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What uncanny parallels to WoD have you noticed irl?
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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
First for marauder superiority
Taking bets on SoS still being in development...
Jesus Christ I've been gone for 5 months and Mage Supremacy shit is still fucking here?!?!?!?
This place is just a Mage shitposting general, the autism in OP's pic is just a symptom.
updated version
stay mad pitbulls
I'm not reading your autism OP.
I added flourishes just for you
Its far preferable to the mage shitposting that has consumed this place for years.
Keep at it, and you'll be at Timecube tier in a few threads.
So I couldn't help but notice some of the best VtR powers, Apple of Eden and Augmented Vitae Draught, actually help normies, ghouls, etc. Mind powers are the best for vampires, but it seems vastly better to outsource violence to minions (either living PCs in the chron, humans, ghouls etc) and just give turbo charged wits and physical stats, Clear Sight, etc. from crazy fruits and to wash it down with nasty vitae draughts.
Y'all need some Hunter.
So I'm not just posting a meaningless statement, have you ever had a stretch where you were hunting the same kind of monster for several sessions? It got that way with vampires in my last campaign. About 5 sessions of dealing with the bloodsuckers. Admittedly, we were on their turf.
Not really much to say about Reckoning since its more about developing an unbeatable suite of powers, noncombat mundane techniques are eclipsed by powers and combat takes an unbelievable amount of time.
You make Reckoning sound really boring, why not play Vigil instead, the only weakness is you're admittedly weaker, but you make it seem like the additional strength isn't fun.
I know this probably gets asked every thread, but what are the differences between Vigil and Reckoning in terms of themes?
Near as I understand one is "you are just regular guys, good luck" and the other is "You are chosen by god/deity-of-your-choosing/your own determination after seeing the supernatural. Strike them down!", with the overarching 'he who fights monsters...' motif in both.
I never had much fun with Reckoning other than in the comic book style "whoa! what's these NEW GUYS up to, shaking up the old status quo!" kind of thing, they're wizards babysat by angels and with an internet forum that's protected by angels.
Reckoning is very much not "normal guys take back the night" at all and the art mostly reflects that its about using powers to kick ass. Its VERY metaplot centric and you kinda had to be there. There's a bit of They Live in there too.
Why'd you keep the Monday meeting notes section removed? There should be a new one out today.
Generally, the theme of Reckoning is that its minutes til doomsday, mysterious angels are using their powers to let you see weird stuff and zap it, and in the latter 1/3rd of the game, you're going progressively more insane, all the time. Slight Exalted tie ins as well.
The theme of Vigil is largely half centered around depraved conspiracies and half using DIY methods and applied tactics (sometimes ones that get VERY weird like tarring and feathering vampires so you can see them or hiding werewolves with a car). Something about slashers too, although the line between slashers and hunters is never quite explained. Arguably, they're the strix/idigam/abyssal intruders/etc of hunter.
Hunters Hunted strikes me as closer to Vigil than Reckoning does in all honesty.
Yep. Personally I've always preferred Vigil's "you're just dudes" especially at just Cell level. Just you and your friends against a world of horrible shit. And the rules for making custom monsters makes it pretty easy to throw all sorts of weird and fun shit at your players. I'd even say of all the WoD games, it's core is the easiest to use for other settings, Vigil is very setting agnostic. Hell, it keeps saying you can just have none of the other splats exist and use Vigil monster rules to make whatever versions of Vampires, Werewolves, whatever you want.
can anyone give me a quick rundown on mage shitposting?
bunch of magefags complaining about how shitty m20 is because of the nerfs; whining about the order of hermes being stomped by the tremere twice; hating on goatboy; triggered because most splat have broken powers and mage supremacy is a delusion
It's mostly a mix of vampfags and magefags. Surprisingly, it is the vampfags responsible for derailing threads for the past couple of months.
Just one "Tremerefag" in hellish denial. Prime target for the Magefags.
Speak of the devil.
Basically, for the last couple years magefags have been shitting up these threads (you can look at the previous threads in the archives too) and anyone who corrects or disputes anything they say is a vampfag, regardless of whether it has anything to do with vampires.
Mage shitposting relies on a couple of factors.
Annoyance over the incompetency of White Wolf writing/world building.
Hatred of Phil nuking the playability of an otherwise OK game.
Wanking superior mechancis to win at non-existent fictional settings.
Boasting about how Archmages can waifu Caine/Luna/True fae, etc.
Worshipping DaveB as a god and shoving his gospel down our throats.
Exceptional Success Unmaking their way through white-room nonsense.
Personally, I think ES Unmaking autodeaths -- as long as its limited to, for the most part, Death, Life, and Forces -- is about spot on in terms of power level.
Its only really when everything "creatively" unmakes everything that I find it retarded.
... What? I checked in after a few months and assumed it was a local past time, but you lose entire threads to the same recycled arguments for YEARS?
How is this place still around, WHY is it still around if this is all that comes of it? When was the last stand-out moment for this general, the Alex Jones thing? When before that?
hey this comment of yours automatically makes you a buttblasted vampfag
Hatred of Mage has been a thing since the early-mid 90s, good user. This isn't new and should not be suprising. Who threw the first lawn chair rote, nobody knows.
The last quarter of last year wasn't particularly bad, until January hit and a couple of Vampire players started seething at the very prospect of Mage supremacy. It hasn't simmered down since. Someone keeps instigating things.
The thread quality when the epidemic of mage shitposting was vastly higher, at least til the magefags would show up and chase off all semblance of intelligent communication. Even then, they were called out on it; now, if you criticize their rules interpretation in any way, its automatically vampfaggotry.
Thanks for demonstrating that yes, anyone who doesn't like magefaggotry is a vampfag, even if it has nothing to do with vamps or dislike of mage.
this post was bait
and you all took it
When you come to Los Angeles you can suck my cock
I wanna hunt that demon.
You're making me blush
>Taking bets on SoS still being in development..
Sigh... SoS is vaporware.
It's never going to be released, and Dave doesn't care since he's now only concerned about Deviant.
Is enemy action up anywhere?
I remember this.
How many successes does Gilgul require? Would it be reasonable to rule it as the combined total of the target's Willpower + Avatar + Arete or should it be more/less extreme in requirements? Why did Phil decide to wipe his ass with M20, spit on it, and then grind any sense of coherency and consistency left in Mage into dust? This book is such trash.
It's going to be released Wednesday per the MMN.
Just play awakening
Maybe someday, but not today. Sorry Aquaman.
>Monday meeting notes
>Stuff is happening and we are releasing something for that dog RPG nobody cares about
>We´ll soon have some more Beast books!
>SoS is still in development
There you go. Every fucking Monday meeting note there ever is.
>tfw you realize all the WoD products have godawful rules and you should be heavily house-ruling any of their games you run, making all white room discussion pointless.
>tfw you realize the setting is a contradictory mess due to being written by tons of different writers of varying qualities and that trying to make a comprehensive canon out of them as though they formed a coherent scripture is also pointless.
>tfw you realize that due to the whole 'mysterious gray world of conspiracy' vibe of the Old World of Darkness trying to create such coherency is almost playing against theme in the first place.
Take the redpill. Ignore powerwank. Talk about Wraith.
Why not just use Awakening mechanics with Ascension lore? Yantras are easily converted to Foci, etc.
I don't like how the Practices work, it makes Unmaking the ultimate killshot. Instead house-ruled my own version of Ascension from scratch. Did take some inspirations from Awakening's mechanics in many places though.
>"waaah it's not useful to me so it's not useful at all and will never be useful ever no matter what"
We've had the same Deviant preview up for at least a couple months now user. At least the Monday Meeting Notes are something new and actually useful. And as evidenced in this thread, it has info which can be valid to the people browsing the general.
>doesn't like the thing that actually allowed mages to do anything, unlike ascension's crap system
>posting that disgusting dead 2003-ass meme
Nigga I take it back, the sidebars in M20 about memes were completely warranted and justified.
>Sidebars about memes
>Memes are important enough to makes notes about in a rulebook
>Not summoning memes from the Digital Web to fight your battles for you
Its like you aren't even a Virtual Adept.
Did the technocrats do this?
Magefags go out of their way to shit on other splats. If other splats aren't around they false flag as other splatfags so they can shitpost at themselves.
Prove to me that WtA isn't a game for angry retards who are angry with the world for not being retarded with them.
Spoiler You can't
Vanpiregays arent the ones causing th derail. They just are just biting down on obvious bait
A bunch of the things people complain about with brucato are nonsense.
Are you telling me he DIDN'T write nWoD Changing Breeds?
Not that complaint.
Which ones, then?
People think Goatboi is antisemitic?
I thought he was just a technophobic wannabe cult leader.
They're just butthurt he didn't mention Lions of Zion in the disparates and Jews in Wraith20
Wraith is fine for power wank. Their only weakness is that if the weakest splat in the game learns WRAITHS HATE THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK and knows about the wraith ahead of time, they can bully them.
>weakest splat
I don't recall Hunter ever having any Wraith bulli weapons
>What uncanny parallels to WoD have you noticed irl?
Game Master = GM = God Machine = Deux (ex) Machina = DM = Dungeon Master
>People think Goatboi is antisemitic?
I saw one goy give this image as a reason for it.
I don't think they really gave much thought to to what they were saying.
He's not antisemitic, just a pussy.
So what's life like for the Methuselah vampires? How does the modern world seem to them? How do they spend their time (other than the Jyhad I mean)? Are there any decent stories from the perspective of a Methuselah?
They just do whatever they want.
What spheres would I need to create a 2B?
I'd sooner make a 2B using another system than WoD
Mind, Matter, and Prime.
How would you make it so she could have powers, too?
What kind of powers?
All I know about her is that she's a robot.
get out, nerd
Clearly a nDemon, not a Mage.
>Limited telekinesis
>Limited teleportation
>Advance hacking
>Mach 1 speed
You'd create biomechanical devices.
>Limited Telekinesis
Matter 3 or Forces 3 Device
>Limited Teleportation
Correspondence 3 Device
>Advanced Hacking
Mind 4/5 effect or Correspondence 2/Forces 3 effect(To alter electronic data)
Yeah, how is the Beast Player Guide.
Is the direction still "make it as awful for everyone as possible"?
I'm still waiting for Wraith 20 myself.
this is boring, I'm going to play Halo
Probably the best WoD campaign I played in was about a group of WWI soldiers who were separated from their squad after the first day of the Somme, trying to get back to their platoon after a weird fog rose in the area.
Everyone was dead. It was actually a Wraith game. It ended with us discovering our own bodies, then - with nowhere else to go - 'falling in' with the ragged remains of the brigade to protect them.
Shit man, that sounds like a good time.
Did you know it was Wraith before hand?
Want to storytime that shit in detail?
No, I'd never actually played Wraith. In hindsight, I think the only clue that was explicitly highlighted was that all of the characters could all speak the same language since the language of death is universal.
Basically, all of us (We were all Tommies) were waiting to go 'over the top' when an artillery shell fell directly on top of the trench. We woke up to find that everything was strange, murky and dusty, and then the rest of the squad was dead. We obviously began looking around for equipment, but just couldn't seem to prise it free from the hands of the dead men. But then we didn't have time for that, because the Germans were advancing in an implacable line.
The squad's machine-gunner began to fire at them, but he noticed that a lot of them were hit multiple times and just kept coming even with missing limbs. He also felt weaker with each shot, and eventually the gun simply jammed and refused to keep firing no matter how much he tried to clear it. (He actually exhausted his store of Pathos, and he couldn't fire the Relic weapon.)
My PC was the archetypical Sergeant who wanted to make sure everyone got home, so all of us fled deeper into the trenches. However, we got increasingly lost and menaced by strange, vague figures. At one point, there was poison gas that seemed to be flowing 'uphill', and one member got dragged down by arms that emerged from the muck and refused to let go. Even more ominously, at one point we saw a hooded figure with a fucking scythe riding along the top of the trenches before vanishing into the fog.
That sounds great. Feel free to continue user. I assume your ST was using the Great War supplement?
As we fled further, it began to rain all kinds of trash, including eyeballs. At that point, an odd mishmash of feral soldiers just barged through the barbwire to physically attack us, so it became close-range, point-blank fighting. My Sergeant went utterly berserk and started displaying superhuman strength, hacking people down with entrenching tool and heaving men over the top with his bayonet. However, the Lieutenant managed to talk him down (instinctively using Castigate with some success.)
At one point, we found a young German soldier who spoke perfect English, who was all tangled up by barbwire. When we cut him free, he mentioned something about 'hearing a voice in the distance', stood up and walked off into No Man's Land, even though people were still shooting. He wasn't hit, but we saw the cloaked figure again, beckoning to him, before they vanished.
At this point, I was pretty sure we were up against vampires, personally. We were attacked by gigantic rats with yellow-glowing eyes, and more 'ferals' who inexplicably never fired their weapons. It seemed that time and space were beginning to break down, because we saw a lot of weird, surreal sights:
> Roman soldiers with skull-heads apparently fighting the Germans.
> Wounded soldiers being dragged away in chains.
> The ground 'shifting' and moving and gradually sprouting appendages, with the fog rolling in to make navigation impossible.
> The Corporal's compass pointing in the direction of the greatest threat, but never North.
Eventually, the trenches came to an end, and the fog lifted. (More)
(I assume so!)
It turned out that we'd walked full-circle, and found ourselves back where we'd started. But it was morning, and we saw the other men of the brigade there. The thing was, when we moved forward to greet them, none seemed to notice us. Eventually, as they continued to retrieve corpses for burial, they unearthed our section's corpses.
As it turned out, NONE of the PCs had survived the initial artillery barrage. It ended with the hooded figure approaching us, and revealing itself to be a woman. She asked the Lieutenant to leave with her, because he was marked by Fate. He questioned what kind of Fate he could possibly have if he was already dead, and refused to leave the brigade. Ultimately, she shook her head and vanished into the mists.
With nowhere else to go, and not knowing what else to do, we joined the rest of the living as they marched away towards the next day of battle. The gaps in the ranks parted, easily, to admit us, as if they'd always been there.
And that was the end of it.
here's a prime example of another buttblasted vampfag
Wraith 20's backer PDF got released. It's another laughable 'let's put together text from previous editions' thing from OPP, after 5 years of development.
To be fair, the Arcanoi are completely new. The rules for Orpheus have also been dramatically changed. But yeah, it's really just a compilation of new material.
Wraith is still missing a lot of rules, like exactly how a PC's supposed to be soulforging. Or why artifacts / relics have magic powers when you need soulfire crystals to just shoot a fucking gun.
Or the weird allusion to people in other Dark Kingdoms having different souls, but with no real rules for them either. Exactly how does the whole hun / po think work for an Asian wraith?
>all of this shit from OPP
Did we expect anything better after their last four or five CofD releases were absolute dogshit?
What's the actual modifier for targeting the neck (in DAV20)?
+2 (as for targeting the head) or +3 (as for targeting the heart)?
Also, is it fair to assume that armor worn by cainites has a neck guard such that characters can't target to bypass the armor in that area? Similarly for targeting the heart, I assume they have some plate and/or no exploitable chinks in the armor covering that specific spot, so you must actually punch through the armor with your wooden stake somehow.
>mfw V20, C20 and Woof20 were all complete and brilliant
>mfw Ectofags and Magickfags get Thrusting Fathers Cock and Holocaust denial
It's not coincidence, it's mismanagement by Rich T. It's not like anyone who actually can read the writing on the wall are expecting them to have the CofD licenses after the end of the year. It's why they're doubling down on GOOD DOG: THE ARPEEGEE and making an effort to release the products they outright own.
Does Good Dog: the RPG come with tummy rubs and head pats? This feels important enough to warrant mechanical re-enforcement.