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Question of the day: Why are quarterstaves so goddamned good?
It's /GURPSGEN/, the only place on the internet where GURPS is talked about, anywhere
Hint: OP file is not a picture
Question of the day: Why are quarterstaves so goddamned good?
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New and curious? Want your friends to play? Have a free resource which boils the game down to its essence: GURPS Lite.
Lite gives you the essential rules while stripping away the rest of the crunchy chaff. It also strips the list of traits down considerably, dropping supernatural, exotic, and most cinematic traits.
Full license:
>you may distribute this PDF file freely under the above restrictions, and post copies of it online.
Also, be sure to check out the Caravan to Ein Arris, which is a FREE adventure which works with just the rules present in Lite. (
Best advice I have for getting your friends to play: make pregenerated characters (full basic set optional) and give them a choice between them, use only the rules in Lite, run a one-shot and do something GURPS can do that other games struggle with.
Think of Lite as the core of the game, and the rest of the basic set, etc, as building off of that. It's super important that you remember that GURPS is modular. Rules are meant to be ignored, swapped, or added as needed to suit the tone and the fun.
Continuing from last thread, what's the most Rules light / freeform magic system?
Don't say RPM, that shit's like 20 pages
Advantages. Not Sorcerery, but just allowing people to take Advantages with the Magic power source, like Healing, Innate Attack (Burning) for fire magic, Shapeshifting and Spirit Empathy. It's core book and a player only needs to learn what their own advantage does.
Quarerstaff in general. It's very solid for defense and fits in the ST limit. Naganata is a very solid second option, it's killy but not as defensive. Spear is of course a good option too.
Last night after first session of new campaign about isles in astral and shit i realized that I can't answer "Where they get water for drinking and farming?" Also where in the middle of nowhere water can be found?
For how long small farm town can be saturated with 150 ton watertank?
Also i have some trouble with defining size of isles, how small or big they are i.e. in economic matter for understanding how many villages and towns it can support and how many crops and trade goods they will produce. I generate archipelago maps with one old Traveller system generator.
Naginata dirt cheap for matter of being balanced and fine quality.
Also IIRC naginata can be used as staff with grip change.
But yes, naginata is for highly aggressive build
What are the better Axe/Mace weapons? I'm going to be trying GURPS for the first time tomorrow, and don't know what weapon my Dungeon Fantasy dwarf should take.
Actually any weapon with single dagger ST and u-parry if you can slap Dwarven-quality on it, or without u-parry if can't.
Or no dagger ST and no u-parry and shield.
Wait, what? Your GM allows women to only have ST 9 tops? For what reason?
>Also IIRC naginata can be used as staff with grip change.
It uses the dueling polearm stat entry though, so 0U parry on swings and 0 parry on thrusts. No +2 parry due to the heavy blade head.
I need simplified rules for inanimate object damage, because fuck looking up 8 sections in the book when a player punches a door.
What have you got, gurpsgen?
Discworld RPG magic is probably the simplest, ready-to-go version of the RPM / Realm Magic system.
Divine Favour is even simpler and more flexible, although it is intended for 'external' power (usually a god, although it should work fine for spirits too).
ST 10 or 11 shouldn't be unrealistic for a woman; about 10% of women are stronger than the average man. Still, if you are stuck at ST 9, a polearm (I'd go with the duelling glaive over the naginata), spear or quarterstaff is usually the way to go. A rapier only needs ST 9 (even though they were heavier and less well-balanced than most arming swords) but its damage is underwhelming at that level and with ST 9 you will struggle to be on no encumbrance. A longsword gives you slightly better reach control than a polearm or spear, but can't be used with staff skill, does less damage on a swing than a glaive or bill and a good longsword costs more than a fine spear (which does more damage on a thrust).
Overall, I think I would recommend the spear if you can use form mastery for staff parries and a duelling glaive otherwise.
After a brief moment to think about this I've come up with my own.
DR based on material, HP based on size, with a global inanimate wounding modifier list. Does that sound viable?
Throwing Axe is really good, that and a shield, you can't go wrong for a classic dwarf load-out.
I don't know. For light objects you could just give them DR based on what they are constructed out of, then roll HT for the object if it takes damage over the DR. For larger objects, give a bit more DR and some abative HP that has to be burned though before it has to resist being destroyed?
I just wasn't going to get into the realism and logic of the limit, he said it wasn't his idea anyway.
If it's about the size of a man (door, table, anything which is awkward to lift) 20 HP. Half that size (window shutter, chair, anything you can pick up in one hand but is fairly hefty) 10 HP. Bigger than a man but lighter than a horse (motorcycle, horse-drawn cart), a massive block of wood (tree, reinforced door) or anything else you would struggle to push on wheels or roll is 30 HP. Car or barrier made of metal is 60 HP. Random small object (vase, radio, briefcase) is 5 HP. Weapons have whatever their ST requirement is (+50% for two-handed) as HP.
>he said it wasn't his idea anyway
That makes zero sense; he is implementing someone else's house-rule without even examining it?
Even as a huge HBD-fag and stat-normaliser, I wouldn't consider limiting human women to ST 9. That's barely above average female strength.
Yeah, that should be fine. It very rarely matters what HP objects have in my experience; it's usually obvious that they would be destroyed in one hit, would take a while to smash or would be basically indestructible. Only doors really seem to be things which people want to smash through in combat time and they can just be DR 1, 20-25 HP regardless.
The pick is nasty if you upgrade it. A fine, dwarven pick is only $490 and does swing +2 impaling damage, can parry reliably, and reduces the penalty for hitting armour gaps. You probably want to get a hatchet as a back-up weapon. They don't do amazing damage, but it's cutting, which is good for things which impaling sucks against, don't need to be upgraded to be good at parrying, don't cost much and can be thrown.
My reading was that he isn't the GM, but rather a player. I've got sympathy for people playing with odd game masters.
Is it better to put points into knife skills or just get good at unarmed ones?
>Knife does less damage, but impaling or cutting rather than crushing.
>Need to actually have a knife.
>Need to fast-draw it.
>Knife takes off-hand penalties (unless using MG).
>But no penalty for encumbrance (unless using MG) or parrying a swung weapon.
>Getting parried while unarmed is nasty, knife avoids that.
>Can't slam with knife.
>Fewer techniques.
>girls can be strong too!!!
>shitposting at default
Limits on ST make 0 sense in GURPS. Yeah okay, we get that on average women have significantly less strength and endurance than men. That does not mean all women in the system are going to have that. There is nothing extraordinary about your female character being an outlier, because generally in RPGs, your characters are all outliers.
Your DM is retarded and you should tell them the internet told them this.
>There is nothing extraordinary about your female character being an outlier, because generally in RPGs, your characters are all outliers.
That's not 100% justification for playing really absurd characters. Many genres assume that characters are going to be at least a little bit normal. If I was playing a gritty fantasy game and someone wanted to be literally the fastest person in the world, who was also a one-armed, bipolar lesbian with vitiligo, I'd tell them to get their shit together and stop trying to abuse the disadvantage system.
However, in no way is a woman who happens to be slightly stronger than the average man that level of absurdity. There should be at least one woman like that in a small medieval village.
I strongly suspect this either the OP trolling us or the GM trolling the OP.
Also, why are GURPS halberds so fucking heavy?
In games like D&D where you go from level 1 (weaker than a house cat) to level 20 (a god), being not only an outlier, but a mythological figure is just part of the system.
The reason GURPS doesn't have hard rules for biological stat limits on sexually dimorphic species is because statistical outliers exist and the character you're playing is probably going to be one of them.
>Also, why are GURPS halberds so fucking heavy?
Low-tech weapons are a bit heavier than they should be across the board in GURPS. They have the same weights they've had since the earliest editions and never have been updated. It's something it's easy enough to house rule.
I love GURPS!
>level 1 (weaker than a house cat)
That's where you are wrong, kiddo.
cat stats are a running gag, compare 2E veteran soldier stats (1d6+1 hp, no attack bonus) with typical PC fighter abilities (1d8 + CON hp, +1 +STR attack bonus)
Hey guys, sorry I sparked an argument about female ST. My GM has said that the limit on ST is there to compensate for the free Injury Tolerance (Groin Shock) Women get. I can raise my ST higher if I want to pay for the IT with a Perk, but I'm not really looking to be a primary melee fighter anyways.
And yes, I see the flaw in the system, but he's run for years without issue so I'm not going to force him to change things.
Thanks for all the advice. I'll probably end up going with the quarterstaff, if only because it is so cheap to use. Thanks for bringing it up, I somehow didn't consider it as a viable weapon option (I'll blame D&D).
Oh fuck, since when being female makes you immune to pain after maul-bash into groin? Women simple doesn't multiply groin shock by 2 (as males do, up to -8). Tell your GM to go and actually read the basic set already.
That's what I meant by Groin Shock. He uses the term "No Testicles", but I wanted to phrase it more politely.
>play into the running gag
>makes the entire point invalid
>destroying flexibility on so many levels of a character based purely on their gender because of some bullshit obscure ruling
Your GM is a faggot.
I mean, it's not really a big deal. Paying a single extra point would be trivial, I just don't think it's worth it in the case of my character.
>Not being girl
>Playing as girl
Your GM just don't like cucks
I love you user
>Groin shock
So he's limiting a main attribute because of a niche attack that can possibly but most likely not happen? Not to mention being kicked in the vag still fuckin hurts
Anyways, if he won't budge, quarterstaff is your best bet
I mean, he's not really "limiting" it, he's just making me pay 1 point for it. The idea behind limiting ST without a perk was apparently to allow players to play female characters without having to pay points for the IT, as long as they stayed within average female range.
No groin shock penalty is a mechanical advantage, justifying a points cost.
'Can't buy ST above 9' isn't a valid disadvantage, even as a quirk. It's just a feature.
So the GM is still giving stuff away for free.
What if you want to play a female with testicles, user? After all, it's 2018!
>Everything else
>Then the shirt
Why doe he(?) taunt me so, user
Also name?
God I wish that were me
If you can just pay off one point to raise ST, then why the fuck is the limitation there in the first place?
I'm pretty sure there's guides online how to become a fuckboy
Once you do, would you like to play some GURPS with me?
I want to do zoids. What books should I be look through?
Yes, but 100% of those guides are "do some exercises, also eat these foods because a post on Veeky Forums and a post on forum dot bodybuilding dot com told me they act like estrogen".
Basic Set is all you need. I don't have a lot of experience with zoids, but I'd assume you can just build them as big Mechanical Animals.
Can a male buy beautiful or a woman buy handsome?
I'll allow it :^)
Yeah, that's fair. Working out and slimming out always helps though, and shaving helps as well
Just do that, if you're still not feminine enough see if you can get estrogen shots or something
But yeah 90% of those "Foods that act like estrogens" are either bullshit (certain fruits) or the affect is extremely negligible / medically dubious (soy)
>players are familiar with RPGs but new to GURPS
>making pdf to give to them along with basic set
>brief explanation of system, kind of rough guide to chargen
>disallowed advantages and disadvantages
>recommended skills
>equipment catalog
>a couple paragraphs or so of OC Donut Steele setting detail at the end if they care enough to read it
is this an okay idea or am I wasting my time
I'd give them GURPS lite and basic set as optional. But yeah I think that's a good start.
I would give them lite instead, and just put all the allowed advantages in your PDF, but that's fine as well
Also please tell me how to make PDF's
Also post it here once you're done and we can take a looksie
Well how would I handle the oversized guns and melee weapons they have as well the organic mechanical life form gimmick they have?
You could possibly build Zoids using the Spaceships system, but that's probably overkill (at least for the Western version I am familiar with).
Don't see why not, although you would probably need passing or androgynous appearance if you want it to work as it does for the opposite sex. In theory, no reason why a feminine woman couldn't have a reaction bonus from appearance which worked better on other straight women or gay men, but I'm not sure what that would be like (fashion model, maybe?).
There are a shitload of free programs which can make PDFs. I tend to use LibreOffice because I'm familiar with it, but I believe PDF-XChange might be a better fit if you want to tear stuff out of the official PDFs (I literally only use it to check fonts, but it looks like a good tool).
Can you take multiple rapid strike manuevers, and just keep on stacking -6's? Or take a rapid strike AND a all out attack (double?)
As a human, knife. As something like Lizardman, brawling.
As a human brawling is near useless compared to anything else, Karate would be useful if thrust crushing were not absolutely shit. Wrestling and Judo is your best bet.
Melee weapon scaling is in Low-Tech Companion 2.
Ranged weapons are mostly energy weapons, IIRC, so Pyramid 37 might be helpful.
I don't remember the organic mechanical gimmick, but just going by the name it probably removes a few disadvantages from the Machine meta-trait.
Alternatively, use Spaceships or build everything as innate attacks, natural weapons, etc.
If you are statting the mecha themselves as characters, you might want to shift the scale (so ST 10 is equivalent to ST 100 in the base system or something) because otherwise they are going to be very expensive with their high ST and DR.
However you choose to do it, look up the Pyramid article Combat Writ Large.
If the weapons are built in, male them innate attacks. For Organic Mechanical life, just look at the machine metatrait and take out anything that doesn't fit.
I'm basing it off the anime lore where they're living beings that happen to be also toyetic robots
Yes and yes. Martial Arts has details of how it works.
Why is FP even a stat? Literally only Magic Users use it, might as well have a seperate MP stat
Hatchet is nice.
Dwarven Throwing Axe and Dwarven Pick are very nice.
Dwarven weapon modifier is fucking broken.
Why would you ever not use retreat as a defense?
Exhaustion from environmental conditions, starvation, lack of sleep, etc. Extra effort in and out of combat. Not-quite-magic abilities like Power Blow or Kiai. Strangulation.
What do you think of luck?
When I allow it, everyone wants to take it.
It's hella broken in my opinion. I never allow it.
Because it gives you a unified system of stuff which missed sleep, heat exhaustion, hard work, etc. can use to mess you up.
Also, Extra Effort is a thing and extremely good for warriors.
Because you prefer to close with your opponent so that you can use your short weapon.
Because you have nowhere to retreat to.
Because falling out of line means your allies get flanked.
You usually want to retreat, but not always.
You can only retreat once, so you may not want to retreat against the first mook's attack if you're expecting a more competent attack. You may also want to avoid increasing the distance between yourself and the attacker; if you've got a shortsword and they've got a spear, backing up only helps them and hurts you. Lastly, sometimes you just can't because of pits, walls, or other people (like party members you're supposed to be protecting).
Does anyone actually use the FP rules for exhaustion / hard work / missed sleep or extended combat?
Like Combat Reflexes it's one of those traits which is fucking powerful for its cost and pretty much intended to keep heroes alive for cheap. My approach is generally to have a pool of points which can only be spent on those traits and charge an UB for any other points spent on them.
Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, Destiny (Impulse Buys version), Hard to Kill and Luck are my list, for what it's worth.
I do and I kind of assumed that almost everyone did.
"[Luck] makes it harder for a single poor die roll to result in a crippled or dead PC. This is not an unrealistic advantage; real gunfights are often defined by lucky breaks" (Tactical Shooting 7).
At the end of the day, a lot of popular heroes of both real life and fiction have luck on their side. Yes, they're smart, fast, strong, well-equipped, and all sorts of other things, but a single critical failure can still cause them to plummet to an anticlimactic death off a ledge or get a bullet between the lobes, and luck (or Luck) keeps this from happening.
Yep. It games without magic, it's the only real way to have the party take a break, and it's a good way of showing how an environment is dangerous without just straight-up killing a PC.
I do in my hexcrawl
Can you give me some examples? I want to start doing it
If you're out a step, really
At what starting points do you consider a game to be "Cinematic"?
Can I add modifiers to signature gear? So could I get a Balanced Fine Dwarven Dueling Glaive with signature gear?
Yep, but it will affect the cost of the item, and as such the value of the signature gear advantage.
So in that specific case would it be more worth it to take signature gear, or just get extra starting cash to buy it?
Assuming the default cash rules, Signature Gear is stupidly points-efficient. The only caveat is that your Signature Gear has to be, well, Signature. It’s a core part if your character concept. A knight’s really fancy sword isn’t necessarily SG because he’s still be Knighty McKnightface without it, but a peasant hero wielding his father’s sword or one pulled from a stone would qualify as SG.
How would you stat these guys
Note: Guy in the middle is called Crack Ripper, he's the leader of the Crack Ripper gang
Note 2: They're a post apocalyptic gang
Any? Much like Fantasy, this feels more like a matter of being able to buy some things then a point level. A 150 point game where you can get Weapon Master, Trained By A Master or other cinematic advantages can be more cinematic then a 250 point game with strict restrictions on how those points can be used.
Yeah, rereading cash rules at TL 3 (Which I think is the assumed TL of dungeon fantasy) is 1000, to get a balanced fine dwarven dueling glaive is 3 points, 5 for a halberd. It would take at least 5 times that to outright buy it.
Guy in the middle would have at least 80 points in Professional Skill (Ripping Crack), and likely enough to be a competent leader. Other than that, I can't really help you.
ST is worth 10 points. Having no head or no vitals is 5 points. Having no balls would be a 1 point perk at most.
Your GM seems to have pulled that injury tolerance point value out of his ass.
No Testicles is a perk, the GM is just making him take a lower ST. That's why the word "limit" is used.
>Elven: Lets a bow shoot at +2 to ST for range and damage purposes; e.g., a ST 11 elf could draw a ST 13 bow. Any bow (not crossbow): +16 CF.
+16CF for +1 damage.
>Dwarven: Changes a Parry of 0U to 0, letting a weapon that can’t normally parry and attack on the same turn do just that. Doesn’t prevent the weapon from becoming unready after attacking (‡ on ST). Any unbalanced weapon: +4 CF.
+4CF to change a fundamental part of the balance between weapons.
Did a drunkard Dwarf write these rules or what?
>he doesn't use The Last Gasp
What are the easiest books to stick into lite for specific campaigns? I know that one user made GURPS zombies lite, I also find for PSI campaigns it's easy to just slot in the PSI's book
What are some other easily inserted books / systems? What magic system can you stick in easily? Something for fantasy or horror? Action or Historical?
Why do I keep accidentally posting shit in other threads, It's not like it's hard to see the name of a tab
Extra Effort and FP loss after prolonged battle.
>Easiest books to stick into Lite?
Basically any sourcebook or genrebook to flavor. In my opinion, there are more books which can be easily inserted than there are books which cannot. Exceptions are primarily things which rely heavily or specifically on something in Basic Set, like the extended trait list for DF and Monster Hunters, Powers, Magic, Martial Arts, etc.
Specifically, I have found genrebooks to be very useful, like Mysteries or Space. Also, smaller sourcebooks like After the End or various Action supplements are very applicable to Lite. Item catalogs like Low-Tech and High-Tech, obviously.
>Easily inserted books/systems
The Power-ups system, especially Impulse Buys is super easy. Fate points are super easy to add. The vast majority of Pyramid articles are easy to add. I am not well-versed enough in the magic systems to adequately respond, there. The Fantasy and Horror books are damn decent, and mostly system agnostic.
>What fucking thread am I in?!
/gurpsg/, friendo
I'll let you know that this is a fantastic question, and I'll be adding it and an appropriate amalgam response to the thread FAQ. (Life sunk its claws into me, but I've been working on it. Not yet ready for another release, though.)
Most of the magic systems should work fine with Lite. Only Sorcery seem like it wouldn't. Chinese Elemental Powers, Path and Book and the basic set magic chapter all seem pretty easy to just 'plug and play'.
One thing I would add to almost every game is the rapid fire rules. Leaving them out was a terrible decision which severely limited Lite's utility.
All the stuff from Action 2 seems like a good fit. Lite really should use stuff like abstract range and B,B&B.
The spaceships books, while complex, don't rely on the rest of the GURPS system much, so you could easily run a game with them and Lite + rapid fire.
Social Engineering seems like it could run from Lite.
Horror probably doesn't need anything beyond some monsters, same as fantasy. Historicals don't even need that.
I'm running a cyberpunk game set in the last days of humanity. The majority of humanity, some 92% has either geared themselves up with so much cybertech they lost all of their humanity, basically reduced to machines with a few biological components, and the other half were humans that used biomods to such an extent that they could no longer be called humans, but deranged chimeric beasts. The remaining 8% which are "pure" are the remnants of normal humanity, but even this is diluted as the 8% are split between various demihuman strains, with only a few true humans left. The corporations still seem to work, but nobody has heard word of the owners or shareholders in years, some suspect they might be automated at this point. What do you think Veeky Forums? How does this setting sound?
and what books do I need to run it, apart from ultra tech & biotech?
Transhuman space almost certainly has a lot of material you can use.
I'd check powers, if only for ideas on various mechanical/genespliced abilites
When are we getting another actual book that's not just repackaging older material (DFRPG).
What was the last full sized GURPS book? Do you think they'll ever make one again? Or is munchkin just too profitable?
if we never get vehicles 4e I'm gonna fucking die
Place them all in a megastructure where a single room might have 142 megameter of diameter.