Your character is accused of murder. According to the laws of the town you must appear at the altar tomorrow. You must do so with 12 friendly men willing to risk their reputation and standing to defend your good name and swear by your innocence in front of the entire town. You have to stand there and swear an oath of innocence - perfectly, no hesitation, in front of the entire town and the family of the victim (who will likely be armed with pitchforks, knives and axes). The 12 oath-takers must do the same, one by one. If successful, you are a free man. If even one you fails, you are screwed. Can you find 12 men willing to do it and prove your innocence?
Your character is accused of murder. According to the laws of the town you must appear at the altar tomorrow...
I mean, I did do it, do probably not.
Yeah, and a lot more too.
My character is a local superhero, he’s pretty popular in his home town even not taking into account the number of times he’s actually physically saved their individual lives on an individual basis.
The law of this town seems deeply prejudiced against visitors. I'm new to the area, I literally don't know 12 people, much less 12 good men. I could ask some locals but I doubt they'd go to bat for someone they don't know. As a noble of this nation I would speak with my peers who rule this town about alternative methods of proving my innocence and go from there.
Considering that accusation would make everyone say "She didn't even murder the bandit king when she had the chance! Her axe is made of wood! She doesn't even eat meat! She would literally not harm a fly!" she could find a thousand people to do that, twelve would be effortless.
>Finding 12 people willing to risk their neck for a tiefling.
I quietly left the town the same night and never come back.
This seems like it's rigged against out-of-towners.
>Can you find 12 men willing to do it and prove your innocence?
Hell no, especially after the bard was giving everyone a rendition of I Shot the Sheriff last night.
I bet you could just pay a fine if you are a noble, weight in silver of the guy or something like that.
What counts as a man? Can I just use my slaves?
can I bribe them? if not i'm fecked sweet pic b.t.w
Man, my character, Stuttering Dan Nofriends, would be in a tight spot.
I mean, chances are im not innocent
but I can easily pat 12 men to vouch for me
>look every player at the table in the eye
>calmly say
This is bullshit, let's just leave no witnesses.
Sounds like the kind of town that doesn't wish to keep on living. Wish granted. At dawn my men will set this piece of shit town ablaze.
can they be magic clones of myself?
If that's how they're gonna play it I'll just kill the rest of the townsfolk.
True to real life, then. Pre-modern societies were insular as fuck, even the ones that mainly lived off international trade. I was reading on Venetian politics a few years back and I'm pretty sure it would be easier to do business in North Korea.
Can I have a few days? A few week, perhaps?
They gave us a whole day? Wonderful! Inform the warband to march at dawn, I'll just take 12 of my most skilled warriors bedecked in full regalia to altar and we'll slaughter the townsfolk during this charade. Plenty of time for the warriors overrun the town guard during our distraction.
Rolled 6, 3, 4, 1, 4 = 18 (5d6)
You want me to test circles, right? So, 3 dice for circles exponent, 1 for me being a part of a night watch, 1 helping dice from my party.
Is 3 enough? I think it should be enough for finding regular folks.
I have enough barrels to deal with all of you country fuckers.
Which is why it's probably great for a small backwoods town to give it flavor. You can't expect a bunch of insular folk who don't like strangers to be fair to strangers, right?
My character is an escaped serial killer. He could get 12 men to vouch for his innocence- but who would believe them?
No, but they better respect the nobility's rightful place above them.
Don't worry milord, it's not a high court. If these rascals lay hands on you your retinue will raze the town flat.
It's a free city-state, got its own charter and everything. Merchant's guild runs it. Probably would love the chance to show a noble they won't get bossed around just because your blood's blue.
Do you really expect this not to end up with a bunch of dead villagers?
>Letting a possible murderer gather up 12 of his murderer friends
This can only end well.
Do skeletons count, I can raise way more then 12 skeles
I can't find twelve good men, but would they take twelve good birds? They can all vouch for me not pecking the victim's eyes out or any such misdeeds.
>Small town
>City state
>Merchant's guild runs it
>Passes laws that make outsiders unlikely to visit it
What is wrong with Sauron?
I would ask who accused me and then secretly murder them.
>make pc find 12 strangers that will do this for a man accused of murder in less then a day. >complain when it turns into a murder hobo campaign.
So... you're saying I have a 24 hour head start.
>show up in buttfuck no where town
>boring as fuck
>murder some shitter to pass the time
>accused of murder
>holyshit thems some retarded laws
>Strap that 2nd shitter to alter set on fire cursed to not die
>If twelve shittowners don't show up to decry curse and defame the first shitter i killed while verbally felating me to my satisfaction, in front of the entire town and his family i'll burn down the town.
>anyone fucks up they gets to burn forever and i burn down the town
>set family of shitter on fire regardless.
My current character is 7 inches tall and snarky as fuck (pixie rogue). She's going to show up, proclaim her innocence, and throw mad shade at anybody who claims her as the murderer (What kind of man can't beat an enemy smaller than a common house cat?). If things get really heavy, she'll simply exit via the sky
>letting ANYONE play as a pixie
Straight up deserve that execution
>It's a free city-state
Not for long at this rate.
I sneak out the night before and come back with my party to sack the place.
Sure I can have those 12 men show up. First thing I did in town was find 18 of them, just in case a few don't come to the innocence ceremony for whatever reason.
Now people are accusing me of committing a murder as the second thing I did in town. That accusation is incorrect.
If they want, I can even get the victim to testify to my innocence. But only if the town wants it.
Probably not, he just got there at the end of last session. This will end poorly.
>no fun allowed.jpg
>spot the edgelord murderhobos
This thread has been a good litmus test for people I'd never let into any of my games.
Can i take a trial by ordeal instead? How does it work when priest have real powers, and gods directly intervine?
I'd gladly tell you I'd speak on your honor!!
then I'd slather your name with shame and drag it though the mud!
I won't find 12 such charismatic men, but I will easily find 100 men willing to get me out of prison by using violence.
>The law of this town seems deeply prejudiced against visitors.
That's the point, dumbass.
If a man of high standing in the town, who is highly respected, killed a stranger and put on trail; he can easily find people to defend himself with. The fact he did the crime is not important, nor necessary.
Accuse each towns member of murder.
What do they think when the accused runs away and never comes back ?
>Have a law this retarded
>Be surprised when PCs massacre the townsfolk
I doubt anyone would like to play at your table anyway if you're this stupid.
>12 men
I show up with my crew and kill anyone who attacks us. Those responsible for the accusation are rounded up as heretic sympathisers or heretics themselves. The town is thoroughly purged afterwards of all taint.
Those who accuse me of having no right to murderhobo do not understand I have no right to let heretics live.
Well we were going to help solve the bandit problem you've been having but anything that deters people from visiting this shit hole is probably for the better. Also you tried to imprison someone made of viscous goo in a cell with a window in the door. You "people" are dumb and we are leaving.
My angelic paladin of torm who has saved severale entire kingdoms from ruin at the hands of Demon's slipping through the cracks?'d be pretty easy.
Something similar to this came up in game to another member of the party.
During the trial, our ritual mage cast a field of truth over the entire hall.
Que half a dozen confessions of adultry and petty crimes, the accuser confessing to the murder, the judge to rape and our paladin, who was on trial, to planning on killing everyone there to preserve their name to which half the party agreed.
We stole some horses and beat a hasty exit before they could grab their pitchforks.
I gather 12 soldiers willing to follow me, lead them to the altar as a form of a Trojan Horse, and conquer the town in the name of my liege lord.
Seems easy to just fuck off during the night.
You become an outlaw and go to live on the road and the forest, an option taken by a more people than you think. Law no longer protects you, so anyone can do wathever they want to you, murder, steal, rape, etc, and suffer no legal punishment.
No I think I'll just kill the entire town to prove my innocence.
Yes, my character is a firm believer in the idea that evil can be corrected or at least kept in check without killing if you shatter enough limbs enough times. He won't kill (though he won't stop his party from finishing off people he wounds either), but he's not above crippling or maiming, both of which he has become quite good at doing without going overboard. Enough people have watched him work to say that while he may not be a saint he's definitely no murderer either.
That's why prisions were invented: yo ensure people stood for trial. Yo pay for your cell until you are willing to stand trial.
Sure, if I die they will never get paid. Can't find 12 men willing to defend me, but can find 1k willing to save their money.
No, but it's a really stormy night and a lightning strikes the roof of the building I'm held in. I escape in the commotion. Tempest Cleric, bitches.
I cannot swear innocence, as if my character is accused of murder, he would most certainly have had a good reason. So instead, I declare myself guilty, prostrate myself before the altar, and present my case as to why I murdered the victim. (Most likely, he was a filthy snake cultist and/or warlock). I also say that if the family were to attack my companions, or myself, that I would consider them conspirators to the snake cult, and are subject to be struck down by the divine might from the Lord Above.
He'd make someone else admit to it, even if he may have actually done it.
He has that kind of way with people.
>Law no longer protects you, so anyone can do wathever they want to you, murder, steal, rape, etc, and suffer no legal punishment.
And on the other hand, you're no longer bound by the law, so you can apply the same logic to everyobe else.
I feel like the odds of 12 people reciting an oath perfectly are low regardless of how much they believe in you. At least one of them is going to buckle under the pressure and end up swearing on your impotence, incense, or inner scents.
To be frank, I don't know twelve men who can arrive here in such a time. But neither will I die for a crime I did not commit.
I suppose you must offer an alternative or we will be at a rather dramatic impasse.
It's like The Thing somehow assimilated him.
>Hurr you didn't enter a situation you had no hope of winning
If I am falsely accused of something the individual who accused me has committed an injustice and as a result should be punished. Since this court system would never result in a just punishment the only course of action is to take the law into my own hands.
"This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs."
Why would it matter? If I die my clone activates anyway.
We can't all be eggers, user.
Just going to point something out here: In a medieval setting Townships would likely not have the right to put a trial in the first place. If we are going by continent Europe ( England did a lot of thing differently ) Town charters expressly did not give the right to press a charge against any member of the first or second estate. Seeing as being a member of second estate was a blood right and most professional soldier were part of that there is a very good chance that a PC is a member of second estate. Failing that being employed by the church in anyway or getting a degree at a college put you under the preview but not necessarily membership of the first estate. In many career criminal who were doing well would enroll at colleges for that very reason.That is 90 plus percent of PC's.
You may be asking why medieval society would limit Towns legal authority so much. It is because commoners came up with some really bad ideas of how to run a justice system back in the day. The example OP gave is realistic. However educated people back in the day knew that was horse shit and thus made a point to prevent themselves or other important people from having to put up with that shit. Heck they even put laws in place that the liege of the Township could be sued over the Townships trying to "do justice" to people they do not have the right to put on trial.
On small thing like fines most of the time noble & churchmen would just pay it rather then creating a scene. However you are talking the death penalty here. Killing the town guard when being press with charges like that is not the best option but it is realistic option. If the PC has strong reason to believe that Townsfolk will not let the church or viscount of the region trial him as is right killing those guards become the best option.
Sad part is that the Town guards may believe their Town does have the right to press those charges because their mayor said that they did.
>He doesn't enjoy every moment of his players going "Fuck that" and slaughtering peasants
OP said a town, not a city. In a medieval setting those are not the same thing at all legally speaking.
>got its own charter
Both towns and cities had those.
Why does it matter?
For a settlement to be granted the right of being a city it needed to have a good amount of size to it and needed a professional stranded of government. OP's example would not of been viewed as "professional" even in the medieval period. Townships had a lot less authority then cities did and mostly likely could not rightfully put PC's on trial.
This. And unless this town is full of high level fighters, I will escape imprisonment and probably murder more idiots on my way out.
Chaotic Evil is a fucking blast.
technically that's what jails are for. Jail is before trial, prison is after.
My character is a local baron who saved a Drowish princess. So finding 12 people isn't a problem.
The biggest problem is for the character to say the oath herself without stuttering.