How do you feel about players playing sexy anime tieflings?
How do you feel about players playing sexy anime tieflings?
I think that question is a good excuse to post sexy tieflings.
I am A OK with it, as long as it's that kind of campaign.
I think that question is an excuse to post a sexy tiefling.
We're in a Swords and Sorcery game, I hope they know what they're in for.
Anime is fine, it's just an art style, and if it's done with a kind of faux-practicality, I can swallow it. However if a character's first line of description involves "sexy", they're probably getting kicked out of the game because it's blatantly obvious their priorities with character building are in the wrong place.
there are lots of different kinds of campaigns that can be run, sexy anime tieflings fit into plenty of them.
So what you are saying is it depends on the setting?
They have to meet my stringent criteria for sexiness. Only the hottest of sexy anime tieflings will do.
Do we really need an excuse?
like this
No i dont invite people like that to my groups.
masturbate before posting OP, and ideally before playing
I run a text only smut erp pathfinder fame with 5 friends from around the world
Sexy tieflings are banned because tieflings don't exist in the setting. They are other types of monster girls instead
As long as there's other sexy anime races. Tieflings having the monopoly on anime sexiness is just bad game design.
If you're coming to TableTop night with the intention of nursing a boner next to me then you're gonna learn how much chair will fit up your ass.
I'll be deeply disappointed in them for making a fantasy character and not a sci-fi one like I asked them to.
Literally running supernatural high school: the anime: the game, so sexy anime tieflings are to be expected. They're just not called tieflings, they're cambions.
What is this referencing?
Works for me so long as they're bishies
executioners from bloodborne
It will work out fine, so long as they are OK with their characters being molested by my sexy vampire BBEG.
I'd sit on that.
A cambion is a half devil tho.
A tiefling is like 20th gen demon or devil.
Completely different. One is mostly a planar being. The other is overwhelming just a prime material mortal.
also Mozgul the angry "priest" from Beserk
Doesn't bother me in the slightest. Tieflings are one of my favorite D&D races, they DO have a charisma bonus, and an anime "aesthetic" for the world certainly fills my imagination better than the oft-fugly or dreary art that 5e tends to go for.
>they DO have a charisma bonus
Only certain tiefling types, in specific editions, if I recall.
A bonus to charisma actually makes sense in a very grimdark way in that if you aren't charming enough to survive then you were killed as a kid
If you describe your character as "anime" than you're instantly kicked
Anime is an artistic movement, not a descriptor. It's like saying that I'm going to play a ligne claire dragonborn; that doesn't mean anything
They had +1 to Intelligence and Charisma in AD&D, changed to a -2 Charisma (they used to be -1 to Strength and Wisdom) in 3e, went back to +2 to Charisma and to either Intelligence or Constitution in 4e, and are a +2 Cha race in 5e. I'd say Charisma bonus is more inherent to them than a Charisma penalty.
Don't recall Pathfinder's stats for them off the top of my head.
By that logic a cha penalty could be because you were so horrifying that your parents ran away before you were born.
>Don't recall Pathfinder's stats for them off the top of my head.
>Standard Racial Traits
>Ability Score Racial Traits: Tieflings are quick in body and mind, but are inherently strange and unnerving. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Charisma.
>Alternate Racial Traits
>Asura-Spawn (Faultspawn) +2 Dex, +2 Wis, –2 Int
>Daemon-Spawn (Grimspawn) +2 Dex, +2 Int, –2 Wis
>Demodand-Spawn (Foulspawn) +2 Con, +2 Wis, –2 Int
>Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) +2 Str, +2 Cha, –2 Int
>Devil-Spawn (Hellspawn) +2 Con, +2 Wis, –2 Cha
>Div-Spawn (Spitespawn) +2 Dex, +2 Cha, –2 Int
>Kyton-Spawn (Shackleborn) +2 Con, +2 Cha, –2 Wis
>Oni-Spawn (Hungerseed) +2 Str, +2 Wis, –2 Cha
>Qlippoth-Spawn (the Motherless) +2 Str, +2 Wis, –2 Int
>Rakshasa-Spawn (Beastbrood) +2 Dex, +2 Cha, –2 Wis
You can basically pick and choose your racials if you're a tiefling in pathfinder.
But what if my character concept is an anime character who got transported to the real world and is having an existential crisis over learning they're not real?
If he plays as a good femme fatale, yes and I would actually endorse. If he starts delving into his own magical realm, no.
I might allow that, depending on the setting and tone that we're going for, but I would still be weary
>get it's purge your o'clock wheels lads
I love the inclusion of black pudding which is fitting for the setting.
Is there something you'd like to share with the group, user?
Not the other guy, but GIS gets me this:
Don't act like you don't know those eyes.
I think you (the collective you) should jerk off before coming to Veeky Forums, so as to reduce the monstrous amount of fetishbait shitposting we get.
She's an anime succubus.
In the truest sense, that she is fucking invincible and horribly murders people by draining them into a skin and bones husk.
Living the dream.
>tfw no cute tiefling to go on adventures with and happily marry to once our adventures are over.
Why even live bro's?
I don't generally care honestly.
I roll with it. Why not? It can be an advantage and a disadvantage.
If you aren't tailoring your game to the characters,
Those eyes to me say "XCOM psychic operative".
Perfectly fine, as long as sexy anime tieflings exist in the setting
This is the sort of thread where it is perfectly acceptable to say "It depends on the setting." It's only when that sentence is spammed in a thread that is specifically about working out the details of settings that it gets annoying.
GOOD THREAD TO POST "It depends on the setting":
>Would you allow an elvish child PC at your table?
BAD THREAD TO POST "It depends on the setting":
>What does elvish childhood look like?
In the former case, the thing that depends on the setting is the way you, personally, DM. In the latter case, the thing that depends on the setting is something that is already implied to depend on the setting by the OP. The whole point of the thread is to talk about possibilities. Saying "it depends on the setting" and moving on misses the point of the thread.
Why does everyone think that sexy characters are confined to hardcore ERP? Since when has lighthearted and relatively tame goofy cheesecake not been a thing?
Nu-tg is shit, they can't cope with bikini armor and busty barbarian bimbos cuz muh games r supersirius
I feel like this is a really shit thread in a long line of "How do you feel about [OBVIOUS POLARIZING THING]?" threads that are pretty much designed to cause shit posting.
>there are people who would not have Taarna in their games
Ah, I see you too have been deeply deeply scarred by that game
Because fanatic puritanism is back in fashion and it's fucking awful. It's a cult of moralfag normalfags who think the're contrarian when in fact, they're just spouting popular opinion in the west.
>Put Taarna in game
>Game instantly turns into a Heavy Metal TTRPG
Doing this right now
I dunno user, sounds like a one way ticket to midnight
who the fuck is taarna
Titty barbarian from the animated film Heavy Metal.
>I realized then to my horror she was going to [KILL] me. I was nothing but her [FOOD]
>fanatic puritanism
No, sweetie. Contrary to popular belief on Veeky Forums, not everyone wants to constantly have smut shoved into every fucking facet of their lives at all times, especially when it’s OTHER people’s (read: NEET virgin weebs) fetishes disrupting a game just meant to be a pleasant experience for the group. Someday when you grow out of puberty and your hormones normalize you'll realize that you don’t have to go through each day with your dick in your hand constantly.