What does Veeky Forums do for work? Does it give you time to pursue hobbies during the week, or the weekend?
What does Veeky Forums do for work? Does it give you time to pursue hobbies during the week, or the weekend?
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I teach during the academic year and tend to assess/mark exams during the summer but I also do some bar work and make a little on the side from art design shit on sites like way and redbubble.
During the summer I have lots of time to do Veeky Forums and /agd/ shit, but the rest of the year it's hit and miss. Unfortunately real life shit takes up my time on the weekend, but I usually have enough free time to host a game night once a month or so.
I admit, I'm just getting out of college in the next few months. I'm not sure what I'm doing, and a bit scared, but I'm hoping I'll at least get weekends.
I work overnight shifts at a weird little hotel. It's not bad in terms of giving me free time to do stuff, and I run two games a week.
Sadly the schedule itself can be a bit wonky so I don't really have a steady schedule beyond "probably these days since they're the ones you usually do". I also tend to work weekends, which can screw with scheduling. It's meant that the only real MtG thing I can go to is the midnight prereleases my LGS does, since they're on thursday at midnight.
Still, I've got the time to run 2 games relatively consistently, so that's something at least. It's a nice way to cool off after having to try and explain how hotels work to a group of brazillian tourists who speak absolutely nothing but portuguese.
>What does Veeky Forums do for work?
Nothing at the moment, woefully unemployed and recently moved back to my parent's house in the middle of nowhere rural BC.
Before that, though, I did 5 years for a BFA; drew and sold prints for conventions, ran some quests on Veeky Forums, but at the moment I'm not really doing much of anything beyond trying to establish some online presence, doing a little commission work, and trying to help around the house/keep an eye on my aging parents since I moved away from all the even remotely artistic stuff.
Wouldn't mind a normal part-time job to give me some space from creative work, but I haven't worked a 'normal' job since I was maybe 19-20 and at this point I'm too afraid to ask how one does or gets a normal job.
Work as a sales rep for a microbrewery and currently not really trying to get my feet under me and sales numbers up to a good amount.
Right now I'm a deck officer on a cruise ship. Before that I was a deck officer on a car carrier. After I'm through with this contract I'll probably go back to the car carrier, if I can't swing a gig on an oil tanker. I make a ton of dosh, but it's rather hard playing a game while I'm in the ass-end of the world.
But I got into the Order of Magellan, which was nice.
Frontline support and IMAC Tech for an IT company with a city contract.
Some days, nothing to do but shitpost Veeky Forums
Others, no time to myself at all
I'm a high school teacher. I've run between two to three games a week for a few years now.
A little bit of everything at a restaurant. I have somewhat reasonable shifts, but it can be tiring. It leaves me just enough time to keep up working on and playing a bi-weekly, 3 hour session of DnD.
Only a year out of college and using cheat codes essentially. I'm working part time for my family company while continuing to live at home, which is actually nice because the job pays more than it should and living at home allows me to save a ton of money. Our house is big enough that I even have my own personal office space so it's not too bad still living with my folks. I use the extra time to work on my writing and I also coach a middle school wrestling team because it's a passion of mine.
The only downside to this living arrangement is that it's in bumfuck nowhere to the point that there isn't even a flgs in reasonable driving distance. Luckily I plan on moving out and then into an apartment in the city with my girlfriend once she finishes college in a year. Already started applying for corporate jobs that allow me to work from home.
Full student, looking at possible bar work/food service.
I also am a member of a Tabletop club and play Magic daily (EDH only). Had to deal with the weirdos in the Gay Club, but they no longer are a thing.
Weapons Manufacture.
IT guy for a non-profit. Got a weekly game at the married friend's house.
I work for a manufacturer/supplier to the construction industry. The work is simple enough, but physically exhausting.
The wife's a nurse working odd hours. Between our schedules and juggling three kids, we haven't gamed in over four years.
Do you have a link to any of your work, user? I have been looking for an artist for a project.
I am a law student, and no. It's 2:30 (AM) here, this is when I get to stop studying.
>What does Veeky Forums do for work?
Chemical Engineer in the plastics industry. Working on slowly selling out Uncle Sam to the Chinese one day at a time when not taking lucrative private and government contracts for our small privately owned business.
>Does it give you time for your hobbies
Not as much as I would like, but oddly the real obstacle is getting the rest of the group to keep a schedule. We're all engineers of one flavor or another and have played together since high school and are spread far and wide.
NEET for three years now
Software Engineer. Yeah I browse rpg stuff at work and listen to AP podcasts sometimes. Currently I'm able to play a weekly in-person AD&D game and an online 5e game on Monday nights.
I could probably play more if I wanted (and I kinda do since I just grabbed LotFP and love it), but I'm trying to spend my free time a little more productively lately so I think 2 games a week is pretty good.
Medical student here, I'm going to become a doctor this month and start working around july. I fear I will have to drop my favourite hobby since I will probably have to work a lot and leave my city. It saddens me deeply.
sup quinn
I lucked out. I won a moderate sized lottery and don't have to work anymore. My wife has a job mainly because she can't sit around all day, but I take care of the kids and teach them. I do odd jobs from time to time in construction, but nothing solid. I live off my interest, its not huge, but I'm still above the national average, especially with the wife's job. Averaging around 70k per year between the two of us. Bought a nice house outright, put the rest in long-term, low interest investment.
I play as much as i want. Some weeks I play a bunch, some weeks I don't do shit.
Your best bet is to find a factory. They hire anyone, you don't have to deal with customers, and you'll come to either love it or lowkey hate it enough to move the fuck on.
Dishwasher at a restaurant. It's alright, but they've been trying to make me a line cook and I just can't handle that shit, but at the same time I don't want to let everyone down.
>Do you have a link to any of your work, user?
I do, I can't promise I'm exactly what you're looking for, but I can show you what I have to offer: spaghettiart.tumblr.com
>you don't have to deal with customers
That's a bigger selling point than you might think, user.
Customer service of any kind is fucking abysmal.
Also, there are a lot of different types of factories. Stay the fuck away from chemicals for floor work, but anything in re-pack centers or whatnot is usually solid work.
I'm an engineer at a major fortune 500 company. I work ten hour days and get fridays off, so I have plenty of time for hobbies. Unfortunately, the plant I work at is in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, so the nearest gaming store is a 2 hour drive away.
Living history interpreter, military science/technology and medicine.
Basically, I am a professional LARPer.
Everyone in my department, and most of the foundation, are nerds. Aside from all the outside games, we regularly play Pirates CCG, Board games, and the occasional RPG campaign in the the military programs office.
How do you like that?
I do digital marketing for a NP and coming in trying to straighten things out is an actual headache.
Not terrible, need to redo how everything works, but have a contractor coming in on that.
4 weeks of PTO a year, If I can find time to use it.
I'm a writer for a purely online company, so I've got the same plenty of time. Just have to use it more effectively.
I'm but a humble carpenter and it leaves me just enough time to look at all my unpainted models and barely stewed campaigns and say "fuck it".
Recently got promoted, now leading a whole department in my store.
Wish I had more time for hobbies but as is I still get enough to forever GM for my neckbeard buds.
Analytical chemistry R&D at a pharma company. Normal work schedule but always putting in long hours and taking work home. Plus commute is long. Not much time for hobbying. One guy I work with hosts game nights at his house which is about all I get.
I'm a novelist. I don't like to GM any more because it feels like work but it leaves me with a lot of time to play.
I gotta memorize pretty much everything about the people I work with, but in all fairness its not much different than memorizing character stats.
>I'm a novelist.
Can you elaborate a little, user? Like, what and how do you do n' so forth?
Novelist feels like an equally interesting, but shit career choice.
I work for UPS as a package handler in a dusty concrete and steel box. I get to release some steam as a half-orc barbarian on the weekends.
I wish I had studied to become a the rapist rather than my current track at times. Seems like I am everyone's go-to-sweater-daddy to talk to and have therapeutic support from.
I assume the pay is butts though
I am a Journeyman Wireman, aka a Commercial/Industrial Electrician. I make good money have plenty of time off for gaming goodness.
that one misplaced spacing
I'm working part time as a Barista/cafe all rounder, although worried at the moment that i may lose said job or have my hours drastically cut. New cafe and boss has no idea what she's doing, and i dread having to look for a new job again.
Also do commission Miniature painting, hope to increase my intake this and increase my asking price as suggested by my clients.
I get to rpg or boardgame every thursday, sometimes play weekends too. If i game too much it eats into my painting time, Somewhat time poor as i coach Junior American football in Australia and thats unpaid..
Time poor but life-experience rich I'd say, I worry I am rather letting time fly by but we all have our lots in life. Seems you've a lot to keep yourself occupied
Pay started at 20$ an hour to council people and write reports on their behavior, with paid health insurance.
the really good pay (100+ per hour) starts when you have about 5-10 years of experience under your belt
>everyone's go-to-sweater-daddy to talk to and have therapeutic support from.
Thats honestly how it started for me. So I went to school so I could make a living off of it
There are actually tons of TTRPG players in army. in any given medical unit there is at least 2. Played a game here where I am stationed, and they were doing some sort of weird larp shit. Was not satisfied.
Tell me more, my man.
I want to go to medical school soon. What's it like? Course load, content, grading style, difficulty, etc.
>I'm a novelist
so you are unemployed
>I wish I had studied to become a the rapist
You actually don't need to go to school for that user...
I still refuse to believe you're real sometimes, but there are fucking photos.
That sounds pretty good. I've gone for the intelligence analyst track since I love to do research and investigate stuff. So far no luck hence going with a cert program to try and up my credentials short of graduate school (I'd love to do it, but not the debnts).
Aside of debnt issues I'll keep in mind the idea of going back to become a therapist.
That used to be the case but with regulations and the bar association requiring accreditation of your rapist, they've turned what was once an art into a science. It's tragic really.
Sushi chef and student. I make it work, get enough time to play once a week.
>requiring accreditation of your rapist
Truly a horror of injustice
I'm an accountant for a typical corporation. Don't like my job at all, but I can't deny that the paychecks are bigger than I'll get anywhere else.
I have a Saturday group DMd by a good friend and a Thursday group DMd by my younger brother. I enjoy the Thursday group more, but the Saturday group is more consistent. I'd eventually like to DM but we're in the thick of these adventures rn.
Who makes a rape factory that doesn't rape men AND women?
That's an enormous untapped market you're just arbitrarily ignoring.
We must hire suitable women and acquire a large stash of male potency drugs
Never thought if that way i guess, thanks user.
I'm the director of human resources at a medium sized company in the oil field.
It only interferes with my hobby in that I have to be up early on week days so I can't stay up late playing.
A metal press operator, 9 hours a day with optional weekends. I'd have a little time for it if I knew people who'd be into it, but oh well, plenty of time to spend with my wife.
I'm the property manager for the apartment complex i live in, pay is good, and i don't pay rent or utilities myself. It's a great job, but I'm on call 24/7, however, most of my job is just calling one of our repairmen, or showing apartments. I DM my only game on Thursdays with thw group ive been playing with for the last 10 years.
>so you're unemployed
I male about 40k/year between royalties, advances, and honorariums for speaking engagements. It isn't a lot but I get to do what I love.
I'm not going to say what I write but I'll answer questions about freelancing and getting published and stuff if you want. I'm currently trying to find a real job because I need more stability. Was going to try grad school, see if already being published could get me funded, but after changes to the tax code it doesn't seem as viable.
Paper product factory
Hurt my arm from overwork and dehydration
Back hurts too much to hunch over a desk and paint
Feet hurt too much to go out
Too tired to stay awake for a game
All I do is sleep and work, this is my only free hour at home and I spend it here
I am in hell
Work as a night manager at a hotel reception.
4-5 days work.
4-5 days off.
Leaves me with a nice amount of days off to plan time with friends.
Recently got back into actually playing in a group for some Dungeons & Dragons 5.e
Second session tomorrow.
My dream is to be like you desu.
40k a year isn't that bad.
How many books did you publish ?
Three. Two under my current pen name, one before that that didn't sell very well, and I'm in revisions for a fourth. I also have a Patreon where I publish short fiction and have been featured in a couple fiction and nonfiction anthologies.
I got my start writing literally anything anyone would pay me to write. First thing I ever got paid for was furry erotica, which...I mean, thirty dollars for 5k words is thirty dollars for 5k words. The more content you put out, and the more you develop a reputation for consistency and professionalism, the greater the odds that someone like an agent/book packager will notice you or you'll develop enough of a following to make it with crowdfunding.
I work customer service for eBay.
I get one night a week for gaming, the other night us time with the wife. I work nights, so I don't get as much time as I'd like to Veeky Forums stuff.
I'm also an amateur novelist. Wrote my first book laatbyear, working on getting it published right now. Hoping I can start making enough money doing that that I can quit eBay and start doing stuff I enjoy for work.
Granted I could bring my stuff in to work on at my desk, but I don't feel like ligging paints and models to and from work all the time.
I do chores occasionally.
I was thinking of maybe starting something similar, but I wasn't sure writing could gather much of a comunity online.
And also I wouldn't spit on 30 dollars for 5k words, where can I find someone willing to pay for that ?
I work at a kitchen and self-publish.
One is the money maker. For now
Im a mechanical engineer during the day 9hour days give me time here and there for my hobbies but in general, most of my time in the week is eaten up by travelling and cooking so i mainly do things on the weekend.
I had a friend who was a furry and complained that he coukdn't find a specific type of erotica. We were drunk. I told him, "I'll write it for you for thirty dollars." He accepted the offer, I regretted it when I was sober but did it anyway. His friends liked it and asked me for a couple commissions, then luckily one of them had connections to some freelancing opportunities (mostly articles) that weren't furry porn, and I just kind of kept falling ass backwards into stuff from there.
I THINK what I did technically counts as networking, but I'm not sure my econ prpfessor would have agreed.
I work part time at a hospital (pic related), I work in the teen outreach part of the therapudic services, It gives me lots of time to do other random internships and short jobs. This makes my free time kind of unpredictable. The hobbies (other than wargaming) I try to squeeze into the uneven gaps of my schedule are fencing(epee but hoping to change into historical fencing if I can find a good place), film and power metal(I don't play it or anything but its a big enough part of my life to consider it a hobby).
One thing you could try is getting a yeti mic and a friend with a nice voice and publishing your work as an audio podcast. People love podcasts and audiobooks.
Overnight direct care at a group home for adults with disabilities. Lots of screaming and paperwork mixed with weird medical shit going on at all times. My schedule is four 10hr days starting Monday night through Friday morning but I also work a bunch of overtime since we can't keep people at all.
What this means is that I run a game on Saturday nights because it's now the only day I can guarantee being off that works with the rest of my finicky group. I also play Magic (shut up) and buy a ton of cards (shut UP) and do really well value-wise somehow but all the overtime means I don't really play enough to justify the expense - but I might go all in on Dominaria to try to give serious play another try. My days off make it possible and my overtime weeks still make the expenses to get into Standard on that level plausible.
I don't think he would disagree. He certainly would regret hearing the story though.
Thanks a lot for the advice user. How can I find your patreon, if I may ask ?
You can't because I write about things that make /pol/ assmad and I don't feel like having my Amazon/Goodreads reviews tank because a bunch of dipshit anime fascists noticed me through this thread.
Fuck, I understand how that feels. Hope I'll find it by chance one of these days.
Dispatch for a major telecom (business contracts and no customer interaction, thank FUCK - woulda chewed my own arms off by now otherwise). Due to the amount of time it takes to bus in, not really, and weekends are not reliable (despite the fact that my group really has no business being on nights/weekends), but then I don't have any friends and am planning on moving out of country soon so I haven't bothered trying to find anything/anyone to do Veeky Forums shit with anyways.
I got a couple startups acquired so I don't do shit anymore.
Im going to school for finance next year at a top school here in canada, and plan on being an investment banker
rip hobbying
I'm the startup guy. I can confirm your hobbies will be alcoholism and trophy wives.
I work in insurance claims. It's more or less customer service. The pay is awful and I hate it. I'm too old for this now. I can't really find the energy to do anything about it because of my depression and so I'm in a giant rut.
I play a 5ed game over roll20 and I'm crawling glacially through my backlog of 40k armies.
>What does Veeky Forums do for work?
I work in a warehouse distributing everything but the furniture to assorted restaurant chains. Mostly that means I stack boxes on pallets, but sometimes I load pallets onto trucks and sometimes I take pallets off of trucks. It's not glamorous but I make decent money for the area; I'm arguably better off than a lot of my former classmates who went off to college and/or moved away
>Does it give you time to pursue hobbies during the week, or the weekend?
During the week is kinda hard because the schedule isn't set, you basically just work until the job is done, which could be anywhere from 6-12 hours. I may paint or do other non-group activities depending on how the night goes. Weekends off every week, do whatever the fuck I want.
I'm a freelance translator who works from home. My office and my hobby space are one and the same, so I'm pretty much surrounded by RPG and wargame paraphernalia all day.
I don't have a lot of face-to-face interactions with people. My weekly/biweekly games are a nice little escape.
I work overnights in a juvenile care facility. I run a game on Wednesday and play in another on Monday
I would suggest to all NEETs to strongly consider getting an engineering degree or if you can't afford the tuition, then go to trade school for plumbing, electrician, or hvac.
Being a NEET on Veeky Forums should already mean you're aspie with at least 110+ IQ. If you dedicate yourself you can autistically sit inside all day and study and pass calculus and physics with decent grades. Or you could get a trade and as long as you show up to work on time and do your job, no one will care if you're weird or quiet etc.
Engineers are pretty much expected to be on the spectrum. At least the actual engineers and not the meme engineers.
Occupational Therapist currently working on social programs (equine therapy, recreational sports, return to civilian life courses) for Veterans with PTSD, formerly worked with the modification and development of prosthetics particularly with children (who outgrow their prosthetics quickly) and using 3D printing, custom rubber bands and wire to produce affordable, lighter and durable whilst providing better grip and ROM. Going in a few months to Cambodia to help set up a cheap prothetics and wheel chair factory for WHO for landmine victims in SE Asia. I paint, and model once or twice a week, partly because I enjoy the hobby but it also keeps my fine motor skills for equipment modification and construction sharp. Only game with a select few people as local game stores are full of people who depress me. Regularly browse and read Veeky Forums as it shows me there are still creative and positive people in the hobby instead of the dreary know-it-all neets who's sole purpose in life is to suck the fun and enjoyment out of everything they're involved with.
I work overnight at a smallish airport screening people and vehicles. 80% of my work week is spent sitting in a building waiting to screen the vehicles that need to be on the airfield, because it takes three minutes to search a vehicle and we search maybe ten in an eight hour shift. Other than that, I touch butts. I have so much time to read it's crazy, but I spend most of it reading bullshit on the internet. Still get lots of d&d stuff done though. Pay is really good for how much work I do, and there's great job security (thanks 9/11).
That's pretty rad user. Good for you.
>Regularly browse and read Veeky Forums
>positive people
Pretty sure Veeky Forums just love to hate on pathfinder, reddit and anything that could be seen as SJW in way of form.
Love it, would recommend anyone doing it. Like the working with vets as as long as I can justify it clinically I can get it funded. Even quicker if it involves charitable works and good publicity.
One of the ideas I'm going to try and get going is get a few groups of veterans to each get busy building a small Viking longboat (for each group), get the guys some re-enactment training and organise to stick them in the Great Lakes "raiding" for charity donations in places places like Milwaukee, Chicago, Toronto etc. Basically staged "viking' landings you set up as a bit of a spectacle/fun. Apart from it appealing to the nerd in myself I can justify it on the grounds of group craft therapy, physical group activity and charitable promotion. If I can convince the right people that we'd get positive media coverage as we're "Veteran's with PTSD utilising our recovery to raise fun for charity by larping as Vikings" then that's 50% of the battle, the convincing people to greenlight stuff like this is always the hardest bit.
It's constructive bitching.
>reenacting anything remotely close to resembling their combat experiences
I am all for your drive and creativity but you may want to take this back to the drawing board
My nigga. It's a fucking nightmare. I work there part time on the weekdays for the benefits. Weekends I work as a licensed nurse ( not an RN, so no big money ). Don't get a lot of free time due to family.
Fine arts? You any good with traditional or gallery shit? You sign up for any registries or residencies?
I'm a casino dealer.
I'm autistic and I like dice and probability but hate everyone who smokes, drinks, gets loud, or acts superstitious.
Just kill me.
Already checked, like most activities people have to pass a medical/psychological, and it is also like most activities a voluntary activity. There are already American Veterans, some with PTSD, who regularly partake in Civil War Re-Enactment. Also one of the biggest issues regarding PTSD and mental health in Veterans is the loss of routine, military structure, and purpose after they have been discharged (hence the point of those return to civilian life courses I do) and activities which involve similar structure and group purpose actually lesson the severity of PTSD in most individuals (hence why it would be voluntary and with medical approval). Also a mock Viking landing in a Renaisance fair manner doesn't have the same sounds, sights, smells, nor even general atmosphere of actual combat (no gunpowder for example) minimising sensory triggers for PTSD. Throw in the fact they'd be sailing and rowing, in a different environment from which they normally are, working as a unit which involves positive communal interaction the actual chances of the people involved either being further traumatized or flipping out are basically non-existent. Understand your point but trust me, done my homework on this one.
I'm a building automation engineer. HVAC, lighting, elevators, security, etc. If it can be automated, I take human hands off of it. There's lots of on call work, so I don't have as much time as I'd like for gaming, but it makes me appreciate the time I do get a little more.
Consequently, whenever my group plays Shadowrun, I'm a Rigger.
I'm an escort. Started it and stripping to pay through college, ended up more fun and rewarding than actual college. Only the gay guy / best friend who plays a Dwarven Shieldbreaker in our Warhammer game knows. Rest thinks I do freelance shit. I make it to games just fine since being a semi self-established whore means my hours are flexible and I mostly spend my free time on writefaggotry and painting models I buy on a whim.
Work at Amazon, gives a bit of time Imo if you don't mind being dog tired the next day. Occasionally get to see some neat stuff for inspiration
911/emergency services dispatcher -- police, fire, medical.
Decent pay, solidly meaningful work, but it's butchered my hobby life. I'm on a graveyard shift and, even though I'm in a decent sized city, after 2 AM I might as well be on the moon.