Hete's a link to the actual story if you don't have an interest in somebody making content for their youtube channel...

Hete's a link to the actual story if you don't have an interest in somebody making content for their youtube channel off of somebody else's news story or OP's own vague and melodramatic spin.


Wow, and to think this all happened because some random faggot got perma-b& from twitter.

WotC really screwed the pooch on this one.

If you're going to keep making poorly written shitpost threads, you could at least have the decency to whine about a real problem like cardboard quality.

Not sure why I'd ever +1, from a gameplay standpoint

Well it's the only way to build loyalty before the flip. It needs to be on the field for two turns to flip, so you could imagine a situation where it gets pinged for 2 and you can't flip it, so you +1.

When OP said "ABC", my first thought was, "ABC, or an ABC affiliate station?"

Posting in a Jeremythread

>In response, Travis did an immediate background check on Prajzner and learned that in November of 2014 , he had been convicted in Montgomery, Pennsylvania for possession and dissemination of Child Pornography. Prajzner was ordered to 23 months in jail, which he served during weekends.
>23 months in jail
>which he served during weekends.

Hasbro killing off Wizards when?

fukking lol

>WoTC fucks up and knowingly endangers children
>Hasbro owns WoTC
>Hasbro's main consumer are children and parents of children
>Parents find out Hasbro didnt do anything either
>Shitstorm ensues

this is the real problem. This is the type of problem that could end WoTC. Not card quality.

The thing about local ABC stations or affiliates is that they share news. So this shit will be allover the country. Regardless of if its affiliate or not.

You haven't been here very long.

Maybe it starts on Friday Afternoon.

They are releasing masters sets as fast as possible before the game dies. I think Hasbro knows its not going to last forever.

Hey some rapists only spend alternating weekends in jail, so at least there's that.

So who's honestly crazier. These shitposting jeremy cocksuckers or the pizzagate hooligans over on /pol/? Or are they basically one and the same?

The LGS in there is near me lol.

didn't actually know i could get as mad as i am.

I am going to go on a limb and say you are a women or a 15 year old.

They are 100% the same.

That's not the point. I can post something on twitter and technically it will be seen all over the world

not really at all the same in any way unless you have some sort of way to give everyone your handle, date and time of your posts, and your twitter is part of a larger group that is followed by millions of ppl. Then yea i guess you have a point.

If you read WotC's glass door page you learn that the company is poorly run, low pay and tons of miss management. Some departments over worked, some sitting around never receiving work. This judge issues could have been avoided if they just paid the judges like contractors, you could have even factored in the background check into first pay. This helps with the store issues as well since the responsibility falls on the judge, the story only exist as a place to host events. As long as wizards does not ignore reports, it's not WotC fault for a shitty store.
It's an interesting domino effect, I do wonder if WotC just payed that cosplay would she have ever left? I am not defending the MTGHQ guy, he's a fucking idiot who just acts like the Milo of mtg. However, while people shouldn't be harassed, I find it worry some she never showed any proof of harassment. Since it's all digital she should have saved emails and screen shots, right? I want to stand by her side and help her but I need proof. Otherwise it's a little odd that girl who lives in poverty, decides now the time to leave regardless that the harassment has been going on for months which is the same time her pateron starts to dip and WotC refuses to pay her.
I think WotC has a shit ton of problems, it's more of a death by a thousand paper cuts which roots back to how the company operates. I dont care the color of the card or what gender they are, I can more about quality as in quality in lore, story, game play, card stock, and formats. But instead WotC just jerks themselves off over the tiniest of liberal pandering as a smoke screen for the real issues.
Richard Garfield coming back is a sign of this is our last chance to course correct.
No one is defending mtghq, but you are coming off like a little butt hurt redditor, WotC needs to course correct and if you can't see that well your retarded.

I can see the theory behind the weekend jail idea. A non violent offender, especially someone with dependents, that makes a TOUCH of sense, assuming due to bureaucracy that pure community services won't suffice, such as with a mandatory minimum issue. In that case, it's a janky but potentially workable solution a broader issue (the mandatory minimums themselves being inflexible).

Applying it to fucking child pornographers and statutory rapists is a pretty shit system, though.

Stop coming here Jeremy. Nobody here cares that isn't already giving you neetbux on Patreon.

well to be fair jeremy simply pointed out that cosplay is very provocative. And he used her as an example..which is perfect because she was dressing exactly like how fatass latina bitch at wotc and many other females complain characters are too provocatively dressed.
soo i mean he had a point and really highlighted the sjw's hypocrisy.

>a detailed explanation of what is wrong with WotC which and offers solutions to the problem
>points out issues with pandering and demands proof for digital harassment
>get Muh Jeremy response

Why don’t you actually debate my points, both you and I want to see this game survive, so please what’s your solution to the issue?

You are not wrong, I think he fucked up in the way he went about it, you can’t act like Milo, you need to be more like Ben Shapiro, facts first emotions last.

How about you outline your problems and "solutions" in a way that isn't an incoherrent rambling blogpost and I'll be happy to point out where your misunderstanding of what's happening as well as your ability to blatantly ignore how the real world works makes them worthless suggestions. Otherwise I'll assume that you're arguing in bad faith like every other Hambly poster and reiterate my statement that you should kindly fuck off, we're not your personal army.

Fuck off, Jeremy

I am going to go on a limb and say you are a retarded 12 year old

Go to bed Elaine, you're high on adrenochrome.

Go away Jeremy, you're high on stupid

What archetype do you think Jeremy would play if wasn't banned?

Poor Jeremy. All he had was his fight against the big bad WotC, and now he has to spend his time shilling on Veeky Forums for neetbux. Truly a sadder tale has never been told. I cry every time.

Monored, burn in any format where burn is possible. He obviously plays it fast and loose and can't forsee consequences to his actions even if it's spelled out for him.

Sure, I will list the problems and my solutions:
>Problem: WotC is a miss managed company, that under pays employees

Solution: a company restructure, reevaluation of departments, and increase in pay.

>Problem: Judges have shady backgrounds and want to be paid.

Solution: WotC turns Judges into contractors who go thru background checks and receive pay based on number of events they work at, amounts very from pre releases to PTO.

>Problem: Standard has weak power levels with few over powered mythics.

Solution: Fire Sam Stoddard and reverse his New World Order game design, return control to standard, make more cards that see play in Modern, design creature toughness around Lighting Strike more 3CMC with 3 toughness and more 4CMC with 4+ toughness, not this 2/1 power toughness we see with creatures too often.

>Problem: Cards are faded and warping

Solution: Work with printers to fix the issues or spend more money for better card stock.

>Problem: Too much focus on Standard and less on Modern

Solution: We are already seeing solutions to this. Hopefully more cards in Standard will also see life in the modern meta as well.

>Problem: The Sprankle Harassment and Payment issue

Solution: WotC should pay her for her time at events, as for harassment since she said it was all digital all I ask is to see proof. Copies of emails, twitter screen shots.

>Problem: SJW Pandering

Solution: Just go back to the old way, make good well rounded characters. It didn't matter that Agrus Kos and Teferi were black, they were great characters that happen to be black. Now we get Kaya whose whole personality is I am a Strong black assassin and then WotC shoves it down our throats that they hired a black nerd girl consultant to make the character. Did they do with with Teferi or get an Asian consultant for Sarkhan or Narset, no, this is just cheap and quick pandering that detracts from the quality over all.

*Sam Stoddard and Ken Nagle. I think it was Maro who did the New World Order thing, or did that fat fuck Stoddard make a New NWO?

you should be running the company

Wow, way to reply 40 minutes after the original post, definitely in good faith here.

>Problem 1

You make a claim and provide no evidence to support it. Your burden is to first prove WotC is mismanaged and underpaying, and no, Glassdoor reviews don't count. For every one person who posts bad shit anonymously on Glaasdoor there are at least 5 other people still in that department having no issues. Find actual qualitative and quabtitative evidence and supply ACTUAL solutions. Saying "restructure the company" means nothing if you don't say what it shouod be restructured TO.

>Problem 2

Again, no evidence provided that the current system of requiring backvround checks on judges working events isn't enough.

>Problem 3

Here the shitposter shows his lack of knowledge and reveals that he's just a hamblyfag armed with Buzzwords. Maro is responsible for NWO not Stoddard and NWO has nothing to do with powerlevel, only complexoty and only in regards to common. Some of the most powerful cards ever printed, like lightning bolt and ancestral, are FINE under NWO. Refine your argument so that you're actually arguing against the REAL problem (that WotC is already trying to fix) which is the shit development team.

>Problem 4

This one is actually legit.

>Problem 5

Again, also legit.

>Problem 6

Nobody cares about the Sprankle shit and Jeremy was banned for much more than that one case, so her providing proof of anything is moot. Also, even if she DOESN'T ever provide proof, the guy said that Cosplayers are glorified sex workers and told her to admit it, which is usually frowned upon in the real world in case you didn't know.

>Problem 7

This has MUCH more to do with the story team being shit than pandering. Again, you use buzzwords instead of an actual argument because you don't understand what you're talling about. And in terms of "fixing it" WotC is already starting to considering they hired a REAL AUTHOR for Dominaria's story.

In conclusion: fuck off Jeremy.

>EL PASO, Texas - Magic the Gathering is a card game played by two or more people. The competitors role play as wizards and battle each other using trading cards they have at their disposal.
This is the best fucking lede I've read in ages.

I like this game where we shit on the news for being fearmongering idiots that don't do a single fact check but they are perfectly legitimate when they run stories that we agree with.

>soo i mean he had a point and really highlighted the sjw's hypocrisy.
His point was lost when he acted like a total sperg clown though. Its hard to side with such a retard.

>well to be fair jeremy simply pointed out that cosplay is very provocative.
fun way to manipulate the narrative. Even if what you're saying is true, being acerbic with the intent to incite anger and outrage is unprofessional and not that smart if you're attacking a big company that essentially controls access to the assets you make a living off of.

>it doesn't matter what he says is right, what matters is tone
Are you a woman?


>10's of 1000's
>bad wrap


great post, agree with everything except for the fact that i really dont like the cosplayers at events, they just dress skimpily to get guys' attention and take away from the game itself. they're never interested in the actual play of the game, nor are they interested in the lore, so I'd rather not have them there at all

Nobody wants your degenerate ass to exist, go praise the blue whale.

Give this man the company


It's pretty fucking funny/alarming that there are some dedicated cultural marxists doing active damage control FOR pedophiles in this thread.

And here we were told the slippery slope isn't real.

>Wow, way to reply 40 minutes after the original post, definitely in good faith here.
such passive - aggresive aproach can only be found in the soyest of boys. Or in a woman.

I wonder if there is a wing in the internet research facility or whatever those Russians call it for shitposting about WotC

You called it, this headcase is either an insane woman or a man so soyed the fuck up that he might as well be an insane woman.

>repeating hillary clinton campaign talking points
>because someone pointed out that wotc is aiding and abetting active child molesters
This has to be satire, right? It's too perfect!

t. applesponge

Also, you can't force an insult out of wholecloth, you retard. Insults are descriptors based on obversations that are agreed upon by a community. Applesponge describes nothing in this context. The only thing it could describe is a mindless consumer of Apple products, which is pretty much the modern liberal.

seriously though always ignore that retard


>The thing about local ABC stations or affiliates is that they share news. So this shit will be allover the country. Regardless of if its affiliate or not.
That's not how it works.

>So who's honestly crazier. These shitposting jeremy cocksuckers or the pizzagate hooligans over on /pol/? Or are they basically one and the same?
They're literally the same people.

I remember when DEBATE ME threads were an instant ban.

Yeah, a conspiracy to aid and abet active pedophiles by giving them direct access to vulnerable children.

is there a statute of limitations on replies now?
the fuck? lel ur daffy ya cunt

Anything to distract from the issue, which is wotc and the magic judge association actively protecting and covering up for pedophiles who are seeking contact with children

wow, they weren't lying when they told me about guaranteed (you)s.

>From a GAMEPLAY standpoint

I specified for a reason

all they had to do was not ban people from their game for disagreeing with far left postmodern anarcho communists on reddit. all they had to do, was treat people fairly, and this wouldnt have happened.

But what happens now? MTG is Hasbro's second most profitable product, they just won't let it die because of this.

Maybe they could stop using """"""""""""""""volunteer""""""""""""""""""""" judges and start hiring judges and during the hiring process they could make sure that they don't hire any fucking child molesters

>In response, Travis did an immediate background check on Prajzner
What kind of cracker ass honky background checks a nigga when they lose a fucking game? What a punk ass bitch

Maybe they can start hiring judges in-house and do actual background checks so that shit like this doesn't happen again.

Also, more profitable brands have been axed for less, especially when it's a company selling shit for children.




>They're literally the same people.
What I want to know is exactly what they want to accomplish. Are they seeking attention, are there any changes that will satisfy them, are there any victory conditions, are these legitimate concerns? I understand that this generation didn't have a war to fight, but I completely fail to understand why these fights are fights they want to engage in. Is it because these are the only fights they can actually have a slight chance of winning? What would winning mean?

It's so very hard to not write them off as faggots. And bad actors.

I just want to play the game and want it to be cheaper for new players. That should be first and foremost. If these people making a fuss about kid touchers in the community tried to sell me on that fight over the fight of cost, I don't think I could honestly indulge their priorities. I don't think they genuinely want positive change their objective is to either get triggered or trigger other people because trolling culture has permeated into real life. Or they're fighting a fight that needs to be fought at a higher level than the fucking Magic game level.

If their goal is to kill the game I don't think they seem to understand that the game is already dead. It's still going but it's obviously in a state that is terrible to anybody with a sense of imagination. They're just attacking a weak and broken horse. And if they think it's going to discourage people from playing I don't think they understand that the only people who aren't so addicted to the game have seen the game as gone to shit already and have already stepped away. They're fucking trolling addicts.

Fuck off applesponge



>why the fuck won't you just let us make your hobby bad and fill it with active pedophiles who agree with our political opinion? I just can't figure out what you want!

>"the game is already dead and wotc killed it"
>"fucking wotc apologist!"
Less REEEE and more reading next time.

What does this even mean, I only see it posted in MTG drama threads, Is this one user trying to create a forced meme?

Maybe we do need ID post...

I really hope this gets bigger, sending this into my local news myself. hoping other anons follow suit.

Stand firm brothers

Ignore that retard

just keep it a secret or wotc will call the station up for damage control full scale like they did that one. I recommend e-mailing hq too.

Good plan.

If this was done the story would have spread faster.

If anyone here is going to send it out be sure to include the ABC affiliate with the email.

>I just want to play the game and want it to be cheaper for new players. That should be first and foremost. If these people making a fuss about kid touchers in the community tried to sell me on that fight over the fight of cost, I don't think I could honestly indulge their priorities.

>Having cheap cardboard is more important than stopping pedophiles from molesting children

Is that -really- the hill you wanna die on? I've just been lurking this whole time and even I think that's pretty fucked up to hear you say user.


you seem to be out of the loop

The point is that wotc calling up a news station to do damage control would be way worse than trying to ignore it

Enlighten me on "that one".

It's a way to get (you)s
Works everytime.

This entire debate is just bait, right?
Children don't even play this game on a professional level, who the fuck cares if a there is a pedophile judge?

fuck off pebbit

You realize not every magic event is going to be a pro bowl right? FNM and other casual formats do exist.

....are you being fucking serious dude?


top tier bait

Even on a local basis it doesn't matter, it's the parents responsibility to be watching kids not treating a flgs like a free babysitter.
You might as well be asking for general anti-rapist legislation for everything instead of hypterfocusing

>Solution: Fire Sam Stoddard and reverse his New World Order game design, return control to standard,
Holy shit you actually don't know a single thing about magic.

guessing your one of those ones who don't want to be looked into eh?

>he doesn't know about the Elf girl

>anyone who disagrees with me must be the boogeyman
Why aren't you all advocating for general no-criminal-background judges?
Oh, must be because you all are one of those who don't want to be looked into.