Mtg: Pauper general

Big beats edition

previously (Cross-thread)

good card search engine
what's the meta look like?
what are the format staples?
deck primers:

post brews and decks for help

thread question(s): how long do you think this pauper boom will last? do you want it to take of even more or slow to a crawl?

Other urls found in this thread:

first for making goblinstorm viable

>how long do you think this pauper boom will last
Shame there is no pauper boom in my area. Also what can go wrong? It's not like common cards prices will rise by 10 times tho

I think its great. Me and my playgroup have done 3 different drafts for a total of around $100 just buying boxes of commons from our LGS. We've done one for Theros, Dark Ascension and Dragon's Maze and had a blast.

imo drafting is the way to play pauper since its extremely cheap and keeps people from making a "pauper" deck with 4 Lightning Bolts or netdecking.

Hopefully it lasts long. It's the only format I can afford to enjoy.

i've got you familia

I hate how the format is either super linear and boring fast kills or grindy, out valuing matchs.

If the format gains enough ground WotC might downshift a few decent uncommons in a reprint set, but with their 'muh limited' rhetoric, who knows.

But yes, from my week-long journey into Pauper, feels like everything is aggro or control.

How is Pauper Elves? Is it any good?

i hate to tell you this user but, it's good

I’m sorry you guys feel that way anons. I personally like it when the grindy decks run into the linear ones though, it feels like the grindy decks really earn their victories yet the linear decks can still scrabble back from a stabilised game if they play well.

It's really strong. The best elves are all common.

i feel like all this format's missing is some decent mid-cost creatures. we've got plenty of small aggro and utility creatures and a couple good high end beaters (most with a cost reduction or show up in tron mind you). but i feel like it lacks a lot of good 3-4 drop creatures for that proper midrange sort of build.

>drafting is the way to play pauper
If you're drafting, it's not pauper. This is even worse than the troll talking about "standard pauper" two threads ago.
> keeps people from making a "pauper" deck with 4 Lightning Bolts or netdecking.

Ah, I see, you're just bad.

Help me finish my BW control deck, /pauper/.

I want to sub Night's Whisper out for something. Thraben Inspector felt bad. Considering Loyal Sentry, Cathedral Sanctifier, Fume Spitter maybe. Open to suggestions. The 2 life for Whisper just feels bad if you haven't dropped a Lone Missionary yet

>standard pauper
How can someone be such a faggot when the appeal of the format is that it has a huge pool of cards ranging back to the beginning of magic?

Any suggestions?

Cut Mulldrifter

Switch cantrip split to 4x Ponder, 2x Preordain. You want Ponder to set up for Delver and you have 4x fetchlands to shuffle with it

Speaking of, might be worth going up to 5x or 6x fetch.

I made this, I think its cute but its also awful.

Someone give me a fun cheap deck please.
I'm sick of getting shit for my tron netdeck.
I was thinking mono white tokens with suture priests but eh.
Try this out, cheap for paper and even cheaper if you're playing online

Using ponder and brainstorm to set up for thunderous wrath is Fucking spicy. I love it

Ah. On that note for suggestions to improve it, maybe ditch think twice in favor of some more counters. And instead of evolving wilds consider ash barrens. Since you can still use ash barrens for mana if you don't need the shuffle or fixing effect

Trying to get my friend into pauper so I built a mill deck since he loves mill (poor guy). Anyway just threw together some stuff, any possible improvements?
opps here's the link

would definitely recommend more counters for protection and at least some creatures. stuff like augur of bolas and pic related can be dropped with ease and will make it so beatstick decks don't just run you over. and you absolutely need to have curse of the bloody tome if you wanna run a mill deck.
if you're guy doesn't mind splashing green, ditch the spire golems and he can play a turbofog deck.

Holy shit, how did i forget i could cantrip into thunderous wrath when i fucking ran magma jet in modern burn to try and set it up?? Going to borrow that spice dood

Curse seems pretty bad considering how slow it is . Also Jace's phatasm would be better than spire. Augur would probably be good tho. What would I get rid of?

curse is better than it seems trust me. it adds up. I forgot phantasm was in the format now and it's a pretty good option, don't count out spire golem though, the discount it gets as the game goes on makes it pure value.
that said, i'd say maybe ditch snap and probe. snap is allright but it doesn't get rid of things forever, and doesn't do a whole lot in a deck with no bounce lands. probe is nice for a free spell and scouting out an opps hand but it works much better in a fast-paced deck.

also i can't say much about rhystic study but i'm not sure it's super good in pauper, maybe keep it in the sideboard as tech against decks that wanna cast a bunch of spells. also consider pic related as some spicy tech that synergizes well with gush.

Just so you know the set up is simply good enough, control decks just play 3 gainlands and laught at you and aggro decks just kill you in turn 2.

Ash barrent isnt that good since this deck cant play colorless mana sources

isnt simply good enough*

Its quite awful to be honest.

Oh thanks, bought the deck.
Is it yours?

Why is this card even a thing?

nah, but it was briefly popular a bit back after tolarian did a feature video and i love the deck and its synergies.
because millfags need to be appeased. someday their archetype will be good. also this is pauper user. that is a rare

Working on a deck idea, curious what other people think.

Basically Blue/Black control that aims to chip away at your opponent's life total as you bounce creatures and permanents and generally be a nusance.

First draft had Soul Barrier to tie it all together, but I found out it's not Pauper Legal, which sucks. I could have sworn it had been reprinted to death before... my old LGS had dozens in the commons box all the way back to Ice Age.

I would be fine with it taking off more if WotC supports it more in a genuine/direct fashion. Top tier decks should not be more than $50, we need actual paper support.

>Why is this card even a thing?
Because Wizards insists on filling booster packs with terrible cards to make sure nobody wants to buy their products.

it is a common in 5th edition, it's not legal in pauper however due to the fact it hasn't been printed at common on mtgo.

okay, some things i would recommend checking out to get some good ideas. look up the deck acid trip. This is probably a good deck to look at for inspiration, also consider dinrova horror since that is a nasty fucking card to flicker over and over again.

I like Acid Trip but also I do not like playing against Acid Trip. I did that once when I was testing Pauper Cawblade. I think we were only able to finish game 1.

I do consider Acid Trip a great representation of UW though. I like it as a UW deck better than Tireless Tribe

I just basically redid the deck over again as a pure bounce focused one rather than the grind control.

Sedraxis Alchemist can bounce opponent's or my permanents, so I can use it to bounce Reality Acid along with Dream Stalker making up for the loss of white. Ghostly Flicker is still evilly powerful combined with any of the ETB effects in the deck.

I probably need to work in more draw, but I'll keep tuning it.

Got home from class a couple hours ago and sleeved up my newest deck, Riverwinder Reanimator, Very comfy.

Is a battlecruiser sort of archetype possible in this format?

>There's Affinity in Pauper
You know I'm not really surprised, but at the same time, I would have never guessed.

The format is very aggro heavy, so not really.
Your best bet would be jamming your Timmy-shit into Tron.

It's pretty much only because of artifact lands.

The artifact lands are not banned in Pauper.

My buddy wants to try out pauper and has a fuckton of cards from RtR.

Anything viable that uses mechanics from that block? He also really likes token decks. Pic slightly related

I have a deck's worth of relentless rats and now they've just entered pauper. Time to brew up some fun! What other spells should I be running? I need something to do for the first two turns. While Dark Ritual and Cabal Ritual would let me do rats first two turns, I'm worried that I'd be losing too much card advantage.

It's good in EDH for UB mill/graveyard creatures decks

can the outburst push the deck to t2¿? or is it too unstable.

I have played around with some decklists and the deck is certainly more resilient than it looks, it has a lot of redundancy and vs pure control always can play beatdown with gobbos.

Goblin caves could be a good answer to elecktrickery but feels pretty slow.

Brightstone Ritual is rad as fuck, what is a good manasink for it?

I like it. I run Kuldotha Rebirth with 4 furnaces and 4 Iron Myr. grenades, Strikes and Bolts can close the game pretty fast. I'm thinking about testing Brightstone Ritual/Battle Hymn with Kaervek's Torch.

distant melody

I really like slime decks, I wish I had enough green to make a good one.

Hymn to Tourach, Duress, Sign in Blood, etc.. Anything that either refills your hand or strips theirs would be good for turn 1 and 2.

How the fuck does that have to do anything with red mana?

So no one at my LGS plays pauper and I'd like to attempt to get people interested. Obviously I'd need to bring multiple decks, I figure I'd bring something UB and mono-white heroic to let people try.

The bigger issue is everyone already plays modern. How do I convince them to play modern-lite?

Like 30% of the tiered decks are

2/3 of decks should not be above $50 in a format of commons.
Granted I understand it's due to scarcity most of the time, as even commons of old sets aren't all that common due to relatively low print runs and the fact most people throw away commons by the stack.

Hymn is not pauper legal.

Well, most dual color decks should be going down to the Ash Barrens reprint.

Chainer's Edict and Gush make a lot more expensive. And, Izzet Delver is bad because of Snow-Covered lands; those need a reprint in a basic land slot.

Regardless, most Standard tiered decks are $300ish. 1/6 the price (or 1/3 for the more expensive decks) for a non-rotating format is still much, much better than anything else. I agree that they should reprint the expensive staples, but pauper's still the best deal for anything outside of Draft.

very nice, i'd love to see the new list user.

why is she so perfect bros?

Pure cancer.

>a cute 4 mana 1/2 is cancerous

>infinite combos are not cancerous

peregrine drake and faeries aren't in the format anymore user. at best it has some repeatable combos but nothing infinite.

>nothing infinite
Are you kidding? You've never played against dimir tron, with Ghostly Flicker? Ratlock? etc

ah i forgot ghostly flicker works on lands. that makes sense now

>trying to build MonoG land destruction deck
>Mwonvuli Acid-Moss out of stock everywhere
Fuck my Life

that deck si shit user. Why would you want to build it?

Muh fraying sanity one turn mill

>literally being retarded

One vendor literally has 25 NM in stock.

>shows me pic related
what did he mean with this?

Literally doesn't, unless you need to change your settings. Remove all preferences.

Go for discard to remove your opponent’s threats and answers. Raven’s Crime, Duress, and Wrench Mind.

is Monogreen LD really that good? Some of their cards are increasing in price.

No. Most of the expensive ones are EDH cards.

I see
I'd like to play something more complex (plus the fact I am bored of my MonoWhite Heroic/Soldier variations).
Any interesting deck that can get me wins in the upcomming sunday tourney in my city?

>card makes mana for each goblin in play
>card draws cards for each goblin in play

c"mon user you can crack it

Depends on what you mean by complex.

TortEx is one of the funnest decks in the format, but nobody's really broken it open to make it competitive, yet.

Other than that, any Delver deck is an option, UB control, Dimir teachings, Ratlock

I want to say he was probably looking for a red card. To use his red mana. For his red goblins. In his mono-red deck.

Y'know, just off the top of my head.

I wanna get into pauper, but seems the only competitive decks are either Red Burn or any deck with blue on it.

Not really.

Kuldotha Boros, Elves, Monowhite Heroic, MBC, all viable decks. Burn's only the fifth winningest.

he was literally reaponding to a goblinstorm post, not a monored goblins post

Anyone else play Gruul Domain Zoo? My builds more burn focused but sometimes I run out of gas because I'm dumping my hand so fast. I thought about running brainstorm or unearth but Im not sure I like the idea of running cards I can't play without nyleas presence.

I played zoo for a bit.

I like yours. I've been trying just r/g with one evolving wilds to get the single plains but I should just expand to all five colors to get more out of it in case I don't draw a nyleas. I've been running burning trees, keldon marauders, chain lightning and fireblast for more explosiveness but putting a rancor on a kor seems excellent.

B/W control deck works wonders with God-Pharaoh's Faithful. Pauper is truly Draft Chaffe: The Format.

Worst case, we gain a life or two and it eats a removal spell. Best case, it blocks a LOT of common threats on the ground, and if we have multiple out we gain a ton of life.

My meta will hate me. It'll be glorious.

How much success have you had with God-Pharaoh's Faithful? It's the one card from HOU I really wanted to make work.

i dig it, consider this bit of spice as a good option for flying damage, plus the ability to drain for pure value. possibly not too good against aggro which is what you're preparing for, but goes over the heads of most ground based decks.

Dude, it's what makes this deck shine. I can't believe I was so hesitant to use it.

Every removal spell gains a life, offsetting Evincar's Justice/Pestilence/Crypt Rats effects. Speaking of Evincar's, if you have seven mana, you only lose 1 life every time you cast it with one Faithful out... or none, with two. So, so good! Before I had them, there were some games where I would've been able to finish but the effects would kill me, too. This build solves that problem. Since this deck so often goes long, too, you have a good chance of getting 2+ Faithful out at a time.


Could this be a decent deck for someone aiming to get into pauper?

No one plays infect?

wtf is that card on the top right?

kird ape

user, i...

>top right

matca rioters

domain zoo is a real deck, not top tier but more like tier 1.5 if it's what you want to play by all means go for it. i personally have no experience with it
