For your next campaign the GM proposes that you play a party of beautiful, discalceate concubines whose goal is to protect the rule of the empire and the life of the emperor.
How do you react?
For your next campaign the GM proposes that you play a party of beautiful, discalceate concubines whose goal is to protect the rule of the empire and the life of the emperor.
How do you react?
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I begin having dangerous THOTs
playing MAID sounds cool
Wait, I've seen this one idea somewhere before... what's that chick with the cornrows, the full plate, and some god's blessing that does basically this?
define 'discalceate' ?
According to Google, barefoot.
Given that I'm in a group of people who are comfortable with another and don't mind exploring adult themes, I'd be up for it as long as it was a GM I trusted to be able to handle it tastefully. Sounds like it could be pretty fun.
Isn't this just MAID RPG in a sultanate setting
>DM offers us to play charlie's angels in fantasy
Sign me the fuck up
So long as I'm not force to play as some fetish-bate harem girl like your pic implies OP, I would be fine with it.
I'm honestly really quite fond of the idea of fanatically devoted concubines who likewise double as elite guardians and enforcers, executing the Emperor's will.
so basically magical footrealm all the way.
ok, sign me in
And they said my ninja would never make it in.
...ok, I knew I probably should have stepped in when you made catboy rigger in the electric fursuit. but fuck it, better late than never.
we need to have a talk buddy.
I ask if I can be a eunuch concubine guard. I have had a character concept for a eunuch for a while.
Yes, 100%. People don't play enough eunuchs in fantasy games.
The campaign would start as barefoot Charlie's Angels. It would quickly turn into barefoot Totally Spies. The magical realm would give way to in-jokes and camp.
i ahve no problem playing a female. being a concubine, however, i have some problems with. i would have to know my exact status/hierarchy in the "household" or whatever domicile i will be living in, and my "job". i dont feel comfortable being a prost or a sex slave, that kind of stuff i dont let happen when i gm nor when i am a player, i let the gm know i am not comfortable with it. if others feel fine with fading to black that's fine by me, but as long as it is a romantic sort of way. i know in most games that prosts exist but as long as it's a fun 'fade to black' than that is also fine, but i dont feel comfortable myself if it happens to me.
anywho... like i said earlier i am fine to play a female. usually i play in a group that is all guys so filling the female role is what i usually do, with my persuasion. i dont get a kick out of it, but there usually needs to be a female in one situation or another to persuade someone else that is attracted to females so that is why i choose it. or usually because females are seen as lower people to men so they are also seen as less hostile, a miad for example can infiltrate a castle or some sort of group's ranks because she is seen as a slave or whatever and can move as she pleases, moreso than a male would, in some cases.
though, to end my statement, it would depend on my character's social ranking and what tasks are expected of her which would decide if i'd be okay with it or not
If it's modeled on the Ottoman Imperial harem the concubines are persons of extreme prestige (though plenty are captured and not all are of native noble birth) who will either 1) be an effective wife of the Sultan 2) be part of the Sultan's mother's power bloc or 3) be married to the holder of a powerful political post in the empire.
I roll a lamia assassin.
I go home.
Women didn't wear fundoshi.
It depends on the group, but I'd play it.
I honestly think I would enjoy playing that, magical realm or not, but I prefer if it was to only be lightly so
I'm somewhat picky when it comes to what kind of guy I'd get fucked by after all
I'd like to have fun with her doshi, if you know what I mean
I don't know what you mean.
Yakuza assassins, on the other hand, weren't women even if they were female, so they could wear fundoshi.
Can we reduce the emperor to a pawn and rule the empire ourselves instead?
I don't think she gives a fuck, user.
Nothing is true, everything is permissible.
She's carrying a katana. She doesn't count as a woman.
Kill emperor, force other concubines to turn the game into Weekend at Bernie's
Can I be a drug addled setting-equivalent of a hashasheem? Lewd young street girl convinced by drug visions that killing for the sultan will get her into heaven.
Depends on the specifics, but yeah, that sounds fun actually, are we talking ERP/fetishistic at all? Figured I should ask at least
>relying on concubines to protect the life of the emperor
Just ask Gaddafi how well that works.
Fida'i weren't really expected to survive their missions senpai.
There's a lot of fun to be had in a buffoon who isn't expected to survive her missions but keeps coming back anyway because of what looks like dumb luck.
To be fair, he was an asshole. You don't get people to follow you out of loyalty if you're an asshole.
I was thinking the same.
>Urchin girl, pulled from the streets. Drugged, brainwashed, and trained for her inevitable role to kill and be martyred in the name of the great holy god
>the day she was born for finally arrives and she is chosen to complete her holy mission, making the final preparations for her last day on earth
>miraculously she not only succeeds in killing the target but lives to return to the compound
>sent on another mission
>returns again
>the masters are in awe in this young girls skill in the art of assassination and she gains the reputation as the greatest of their order
>turns out all she really does is get blacked out high on hashish before her missions, whole-fully expecting to die
>she honestly has no idea how she carries out her killings much less how she manages to survive to tell the tale
Sounds like a fun ass character to me
a better game would be one where the emperor is a damsel in distress you all need to rescue.
>>She doesn't count as a woman
>Young, shotaish noble traveling with a small group of harem girls
>Or at least that's what they are on paper
>And in all fairness they do dress and look the part, beautiful enough to turn men's heads wherever they go and enough curves to make any woman jealous
>But the whole lot of them are built like amazons, carry themselves like seasoned warriors, and have enough PC levels to make the guards in any town they visit nervous
Not mutually exclusive.
I leave. And I don't come back unless I'm already really good friends with the GM.
Honestly if you remove the foot fetish and keep the magical realm to a minimum that actually sounds like it could be a fun premise for a campaign.
Only if I can be a boy concubine.
No, but if the DM trusts you then you may be allowed to play the shota emperor
I bet you're reeeeeally proud of yourself you finally managed to use that word you learned in wiktionary somewhere.
NP; gender isn't specified in the OP.
>wah you know a word I don't
Can I play a mantid dervish girl from the far desert doomed to be unable to consummate her marriage to the sultan because her innate biological instincts mean she would have to rip his head off and eat it immediately afterwards?
What, how are they not women? I don't get it.
God damn it paul not again
Only if you drop the barefoot angle and let me have weaponised heels
Can I be an untouched virgin concubine?
Kind of weird and creepy that so many people seem to have character concepts in mind for this already...
Personally I'd go for a Eunuch Harem Guard voice of reason character if I really had to insist on playing a male character
>shota emperor
>Massive harem of athletic assassin/warrior waifus
^Best character choice right here. Can't beat the bald head and massive scimitar.
Not for long.
What are you, gay?
Did OP just watch Black Panther or something.
Depends, if it's just a blatant magical realm I'd probably ditch it. If it shows a proper degree of intrigue and the near constant struggle of the concubines to curry the emperor's favor, achieve personal goals, assist friends and sabotage rivals, and develop a place of influence in palace culture, then sure that'd be cool
I'm the GM, and if I proposed this I'd go see a psychiatrist asap.
No, OP wanted sexy barefoot anime harem girls to get posted. It's everyone else who turned it into elite guard unit.
There was that one campaign some horny DM posted, which was all about the PCs being the Sultan's concubines. One of the players showed up to point out all the fun parts.
If my GM proposed it? Eh, only if he and the group were 10/10. And you can get away with pretty much any concept in that situation.
As a vidya, or anything I can enjoy not surrounded by neckbeards? Sounds 10/10 on its own
Great, now I want to play black panther in a ,aid RPG.
like eunuchs are not considered men, but without the mutilation i suppose
I roll up a kickboxer
>whose goal is to protect the rule of the empire and the life of the emperor.
Not interested in anything that's the GM's known fetish (or anything that's super ERP-ish) unless I know the GM and am cool with it because I know they don't make it weird. (Probably if I know your fetishes, it's already weird. I don't even know my BFF's fetishes and we ERP.)
I like the premise of a harem/concubine party rpg for sure. Particularly, as said, with the court/harem intrigue. I would just want to play it for the drama and/or adventure elements, not for ERP or lulz.
Would be even more a-ok with it if I could play a dude concubine, as anything with sexual implications makes me feel more comfortable to play when my character is opposite my gender. (For the extra layer of separation.)
I'd bail in a heartbeat if I was promised intrigue and/or adventure and ended up in a creepy Magical Realm, though.
It's the same way Pope John Paul II was an honorary globetrotter despite being white and probably not good at b-ball.
>super dirty wedding-night fuck
>How do you react?
Walk away because I'm not helping that faggot jerk off.
>If it shows a proper degree of intrigue and the near constant struggle of the concubines to curry the emperor's favor, achieve personal goals, assist friends and sabotage rivals, and develop a place of influence in palace culture, then sure that'd be cool
You've just described MAID... well a GOOD game of MAID.
That depends, could he incorporate my impregnation fetish?
I'd give it a shot but playing my fetishes from the other end might not end up doing anything for me
I think it's very possible we could!
I tell the gm that if he wants to incorporate is fucking foot fetish so much he can suck the pus outta my ingrown toe
You might wanna have that looked at, user. It sounds serious.
dude, an ingrown toe? Thats gotta be gnarl.
I was up for this until I looked up the word you used to try to hide your disgusting foot fetish
To be fair she is betrayed by her king and her sister-wives murdered almost immediately into the series. But fucking with not!Athena's chosen, unsurprisingly, turns out to be a really bad idea.
Uh huh
>How do you react?
I am only gonna tell him before, that even in old times, protection against pregnancy existed
that's all
I would rather be playing regular concubines fighting in order to gain influence with the emperor and get my son put on the throne.
The two aren't mutually exclusive. Loyalty is rewarded, after all.
kill the emperor first chance I get
Oh yeah, ERPing with skinnyfat men in their 20s that I know irl sounds super fun.
Hard pass. I tell the GM to jerk off before sitting down to write up a campaign
Are these scull bones shining through her chadra?
Still, my idea is more about politicking than actually fighting. You don't go around stabbing people you talk about concubines behind each others' backs, talk with the eunuchs, and talk with the emperor in order to gain favour and discredit others. If all else fails you might want to bully a concubine to suicide or outright poison her.
The data is quite clear: it's the 5th most arousing body part to men.
A more likely situation would be that his wife uses the concubines as tools against her husband's opponents. Any wife worth her salt knows that you need to direct female agression elsewhere or you're going to be stuck in a pair of vipers.
What are the top 10?
Depends on the royalty. Is the wife actually different from the concubines in that she is actually married while the concubines are just mistresses, or is the queen simply the highest ranking/oldest/favourite concubine? In the case where any concubine could potentially put their son on the throne the latter situation seems more likely in which case the queen is more likely to be the primary enemy of every concubine instead of someone capable of directing the ire of the concubines.
That wasn't really how the Ottoman harem worked though. Like the Valide Sultan is the single most important figure, and she isn't the Sultan's wife but his mother. And for a bunch of women in the harem it's not that they're there to have kids by the sultan but to be raised in the appropriate fashion to marry off to governors, officials, etc who are being raised in other parts of the court.
A 'wife' or favourite consort only really emerged later in the Ottoman period, and usually only in the absence of the Valide Sultan. If anything things were much more cutthroat between the Sultan and his brothers than between harem members.
*4th most
There are only 5 body parts men are a priori aroused by.
There's too much noise in the data to reliably place vagina, but the order is