anyone have any homebrew stuff for a dragon ball rpg they'd like to share?
Anyone have any homebrew stuff for a dragon ball rpg they'd like to share?
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Like a homebrew system or OCs and stuff?
system stuff. either exsisting system conversions or stuff made from the ground up. im attemping to homebrew a system myself and am looking for places to star from
It's not homebrew, but there's this:
does gurps even function with pcs more powerful than early to mid db levels?
lol heard the only official one was bad but upon reading this it may be the right kind of bad to at least use as a baseline
Does anybody else notice Vegeta's incredibly stretched out arm?
>majin buu= stretchy
>majin vegeta= also stretchy
Not sure how I missed this thread before. Here's the coolest DBZ RPG so far.
It honestly isn't.
Not sure how good it would be at extremely high power levels though.
Not sure how i missed this system before
my thanks kind user
Bump for interest. Any fighty animu stuff really.
too bad Regalia is a lazy coward who got pissy when someone plagiarized his work a little bit and will never finish it.
It's almost unplayable in its current edition.
>It's almost unplayable in its current edition.
That’s a bit of an understatement, honestly it’s virtually unplayable.
So, I'm gonna weigh in here, having played this. It's playable, but it's sure as FUCK not balanced.
Most of the game is throwing useless punches and kicks, waiting until you can unleash your Ki attack.
That being said, with a good DM and a fair bit of guide lining, you can have yourself a grand old time if you're a big DBZ fan
I remember those threads, first Regalia got mad someone ripped a lot of his system for their own, then he absolutely lost it when all the anons stopped sucking his dick and realized that the offending system was actually a complete, functional game that not only perfected his mechanics, but was just overall way better than where he was heading with his shit.
I don’t think anyone has seen him since, probably had to be hospitalized from the anal devastation he got.
I can see a HERO being a good match
>Endurance Pool that fuels powers
>Custom powers/attacks
>Two different 'health' pools
>STUN = get knocked out, need to recover to regain your strength
>BODY = True health, hit zero, your dying
>Most attacks will probably only be able to deal the first
>There are cool rules for 'beam struggles' [APG 1 or 2]
>you can transform into higher point characters technically [only your GM can stop you really]
>you can make an AOE attack cover kilometers of area simply in the rules
>apply 'incantations' limitation to power so you can call out your special move
>Has martial arts and good systems for Air combat and a plethora of maneuvers
It requires much autism to work, but your throwing around energy blasts that total mountains... so you can forgive number creep and you can roughly approximate that the super-power energy blast would obliterate stuff
Got a link?
That was like 3 or 4 years ago. Try finding regalia’s old threads in the archive.
>3 or 4 years ago
Jesus, time flies.
just use a modified Exalted and you will be ok.
that's pretty neat
won't work, dbz guys can actually take a punch. exalts are glass cannons. dbz get stronger the longer the fights go on, exalts just run out of batteries.
modding exalted for dbz makes the lamest sayans ever, you may as well be playing krillin or fucking yamcha
they have to update it with ToP arc. There is an official multiverse.
They have to update it with the ToP arc. There is an official multiverse now. U6 Saiyans are slighty different than U7 Saiyans. Jiren race. Nerd Universe with robots and shit. Idolmaster Universe. Botamo race.