?

So... Meld?

stop trying to fuck with our format wizards
you have done enough damage as it is

My only answer to that is Oblivion Stone and Nev Disk. But if he was in monoblack that could work.

Sounds convoluted. I'd probably play it

No no no. Only the second piece transforms. The first piece is simply an enabler. Though maybe one of the pre-cons could be a Meld thingy. That's not a bad idea.

This. Recent Commander products have literally only made the format considerably worse.

I wish for nothing more than this

Not actually very fast turnwise, but a dude casually ramped into the card that reads slam your deck into the board if it's made of permanents only as everyone else was just chatting, warming up and shuffling.

That would have been it, yeah. My group usually don't expect such fast games, so we usually don't keep hands with that kind of disruption, so while it wasn't exactly a guaranteed loss for any of us, we didn't really want to wait and try to draw them while he developed his board even more

Still looking for more answers, so I'm reposting:

Best spot removal spells in Xenagos? I already run Beast Within, Chaos Warp and Song of the Dryads, but I need some more good ones.

As long as they stop trying to acknowledge the command zone/commander'ness, I'm fine with it. For example, I'm fine with stuff like Nazahn.

unironicly run bolt
also naturalize
also nature's claim
also dont worry about removal that much

>T1: Land, mana dork
>T2: Pizza came
>T3: everyone conceded

Lignify is quite good.


any cheap and decent deck?

Ulvenwald Tracker, Gruul Ragebeast, Arena for creature fighting. Fall of the Titans and Comet Storm work great if you've got a lot of ramp. I use Tornado in a Mayael deck and it works suprisingly well.

Alright friends, I've decided on my next project, Mogis! The theme is glorious slaughter.

Give me some suggestions for the most suicidal, explosive and destructive cards so I can murder everybody in as brutal a fashion as possible. Mogis must be sated.

Bonus points for super secret, obscure tech. If it's on edhrec's recommended cards, I probably already know it exists.

Best win

>any cheap and decent deck?
depends what you mean by that
edric is like 14 bucks and can be brutal
or you can play a 5c basic land deck for like 100 bucks
and pretty much inbetween, what are you looking for im in the mood to build a budget deck myself


Yisan can be made pretty cheap and still be super explosive. Brago also but people are gonna hate playing against it. Shu Yun too the trouble with him is it's hard to maintain success after you kill one person very quickly.

mogis is fucking awful i feel bad for your inevitable disappointment

Borborygmos Enraged 80 basic lands + 19 ramp cards.

Or, if you're on even tighter a budget, Borborygmos Enraged 99 basic lands


>mogis is fucking awful i feel bad for your inevitable disappointment
That sounds distinctly like a person who is trying to not lose half his or her life total, rounded up.

Nobody must be allowed to gain life anymore:

Erebos, God of the Dead
Everlasting Torment
Forsaken Wastes
Havoc Festival
Leyline of Punishment
Rain of Gore
Rampaging Ferocidon
Sulfuric Vortex
Tainted Remedy
Witch Hunt


These are great. Dropping Rain of Gore and Tainted Remedy because negative synergy with the others though.

Thanks, my friend.

you are walking a fine line there, son
even bird tribal can threaten a low life total faster than mogis
and even if you somehow miraculously get someone low enough for mogis to matter they can still sac out of it
not to mention he costs
play literally any other RB deck and you will instantly have more success

No problem. Have fun suicide hatefucking the shit out of your playgroup.

>you will instantly have more success
>He thinks I care about winning with suicide Rakdos

Uh, that was my first Magic card

>implying you wont get your suicide on better without a 4 cost do nothing commander

>Playing anything other than the literal God of Slaughter
The only other acceptable option would be OG Rakdos, and he's already in the 99.

>Local store has Friday EDH event
>Dude is playing JVP High Tide
>Doesn't know how to play with food
>Draw opening hand
>The nut
>Wins turn one
>Rest of his pod complains to the owner
>Owner tells him he can't play that deck in events anymore
>Dude no longer comes to EDH events


what are some some decks that win through means other than combat damage or infinite combos? bonus points if the arent play red

Has anyone pulled off any Kamigawa-focused decks? Specifically spirits or Arcane.

I've been considering mono-b spirits with HHH, Infernal Kirin or Iname Death Aspect at the helm, they seem very bad and fun.

I suppose that 5C spirit from the recent commander set is probably the "right" answer, but I find that decks lose their uniqueness and flavour the more colours you add.

reply pls

Oloro + Felidar Sovreign and that other instawin lifegain thing.

Burger King is hilariously strong as an aristocrats build, especially with 3 or less players.
If you can consistently hit your rocks and land drops the deck literally cannot be beat, since you can slip by counters with cheeky creature recursion

Not metal enough.

>what are some some decks that win through means other than combat damage or infinite combos? bonus points if the arent play red
group hug plus pic related
its not that fun, won two games last night playing the deck, one with this one with reigns of power
both were empty wins, feels bad

neither is caring about flavor that much

I am building a Queen Marchesa pillowfort/drain/taxes deck that has that as a wincon because I want variety in my decks. I'd build Nekusar but every deck is the same and everybody has it.

Doomsday wins with Lab Maniac. It's neither infinite nor combat.

yeah now thats one thing that feels even worse than second sun
talk about an empty win

Iname can be pretty solid if there isn't a Rest in Peace in play. Dumping a bunch of spirits in the grave can give you a bunch of mana with Songs of the Damned/Crypt of Agadeem. Alternatively, you play some mass reanimation spell and either aristocrat them to death or have a gray merchant in the grave. Skullclamp/Grave Pact also works really well with Bloodghast, Nether Spirit and Nether Traitor.
If all else fails, you're still a mono black deck, so just Exsanguinate some non-believers.

>no red

if you dont care about winning

The Rack

Hey lads! Thinking about putting together an elfball deck with Ezuri renegade leader at the helm. Convince me not to pull the trigger.

UB Hand Attack is seriously the most fun deck that I have never won with. I can't put my finger on it, but casting discard and hand destruction spells has always felt good,

Built mine for like $60+whatever Xenagos costs (i already had one)

It's like one of those screeching bottle rockets that doesn't have an explosion at the end.

Got a list? I'm dicking around with Dralnu and I love discard, so this sounds right up my alley.

>*untaps behind you*
>*memoricides your craterhoof*
>heh... all according to karaoke...

Don't. It's fucking lame.
If you want tokens go with that abzan spore dude or eddie markov

I don't know if the deck is decent or not, but you can run fungus tribal for $68.

I just want to play green my dudes! And I'd prefer it be mono G or G/X. Easier on the mana and my wallet. Decks I currently have are Azami, Jhoira and Zada.

>What's the fastest/earliest your group has ever seen a win?
Oath of Druids into a Leveler while I had Lab Maniac on the field. Whole game lasted like 4 turns.


>not playing Druidball with Seton
>not making all your creatures arbitrarily huge off of Priest of Titania/Umbral Mantle and green Kamahl

No list, I'm away from home for work. If you're on the fence and have the funds, build it. It's a fun, challenging toolbox. If your meta is aggressive or you get targeted a lot, I would sadly advise against it though. A good Dralnu deck is very bad at making comebacks from being bullied, since most of the explosiveness relies on building around him. Mine (all foil because i loved it so much) wasn't Hand Attack, just self-mill value toolbox.

Look at it this way: One day I played two games. The first one I won on turn 6 with 46 zombie tokens and 20 cards in hand, the second I lost with no cards on the battlefield, and nothing in my graveyard. Serious glass cannon. If you just want fun, I might recommend a different commander since anyone with good threat assessment usually is wary around Dralnu.

Oh you :^)

Yeah, I can’t blame you. Waiting to draw a darksteel ingot or something would be miserable and no guarantee it would help by the time you did get it.

I never know if answers to normally unwinnable scenarios like that are worth running if you have no guarantee you’ll get them. I once made great use of a storage land through a tanglewire-vorel “lock”, but is it worth running what normally is an abysmal card? Fortunately O-Stone and Disk aren’t like that, but you get what I mean?

>doing any of the bullshit after seeing it 100 times before

Xenagod, Nylea, angry omnath, surrak, atarka, angry borb, even fucking newzuri are all better than Ezuri fag leader.

oh no an unblockable 5/5 we fucking lost

Yeah, I don’t get it. Three cards down for that. It is EDH, that’s 8 hits.

i still think sheldon should rename command zone to commander zone for clarity reasons (but actually to fuck up all the "command zone matters" cards)

just run player removal like putrefax

that said your main threat are enchantments and artifacts like song of the dryads on your commander or grave pact, so yeah run about 5-6 spells that can destroy non-creature permanents and you should be good

power 9

While it still wins via infinite comboes (if you build it that way)
I highly reccomend Mairsil if you like bonus win cons. You can play a somewhat normal game with both goodstuff and a few suboptimal creatures. But then when you have the right stuff in the grave/hand you can create a situation where mairsil is hard to remove and/or locks down the board.

There’s a ton of different win conditions you can throw in the deck at once, infinite turns, give him a fuckton of counters and swing, set their life total 4 and then ping them for 4, mill (I’ve done it at least once just by nature of all the wheels), become the scarab god+memnarc at the same time with the ability to flicker out, creating token copies of their shit on demand.
Downside is he is fragile to hate.

the fucked up thing about sheldon is that he likes what wizards is doing with the format
i guess if you sodomize a man enough he will begin to like it
>volunteer my own time and pay for a hotel out of pocket to work for free
>oh who wouldn't jump at that opportunity
not even once

I want to make monoblue Venser with a blink and artifact subtheme.

Any blink based recommendations? What are some good targets to blink, and realistically how many different blink cards are there in monoblue?

i feel like replying to 3/4 of the posts in every thread with edhrec.com is the proper response

this general probably isnt for you then, feel free to leave whenever

It is, but many posters have moved beyond EDHrec.

If you don't want to help you can leave at any time.

I'm liking the look of xenagos, gruul might be a cool change of pace! Thanks bros.

I love Chainer, but it feels like I depend too much on him to win the game. I tried to include other recursion effects like Phyrexian Reclamation, but it feels so slow without my commander on the board. Any suggestions?


>inb4 no sol ring
Sol Ring, Mana Crypt and Mana Vault are housebanned.

>Sol Ring, Mana Crypt and Mana Vault are housebanned.
does that help the way people say it would?

not him by my old group did that, made colors with ramp stronger

I did that.

It mostly gimps any deck without green or black. It actually does the opposite of what you'd think; things that ramp run out of control when people can't keep up.

monoblack reanimation spells by tier

god tier
>animate dead

high tier
>living death
>corpse dance (with sac outlets)
>dread return (if you can abuse the flashback)

mid tier
>ever after
>beacon of unrest
>phyrexian delver

situationally good tier
>dawn of the dead
>hell's caretaker
>strands of night
>wake the dead
>rescue from the underworld

my meta banned the same cards and it was a straight up improvement. the only negative part is that people still run tons of artifact hate for those cards even though no one can play them

Eh, I feel like it's made our games much better when land into Sol Ring into signet is no longer a concern. That said, I don't want this thread to turn into a shitfest.