Tell me guys, will you get one? Are they worth it as a way to play some FNM at FLGS? I'm playing only ultra-casual pauper for pennies and EDH and I feel like it would be fun to actually play some games with recent cards.
Standard Challenger Decks
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>Tell me guys, will you get one?
Probably, if i ever decide to play standard i'll try and get whatever the recent one of these is.
>Are they worth it as a way to play some FNM at FLGS?
Almost definitely, from the lists they seem competent enough and the only problem is likely mana consistency and maybe you'll need a few more copies of a card in there. You'll still probably only go 1-X with them in a competitive enough environment but the games will be fair, you'll play enough magic to not feel bad about it. Its better than showing up with a planeswalker deck where every card you play is garbage.
Genuinely say get one OP, encourage wizards to do more of this because they seem like good products compared to Masters 25.
Maybe we can convince them to do it for modern too :^) give me that "Blood Braid Jund" Structure deck with 2 goyfs and a liliana in it for 60$ msrp. Do it maro, break the secondary market. I don't care if my cards drop to 5$ its everything else i need. Pls maro open bob.
I want that red one. Too bad it'll be like sixty bucks.
No because Standard is is for cucks
I'll probably get one and make some minor upgrades.
These are great if for nothing else than the salt from "investors."
Is casual standard bad?
Yes, why play that when you can just kitchen table or commander?
They definitely seem to be a stepup from past premade Standard decks. Those were fucking ripoffs.
>mtgfinance mad that their buyouts lost value
Understandable but also hilarious.
>people who just bought a playset of Any Valuable Card whose price is tanked by these decks with the intent of actually running it in a deck
>even though they were probably going to end up holding onto those cards until rotation when their value would drop to nothing
I really don't get why that crowd would be mad at WotC rather than the mtgfinance middlemen who ran the prices up so high in the first place.
No, because I already have a standard deck that I'm happy with. But I hope that these will allow more people to play standard.
It would be cheaper to buy random lots from eBay. Just be sure to check seller feedback first. Some sellers tend to represent the prevalence of rares rather dishonestly.
Buying a lackluster product does not signal that the company should improve it. If you really want to buy the deck, that's fine, but the best way to signal dissatisfaction is to not buy it.
To play against new players. I have a small EDH group that works also as my pauper playground. We are playing in a local pub and I never actually had a chance to play against standard players in FLGS because I'm visiting it only to take part in prerelease events, get new cards and play some warhammer
Then go ahead, seems a decent product for you or you could try to include those players into your edh group.
If there is a set of Challenger decks to get it'll be this one. It's not gonna get better than this. FTV, Masters, Event Decks, Duel Decks, Fat Packs, Holiday Boxes, Anthology collections... Wizards has time and time again shown that it can only do a good product once and subsequent entries will diminish in quality until their inevitable cancellation.
I give this one three sets. This one to raise interest, the second one to bomb and the third one to whimper the cancellation announcement.
Forgot to mention Masterpieces too.
>fat packs
Got renamed, still the same thing.
>anthology collections
One coming out in June.
Will still happen.
>Duel Decks
They were great tho. Some of them were meh but mostly good products for new players. Still using cards from Elspeth vs Kiora
I'm gonna get the blue one just to show them they finally did a good thing and released a good entry-level product (compared to dumpster fire that are planeswalker decks).
>fat packs
Don't come with the book no mo
You can come find me and make me eat my words the next time we see Masterpieces happen again. I'm confident by then you and I would have forgotten this conversation.
Admittedly I threw anthology collections in as a bit of a bait, but if you listen to what (((Rudy))) has to say on that line, apparently Wizards has had us on a wild ride with those products.
no but i hope it have a great success becuz i need my playset of fatal push, field of ruins and 2 chandra TOD and i want it CHEAP
we need the meme with Homer holding the paper with "always does the opposite of that the jews say" but with rudy instead of jews.
Are there even books anymore? I miss the old novels
The last one that came with a full book was what, Eventide?
Fat Packs only stopped coming with a book when they stopped making the books.
>the blue one
As a casual token and lifeplay player a deck with only one creature makes me feel uncomfortable as fuck desu
Clearly you've never played a deck with NO creatures in it.
Pauper UB Creatureless Teachings. Search it up.
Have you even looked? I've seen em going for about $26 on preorder
I'm getting them just so I can play some magic when my full commander group isn't present. As much as I love commander it doesn't lend itself to 1v1 that much
No, they just post stories online and they are utter garbage.
Yeah, I'm probably gonna get one just to have something to play in standard for cheapo. Either the Control or the green one
It must be annoying as fuck to play against but I'm in awe of anyone able to pilot such a deck
I want to get one, but I have to decide what kind of deck I want to play/can make from standard legal cards that I have.
May as well just get the U/W one, make it something other than Second Sun. I have a few Glacial Fortresses from draft, and I like the new vampires.
>Not being a token purist and running no real creatures.
I'm revoking your token license
> No mono black deck
Why do I go on living?
I already have the toke deck, sans dreamstealer
I'm in the process of quitting the game so I probably won't buy them, but if I was still playing, I probably would. The challenger decks are the biggest signal WotC has given on trying to make the game make sense since, well, probably ever really. The fact that instead of 1-2 copies of cards you're getting actual playsets of rares, playsets of even mythics in some cases, is such a huge deal.
Oh no, instead I a shitty book I get more packs. Whatever shall I do.
Are there any good break-downs and guides how to expand those decks on budget? I want to get one as my baby first step into standard
Buy deck.
Look up the real deck it's based on
Modify precon to be like the real deal.
So I've always liked aggro, but the Hazoret deck doesn't have a playset of Hazoret or any Chandra. The vehicle deck has a playset of its mythic though. Which leads me to the question, which deck is the most "complete" right out of the box? I wager they all have room for upgrades, but suppose I want to have the best experience right out of the box.
Oh yeah for sure. You've really gotta know your meta to pilot one of these decks successfully
Do that plus look at cards that are strong but only have 1-2 in the decks and focus on your lands like swapping the tap BG lands for the fast ones beacuse the BG deck curves at 2.
Best steps are to play it - learn what is and isn't working for your meta/playstyle - then follow advice and see what your options are in terms of replacement.
Preordered Mardu for 20€ and thinking about to preorder 4x Snek for around 60€. It just makes a difference of 1€ if I buy Fetal Push and Walking Ballista as singles or as the deck and honestly I don't see the prices of these cards changing in the near future.
Approach or Mardu both seem to be the most complete lists. Approach decks are a bit on the weaker side at the moment, but have many different ways to upgrade them. Mardu has a sketchy manabase and is missing more cards, but 4 Heart of Kiran are 4 Heart of Kiran.
Probably getting Mono Red and Counter Surge
Yeah, monoblack or bust. It's the only thing I can play anymore, it has spoilt me.
They don't come with the book, (haven't for centuries) but you get an extra pack now. It's a better setup to me honestly.
>Don't come with the book no mo
The checklist pamphlet thing does have a brief summary of some story though. Still, like others have mentioned, I'd rather the additional pack of cards.
I may end up picking up both then. I'll have to look into what exactly I'll have to buy to finish each one out.
I would assume you buy the deck and then buy the 3 other copies of chandra or hazoret or whatever one week after they release after singles prices have gone down to 7 bux each.
Buy the cards you want to upgrade the deck with BEFORE the release date because mtgfinance is already looking at a way to increase their price.
>they try to mass buy out challenger decks
>walmart just dumps another pallet onto the shelves
>a bunch of (((investors))) get burned
You don't get it, I'm not talking about cards in the decks, I'm talking about cards needed to upgrade the decks, like the BG fastland.
Rogue Deckbuilder is already talking about it lmao.
Because they're so battered by exploitative propaganda that they don't see people making ludicrous amounts of money off their backs as the bad guys, they see people trying to disrupt that dynamic as the bad guys
>listening to some faggarelli youtuber
Negro just get on out of here.
How stupid can you be?
He's the one buying the cards, he's the investor scum.
Then he's a retard who is going to get btfo when he finds out that you can't hoard a standard legal rare and artificially inflate the price like you can with modern or legacy staples.
Meanwhile Blooming Marsh is already raising a month before the release of the decks.
Stop man.
Watch out!! It has gone up ten cents in exactly the same wave it has been fluctuating in for five months!
And no shit, card prices change in anticipation of new releases, welcome to MTG. We'll see how things like a month agter release.
You'll see.
>mtgfinance thinks the people who waited to buy into standard until they could do so for $30 are going to spend dozens or hundreds more min/maxing a deck that plays fine out of the box
There are things that are necessary for the decks that aren't that expensive.
Like the lands. You wouldn't spend 20 bucks for the lands? I know I will.
as someone already said, figure it out asap and buy the cards to upgrade the deck before the decks release because they will all spike up. likely.
You'll see that retards on youtube are retarded.
This is a bad idea, cards always spike in anticipation of a release. Standard legal lands aren't played almost anywhere else, they won't hold value.
That might be hard - as I said, it will be my very first standard deck. I have no idea how meta is etc
You should do some research, look at people playing decks and find the ones you like, youtube is a good resource for watching matches. From there you can compare cards you see vs cards your desired deck comes with and check the prices of things that the deck won't have out of the box. Then if any are a reasonable price now you can snatch up what you'd like.
Don't be afraid of making purchasing or deck building mistakes, they're inevitable for new players, just try to have fun with it.
I'm torn between mardu vroom-vrooms and golgari counters. Mono-red seems to be expensive as fuck and one-creature-control is definitely not my thing
They're both pretty aggressive mid-rangey decks, but GB Snek can play a bit longer of a game than vehicles by virtue of its value engines.
It's really down to your preference, I still suggest looking up gameplay of the fully built decks from the most recent standard seasons.
Remember when we had MAGAZINES??
They even had cool card puzzles.
And what's the point of having such a magazine these days? Look at the white dwarf - it's just a catalogue with one or two interesting articles or battle report from time to time
You're right. I just miss those times.
Who the fuck is this magical financer middleman youre talking about. There are only distributors and gamestores between wotc and you. Without the distributors you dont get product and without the game store you dont have fnm. The prices are set by the rarity of the card and the demand for it, which are set by wotc and the players respectively.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>it's not our fault that we bought out cards and drove prices up! It's wotc's fault for not printing more!
>please don't print more wotc, you'll tank card prices
I somebody who wants wotc to abolish mythic rare and the reserve list. Im mad at wotc because they gatekeep their game in the worst possible ways, either by releasing shitty demo tier software that cant fully replicate the game they make or by selling digital versions of cards online for real money on the software that can replicate the paper game. Stop being a stupid fuck and direct your anger at the people who cause your problems instead of being a useful idiot that gives them money and propagates their cancerous tactics.
>or by selling digital versions of cards online for real money on the software that can replicate the paper game
What is wrong about this? The only thing we can complain about is the lack of card-codes in physical boosters and precon decks
Why don't I direct my anger at both parties at fault for the state of mtg? Wizards for having the worst artificial scarcity issue in a mainstream card game and the faggots who treat the game like a stock market, artificially manipulating prices to make money because they're too big of pussies to play the real thing, they need babbies first unregulated marketplace to exploit.
Just because the stores arent selling the cards at a loss doesnt mean theyre monsters. If wotc didnt intentionally print chase mythics alongside shit rares a lot of the crazy prices would settle at reasonable levels.
>selling the cards at a loss
Ait, sell them at $5, that is a 25% profit on the price of the pack they got that card in, and they still have uncommons and foils to sell.
Or did you mean at a loss compared to the idiotic prices they're at now?
And stores aren't usually the ones doing buyouts and hoarding singles to inflate prices, they're not really who I am upset with.
>SCG, CK and CFB don't do buyouts
>The official source for MAGIC The Gathering strategy and tournament coverage.
That right there encapsulates why we neither have nor really need magazines like that anymore. Because websites have taken over providing that sort of information.
>SCG, CK, and CFB are my LGS
Maybe I misunderstood what "stores" they were talking about. I definitely blame those "stores".
They do have stores just like your own LGS, they just happen to be bigger.
But they aren't what people think of when you use the term LGS, because for most people they aren't.
Just because they aren't what people think of when you use the term LGS, doesn't disqualify them from being one in reality.
No shit, now are you done being a pedant because I forgot to include the outliers in my consideration of the term "stores"?
Are you finally accepting reality instead of thinking that it's only speculators who do buyouts?
Not that guy but SCG ARE speculators BECAUSE they do buyouts. And yes, they suck just as much as any lone mtgfinance guys who sit on a stack of high-demand staples waiting for the price to peak.
Turbo fog is the only legitimate acceptable standard deck
Literally fucking when did I say SCG, CFB, and CK didn't do buyouts? When did I say stores never did buyouts?
Oh yeah I didn't. Kill yourself you faggot pedant.
They're really good ideas but I think they're a bit late, aren't they?
Stores like Wallmart will have ton of them, plus its an unlimited print.
I still wonder how secondary markets will react since the print of the red god and Chandra was a kick in the balls for them.