>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Garbage
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5eg.tools
>Previously, on /5eg/
How do you incorporate sci-fi into 5e?
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Garbage
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5eg.tools
>Previously, on /5eg/
How do you incorporate sci-fi into 5e?
Other urls found in this thread:
wizard or sorceror
Someone in my group wants to play a spell-less Ranger. Is combining the Revised Ranger with the spell-less Ranger from UA good enough, or should I just tell him to play a Fighter with some nature skills?
Nerf Moon Druid
Shadfag thread. Report and ignore.
tell him to go Rogue with the Scout subclass
He really wants an animal companion, otherwise I'd do it.
If wizards build a wizards tower, what would a sorcerer build? Just a sorcerers tower?
Can I be a Drow that goes to the surface with no penalties?
Goggles of Night is an uncommon magic item no attunement that gives you darkvision.
have you DM create sunglasses that protect you from sunlight
Moon Druid isn't even that good.
We went over this a thread or two ago. Drow have penalties because they are cursed and allergic to the sun, WotC already answered you can't just wear sunglasses.
>Putting the incorrect pastebin in the op
You're a faggot
>How do you incorporate sci-fi into 5e?
wasnt there and dont care
if non darkvision races can get night goggles stands to reason drow can get sunglasses.
maybe at a higher rarity because drow get strong darkvision, and maybe it has no effect on magical effects that produce sunlight i.e sunsword but in terms of the giant ball of gas some several thousands of miles away no penalty
>interested in a girl
>invite her to play lmop
>creating character
>le racist high elf xD
>me-but-an-asshole kind of character
>talking like an expert on the game because she's played twice in the past with some shitty dms but has never read the book until now
>possibly full of bad habits from those games
How to I fix her
A bedchamber because they're slinging a 20 CHA
Give her the Dick
What the fuck does that even mean.
If you want to play retarded homebrew shit, go right ahead. Officially this is not a thing you can do, the drow are supposed to be a rare, monstrous race and has mechanical drawbacks that discourage players from playing them in most campaigns.
it is until level 5 or so
He's getting sneakier
what is this fucking meme
Wherever they want really.
If you wanted to do something interesting you could have them in a location that suits their bloodline. A dragon sorcerer could take over the lair of a slain dragon hoping to discover more about his latent heritage there. A wild magic sorcerer might live in a hovel in the woods having been driven out of their town for being dangerous and weird. A storm sorcerer might live in a lodge on a storm-wracked coast, feeling somehow more at home among the raging winds. Stuff like that.
A shitposter fucked with the thread OP, that means this thread will probably get deleted. Sage ignore report etc.
A cuck shed because they are playing the shittier caster
Be prepared for her to assume a houserule or two from her previous games also applies to this game, though just wait for the GM to correct her in those cases. As for the character itself, most newer players make characters that resemble themselves personality-wise. Although LMoP is short, if there's a chance, try to provoke character development through asking simple questions that require her to come up with an answer in character (i.e., if she rolls high on some history check or something, ask her IC "where'd you learn that?").
It's very good at level 2, 10 and 20. Every other level is anywhere from average to shit
Tell him to use his imagination.
"Spells? Magic? Pfft, please, I'm just good at what I do"
>"How do you incorporate sci-fi into 5e?"
It has spikes at those levels, yes
but its very good, in comparison to the rest of a similarly leveled party, until 5-7
This thread:
>It's the /pfg/ pastebin
Last thread:
>Actual /5eg/ pastebin
You know the procedure fellas, report, then ignore.
We should remove the pastebin from the OP so he can't hide his shit there.
what exactly is in this spammers pastebin
im scared
Just pathfinder splats.
All dead. All dead...
What types of tables should I have ready if I want to run as random of an adventure as possible?
twodefur wolves table
what is this? some attempt at subversion?
How would you price siege equipment? Also how would a siege work in game? I can't really imagine how I'd theoretically DM it and there isn't much on it in DMG outside of stats for siege equipment.
I don't need it for a siege though, I'm planning a campaign on an archipelago so ship combat will probably be a thing and there are no prices on siege weapons like ballistas or canons which players might want to buy for their ship. I'm trying to figure out how to do this, does anyone have any tips on running such a campaign and how to run ship combat?
Perhaps pricing cannons at 600g and cannonballs at 3g/ball would be appropriate?
That's great advice, dude. Thanks
Stop posting in the bait thread you fucking retards.
Real thread:
With vegepygmies and froghemoths being a thing, I just run Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
Sorcerer, it's a more flavorful class that is less likely to break the game, and encourages role-playing with a high Charisma score and training in social skills.
Battle Master Fighter with either Two Weapon Fighting or Archery fighting style, and Outlander theme.
A castle with a fuckhuge throne.
Call her out on her Bullshit, don't give her any breaks. If she can't take it, she ain't worth it.
One of my players brought up "thieving robin hood undead molemen" as something they'd like to see in the game.
How do I skaven in 5e?
what are some good penalties for having only one hand as a warlock? been thinking of just replacing it with mage hand and having to juggle my concentration but maybe like disadvantage of str checks or something maybe?
It's so strange that my Sorcerer can't quicken spell a Lightning Lure then cast lightning bolt, but he can Quicken spell Lightning Bolt then cast Lightning Lure.
Why did they do this?
Matt Colville is kickstartering rules for basically exactly this.
how do you guys deal with maps? I'm gonna be running lost mines of phandelvar soon, I'd like to have a map in the middle of the table for the players to see, but the ones in the book are tiny. Even if I printed them separately, they'd still only be printer paper size. I'm thinking maybe grab a dry erase board from wal mart?
post it in the other thread to get responses. sage and ignore.
So you would be required to spend the most SP possible for a double cast, thus making you think strategically about using your limited resources. Or because they're dicks and didn't want wizards to lose their place as best class, whatever.
Other than Extra Attacks and ASIs, is College of Swords Bard basically Eldritch Knight but better in every way that actually matters?
I only played other editions of D&D before, know nothing about 5e, and have a 5e game planned for later this week. What do?
Chargen is a non-issue as I'll be playing a pregen.
How do wizards break the game so badly?
Skeleton archer armies.
best spell list, best ritual casting
For the Constrictor Snake ability Constrict, does the target it hits get to make the escape DC right away or is it restrained until the target's turn comes to break it?
What would be best 3-4 PC's party setup to easily survive "gygaxian" levels of lethality/near RDST danger continuing past past third level?
Mildly annoying mode: Just AL legal
Difficult mode: Nobody is the same archetype
Nightmare mode: Nobody is same class
Commit Sudoku: Nobody has the same class, race, or background, and the archetype and race cannot share the same supplement book, also AL legal
Eldritch Knights are held up by action surge, 2nd wind, and SCAG power. They can also afford the feat taxes for melee spell casting. College of Swords gets to use inspiration dice where EKs spend spell slots, this just means eldritch knights can do their specialty longer while sword bards eventually have to go play back line after awhile. However, College of Valor is arguably better then both because it doesn't force itself into melee and battle magic is rad as fuck
You forgot arcane recovery.
Ship combat would be relatively simple to do if you care more for fun and simple than accurate which is what 5E is designed for anyway.
These numbers are examples but can be tweaked.
Let's take a Caravel with one cannon.
It has 300 hp, AC 15, moves 30 foot per round It needs 20 crew to function. If the crew is down to 50% its speed reduces by half or it can't fire its guns.
It's resistant to anything but fire/cannon attacks.
The cannon deals 6d10 damage at +5 to hit with a range of 300 foot.
For price? I'd say 5-10k GP.
Then just run it as you would any combat. I'd have the players giving orders to the ship , nominating one as 'captain' but having the crew do most of the work. Then they could either attack the enemy ship or try to board and attack the crew etc or vice versa.
whats the best class to simulate having 2 sentient creatures attached to you body who do the attacking and spellcasting for you?
what class and archetype does this picture best represent?
why do Monk Archtype capstones feel undewhelming compared to Quivering Palm?
Make your own setting
Reflavor EK?
Shepherd Druid?
I want to say that is the patron of a fey pact warlock.
A tavern
>Social as fuck
>Fire magic cooks food
>Prestidigitation can enhance food flavor
I had this continent west of Faerûn in which the characters were set up.
It was a sort of isolated scenario, where storms kept most travelers from leaving by sea, and the only passage through land was a weird desert known for it's megafauna.
The characters were adventuring and got involved with demonic forces, which haunted them. Ambushed their camps and whatnot. Seemed mostly like a normal campaign setup.
But during their travels they found a merchant town in which the beggar kids asked them for help because their friends were disappearing. The quest ended with them finding a secret laboratory where a dwarf was conducting research, building warforged-like suits worn by children to become his sentinels.
After killing said creatures and discovering the children, they tried to track the dwarf and failed.
Though the campaign was stopped halfway through, I intended them to find this huge mountain, where mostly dwarves and gnomes who were mostly artificers lived and did research. It was known as the Crown of Stone.
There, they would discover lots of steampunk-like technology, where mechanical enhancements were common and most devices were powered by Chardalyn found in the mountain's deposits.
I also intended this mountain to have this huge pit which connected it to the lower levels of this continent, where the dwarves found said technology: it was actually a massive spaceship that crash-landed in the world about 500 years before, and it's powerful technology made it so that everyone remembered it as if it had always been there.
It would be a lot of work, I had to adapt lots of enemy encounters. But I figured it'd be worth it to tell my tale.
I had one or two plot points centered on this, as well as some interesting DMCs and cities to be developed as the world progressed.
What rogue archtypes are shit and what ones are worth actually choosing? I've never played with a rogue so I'm not sure. There is a ton of overlap with rogue-like backgrounds too.
Are Aarakocras exclusively birds of prey?
I want a seafaring Aarakocra. As per fluff, they do nest on Mistcliffs in Chult, which is basically a shore grid of mountains, so they might have some affinity with sea. But still, they are originally from Elemental Plane of Air, so even if they do hunt fish around shore cliffs, it won't be enough for a proper marine background. I want my dude to travel by sea for quite some time after the destruction of his nest, so he must be sea-savy.
So, would it be implausible to assume that some of Aarakocras have features of swimming (swan) or wading (heron) birds?
Use a PDF writer or even paint or word to scale the maps properly to a 1" grid
Print multiple sheets and tape them together
Even better, cut out each room and do it modularly so they can't metagame for the full cave.
Or if you want to draw your own (or even just copy maps cheaply/easily) go to the dollar store and get a pack of sharpies and a roll of gift wrapping paper with a 1" grid on back. Draw whatever you want and just put some weights on the edges when you play. Except for having patterns on the other side, this can also add a bit of flavor to your game as you're hauling out and unfurling an actual map
One of my players is rolling a tiefling for our game, what ancestry would fit him best? He has:
>Small horns on head
>Does not cast a shadow
>Cat-like eyes
I'm thinking Rakshasa, but I don't know much about fiends. He comes from royalty, so I'm probably going to explore the idea that an ancestor made a deal with a devil.
Trove down?
link changed a bit it seems
just enter through the main site rather than direct link
Opinions on/experiences with Tomb of Annihilation? My players are currently in Port Nyanzaru. It's been fun so far, but I'm somewhat unsure what information I need to feed them before they head into the jungle. They do feel a strong sense of urgency.
>the guy wants $40k for a 100-page book
>dude raised over a million bucks, 60 bucks per person on average
>he'll make a profit off of the book anyways because of the free marketing he got off of this thing
Kickstarter was a mistake.
I played one session of it, my level one rogue nearly died and the hexcrawl element seemed really slow, also we had no frigging idea where to go. I had fun though so it's alright
How does one brew alcohol in 5e? A PC was interested in starting a line of single malt whiskey, but I have no idea what goes on in the alcohol business. Pretty much Greek to me...
just read up on boozemaking and figure shit out man
How would a group who lives an hour away from each other go about playing online. I've heard roll20 is a good option.
it's a good tool
just don't go recruiting people from there
In 5e what does casting barkskin at higher levels do?
nothing other than as if you cast it as a level 2 spell
How does it work? Are there any dm tools?
Thats agianst raw. Phb says casting a spell using a higher slot scales the spell.
you get to set up maps with separate tabs and shit
built in initiative tracker
a GM layer to hide shit from players
you can actually set up reminders for people so they see exact date/time when the game's happening
wrong, only SOME spells have a scaling effects
others just fill in the slot with no change to their power
Phb pg 201. "When a spellcaster casts a spell using a slot that is of a higher level than the spell, the spell assumes the higher level for that casting."
i would either have them try to gather rumors or just let them venture forth and discover stuff on their own
my very screencap is word for word PHB text so fuck right off
if the spell description doesn't have any written out effect for higher level casting, it doesn't recieve any power buff
Oh that sounds really cool. Can i use my own maps or do i have to use/edit the ones they provide.
Roll20 a shit
Use Maptools. Might be a bit of an issue with port forwarding when you host a server but it's well worth it becasue of the general ease of use IMO.
yeah you can use your own stuff
you can also just draw shit if you need an emergency map for something
That means when something else refers to spell level, such as counterspell, the spell casted in a higher level slot counts as that level. Casting barkskin at level 8 for example makes it very hard to counterspell but provides no stat benefits compared to the normal version.
I've been in a group that's been playing for a while, just cleared a mine and started pushing into a forge. Its fun if everyone else is actually trying to succeed since everyone has to work together, but the moment someone pulls a dumb move you're going to hate their guts as the inevitable TPK descends.