System recommendation

Hello, does anyone have recommendations for a RPG ruleset that can facilitate modern/post-apocalyptic/sci-fi stories, is setting-agnostic, and isn't super-crunchy (GURPs, for example, would be way beyond what I'm looking for). Thank you for your help.

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Genesys. It runs Star Wars, it runs Fallout, and it's Generic, so it'll run modern too.

>please spend 60 bucks on a book and 15 bucks on a set of special snowflake dice with weird symbols on them
OP is better off with Savage Worlds. I've seen absolutely nothing that Genesys does better than Savage Worlds. Plus Savage Worlds is 10 bucks for the core book (print version, not PDF).

Traveller (Classic, Mongoose, or Cepheus Engine) can do all that. It's not 100% setting agnostic - the space ships use a particular type of engine and that's woven into the rules for trade and stuff, but if you don't care if that shit gets unrealistic (and odds are you don't) then you can drop in any kind of star drive you like and run with it.
As for more down-to-earth post-apoc stuff, it works pretty well. Some fa/tg/uy recounted using it for an 18th century riflemen game and said it worked beautifully even for that.

Yeah and so is d20/OGL if you go by Genesys’s definition.

Traveller is probably a bit heavy if OP is scared off by GURPS of all things.

GURPS big downside, and what people mean when they say it's too complex, is choice paralysis. It's never "I can't figure out how to roll 3d6." There's just so many options to sort through before you can begin to assemble the rules you need in order to play the game you want, and on top of that, building a character is a chore.

That's not really a problem with Traveller. Pick one of the two big editions, grab its corebook and go. Chargen is a literal minigame rather than a figurative one, and is actually fun.

Second for savage worlds. I’m converting a scifi cyoa to it and it’s going pretty well.

>and on top of that, building a character is a chore.

It's really not that bad, it takes 20 minutes tops once you know the book

Honestly this. I love FFG's Star Wars game but I feel that Savage Worlds does everything that Genesys does but better, and is much cheaper to boot. I feel that Genesys does do weapon and equipment mods better though so if that's an important thing for you then look into it.

No generic system is truly generic. Just by the nature of RPGs, each system will encourage certain styles of play over others, even if it considers itself "generic".

It's like elections; there's many methods that can be considered "fair", but that each result in different winners.

I think they do wildly different things.

Apocalypse World maybe? Combat is super light in it, tho.

I like d20 modern. Some of the setting isn't agnostic, but I'm not autistic and can cross out the setting part any of it and move on.

Personally, I like the Cyberpunk 2020 system and used it also for random modern stuff. It has medium crunch but is really easy to learn. Everything is written on your character sheet or on the DM screen and you don't need to constantly look up stuff in tons of books. Later, you always can add or remove stuff to make it perfect for your needs. Another advantage is that it requires only d10 (for stat/skill roll, hit location and heavy weapon damage) and d6 (for damage).

That's exactly where Cyberpunk 2020 is great. Your character is defined by stats, skills and equipment - that's it. You don't have a huge list of advantages/disadvantages/perks to choose from. There are no esoteric buzzwords, moves, or character books to use that will slow down gameplay. If you don't use the Lifepath system, or use an automated version of it, you create characters in 5 minutes.

Well well well. Lots of chances to recommend Alternity today.

Interlock Unlimited would be good for it

If OP wants to run Sci-Fi, I suggest not using the weapons and a lot of the equipment from he Sci-Fi companion. Just rename the base game weapons. Savage Worlds starts to get a bit iffy the more dice and toughness that gets thrown around.

Interlock Unlimited is garbage. The author took the worst from Cyberpunk 2013 and 2020 and mixed it together. The simplicity that made Cyberpunk 2020 great was completely put aside. You might just as well play GURPS.

Baic RolePlaying. It is universal as long as you don't stray too far into heroics, comes without a setting but shows you how to make one (and has plenty of pre-made ones), is mechanically as straightforward as you can get with optional crunch-dials, a myriad of offshoots covers every conceivable base.
Embrace the d100, user.

Mutants and Masterminds. 2e if your group are D&D savvy, 3e is good too.
Herolab has a nice free character builder demo.

I recommend you USR (Unbelievably Simple Roleplaying) - it's a rules-lite system that will do the job. However, if you need some sort of psionics and wetware, you'll need to homebrew it.