Anyone else preordered already?
Anyone else preordered already?
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What kind of retard buys modules and map packs? Especially for a bloody playtest, of all things.
Go use one of the preexisting threads, PathFaggot.
What's the point of a hardcover book of a playtesting ruleset?
>giving paizo money
Elitism like most of the pathfinder buying shit.
Could we repurpose this thread to talk about the upcoming second edition?
> 10th-Level Spells
is what Pathfinder obviously lacked.
Alright, enlighten me. Besides allegedly being infiltrated by the SJW menace, what about Paizo games do you people object to?
G8 b8 m8
Pathfinder is just D&D 3.5 with some glitter and christmas lights thrown on it. Back in the day they claimed that it would fix all of 3e's problems, but instead of fixing them, they kept them and added several entirely new problems of their own. The devs have shown they had zero understanding of what was actually bad about 3.5 and have a ridiculous "toe the party line" attitude regarding change, especially when it comes to caster supremacy.
Speaking of caster supremacy, this is something that devs have all claimed
1) doesn't exist
2) exists, but isn't a problem
3) isn't a problem at their table
All in the same paragraph. They don't even understand what caster supremacy is or why the vast difference in power and utility between martials and casters allows casters to not only dominate the game in every aspect, but also bypass the game's own rules and control the game's narrative in a way martials could never hope to ever accomplish.
To play a martial who is good enough to contribute to a party, you need to plan out your feat selections for basically your entire advancement, spacing out your largely-useless tax feats just so you can take the feats that allow you to stay competitive -- and if you overspecialize, then you're fucked, because 90% of the monsters late in the game are either outright immune or have insanely high resistance to your main non-damage options.
Meanwhile, to play a caster who is good enough to contribute to a party, you can forget that feats even exist and just pick some spells that look fun and oh oops your whim-based spell selection accidentally rendered an entire party member obsolete. Oh, and the next morning when you change your spells, you can accidentally render an entire other party member obsolete.
It's not about the SJW menace, it's about Paizo not knowing what's wrong with their own fucking game and refusing to accept that they fucked up.
To cap it all off, the shitheads at Paizo made their entire audience from people who fear and hate change. Starfinder is a complete and utter failure because it's too different from Pathfinder, how the fuck do you think the turbo-autists that make up their audience are going to react when they try out the 2e playtest? They're already shitting their pants with rage at how actions work.
If I wanted to play 5e, I'd play 5e.
>not realizing the PDFs are all free
But when they've had ten years to look at all then issues they aren't allowed to change it because it's PF and therefore automatically bad.
You've got to look at it from the paizodrones' and dev perspective:
What issues?
'Combat Maneuvers that Rock'
Is this code for ' we are going to poorly emulate Tome of battle/ path of War/ 4e and give you something more milquetoast than the 5e Battlemaster to appease the caster supremacy grognards'?
Ah, so you're stupid as well.
Probably not. But hey, it's not like you care. You're just here to shit on a company that makes games that other people like so they won't play your games.
Fair. That was actually a more rational explanation than I was expecting. Thank you.
Somebody post the James Jacobs screencaps about why he's a complete and utter retard.
Then you'll see the main reason why people hate Paizo.
Name a game without a stupid developer or three.
Which is ironic considering how much /pfg/ seems to like it.
Oh boy, I can't wait until Pathfinder gets Pathfinder'd. What will the new game be called? Trailseeker?
I sincerely hope that it's not bad, but I'm fully prepared for the far more probable shitshow. It'll be fun having a fresh new angle on the whole "caster supremacy doesn't exist" debate when all casters are moved to tier 2 or higher and all martials are tier 4 or lower and you don't even have to sort through miles of splatbooks to see why.
> implying anyone here actually plays the games they talk about
I'm enjoying all the butthurt anti-Paizofags screaming how they were right all along and nothing good will come of this. It'll be even more fun when they try and inject stupidity and poison into the playtest and then scream about how they got banned because Paizo doesn't listen to their idiocy.
10th level spells, user. Caster supremacy is here to stay.
>Playtest rulebook.
>Playtest adventure.
>Playtest flip-mat, a PLAYTEST flip-map.
>Even if they only charge money for the print versions, they expect their customers to pay money for a playtest.
Paizo fans get the pleasure of paying money to play a barely functioning product that will become obsolete in about a year or less.
Because Paizo wasn't banning people for no reason during their first playtest or anything.
There's a difference between posting vocal SJW shit that 5e devs do and posting shit that reveals that you understand nothing about game design that PF devs do. At least I think there is, it's not that is shows up in practice since both games suck.
Surely they've become more self aware through the years, and 10th level spells will come alongside legendary martial prowess akin to mythological figures.
>assuming they just didn't move the most powerful gamebreaking spells to level ten and then put a gatekeeping measure such as 'you cannot multiclass and gain these spells' on it
>assuming casters won't have terrifying new maneuvers and skills to use since they're using PoW developers in this playtest
>not remembering the worst of then caster supremacists now work for WotC and are literally making 5e caster supremacy game
>Paizo doesn't listen to their idiocy
Paizo doesn't listen to anyone at all when it comes to criticism, whether it's constructive of destructive.
/pfg/ degenerates are fucking delusiobal as always.
Oh, there were reasons for a lot of them. Trollman's idiocy was pretty much a good and deserved banning.
PF haters are brain damaged and blinded by hate, as always.
>Perception is reality.
>Everything is a lie.
>Everything is true.
Now can we please stop with all the ad-hominem and /pol/ posting?
Because Paizo fans totally aren't elitists who screech every time someone calls their shit system a shit system, or dares play something other than Pathfinder, or literally freak out at the slightest changes.
>since they're using PoW developers in this playtest
Name them.
>cherrypicking is a good argumentation idea for people who hate Paizo
And here we see the brain damaged anti-fun grognard performing his usual mating cry.
Cheers, mate.
>Implying I'm the grognard.
People who only play 3.PF and refuse to play any other system are the actual grognards friend.
Thank you for stopping me from ever trying Pathfinder.
Cheers, senpai
>Pathfinder Playtest Features
>New Background System
are they going to just make a """"better"""" version of D&D 5.0 now?
The same type of dipshit who pays money just to playtest something that you can download for free.
>yfw it's a "better" version of ,4e this time and the exact same thing happens to it due to PF inheriting all the 3.5 grogs that hated 4e to Death
Nah, its a 5e clone by all accounts.
>Besides allegedly being infiltrated by the SJW menace
But it literally was
>implying you were ever interested in the first place and aren't just another hate filled idiot
No one believes you.
The sad part is even if they did and decided to play it anyways you'd call them brain damaged idiots, because you can't imagine anyone else having fun you don't like.
Okay but I don't fucking care because I'm not a deranged narcissistic bitch that won't shut up about soy products and the average IQ of black people.
>butthurt paizofags have shown up
Oh shit I love these guys. Tell me again how casters aren't actually just objectively better options. Or better yet, how it doesn't matter that your system actively shits on people trying to have fun, because I'm the one who hates fun.
Trailblazer already exists, and it's very interesting.
>One of my sons was excited about Starfinder... until he saw how different it was from Pathfinder.
>He is no longer interested.
I am glad I don't play PF, because it means that I'll never have to interact with these morons.
Haha they're actually SELLING the playtest rules? The absolute madmen
I can't tell if they simply don't have any faith in their investment and are trying to mitigate losses or they're just greedy.
It may be they don't know that playtesting is usually either done in house, or just done free, either by a carefully selected group or in an open playtest.
They did a free open Play test with Pathfinder 1.0 so it's clear that this is a deliberate cash grab.
this one makes me rage.
Go to your fucking ghetto, its there for a reason.
>since they're using PoW developers in this playtest
Do you have a source for that? Because I find it extremely unlikely.
Wasn't that an utter disaster, though?
I am going to treat 2nd edition PF just like I treat every single new game.
I'm going to ignore everything everyone says, treat it like it's a brand new, never before seen game, read the books, play it, and then determine if it's worth my time and effort or not based on my personal experiences and those of my players; and even then my personal opinion trumps my players' opinions where the fun of a game is concerned.
If I can give Aberrant, Rifts, 4e, and the original Gamma World a fair shake, I can give PF 2.0 a fair shake.
>assuming that PF players had anything to do with making these threads
You're a fucking moron.
No no user, we're geniuses and 5e totally would have been better if they'd listened to our inane ramblings.
>legendary martial powers
I'm sure being able to draw a weapon as a free action or whatever they come up with will compare to the level 10 spells.
Greater Simulacrum.
You know, for the kids.
You literally can't have pre-ordered yet, mentioned 0 times so far in thread, OP was obviously baiting. But the posters here don't have 2 brain cells to rub together between themselves.
>+level to all rolls
>fighter's schtick is AoOs
>Monster scaling in fixed math + abilities
It's stealth 4e in 5.PF's clothes.
Actually, Pathfinder is more a safe space for furfaggotry and weebs than it is an SJW paradise. (that would be 5e D&D)
Too much number crunching for soyboys and not enough airtime on shitshows like CR to attract feminazis.
4e had actual power is in choices you made turn by turn in even outside of your turn beyond just attacks of opportunity.
Those combat Maneuvers will need to be very detailed and useful to make any real parallel with 4th edition
I wouldn't know I was playing 4th edition and a long running ToB-friendly 3.5 Planescape campaign at the time.
Not really, it went fine. There are a lot of people with really dumb opinions still hurt they got ignored though. Dunning-Kruger and all.
They're *allowed* to change it. We just already know they're gonna fuck it up, because it's Paizo.
I'd like to be happily surprised, and find that PF 2.0 is the greatest RPG ever made.
... But it's Paizo, the company who's entire existence is predicated upon resistance to change and bad game design.
Oh I'm not saying it would be a *good* ripoff of 4e. Just that it will be one, which is ironic.