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Celts Comfy Trailer CYOA:
>[Grand Entry]
>[Mystical Kitchen]
Master Bedroom:
>[Magical Bedroom]
Master Bathroom:
>[Lantern Bath]
Living Room:
>[Spirit Shop]
Spare Rooms:
>[Desire Dungeon]
>[Weapons Vault]
>[Main:Gate Key]
>[Spare: Traveler's Key]
>[Tessa (Quil'an)]
Mystery Boxes:
>[Blue Box]
>[Red Box]
>ywn have a needy awoo doggo
Needy Doggo.
Stop making whore waifus.
Eve is the only good option.
>Stop making whore waifus.
Purity fag. You do know jacking off is just as bad, yet you still do it. Because you're a fat nerd that can't get laid.
>Implying waifus are used goods
Waifus are pure, if they're not, then they're not waifus
>Purity fag.
Yes, and you're a cuck.
>You do know jacking off is just as bad
Distinct neurological effects from actual sexual relations. The issue is with porn addiction, and I have two inviolate rules: one, no cuck shit, and two, 2D >>> 3D.
I wouldn't care if a waifu had watched some porn, even if it isn't ideal. But that must stop (on both sides) once the relationship begins, and no sex until marriage then.
>Because you're a fat nerd that can't get laid.
>implying 3DPD whores are worth it
Modern women are garbage, no need to drag 2D down with them.
>You do know jacking off is just as bad, yet you still do it
Source? I’ve seen stats about porn overconsumption, but nothing about masturbation itself.
I doubt there is one about masturbation, but here are some of mine about the scourge known as the whore:
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"The happiness-maximizing number of sexual partners in the previous year is calculated to be 1."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."
What's the definition of a 'purity fag'
Someone with morals and dignity.
>porn overconsumption
Is five hours a day, as a minimum, for 20 years too much? Asking for a friend.
It's not that bad, right?
Someone who doesn't enjoy that his literal girlfriend/wife has taken other men dicks so many times that she has developed kinks as to how she likes it
Where can I find the newest "A New Summoner" CYOA? I keep finding the older versions, but never the newest version.
Someone who likes his stuff brand new and not second handed
...but who doesn't want an experienced girlfriend?
Someone who doesn't want used goods.
What is the black taped part of persephone text suppose to be?
Experienced in what? Taking other man dicks?
So should a woman not want a guy who stuck his dick in other holes?
Why aren't there more waifu cyoas, we need more
>Implying there's something wrong with that
Yes. A male virgin and a female virgin having sex for the first time after marriage is the most perfect way of going about it.
Template for the thing I made last thread.
Dead simple if you want to join in. Just slap in 6 pieces of media, memes, items, brands, etc. into the six spaces and write a cute little description of what boon each one provides, fill in how many the player's supposed to pick, sign your name, and you're done!
Kys cuck
my version.
Someone who overvalues the concept of virginity. Typically to such a degree that anything less than absolute celibacy is enough to consider a woman a whore.
These people also tend to overlap with the incel crowd.
What kind of cuck bullshit is this? literally every waifu except two are sluts.
0/10, would recommend changing each girl to be unsullied and to make the loli lewdable.
Someone normalfags hate because they understand is a woman takes more than one dick, she's worthless
>Thought about running a quest based on PPP+
>Kinda meh on it
IT is only "overvalued" if one wants virginity to the exclusion of anything else. Virginity is not supposed to be the REASON for a relationship; it is an expectation.
I don't think they're sluts, but they're not waifu material by any means either.
true, but the cyoa mentions plenty other girls so i dont really mind
blue box is a better waifu than any of them desu especially if you get them to use the pool
Violent raping
what the fuck is this shit
i didnt say desu i said desu
>those roommates
I guess I will be alone forevah after all
That's fine, I choose her mainly as a maid but was unsure if she was adequate for other things because of that part. Considering she is a goddes of death I was expecting things far more terrible.
>newfag discovers the word filter
>Considering she is a goddes of death
I meant that as an analogy considering her name.
Also, that wasn't me. The answer is actually [REDACTED]ing
pastebin, either beri's google drive or the mega archive in beri's folder.
There's literally nothing to be gained from mentioning kinks when they're so vanilla.
I want purity fags to get the fuck out
They need to get laid.
>Sitting in sauna tent
>Listrning to music
>Playing comfy cyoas
Am happy boy rite now
>What kind of cuck bullshit is this?
None you where not in a relationship with them prior thus its not cucking, cheating or any of that shit
Same, I didn't even bother posting my build because the waifu's weren't lewd enough. I'll just recruit from one of the various magical realms my house has though, so whatever, I ain't mad.
Enjoy your STD-ridden whores you fucking cuck.
Dating, fucking, or, god forbid, marrying a woman who has had another man's dick inside her is the epitome of cucking senpai-a-lam.
Is it really too much to ask for a virgin girl waiting for marriage with me?
Burn this thread to the ground and start a new one. There's nothing of value left here.
No but claims that people are ruined after sex certainly is
Virgin hags aren't cute.
100% pure to a STD-ridden cumdump whore is a very big jump mate
1 I dont recall the CYOA every saying they fucked loads of other dudes and 2 So they fucked 1 or 2 in the past long as they are not fucking other people while in a relationship with me there is no issue. If they fucked hundred in the past thats a whole other story but I doubt that
Look up what a cuck is
Yes if they are unaware of your existence they wont be waiting for you and eventually that virginity will be lost
Friendly reminder that if you do not like a major element of a CYOA, it was likely not made for you, and you are not required to participate in it.
Another reminder that if you do not like common elements of others' CYOAs, you are welcome, and even encouraged, to make your own.
No, but the way you keep throwing tantrums every time there's a non-virgin waifu makes you the most annoying group in the /cyoag/. More than /pol/. In some ways it's impressive. Can't you just ignore the waifus that don't fit your taste, or at least don't complain SO MUCH about it?
Elisabeth is 10/10
Dominate reverse traps are great waifus
So we need to label CYOAs as "cuck friendly" or "purityfag friendly" so Anons don't get triggered?
>there's a non-virgin waifu
But that's an oxymoron desu
Since you've put your dick in your hand, you're hand and dick are impure and have std's. You're a cuck so no pure girl will ever have you much less marry you. They can smell the impure STD's on your hand. You have to just jerk off dudes with your std riddled hand until you get enough std's and die.
Are you implying touching yourself is akin to whores taking Chad's dick inside them? Sounds like you've got some mental problems fampai.
Entry : Rec Room. Str and End boost and learning fighting skills? Sounds pretty good.
Kitchen: Restaurant. Kinda like personal chef, but instead of changing cuisine it's changing restaurants.
Bedroom: Harem. I'd choose astronomical but who knows what the hell a astral being entails.
Bathroom : Lantern Bath. Eternal youth. This is a much safer immortality.
Living room : Full living room for max comfy
Closet : Spirit shop. Sells anything, including other closets you say? Hell yes.
Yard : Mausoleum. Hey instant revives. sweet.
Spare room (4) Library, Lab, Desire Dungeon, Recording Studio (vidya seems tempting but I figure between world traveling and lab sigma and library we'll get some VR and computer games and shit eventually.)
Key Main Portal Key
Key Spare Traveler's Key (instant access and going to all the places.)
Waifus: All the waifus, plus the boxes. (imokwiththis)
Fine. A "whore in the list of options meant to be about waifus" if you prefer. Can't you just ignore it? Thinking "this is a bad option, I'm not going to pick it". Or maybe you hate them so much that you choose the worst of all so you can kill her and making the world rid of one "whore". Why, instead of it, you insist in complaining so much every time?
Being a little girl is a frequent option, and I guess most people don't want to be little girls, but you don't see them complaining for hours about how a CYOA gave an option to be a little girl.
If it's just a few of the option or its thematically fitting, yeah, that's fine.
If it's all of them/cryptocucking, that's when I can't just ignore it.
9 posts containing CYOAs
42 posts filled with arguing between cucks and purityfags.
Welcome to /cyoag/ everyone, enjoy your stay, no refunds.
The actual worst hell is being at work when you have all your best ideas, and knowing you won't remember them 9 hours later when you get off and can't take the 10 minutes to go to your car to find something to write it down with/on.
That whole section of the CYOA was optional. It even said that you could have a million dollar ticket instead of it.
And even if it was the whole CYOA - you could just ignore it. It's not like all CYOAs are about it.
And what is "cryptocucking" and why is it so bad?
The problem I see is that Celt calls waifus to rather normal girls with little waifu elements. If he rather called them roommates instead of waifus then there would be no problem at all. I mean, it's like becoming a teenager girl when picking the little girl in option in a CYOA
you are the chad and the whore you take chad's dick and give yourself the diseases
Cryptocucking is the cucking version of cryptofascism
So you can't take both normal and traveller key?
I thought I wrote it ffs, I meant false advertising*
So it's a problem of semantics? You continue to impress me.
That is correct.
So as long as Italics doesn't use the word "waifu" nobody will shitpost at him? Give me a break.
Obsessing over virginity doesn't make you a purityfag, aggressively shitposting at an author because the girls are insufficiently virginal makes you a purityfag, and any attempt to make themselves look reasonable after the fact, as victims or make excuses for the behaviour is garbage.
So what are the only options I can take with normal key then?
The ones that don't actually move the trailer.
Namely, Portal Key.
This new fuckin thread better have Waifus.
I haven't asked for a few days.
Italics get shitposted because Anons like to do it and he's fine with it. Also, he's the first one to realize when a CYOA has actual waifus, or it's just has waifu bait. In Celt's case, he's trying to make the later look like the former and that's all the problem.
It is oc so it's kind of hard to ignore as it engulfs the thread.
Also, it's a substantial amount of the cyoa despite being "optional". If I see something I dislike enough that I felt my time was wasted by it, why shouldn't I voice my opinion? It's not like this is some high brow discussion.
Cryptocucking is "hidden" cucking (I.e. deceptive appearance). Either the author was too lazy to think about implications for 10 seconds or its some lame gotcha to people who take issue with that.
Are you retarded? Presentation matters. Look up framing if you genuinely dont know.
>Either the author was too lazy to think about implications for 10 seconds
Or the author's first reaction to "likes watching movies" isn't "I BET THAT FUCKING WHORE LIKES ACTOR DICK IN HER ASS" so it takes longer than 10 seconds for them to jump to cucking, unlike the hair trigger of a few anons.
Or you could just recognize that you don't like something and politely put it down without shouting at other people to make Veeky Forums a safe space for you
You're in a trailer park, what'd you expect?
Nobody has gotten seriously mad at italics for cucking since spire, it's just memeing in (mostly) good faith because that stuff keeps cropping up (intentionally and unintentionally) in his work in some form.
So the bad faith memeing is what, exactly?
Freedom is a bit underpowered. Like what, I can only fly indoors where there's no wind?