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>How to Jumpchain
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I am having trouble on deciding whether to stay biological, go full robot, or combine both into letting me become a techno-organic lifeform. Which do you think is best?
Mushroom jumpers are the best jumpers
Robot is the only smart option.
>a techno-organic lifeform
fungi robots my dude
Technology and biology. Two great tastes that taste great together.
Figuratively speaking, of course.
Answer 1) Don't go halfsies, either go all out robot or don't.
Answer 2) Alt form it, have a bio, bot, and borg mode.
You are Jumper.
You have the room to become the amalgamation of all things.
Don't be limited by technorganic. Become alchemical. Become spiritual. Become magical. BECOME THE APEX OF ALL THINGS, AS IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT.
For Sunshine do we need to get more unreasonably jacked as time goes on or can we just be very tone. I ask since The One looks like Hulk on steroids
Whichever you think looks cooler.
That's what it comes down to in the end. Once you apply enough shenanigans it really ceases to matter from a practical standpoint.
Alt forms are the answer. Swap out your bodies for the situation or mood you're in. Feel like tinkering? Go robot and play with yourself. Forget what a peach tastes like? Slip back into flesh and go eat a bucket of them.
Posting my [Disney] Robin Hood jump here. It's still a little rough, so I'll take any feedback you have.
>and play with yourself
Oh I'm gonna play with myself alright.
If I have Pym particles, is there any point to grabbing miniaturization perks?
That's not really a good example. Mortal Heroes is based on a module to a system built entirely around storytelling, with a fleshed out setting. There's more to Exalted than "random supernatural threat wants to kill you". Notably Mortal Heroes wasn't made because the setting is inherently good gauntlet material, it's because there's good gauntlet material within the setting itself. It's not limited to running around following the protagonist, and there can't be, because as a ttrpg there aren't any "real" protagonists. Everyone but you is a supporting character. It also gives you several challenges, and you're not replacing some character in the setting forced to relive their journey, you make your own and the "goal" is just to survive, not to fill in for whoever you replaced.
If something like Nightmare on Elm Street were made into a Gauntlet, however, your options would pretty much be to fight Freddy like how the canon survivors did, or die like a bitch. Even if you win against him then what? Congratulations you triumphed over a foe with known weaknesses, at no actual risk to yourself! Woo! So inspiring. Or you stay in the setting to either: repeat with more demons, live out slice of life with arbitrary depowering, try to fighr the real Dream Demons and die like a bitch. It'd be a meaningless stepping stone to the rest of the chain with actual consequences and at least minor continuity. Unlike the Gauntlet, which turned out to be just Nightmare on Elm Street Fanfiction with some meta-knowledge. Something like Silent Hill is one of the only settings I can confidently say would make a good gauntlet, because the entire experience is tailored to you, you're not just taking someone else's place.
Yes. Yes it did. Several, in fact. Also apparently Dr. Sloth was there before anyone else.
Who's the pink text at the end of the jump/whats up with it, and is there anything stopping me from just lazing about the entire time?
Depending on their nature, you may be able to combine them to get even better or less energy-intensive compression/expansion.
Are there any items worth snatching in Young Justice?
Biological. All day, everyday.
>[Disney] Robin Hood
Is this the one with the furry Maid Marian?
My personal MO is full biological.
I use a combination of stuff from multiple jumps to create biotech versions of inorganic technology.
I'm still working on incorporating magic and spiritual stuff.
But if you have reservations about such things, alt-forms are your friends. Maybe keep one fully robotic body to keep your options open.
Or maybe go to Irredeemable and take the Infomorph power. Then you can just possess whatever form you wish.
Furry everything, really.
It's the furry everybody
Little John is a fucking bear.
So what you're saying is that we should have more Gauntlet's like Mortal Heroes, highly open ended?
That Cadmus cloning facility from the first episode? Just, the entire complex, to go forth and makes Supes clones.
Also, Amazo and the Reach Scarabs?
Yeah, I only know of it because of the porn
I swear I remember someone posting some of that here once.
>pink text
I don't actually know.
>anything stopping you
Not really, unless you're invested. Everything gets taken care of by one protagonist or another.
Go halvsies with your waifu, one of you technological and the other biological, your technorganic spawn will inherit the stars.
>He has never watched Disney's Robin Hood.
Is this what it feels to be old?
So the Appleseed method?
Bingo! She's quite a foxy lady in the movie.
Not quite everybody. There's a snake and a crocodile, not to mention a few birds and turtles.
Why not both? Its what I did. I took two companions for this. The Mecha Jumper from Metal Slug and the Super Jumper from the Dragonball GT Jump.
You can automatically fuse at-will with the Super Android and there are many other options to fuse with the Mecha Jumper. Lets just go with the Fusion Dance from the same Jump.
Now I have a Robot Copy of myself that grabs all Techno/Robotics bits and an Android version of myself that grabs all the Biological stuff. There is a bit of cross over cause some perks are just really good.
For myself, I pick up the other odds and ends to help round it all out like say Magic. When the time is needed, I just contact fusion with Super and then Fusion with Mecha and we're Super Mecha Android Jumper!
Under what conditions did you initially meet your companions?
Was it coincidental, or did you just suddenly appear right in front of them?
How do you meet them again in future worlds? Are you scattered across the globe, or at least in the same starting area, or do you show up right next to each other?
Is it different when some or all of you don't drop-in?
The closest thing I have to Companions right now are an owl, a phoenix, and a fragment of Thoth/Djehuty possessing me. People think I'm insane, it always looks like I'm talking to myself. Send help.
Go to Nechronica and become the loli nanobot zombie.
Well, the double spaced text is a little unpleasant to read, but not intolerable.
Cast Cache would probably work better as a "Can hide small items on yourself in a way that make it difficult for casual observers to detect said items" type perk. As it is, that bit about inserting items into wounds is a little disturbing and doesn't seem to fit.
Oo De Lally is a pretty specialized perk. Why not just phrase it as a less specific sneaking booster/skill?
Say It Like You Mean It is, again, pretty specific and absolute. Making it a powerful intimidation tool would better suit your intent.
Charge! is a might overpowered in giving you the ability to Juggernaut your way through /anything/ so long as you have a few friends running alongside you. I get what you're going for, but you might want to nix that bit.
I think that might be a bit of a reoccurring complain with me and a lot of your Perks. They're very narrowly focused. And while I understand the scenes you're referencing, you might be better served by broadening their reach and lowering their power a little. Also, the Noble perk line is suffering a little from multiple-personality syndrome. You've got perks about usurping the throne in the same tree as those ensuring you'll be able to retake your throne. Consider splitting some of those perks off into a separate perk line, or undiscounted perks.
And while I know I just laid out a truckload of criticisms, I want you to know I really enjoy the fact that you're doing this setting. It's one I've looked forward to. You're headed in the right direction and I love the ideas you've got going on. I can tell you're going to do a good job with this.
I have no foxes on hand to urge you forwards with, so take a dapper man instead.
Prologue and Jump 01, reposted and finished. pastebin.com
Jump 1: Courage The Cowardly Dog
Location: Katz Motel
Age: 21
Origin: Drop-In
Whittle Wonder [950]
Invisibility [650]
Courage [550]
Flee [450]
Laser Gun [300]
Plunger [200]
Muriel's Recipes [0]
Build: Medium
Type: Athlete [500]
Stats:Dex 2, Speed 2, Str 1 [250], Endr 1 [200], Appeal 1 [150], Shape 1 [100], Sense 2 [0]
Perks: Flexibility 1, Color - Red irises, white hair. [300]
I like how cast cache helps me hide things in my genitals.
Alright, so... I'm looking to establish my own pantheon, and to that end I'd like to gather a whole bunch of god(desse)s together.
Right now, I've got gods for "Life/Fertility/Nature", "Fire & Dragons", "Technology/Science", and the incarnated spirit of a planet that follows me around.
Now, I'm thinking of adding a God of Death at the very least, and probably a bunch more besides...
So, what I'm asking is... Which other domains should I include, and which gods or goddesses (preferably goddesses) would be fun to include in my starting pantheon?
Threadly reminder that you had four years to make that jump for the series you enjoy, so complaining about quality, canonicity or people making jumps for series that aren't finished is just entitled shitstirring.
Blood Bowl jump when?
Don't forget your gods of other civilized concepts beyond technology. Commerce, Law, Justice, Marriage, Roads, Writing, Medicine, the Hearth, Smithing/Weaving/Crafts, War, Vengeance, Agriculture (specifically practices like irrigation, which he/she likely taught to mankind), and more!
Also, gods of the Directions, Weather, Seasons, Protectors of Children, Fortune, the Hunt, Love & Lust, the Liminal/Boundaries, Tricksters, and the Tutelaries that act as patrons of individual cities or peoples.
Storms, winter, rivers (people find it easier to worship natural phenomena they can respect; they tend to get funny ideas if you just point them at water to worship), fortune, languages, war (people need a mascot for the hard times), civilisation (and one for the good times), the incarnated spirit of a sun (gotta have parity lest people come up with their own myths), mystery and magic (as a catch-all for when your followers find something that doesn't fit the other categories).
You may also consider an object of "anti-worship" like Loki or Apep. They don't have to be your enemy, but it's nice to have a fall guy for when shit goes south.
I'd rather have you write up a drawback section than Valeria, and that's really saying something given that you're the opposite of Ricrod's drawback sections. Hers is a textbook example of how not to write up a drawback section. I mean, seriously, they're there to tempt you into getting more points, not be glorified suicide notes.
>Under what conditions did you initially meet your companions?
>Was it coincidental, or did you just suddenly appear right in front of them?
Coincidentally, for most. Unless there's an option that explicitly makes me appear right in front of them... Can't really think of any?
...Though, a lot of them, I either go looking for them on my own or purchasing their companion option manipulates events to meet them "coincidentally".
>How do you meet them again in future worlds? Are you scattered across the globe, or at least in the same starting area, or do you show up right next to each other?
We're generally in the same starting area if I've imported them, unless it wouldn't make sense. Like, say, if I import them on the other side of a war, they'd be with their "own" people instead of with mine.
>Is it different when some or all of you don't drop-in?
If we drop-in, we just fall out of the sky within a few meters of each other.
Yer mum's a glorified suicide note.
With a big enough society, you end up with gods for just about everything. I mean, Rome had a patron goddess of SEWERS.
Thanks for the feedback. This was a jump I'd worked on early on and forgotten about until recently, so I appreciate the pointers on what to fix.
Double-spacing was something I forgot to edit when I restarted work on the jump; I'll make the next version single-spaced and with page numbers.
Now that I look at it closer, a lot of the perks are kind of narrow, something I never really fixed. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the suggestions.
Unfortunately, I don't think I can do anything about the schizophrenic nature of the Noble background. See, that background is meant to represent the nobility in the setting, but that encompasses both the good nobles (Maid Marian, Lady Cluck, King Richard) and the bad ones (Prince John and Sir Hiss). And unfortunately, seeing as I couldn't come with enough perks for two separate sets (not to mention that the difference between the two would be something vague like "good nobles" and "bad nobles"), I had to merge them together. Since there's not enough to concentrate on just one end of the spectrum, I'm stuck with them together for now. Sorry.
And thanks for the encouragement. I'll do my best to spruce things up.
>there aren't even drawbacks featured anywhere in my post
>this crosspost/copypasta couldn't be more obvious if it had landing lights
>mfw this is the only reply to my post so far
Why do you put so much effort into hurting me
Awesome start as always Heavens! Can't wait for more.
That's certainly a whole lot of good suggestions, yeah. Thanks.
Mhm, seems good. Mystery & magic as the catch-all especially seems good. I'm now imagining the god of that as the guy who immediately takes credit for whatever thing just happened that doesn't fall under someone else's rule.
An anti-worship god... I hadn't even considered that, but that does sound like it'd be great. Thanks.
...The poop goddess? What?
Anyway, now to decide who I might be able to poach from other pantheons/settings to fill these positions...
Sewer goddess, Cloacina. The sewers were a pretty big deal for the tech level of the time, figures they'd be proud of and want someone to pray to if they get backed up.
Probably because you never explain why people have to save that picture on their computer.
My Jumpers generally meet their Companions as coincidences. Even in the chains where the Jumpers have full control of their documents, buying a Companion isn't an automatic thing. Just an assurance that you will meet with them on a relatively frequent basis and possibly have a generally friendly first meeting. My Jumpers have had a fair number of Companions turn down their offers for one reason or another over my various chains.
Companions always start in close proximity to the Jumper, usually on whatever property they are dragging along or in the same general area. Unless there's a reason for things to be otherwise such as drawbacks or conflicting backgrounds. But even then, they tend to stumble across each other fairly quickly. And no, it generally isn't different with some or all of us pick the Drop-In background.
>Noble Background
That's understandable. It's easy to say "Just split up that perk line", but I know as well as any Jumpmaker that isn't always possible.
Glad I could help though.
He'll explain later
You need a god of Giant Monsters and one for Mecha and to make them fight
You have a god of swearing and foul languages?
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Location: Australia
Origin: Normal Man (+300)
Messiah of The Modern Age (Free)
Inhuman Relations (Free)
The Son Returns To The Father (-100)
Team Leader (-100)
Mountainous Mind (-200)
Failsafe (-200)
Humans First (-300)
God Father+2 (-600) (Nanotech) (Artificial Intelligence)
Double Oh Super (-200)
Uzi (Free)
Anti-Fungal tablets (Free)
Super Devil (+300)
Bigger and Bigger (+300)
The first Super God of the world was...Power armor. A suit of power armor made from nanobots with the intelligence of a constantly upgrading AI. (Think like Cortana and Masterchief kinda situation going on here) The body of a god, wielded by a man. The armor itself constantly upgrades itself by taking in materials and absorbing power from movement, and sunlight. I have the AI take control of nanobots outside the suit in order for us to start building things with them. I always did want to be like a Supreme Commander, look out world here comes...the Aeon Illuminate.
The Aeon Illuminate were trying to show others the way before it was cool.
>Titus Tatius, who reigned with Romulus, erected a statue to Cloacina as the spirit of the Cloaca Maxima
Top kek Rome
Do you WANT to split the congregation into a religious war?
...do you not?
Fair enough, I suppose? When you're the only one with actual sewers, that does seem like something you'd be glad for.
Of course. It is so obvious now, the only question remaining is which Godzilla I'm going to get for that.
No, no. See, they're going to be opposing but harmonious forces. Like a yin/yang thing.
It feels like any jump, regardless of who made it, fades into obscurity in a couple weeks, max. Except Fate. This makes me sad.
We need a Dorohedoro jump immediately
Speaking of giant monsters how many jumps are there where there's a kaiju origin?
That's the genius of Val, her shitposting keeps her jumps fresh in our memory. DDAnon tries the same thing but screwed up because nobody would even pretend to like him.
You can put spoilers in the jump doc, white text on a white background, and leave it up to the user if they want to see it. Some clarification on whether resetting the world is a loss condition would be good.
The souls of the innocent and his troops shield the MC during his self-logout / transcendence, so he has to suffer for 20 subjective years before you change anything if you want the canon ending. The only other options are to stall the plot, defeat the god, or take the easy route and reset the world (killing the MC's sister). Starting the jump 5 years before the story starts puts you in a really tough spot in regards to helping the MC or interfering, or even participating at all. It would be nice if you could choose to start at the story's start where there's less to butterfly away.
Alternatively, this setting is ripe for an anti-butterfly, or targeted butterfly perk, which would solve a lot of this, considering the moon people spent so much time studying the butterflies and trying to get it right time after time.
What do you expect people to do during the jump? Your choices are pretty constrained.
Maybe in the thread, but not in my heart
I see someone is hopping on the Brigitte hype-train.
We met at a high society party. I was basically a frat boy, she was... Not exactly a secretary, but she didn't into politics at all yet, so she was getting on the job training. By going to a party.
It makes sense in context.
Anyways, she complained how all the rich people seemed stupid, and I explained how they bough the right to names their kids certain things decades in advance.
We flirted for a bit, I failed to convince her to spend the night with me, and we parted ways.
Later, we got into a fight with a villain with a reality warping artifact, I tried to steal it, and we had a three way warp off. We overpowered him, and when we went back home, the world was just a bit different.
Like, 200% edgier, and everybody of note had some form of super powers. For example, she was possessed by her dead grandparents (and a bunch of others) as a method of learning faster, and her second in command was raised by lightning wolves.
Oh, and we were married.
Maybe if they were worth talking about, they'd be worth remembering.
Yo Val, does Artificial God give you the same level of control over Organic Matter as it does Inorganic?
I'm Trying to decide if I want to shell out the points for it or just stick to Living Flesh
>t. meme goldfish
Surprise surprise, a board like this has a very short average attention span.
It's almost like that's what happens when you shitpost anyone who talks about non-Val jumps.
Double Check
What’s not to love about Brigitte? Other than her name is difficult to spell.
What exactly does the magic perk from Berserk allow you to do? The perk itself isn't very...descriptive.
I can't believe I'm interacting with you but what on earth makes you assume that?
Why are you doing this to me
You realize that Many has developmental issues, right? He's admitted as much in the past. Best not to dig too much into what he thinks and why.
Don't ask if you don't think you'll like the answer.
And given this is Fist, you never will.
Who /evil/ here?
>developmental issues
Are these the polite words for autism these days?
Yeah, but even out of Val jumps, people only ever talk about Fate and DYN, rarely God of Highschool and then only for Supreme God.
All autists have developmental issues, but not everyone with a developmental issue has autism.
What's DTF?
Say, do you have any thoughts on how to improve the Phony Flattery Phonetics perk? I like how it embodies the way the peasants were able to make John look like a complete buffoon, but it is one of the more narrowly-focused perks and I don't know how to make it more fitting for a capstone.
Charisma perks make everyone DTF even if they don’t normally. Plus she’s a Techno-Shield Maiden, raised to be a tomboy. She’s also from the Future Sweden, so she’s gonna be ultra-liberal.
Down To Fuck
Dedicated To Formage
She must have one heck of a good personality.
Once again. That's what happens when you shitpost discussion about anything else. Talk about different things if you want to see more discussion.
>She’s also from the Future Sweden, so she’s gonna be ultra-muslim.
I've just started reading God Is Dead, and I gotta say, the name doesn't surprise me. All these Gods are just so goddamn weak, dying one after another. You honestly can't even call them Gods, they're more like mildly supernatural beings.
I don't even know what to say to that line of logic. Except to be mildly horrified. I'm not sure what I expected.
You were warned.
Threadly reminder that entitled whining and shitstirring is the default mode of not just Veeky Forums, but all of humanity.
Not enough pronouns is that it?