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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Oh, you came alright.
Doesn't upgrading a Fragment with concentrated Eden's Seed kill anyone who doesn't have a Stigmata fragment?
Why are they separate perks when anyone who survives a dose of Eden's Seed has Stigmata and Stigmata only appears after receiving a dose of Eden's Seed?
>If it makes any difference, it's all the knowledge that any normal schmuck could potentially learn in their lifetime, all in your head. Although, you probably understood that so the distinction might not change your viewpoint any.
Oh yeah, I understood that. It's just that it still seems kinda underwhelming. You might have all that knowledge, but no skill to wield it, and as you said, 99% of the stuff people do in that manga has to do with powers. So why not just let us know some secretive/supernatural stuff with the capstone boosted version of the perk?
Jumpers! We often talk about power, naked raw displays of might and strength. What of weakness, though? Has there been a time you've been rendered helpless, terrified, struggling and bereft of hope?
Tell me your tales of personal terror, jumpers.
Want to take this, but no idea who to be descended from, any help please?
>Legacy of the Great War [600 - Discount for Noble] - While the War was in a time before time,
>its echoes can still be felt today - the clashing of holy blades against the infernal devils and their
>fallen cousins, sundering creation whole and laying low the creator God who led the Angels.
>These blades have since fallen silent, but they have no rusted or waned - and you’re an
>example of that. You carry a major bloodline or innate power that was passed down from these
>days, akin to the Bael Clan’s mighty Power of Destruction...or perhaps identical, if you call them
>kin. In addition to a unique and powerful magic that will be passed down to your own
>descendents, you have a natural knack and talent in all things related to combat and
>warfare...without training, you could lay low hundreds of untrained thugs and even duel an
>experienced warrior bare-handed. And that’s before you train or get your hands on a Sacred
>Gear. In time, you will bring entire modern armies to your knees with both your magic and
>martial might, though mind that your mana and stamina are still finite...but that’s fine. A proper
>leader should lead from the front, don’t you agree?
I admittedly have not read the series, but it seems to me that if several anons agree on this one point, there must at least be some truth to it. Why not just make Eden's whatever the capstone booster like someone suggested, and remove the Stigmata perk, instead increasing the price of Stigmata Fragments? It seems like everyone would be happy that way.
It's rather depressing how so many battles between these so-called deities boil down to who can backstab who first, isn't it? I would say the spectacle and number of people you can actually root for gets somewhat better by around issue #20ish but 1. that's a lot of shit to wade through for, and 2. improvement is relative. The cheap shock tactics only get more and more eye-rollingly vulgar. And ultimately the whole thing is a setup for an even bigger scale fuckup by all parties involved.
Although, I'm on #38 now and I WILL concede that the little twist in #37 is genuinely interesting. Oh, I'm sure it won't amount to much in the end but it's a relief the writers have the grace to be self-aware.
D-Did he died?
Rias Gremory (redhead and objectively cutest girl in the pic) I believe. She's the heir to a clan of demons renowned for their unique ability to generate and manipulate destruciton energy.
Yes, she is basically a mini-Beerus without it actually being a job requirement.
One time I couldn't decide whether to fuck waifu A or waifu B. It was horrible how helpless I felt. But then I realized I could fuck them both at the same time, and the world was alright again.
>implying I'd ever make myself feel helpless in my self-insert fantasy when I have real life for that
Yeah, it was honestly mind-numbingly boring. The gods didn't feel like gods at all, which was admittedly the point, but still. And from the spoilers I read on wikipedia, I probably haven't missed much by not reading further. Apparently there's some shit about everyone dying, landing in god-heaven, jesus resurrecting everyone, them landing in nirvana, travelling to another universe, and then dying for real this time? I think I actually lost brain cells reading that description. It honestly reminded me why I pretty much never read comcis, people simply never stay dead.
Not for the claustrophobic: youtube.com
We don't know that many of the Pillar House's powers, so you'd be having to make something up for most of them. Also if you weren't a devil, but some other type of thing, you'd have to decide what you were descended from that way. But if you do go devil, I'd go with House Belial. They have a bloodline power, Worthlessness, which lets them just shut things down. They can arbitrarily say, "that won't work", and so long as their power is greater than whatever effect they're targeting it doesn't. It's more than a little broken, when you can completely ignore your enemy's attacks and defenses.
Yes, if only she could ever actually use it effectively. Her brother, he does awesome things with Power of Destruction. Rias...not that great. Probably because it's so powerful, if she was ever allowed to stop jobbing she'd have to become a background supporting character like Sirzechs.
Have you ever had people surprise you by agreeing to a deal you expected them to reject?
Bonus points if you were in a form that screamed EVIL/CREEPY at the time.
Gift of Eden only refers to the weird regen and stuff. I was actually planning to make them one and the same initially but sense there where characters that had the Gift of Eden stuff without a Stigmata, and vice versa, that meant at the very least they weren't mutually exclusive, so I separated it into two.
Otherwise, that would make Kafka a Stigmata bearer too.
>know some secretive/supernatural stuff with the capstone boosted version of the perk?
Like what? I do happen to agree with what you're saying, but as I said, I don't have any ideas here.
I skimmed and saw someone mentioning Demons of Astlan and how demons there have powerful magic. Can anyone explain a bit further about it? A place to read it online free would be nice if you know any, can't seem to find it online. How about angels there?
>there where characters that had the Gift of Eden stuff without a Stigmata
There was only one, and he was a clone of a guy with Stigmata and got super cancer from it.
When did Kafka show any sign of Seed of Eden enhancement?
Still sad Heavens vetoed multiple purchases, so you can't be Ddraig's and Albion's hatesex baby.
I hate how I remember that and one user brought up those little dragonlings that sprout out of their SGs later on.
Rias would definitely be a pretty good companion
The Seed of Eden was treated as a death sentence for anyone without stigmata, making Seed of Eden the booster wold work though as you could use buying the perk as the explanation for why you were one of the few people to survive and have your fragment powered up without a Stigmata fragment.
Despite everything, I was not the one who dealt the final blow to the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Her power was vast - too vast for even the army I had gathered. In each of her jaws, she crushed soldier after soldier. Not even my Companions were safe. I heard the fainting clucks of a Blaziken, the metallic screech as my Aggron burned in white lightning. Claws stopped just short of tearing my Flygon in half. A Walrein tried to freeze her solid with Sheer Cold, but the great dragon simply stepped on her. A single wingbeat dashed my Swellow onto the rocks of the battlefield. And Ludicolo... poor Ludicolo. No Pokemon should ever experience a fainting that painful. More than that, a godling of the sea was not enough to slow her down. Princess Mikotsu had not felt such agony in centuries. Behind her, spinosaurs and scorpions lay crushed by the same killer. Every hit was doing bits and bits of chip damage, but we were running out of hitters.
Our allies fared little better. The Six Samurai themselves withdrew from the Warrior's Pass for this fight - and three of them were dead before it was over. Gaia the Fierce Knight, Buster Blader, and those heroes who remained from the first assault on the Matriarch were either dust or crippled by the end. The Amazons, and entire armies of Beast-Warriors had fallen. Swarms of insects, golems called by the Spellcasters, and the survivors of the lesser dragons, rallying around the Red-Eyes Clan, all dying.
As for me? The Final Form of the Drive Clothes had not finished it. The Totsusa blood that let me become a Rabbit Monster had not finished it. The Thu'um had not yet finished it. My Final Smash had not finished it. My beasts, and the four Pegasus Knights who followed me, had not finished it. She was wearing down, I knew she was, but it very much felt like it would not be enough.
It took divine intervention for me to get my second wind. I thought for sure that when she came to recover my body, Maya had fired her last spell.
>I was actually planning to make them one and the same initially
Yes, do that. It fits canon better. Buying stigmata for a fragment that isn't one of the twelve doesn't make any sense but getting a similar boost because you managed to survive an Eden's Seed injection anyway does.
Even if he's not a viable build, Loch Ness the ABSsal Dragon will live on in our dreams!
Happened in New Vegas once. Fella reckoned anything that could look like this and still ask for help couldn't be as scary as it seemed. All it wanted was a warm bed and a cup of coffee
Redheads are excellent
>Like what? I do happen to agree with what you're saying, but as I said, I don't have any ideas here.
Basically knowledge of magic/ki/superpowers/whatever supernatural shit the setting has that would be hard to find for normal people or even abnormal ones. Spells, techniques, maybe the science/theory behind it, stuff like that. It's up to you how far that knowledge goes, though I'd guess most people would prefer that to knowledge they could normally get on their own anyways.
Too soon.
Some people have amazing refractory periods, user.
Then I'll tell you of my first few seconds of sunlight in Vampire: the Requiem. It was a crisp August morning, a fair few seconds before the dawn. I was just going for a vigorous walk in the woods, when I saw the sky start to turn from black to blue. And I remembered why all the other vampires had gone indoors.
I should probably explain why what happened next /hurt/ more than your run-of-the-mill third degree burns. In my darkest hours, I could always fall back on some variant of sunlight. Heck, Soulfire was my favored mystic tool and I'm pretty sure I was carrying the Light Soul at the time. Whenever something unstoppable and unspeakable met me, I knew the sun had my back. So I sent an avatar up there to feel it on my skin, thinking my existing defences would keep it safe.
...four hours later, my consciousness revived in the bits of me that were underground, after blacking out from INCREDIBLE pain and also some barbeque sounds. Turns out a meagre Avalon-forcefield just delays the sunlight-but also traps and intensifies the few photons that DO get in. It's like the difference between being burned alive, and sunbathing in the Sahara while covered in cooking oil.
I spent much of the rest of the jump advancing the Ordru Dracul's research by leaps, but I never looked at the sun again for that whole decade.
I told Steven Universe to tell me about all the Gem temples he knew of on his planet once, in exchange for a dollar. At the time, I resembled an evil version of himself for unrelated reasons.
It almost backfired on me because I told him it was for a Gem history book I was writing, and he followed my onboard the Light of Terra while I was attacking the Gem empire.
That's...simultaneously correct but not accurate, so as I near the end of the sad ordeal I'm pretty sure I'm not being spoiled. I mean, it DOES happen but not quite int he way it sounds.
Dealing with people not staying dead is a pretty major plot point, actually.
I was just going through your needless jump, and I quite enjoy it.
I was wondering however why an Adam can't buy other Fragments? (I'm not familiar with the Series)
Especially if they have the ability to copy fragments, couldn't easily be explained away as exposure to a power when being grown, or some such?
Also how would healing factors etc... interact with the Orichalcum coating of your bones? I'm assuming they leave it alone but am unsure.
Either way, interesting jump and one I'm looking forward to doing.
>There was only one, and he was a clone of a guy with Stigmata and got super cancer from it.
>When did Kafka show any sign of Seed of Eden enhancement?
In the picture I attached to the last post, remember when they stormed the city with those clones that were able to regenerate and shit? Kafka was one of them, despite not being a Stigmata bearer. All gift of Eden refers to is the powers that they demonstrated.
>you could use buying the perk as the explanation for why you were one of the few people to survive and have your fragment powered up without a Stigmata fragment
This is actually pretty good reasoning, I might run with that.
Alright, that's a second vote.
So if I'm getting this right, people would rather I fuse the capstone booster, weird regeneration junk, and Fragment booster into one?
If so, consider it done. More neat that way anyway. Although a bunch of that was shitposting, I'll admit that I was also getting frustrated and being needlessly stubborn to people who were genuinely trying to make the jump better.
It won't please everybody, but I agree this is a better solution.
That being said, I am actually cutting it close, so I'm off for now. Thanks for explaining everything so clearly, I probably wouldn't have cooled my head otherwise.
I am seriously sorry, these are posts I want to answer, but I really have to go to something for one of my classes. I swear I'll answer as soon as I get back.
Or as soon as I can sneak out.
Have you made a Call of Duty Zombies build yet Battler-user? How do you deal with an omnipotent getting a hold on your chain?
> Has there been a time you've been rendered helpless, terrified, struggling and bereft of hope?
Not really, no. Not to the extent you're describing.
That's not a super badass hash of wankery or anything. It's just, whenever times are dark I'm always kindof bolstered by the idea that I can run away, because I don't really have anything to tie me down, because I'll just be shunted off in ten years or so. It's a selfish thought, but it's empowering in its own way.
What's more, if I die, in almost all cases I won't actually DIE, but rather, just get shunted back home. Unless this is a gauntlet, in which case I would experience a moment of severe pain and then continue along as if nothing happened. In a way, these too are comforting.
Far worse are moments where I worry not that I won't survive, but that I'll stay conscious, a torturous moment prolonged indefinitely. Moments of dread not in ending, but in continuation.
That fear can't be run from. It can only be endured. I've learned to hate it.
Distant Sky was like that. An ongoing sense of dread and fatigue, vainly reaching forward in the belief that this pain was just a little more preferable than dying. The trash can in Power Rangers was pretty awful. Certain parts of Spyro. It's not really about "will I get out of this?". It's about knowing that you will, eventually, but for now you just have to sit through it, and there's nothing you can do.
That was basically Naruto for me. See, I wanted to test stuff with chakra coils and ninjas. Mad science stuff.
So I went out of my way to find crazy, one-shot baddies who wanted quick power boosts.
I found no shortage.
And I'd lay out these conditions, right? I started making them worse on purpose.
"This will replace your arm."
"You'll need to carve this into your stomach."
"You will turn into a straight up furry."
And I kept expecting someone to say "No, I'm not doing that."
But instead...
... well...
... you know those seagulls from Finding Nemo?
>Gift of Eden stuff without a Stigmata
One, Kafka, which is probably an outlier situation.
>and vice versa
Who had a Stigmata without getting a dose of Eden's Seed?
Arclight was made with it
Same with Eve
Same with Saten
Riru got some from arclight
Teruyama got some
Seto got some
Solva got some
Uten got some
Aruka showed that level of survivability
Hatfield was with Simeon so he probably also had some
Strom same with Tatfield
And Cruz didn't even know he was a needless until after having some
That's all twelve only two of which aren't explicitly confirmed to have taken some and they both worked closely with the guys who made it.
Strom and Hatfield didn't need to take it necessarily, they were never shown with Stigmata so Arclight could have found out they had it by learning their powers and having stigmata show up on his Eden's Seed filled body.
In the Dune jump, what can a Kwisatz Haderach actually do, and is it possible to become one? The Kwisatz Haderach Candidate perk states that with only the abilities you can get in this jump it'll be impossible for you, but OOC stuff should be able to solve that, right?
>... you know those seagulls from Finding Nemo?
The clone of Underling #3, Underling #3 got a Stigmata and a normal power boost but clone Underling got super cancer on his stomach and had to mutate horribly to use the power boost.
It's happened a few times in the current chain, but the worst was in Star Wars: Clone Wars. After all the trials and tribulations of the war, it was revealed that the Light of Destruction, which my Jumper had been hunting across the chain and had previously encountered in KOTOR, had used the four thousand years between KOTOR and Clone Wars to regain its' strength and prepare a plan to conquer the galaxy. Instead of Sidious, it was the Light that had orchestrated the war, and an Empire rose devoted to its' ego and lust for power. Jumper tried to stop all this before it went too far, but the Light had become too powerful, and after capturing him, it was eager to take revenge for all the pain and humiliation he had caused it. It launched a terrible mental assault, trying to destroy everything Jumper was and make him its' servant.
It nearly succeeded, had it not been for Mikotsu saving Jumper from the heart of the Light's power, fleeing with him to regroup with the rest of the companions and the allies they had made during the Jump (Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, Padme, Bail Organa, Captain Rex and many others). Even then, it would be a long time before the Jumper would recover, and after finally overcoming the trauma and defeating the Light of Destruction in the OT jump with the companions and Skywalker clan, plus many other allies, the event still haunts him. There's a reason why Jumper's palace associates light with danger and water with safety.
Nessian the (abs) abyss dragon. The looks on their faces would be glorious.
...just a bit of advice, user. Don't take any "You have to face previous enemies!" drawbacks until you're much stronger. Because god damn does that description make BEUD sound like an utter terror.
Who killed her in the end? Judging by that note about literal divine intervention, I'm guessing Lord Solemn and his faeries were moved by your desperate fight and decided to help you?
Yes, my current chain Jumper is borderline unstoppable... if given enough prep time.
Since my enemies tend to not be complete idiots, I never have enough prep time.
Straight up went uncanny valley faceless human whenever someone intruded on one of my vacation homes. There wasn't any actual drawbacks, but I wasn't feeling charitable to those who kept tracking my dumb ass down for 'wishes'. People still accepted the deals thinking they could outwit me. You can't outwit that which doesnt give a shit!
Ghostrider Justice Penance Stare vs Ultimate Spiderman's Elder of the Universe?
Also, how would Ghostrider stack up against Nightmare in the dream realm (while he is draining all of earth)?
Is The Gamer something I want to hit early on in a chain if I do it at all?
Huh, took me a while to find it but here it is.
...I'm not sure what that has to do with any kind of omnipotent getting any kind of hold on my chain. You're not talking about the Shadowman, are you? He's perfectly thwartable in the game.
Wait, you talking about Doctor Monty? Because it wouldn't be the first time my Benefactor's dropped the ball. He's just a your run of the mill cosmic being charged with maintaining a higher order, I figured he was subbing in like a babysitter.
Essentially, it's what happens when the local genetic memory oracles succeed in engineering genetic memory in a man instead of a woman. Their mind transcends space and time, able to observe and process vast amounts of information about the future. The first subject, Paul Atreides, also noticed that observing the future caused him to be bound by it-so he succeeded in suppressing his own foresight to avoid humanity's eventual destruction.
His descendant Leto 2 shared his abilities, and forecast a "golden path" for humanity that led them to spread across the universe, avoid stagnation and also go really really fast. Like, much faster than modern humans. And with better reflexes too.
They did, if reluctantly, and that did quite a bit of damage to the overall enemy force. Great for allied morale, too. But the FINAL blow, the last bit of chip damage, was from Maya. She dug deep and forged what she believed to be a new spell of Dark Magic. With hatred darker than twilight and anger redder than flowing blood, the power bestowed on her hand put the final stop to her enemy - and so they called her the Dragon Slayer.
I laughed a little when I heard, but no one guessed why. Then came the grim work of making sure that monstrosity didn't come back. The question of "hey, did I ever learn that soul-eating Shout Miraak had?" comes up here.
Now worries, I look forward to getting answers when you have the time.
Well, the earlier you get a level up system from anywhere, the more time you'll have to invest in it and the better off you'll be in the long run, for obvious reasons.
But on the other hand, some of the outside forces get pretty crazy, I hear tell. So it's really up to you and when you feel comfortable going there.
Considering the MC was a normal squishy human at the beginning and is getting more powerful very rapidly while juggling his normal life (somewhat)?
Yeah, just stay out of the way of any major players until you grind yourself to a high enough level.
To my eternal confusion, yes. Turns out, some people don't care how terrifying you look or how dangerous a deal you're offering, as long as you're offering great power/wealth/beauty or eternal youth or something like that. Fuck, some of them even come to me to offer the deal! And I'd get it if it was just villains, because you'd expect Emperor Evil McMurderer to be willing to sacrifice his first born for immense power. But why am I getting kids offering to sell their souls if I'll make them stay a kid forever?!
I'll add to your question.
Jumpers has there been any time where you have been forced to make a suicidal heroic last stand?
Damn, that's pretty cool. Good for Maya! She got to avenge her mentor and save her new friends as well, plus earn a name for herself! Though now she'll have to be one of the leaders of the rebuilding, since almost everyone else is dead or crippled. Lord Solemn and the other veterans could probably give her some aid, but she's going to be dealing with a lot more still.
I'm updating a jump and looking at the formatting. Which is better/easier to read?
x00cp - perk name
x00cp - perk name
............................x00cp - perk name, but centered (with or without a space?)...............
The middle one.
The first one is best, the second is also fine, the third is disgusting heresy.
Jumpmakers! What perk/option from one of your jumps is your favorite?
Thanks for the answer. Dr Monty, the omnipotent being who is well known for throwing his employees into time prisons and shit to keep his 'perfect world', which you and yours are most definitely not a part of, nice and ignorant.
Dr. Monty and Primis' situation.
First one.
>Kwisatz Haderach Candidate
Is there any point to taking this if you already have an immunity to scrying/future sight, considering you can't actually become a Kwisatz Haderach with it?
I prefer the first and the second is good enough, just watch out for page gaps cutting off paragraphs.
Third is uncomfortable.
Yeah, it was... painful. At least the Blue-Eyes had sent a token force to stalemate the Machines. Not sure how Gaia got THEM on board.
And then there was the raid on the nursery, where a Knight Errant picked up his fallen comrade's lance and THREW it right into a gap between a Blue-Eyes' scales. bringing it down, AFTER his horse had been killed under him. We call him Elouen 'Le Quellec', now.
Time for another update on my progress.
Etrian Odyssey 5: Beyond the Myth WIP v0.70
Change Log:
>Rover and Necromancer Class pages are complete. No matter what flavor pet you prefer, now you're covered.
>Explorer Perks finished.
>Merchant Perks mostly finished.
>Drawbacks finished. Higher end ones shuffled a little bit.
>Outro skeletoned in so I don't forget again.
As always, questions, comments, and suggestions appreciated.
Found the post.
Damn you. Now I have the compulsion to make a demon gaze jump.
Which then leads me to want to make jumps for the games I have on my Vita.
Not him but...isn't that only a concern for beings inside of causality? I forgot how but Battler made himself outside of causality. If he's outside time he isn't going to interfere with the time loop.
Also please stop using the word "omnipotent" incorrectly. The man is clearly struggling against a mere universe buster.
Love you to friend. Not to often you find an abuse victim like me around.
Just because Dr. Monty wants the cycle to continue doesn't mean he isn't an omnipotent.
I have heard of Demon Gaze and it sounded cool. Yeah, we Vita users just keep chugging along.
Never did get to beat Freedom Wars.
To go further on what says, Jee Han got into it late and despite being an idiot (emphasis on idiot) savant he managed to survive thanks entirely to his power, connections, and wealth. However it was shown a dozen chapters back that Jee Han had protection from a powerful backer early on, which is why he didn't end up in a mana factory or as magic reagents. So you'd need good stealth or a healthy deterrent to avoid that given you lack such in jump. In addition to his backer his friend was from a powerful clan that aided him greatly in his early days. Without OCP means of acquiring powerful skills, abilities, and wealth you'll be at a disadvantage from the ground up. The Gamer is a growing power, not power from the word go.
Again, you use the word wrong. The Apothicons are beings he struggled against back when there was a war between them. Also the game never calls him flat out omnipotent, just because you think he is doesn't mean he actually is.
You do realise you're treating a fan theory like canon right? In the game he's just the mysterious cosmic benefactor. This is all just speculation. And I doubt speculation goes anywhere in a Call of Duty game of al places.
>an omnipotent
>Demon Gaze
A quick google search leads me to believe you should, immediately, make a Jump for this. If only because there can never be too many universes where you and four friends battle insane monsters using friendship and tactics.
Anyone know of any sanity restoring/perception alteration curing perks or abilities? Kind of want to go to Saya no Uta but am concerned about my companions' sanities.
Light of Eden in EVO.
And even if you don't have it yourself, Gaia does.
Are you sure we can't make this happen?
Use that noble perk to be related to one, and take the other as a sacred gear? Something, anything?
I think there's one in Project Freelancer/RvB.
We can only look towards the Heavens for an answer.
Hello /jc/, Stand question. More specifically, the consequences of being a Stand-User.
How many worlds would go up like the proverbial power-keg if a Stand whose ability revolves entirely around the idea of "see through the disguise, open your eyes" activated, and just... on an utterly massive scale, revealed every secret that has ever been covered up, hidden away, or masked? As in from the smallest secret like "who ACTUALLY stole from the cookie jar" to "WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEMONS ARE REAL?!"
I need to know what kind of trouble Jumper's in for, so I know where to send them specifically so that Jumper gets introduced to consequences.
In SCP that would likely end the world instantly, given that there are numerous SCPs that will kill everyone/destroy reality if enough people know about them.
RIP Dresden Files.
RIP World of Darkness.
Uh... I think RIP Pact? I'm not sure.
World of Darkness, In Nomine, Persona, even RWBY. Break the masquerade. Shatter the lies. Let everything burn.
fucking 3125. Antimemetics is scary.
What exactly does the "magic" perk in Berserk allow you to do?
Most relationships ruined, romantic or otherwise. Massive political upheaval, pretty much every undercover cop in the world is dead, along with a ton of other people getting murdered due to their dirty laundry being aired.
Congratulations user, you're a monster. Doesn't really matter what world you do this in, it's terrible no matter what.
Maybe you wont destroy the world, but you'll definetly fuck someone's plan in Umineko for the worst.
Perk wasn't really designed to be a multi-purchase and purchasing canon bloodlines was something I forgot to consider because in my head, the perk was supposed to be for OC things and I just didn't have any reason to say 'no' when folks took canon stuff.
That said, I do like this idea and I'm going to propose an alternative: You still have a single power, but that power/bloodline is a mix of theoretical dragon hatesex instead of both their powers individually. Like a sandwich. A very confusing sandwich. Would that help any?
I don't exactly remember how either but it had to do with him being a Devil Tiger from Infernals Exalted Jump in addition to pulling a stunt that basically made him able to do a Zendikar Eldrazi, in the point of he's mostly 'not in the world' but more 'tossing a feeler in' kind of thing.
Hey, apart from that exploit with one of the lewd jumps on QQ, is there any way to get real life people as companions? Trying to figure out how to bring my little brother along.
Can you really say it's true love if it can't survive psychic revelations of the evils lurking in your partner?
Take Quiet CYOA as a first jump
Literally every one of them that has sapient life. Maybe even some that don't.
>that power/bloodline is a mix of theoretical dragon hatesex
>a mix
This amuses me but also causes me a headache. I have no idea how boost and divide would turn out if they were combined. Null? Maybe it nulls things? I dunno.
Hollywood Jump, maybe 9 to 5 Jump, and others like that... Platoon would be a huge maybe.
No, I think it was earlier than that. Something about Blazblue, and Supernatural of all places? But definitely far before Exalted jumps were ever considered.
...Oh, that makes more sense.
I, personally, never intended for ness to have two powers. I just need to actually think up a decent explanation for what doubling+dividing_hate+(other minor powers) equals.
So yeah, that works fine. For me at least.