Can we have a PBTA thread? I'm curious what you all consider the best games that run on this engine and what you consider the worst ones.
So far, I've only read Masks: A New Generation, and it looks fantastic.
Can we have a PBTA thread? I'm curious what you all consider the best games that run on this engine and what you consider the worst ones.
So far, I've only read Masks: A New Generation, and it looks fantastic.
Other urls found in this thread:
I've only ever played Apocalypse World but I can say that I don't remember hating it.
I think the GM gave us too many opportunities to get EXP but I can say that I don't remember hating it even if we did max out our abilities too soon.
>tfw really cool new-england apocalypse world game you were running pbp on discord died hardcore
>tfw you were MC and you really liked the characters
>tfw you tried to introduce them one at a time and took too long and people lost interest
I want a masks game. Run a masks game for me OP. fill it with adventure and drama and waifus and you'll have me in
What tropes are bad to play with PbtA?
So you're aware, PbtA has a somewhat tarnished rep on Veeky Forums, due to a bunch of dumb shit that happened back when Dungeonworld came out. It may not pop up in this thread, but if it does, just handle it maturely.
To answer your question:
Games I really liked that run on PbtA:
Monsterhearts (a teenage supernatural romance drama game.)
Apocalypse World (Mad Max with some psychic stuff)
Knives in the Dark* (Victorian Gothic Heist game)
Games that I think are OK in PbtA
DungeonWorld (D&D style high fantasy)
Games that I know little about
Monster of the Week.*
* - Have not played, have only read.
So far, I'd rate Dungeonworld the worst of the bunch, and even then, it's not that I thought it was bad, but rather I don't disagree with people who dislike how the game tacked stuff on. (The addition of HP to characters vs the Harm system, the increased number of stats to match D&D tropes.)
I have yet to play a PbtA game that I didn't enjoy.
Plus half the threads about the games are false flag bullshit trying to actively make people hate the games.
Apocalypse World is fun
Crush the Rebellion is a cool niche one where everyone is playing against each other in a dark heresyesque space fantasy dictatorship
I really want to play Blades in the Dark
Ditto Fellowship
I count all the trolling and misrepresentation as part of the "dumb shit". It's where most of the memes/talking points were created and worked out.
But yeah, that kind of shit is what I was trying to warn OP about.
I hadn't heard about Crush the Rebellion or Fellowship before now.
Thinking on it, I haven't really spent a lot of time looking for PbtA games, despite my enjoyment of them. Maybe I should fix that.
Love me some PbtA. I'll probably introduce my group to a homebrew in similar vein (need to disguise it as D&D).
>game called MASKS
>only half the people in the art are actually wearing masks
It's the masks on the inside that matter
>Criticism is a false flag.
air-tight there buddy, it doesn't absolve you of defending the game, it just now means you have to prove to some degree that people are false-flagging the game.
What PbtA game is best for Planescape?
I want to play an arcanaloth foxgirl.
3/10, literally everyone has seen examples of false flagging on this board.
Or what?
Maybe the Kill Six Billion Demons one?
>Criticism is a false flag.
>air-tight there buddy, it doesn't absolve you of defending the game, it just now means you have to prove to some degree that people are false-flagging the game.
He really doesn't, since everyone but you has been here long enough to remember virtualautism.
Waiting for my copy of City of Mist to arrive, it looks promising. Seems like it was inspired by Fables/Wolf Among Us, and that's just my cup of tea.
Start a new one, user? Apocalypse World itself isn't my jam, but I've been grooving to try any of the Pbta games , especially Uncharted Worlds and City of Mists.
I would, it just wouldn't be the same characters or the same place. And I rather liked those characters.
Why does Masks want me to fuck my team?
>Can we have...
Yes, even though I wish you wouldn't.
PbtA is a worthless system, but for some reason people like it, so I suppose you'll get some discussion going.
Is that monstergirl game Heroines of the First Age any good?
Good contribution. Much quality content. So topical.
Don't worry user, eventually even you will be able to find people willing to tolerate your presence long enough to engage in a roleplaying session.
Masks is rad as fuck. I wish I had a regular group, as every game of it I've played/run has been extremely enjoyable.
I'd also check out Apocalypse World. Not only is it a great, fun system, the mentality of the game lends itself so well to any other system.
There's a copy of it in the PDF share thread. First archive, Search for apocalypse.
I feel you, dude. I only got to be in like, 1 session as my Hardholder for ApocWorld, and I was pumped for that. I had built an entire RELIGION for my Hardhold, based off of 80's action movies, and worked it into my player interactions.
And then the DM's girlfriend broke up with him and started dating one of the players, so that party hasn't met again, to my knowledge.
>Masks is rad as fuck. I wish I had a regular group, as every game of it I've played/run has been extremely enjoyable.
I wish this game had come out before my regular "teenage delinquent superhero" group broke up.
Stop shitposting user, it's off topic you know. At least people complaining about the game are talking about the game.
Imagine being so pathetic that when someone says your favorite system is trash, you break down and start hurling baseless, blunted insults.
You failed your Go Aggro roll; mark experience, and we'll have a discussion about how assblasted you are.
It's true, user. If you keep applying to games, eventually someone will slip up and let you join their group.
If you try going outside once in a while, you might find a real group that you don't have to apply to. They probably won't be playing anything PbtA though.
That depends on what you mean by that.
If you're attempting to trot out the old sawhorse of sex moves, they don't exist in this game, so it doesn't.
If you're referencing the Act Selfishly rule, then you're not fully understanding its use and purpose in the framework of the game: Masks is intended to be a game about people who are still impressionable and malleable. As such, a part of the experience is the ongoing shift of trust, belief, and characteristics. Acting Selfishly is only a little bit about screwing over your team (in that it has to at least make them feel ignored or insulted, and it uses some of a shared team resource) and more about the idea of trading immediate gain at the expense of others' feelings, which can create more hooks for character interaction.
>I had built an entire RELIGION for my Hardhold, based off of 80's action movies,
I am stealing this. You can't stop me.
Stop you? Brother, I'll teach you the tenets!
The idea was that the Hardhold in question was a millionaire survivalist's bunker, so it could hold a couple hundred people, and had all the trappings of a small mansion. Including a bunch of action movies/holovids that the survivalist loved.
The exact list is a little wonky in my head, but I know it contained:
Predator 1&2
Alien and Aliens
Terminator 2
Last Action Hero
The Thing
*- Presumably kept to be hate-watched.
And a couple others that I remember helped underline the cosmology built up:
It boiled down to the idea that being an ass-kicking warrior machine was the best moral calling. And that "The Space-Man" was the enemy of good people, and his herald was "smoothness" (sleek, curved, or elegant designs, lack of scars, baldness, lack of facial hair, all emblems of smoothness.)
"The Space-Man" had many servants, of which the most noble was the Man-Hunter, a being that seemed smooth, but revealed itself honorable, and died well, when the time came. The Black Beast was his more dangeous agent, and his intelligent weapon, the Sky-Net, that seeks to cage all humanity.
Also, the idea of being a murder MACHINE wasn't simply metaphor: a misunderstanding of the films involved lead the group to believe that Arnie's Terminator is his heavenly reward for being awesome in his other movies. Combined with Robocop, the group believes if they die well enough, they will return as death bots to oppose smoothness. (the T-1000 is a "fallen hero" in this mythos.)
Two Kickstarters came out today for PbtA. Cartel, which skews more closely to traditional AW style, and is about the Sinaloa Cartel is Durango. The other's Flying Circus, a super-modified PbtA (more like PbtA-inspired. Like it uses d10s instead of d6s) game about WWI-style flying aces.
They're bother real neat, you should check them out. I've attached the free Quickstart for Cartel.
AW tends to start in media res. That's the whole point of creating Hx at the beginning of the game.
Combat-Centric ones.
>You failed your Go Aggro roll; mark experience
That's... not how XP works in AW.
Is there any PBTA system that could work for a single player character, or does every single one of them require interaction between party members to function?
Years ago, everyone was sucking Dungeon World's dick. Now, it seems even PbTA fans have soured on it. Please enlighten me on its flaws in as much detail as you can. It's surprising to me how much things have changed.
>And then the DM's girlfriend broke up with him and started dating one of the players, so that party hasn't met again, to my knowledge.
Women ruin everything.
It doesn't do D&D as well as D&D and it's imitators, and it doesn't do PbtA as well as other PbtA games.
I dunno, Night Witches seems to see combat aplenty.
If I understand your question correctly, the vast majority of PBTA don't give a shit if in a scene you're with "the party".
Second is true, first is very arguable. It kinda does what DND promises better thant any DND, tough it doesn't do real DND, if that makes any sense.
>anyway it's definetly not in the "bad PBTAs" category, while somehow mediocre. tremulus, that is a bad game.
It's very generic, both in game terms and in the lewd-cute harem girls sense. Actually, there really isn't the latter in meaningful quantities.
Tried Fellowship for one night. Seemed kinda... bizarre, not sure if it works. It should, 'cause honestly being officialy the Overlord is insanely satisfying.
>Actually, there really isn't the latter in meaningful quantities.
I remember them saying something like "this game is going to be American PG".
>Combat-Centric ones.
What do you mean with that? Is medieval fantasy combat centric, for instance? What is a non-combat centric game?
In this instance, not so, though the framing implied it.
There was actually a substantial gap between the break-up and the new relationship, as well as many personal meetings with the DM to make sure it wouldn't destabilize things. He gave his blessing.
A month or so later, he discovered he had overestimated his ability to handle it, and so politely withdrew from the group.
Regrettable, and tragic for my enjoyment of that particular group, but overall, handled perhaps as well as it could go.
As a man who was in the trenches during the Summer of DungeonWorld, let me speak as to the system, and Veeky Forums's relationship with it.
DungeonWorld's success is in creating a game that fills a sense of powerful High Fantasy RP, in a relatively streamlined way. This was a potent combination, serving for many as the implicit promise of D&D: A game of mighty heroes in a fantastic realm, journeying through a shared fantasy world built by the DM and the players.
You could argue that it is the best rules-lite D&D experience. It certainly felt that way to me. But it is also frustrating, ESPECIALLY if you are approaching the work from the D&D side of things. There is no CR system in DungeonWorld, no indication which monsters are meant for what level of party. The numbers feel wrong (the '16 HP Ancient dragon' was touted many times as an example of the game's ridiculousness, despite the fact that, in a PbtA game, that is 4x the average HP of an enemy, and it's behind truly daunting armor numbers.) and the lack of notable numerical progression in the system chafed at some, like 5e's bounded accuracy does now.
And in reaching out to D&D mechanics, it had to tweak a lot of stuff appreciated by PbtA fans: the spell-lists give a LOT more options to some classes than others, a problem exacerbated by PbtA's focus on tight, simple characters. The HP numbers cause all sorts of weirdness.
>What is a non-combat centric game?
Monsterhearts, MASHED, Saga of the Icelanders, The Warren.
Even Apocalypse World's combat is intended to be over within two moves. A rifle does literally 1 NPC worth of damage, after all.
Dungeon World, Night Witches, and The Sprawl are probably the most combat-heavy PbtA games. Of those, Night Witches probably handles it the best by the game being about 30% combat, 35% relationships among PCs, and 35% treatise on the effects of Misogyny in a warzone.
The other two are fairly wonky in their mechanics, as shows, and they're very much trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
Thanks, that's more or less what I wanted to know. So, PbtA is better suited for combat-lite or combat-less settings that focus more in drama both between the characters and between the characters and the world, right?
Someone run a game for christ's sake
Exactly. That's not to say you can't have combat. 99% of all sessions of Apocalypse World will involve someone getting the shit kicked out of them. It's just that mechanically that'll be over in about one roll. PbtA plays best with short, brutal combat.
But I like combat to at least have enough time to get started.
Would anyone here be interested in a playtest of a PbtA game I'm making?
The game revolves around Super Sentai Characters.
I would have joined but I favor Riders. Also, there's already a super sentai one?
As noted, 16 HP would be an insane number in older PbtA games. But the cleric can heal 3d8. The wizard can deal 2d6 ignoring armor, with a spell he may or may not be able to spam. (Because memorizing spells had to be kept from D&D, but the "success with a cost" mechanic from PbtA had to come in.)
All of this collided in the summer of 2014, and continued into early 2015. Dungeonworld was still pretty new, and it had just won some awards, and so it became the hot new game to talk about. And, as I noted, to some it was everything they'd ever wanted from D&D, so they were very excited to recommend it to people.
And, as I said, it had a LOT of stuff that didn't make sense/appeal to people who played crunchier games, like all of D&D prior to 5e.
A group of posters, not the least of which was the canker of conversation virtualoptim, (who mods be praised was rightly banned.) (I've wallowed in this shithole of a board for 10 years now, and that cunt was the first poster I ever reported, during this time period) disliked the game with such vitriol that they made image macros detailing their arguments against it, and would descend on any thread about it they saw and post in them to attack and derail the thread.
This built and built over months of this repeating itself, and the DW community on Veeky Forums heard the same points over and over again, and became fatigued. They started assuming bad faith, and lashing out at certain types of questions, since they too closely resembled the memery of the image macro troll brigade.
So the DW people started shitting on people asking questions, driving people away.
So a negative attitude built up, and the hype fizzled.
I saw that but I'd been working on this for a while now so... yea I'm not gonna quit just cause I was beat to the punch :u
Still, I favor KR. Sorry
With the MC move system, any violence against your characters or by your characters should have a period of build up. Because combat always involves both participants dealing damage to each other at the same time, combat can be really dangerous to a lot of PCs as well, though they're significantly more resilient than NPCS. PCs and NPCs will, as a natural consequence, spend a lot of their time manipulating situations with other types of moves to try and position themselves to fight when the NPC cannot, which is a different move that's one-sided.
Essentially what AW does is truncate the act of violence itself and expands the dramatic moments leading up to and after it. If you think of most other RPGs as the end of Scarface, think of Apocalypse World as the end of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly:
Ten seconds of combat, 6 minutes of dramatic build-up.
So is anyone actually going to run Masks or what?
Ah fuckit. I'll run Masks.
Just lemme download my PDF again and go over the material I got from backing the KS.
Give a link to a discord or a roll20 page when you're set. I may have a couple boys who want to come with
Here ya go.
fucking horrible game and this pile of shit rpg you used as your OP just proves my point
Anyway, moving on.
Seriously Monsterhearts is a really incredible game. In my game I played the Ghost and it perfectly nails the kind of awkward unpopular teenager that feels an unhealthy need for intimacy at the same time he feels that people should leave him alone.
Every playbook teeters on an edge between what your character thinks they want and what actually is best for them. The Ghost mechanically needs to play the social economy but they're terrible at it through normal channels, so they make up for it through basically self loathing and lashing out at other people.
I've never felt more like a troubled teen in my life.
Flying Circle looks pretty rad. I've wanted a good dogfighting game for a while, basically hoping I can bend it to do spessfights and it'll be perfect for me.
Planarch Codex is literally DW planescape.
I don't remember a ton about the game I ran of it, other than that the plot I was running was basically "There's a hot new party coming up in a couple weeks, and people have been saying that the parties have been super intense the last couple weeks, you definitely need to be there."
And that our Vampire played with our Queen's (character was a guy, though, so King, I guess) emotions, driving him into Darkest Self, and his "cruel and unwavering example" was to have his gang pin the vampire against the wall and forcibly jack him off to completion in front of the others, leaving him to collapse like a bitch when he was done.
It was honestly bonkers. Like, I barely remember the face-off against the plot villain, except that he ended up coming off as slightly less of a villain than the Queen character. He was just channeling hedonism and chaos through this partying, trying to make everyone loosen up. At least he wasn't actively sexually assaulting/metaphorically raping people.
Erika Chappelle has made her own Star Wars hacks of her games before so it'll probably happen.