>"It's okay, after you achieve unlimited power, you will be able to undo all the atrocities you committed to attain it."
Has this EVER been true?
>"It's okay, after you achieve unlimited power, you will be able to undo all the atrocities you committed to attain it."
Has this EVER been true?
How would we ever know?
>All the atrocities I've performed.
>All the horrors I have created.
>All of it! All of it will never have been!
>Just let me save my family and nothing I have done will ever be!
Then he goes back in time by 20 minutes and cries.
So what do you do when your great plan falls apart and you become unable to reverse the evil you have done in search of that great power? Atonement or let your soul fall into the abyss?
Stop posting and let it slide now, put sage If you really really want to post. (I know people won't).
it was true in that case though. He just actually needed Unlimited power but failed to achieve it.
>all the atrocities commited through the history were actually done by time travellers to prevent much worse attrocities.
>posts the guy who failed to get unlimited power
He stated that if it worka it wobt martwe and if it fails he wont cear. Imho. What they did with nox in season 3 was shit becausw it killed a lot of his charakter development
Is your keyboard dying or are you having a stroke?
My phone is shit
Just wait 20 minutes
Oreo retroactively being the one who set him up doesn't take away anything from Nox, just makes Oreo shit.
>No matter what atrocities you commit you always get away with it and start fresh
I like this idea better
First of, you okay mate?
Second, the Nox Yugo sees in S3 is an illusion crafted by Oropo. Also Oropo giving Nox the cube is dumb.
>tfw everyone dies and you still win
Wait, there's a season 3 of Wakfu?
Since when
Apparently just this last fall. It follows right after the 3-part special.
>tfw it is like half a decade from the time Veeky Forums mods had to ban wakfu stuff from here due to it flooding the board.
I wish that I could turn back time...
>time travelers aren't allowed to go to the past and murder Hitler, because Hitler was manufactured in the future and planted in early 20th century Germany to compensate for the idiot time traveler who murdered Helmut Schenk.
>There have been dozens of world ending events that have taken place
>Every single one has been reversed