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Do you have analysis paralysis? Do you use a coaster? Do you sleeve your cards and make sure your pieces don't get damaged?

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>Do you have analysis paralysis?
When I first started with board games, I would take a long time placing the first settlements in Catan at times. I haven't really played games that require lots of thought so I'm not sure if I've grown out of that yet.

>Do you use a coaster?
I do all the time, even when I'm not gaming.

>Do you sleeve your cards and make sure your pieces don't get damaged?
In general, if it's hard to replace or expensive, I will (Forbidden Stars, Space Hulk Death Angel, etc) but if protecting them would cost about as much as the game (Hanabi, Fairy Tale, etc) then I won't

Normally I'd agree, but that seems like more work for me.

As to the OP questions
Not that I've ever been accused of, though I'd rather play fast and learn, than take forever and barely get through a game
Comfy leather ones, also got one from the BFRG guys they cut up of their gripmat, but that's absolutely useless as it sticks to the fucking glass.
If a game is hard to replace I'll go overboard to protect it, and have extra sleeves on hand in case one splits (imports of For Sale and Diamant so I could get good versions instead of the EGG editions). Double coat of varnish (gloss then mattte) on anything I've painted, despite my mediocre 3rd grade finger painter skills. Past that as long as a card isn't bent, or the dog chewing on a meeple I like a little patina/wear

Anyone got opinions on Scythe?

its ok game that looks great, little to no combat and solitaire gameplay

My entire group suffers from this and everyone complains about how much longer games are than it says on the box. Sure, the boxes just flat out lie, but most of that is people taking too long. Two of us have started taking up countermeasures.

Yes. And no fatty/powdery snacks.

I want to sleeve my Legendary Marvel, but the cards eat so much box space already.

>the cards eat so much box space.

I feel you, man. I keep meaning to put in the effort and get dividers in, but my boxes are so full. I got Civil War, both Secret Wars, Core, FF, GG, and I think another small box or two into just the core box and a secret wars box, and they're so dense now.

Such as? Usually just pointing it out solves it in our group, the player will snap out of it and move then continue without falling into it again, usually, because a path has been taken.

>Such as?
Chess clocks. That's exactly why they were invented.

Yes, pointing it out is countermeasure #1. If they keep doing it during the same game, we'll more directly ask them to make a snap decision at that point and live with the fact that it's suboptimal. It has decreased the problem.

After a lot of research I thought I would love Scythe. So yes, I knew it was mostly economic, etc. But I played it and was unimpressed. It seemed boring, it felt uninteresting, and I would rather play something like Agricola (passive agressive) or something like Kemet (hyper aggressive). So for me it was in between fun extremes and did not deliver. But I do understand why people like it and wouldn't shit talk it as a game.

AP is annoying in simple games, but understandable in other, more complex games. In an 18XX, for instance, if you're not "APing" once in a while you're probably shitty and not fun to play with. If we're playing Kemet/Splendor/Takenoko and you're standing there for four minutes without doing a goddam thing I'm probably really annoyed. I know this isn't a direct answer to the question, but it's how I feel about AP in general.

Poining it out is generally enough in my experience, but I understand why someone would want to go the extra mile and utilize a clock.

>user, you said Kemet wouldn't take that long! We played for the hours, it was a really long game, you lied!
>But group, that's just because you set around thinking about stupid nonsense. You just argued in circles about which battle card to pick over and over.
>Well I have to make the right move if I don't think it through how can I win user
>But group, you didn't win.
>Silly user Kemet is a slow game let's play Eldritch Horror again instead and be slow so it takes 6 hours

Your group sounds fucking insufferable.

Also, how pleb are your friends that they'd pick EH over Ah?

Why play either?

Arkham Horror is great for a thematic experience. EH is a shittier version but still only good for theme. Why play the shittier one?

It sounds worse in greentext for effect. And that was one of the absolute worst examples. The thing that *is* insufferable is that they want to play stuff, but they won't lift a finger to organize it, yet they've complained that we mostly play games I want to play. Well, fucking organize a night where we play your games, then, instead of expecting me to always set it up. If course I'll set up a game I prefer if I have to do the work.

A nice game made better by incredible theming and graphics.
Could have been easily meh, instead it's a real pleasure.

I think it's mediocre for theme either way. What's better about AH? I don't remember liking anything from the expansions, combat was crap, encounters are the same, movement with tickets is more fun, iirc buying in eh is better. And no more of that convoluted focus system. Wounds/insanity is a good addition as well as far as I can recall, though it's been so many years since my AH box was opened that I barely remember if it had anything similar.

Same plus X-men. Sleeves would eat up another expansion box, easy.

Skipping the homecoming set, those movie stills are awful.

>friend got Terraforming Mars in the mail yesterday
How fucked am I

pretty fucked. the game a chore and ugly to boot

why is eh a shittier version? Unless you think that streamlining useless shit is bad, in which case don't bother replying

>we'll more directly ask them to make a snap decision at that point
>no, fuck off, i'll take however much time I need
what do now?

>Do you have analysis paralysis?
Never, I play at about the same speed as I did as a child, I'm just more experienced at developing strategies. I consider slow play an actual indicator of low skill in games because it implies you have difficulty thinking ahead using abstract rulesets.
>Do you use a coaster?
On a bare table when I remember to, and I'm always grab one when asked
>Do you sleeve your cards and make sure your pieces don't get damaged?
I really should, but right now I only sleeve mtg cards.

They're bad at decision making, not terrible people. If they were sincerely that awful to play with, they wouldn't get an invite to game nights.

I never had it, but after waiting forever for my opponents game after game, I "acquired" it.

Is Azul the new hot meme game that's hyped to hell and back?

My local boardgame facebook group keeps having posts where people sang praises about it.

give it three months, its dead by then

It sure as hell looks nice at least

>game about tiling a bathroom
>beloved by a generation of gamers who need to google directions on how to call someone to tile their bathroom
It's all so tiresome

t. bathroom tiler

I sold our copy and the copy we set aside as a gift for 80 bux each (bought it for 30) but most likely won't get the game again when the reprint hits retail next month.

It is pretty and runs real smooth but with a shelf filled with FCM, Inis, great western and all the Rosenbergs we never bust it out when we want a beefy game. And for a quick and spicy game we prefer Jaipur, onitama and century

It just takes away all the variance and adds nothing. It removes like 30% of the game to appeal to brainlets

Incredibly vague response. Can you point to some specific mechanics that should have remained?

How about just having enough cards in the game that you don't see every possibility after like two-three plays?

it's a lot of fun don't listen to it's no like you OWN the damn thing

Do you have anything more than one single hyperbole? I'm genuinely interested in arguments for/against, if you're only going to provide a minimum edgelord level of proving yourself you might as well not bother. Just write a thought out post.

>literally showing up to board game night with a chess clock

yeah this isn't autismal at all.

Fun game, but even with drafting people can get screwed by one or two people getting a crazy combo. I wish you weren't at the mercy of the cards to such a degree. Still a really good game and if the card distribution checks out you're in for an even better time.

>starburst looking uggo shit with no room to manipulate pieces

I don't care if this is the greatest thing ever that shit is nasty looking.

>implying there are board gamers who aren't aspies or double autists

ok user, you're the jock of the nerds, bully for you

>one single really bad thing that makes a game get old in a few plays when there are better options


Where did you pick them up? For some stupid reason none of my distribution avenues has them and I need to get at least a half dozen for the official tournaments.

>dad comes out to colorado
>get him to play at board game night
>goes back to Indiana
>joins three meetups
>all kinds of fucked up autism r9k stories
>one guy brings a doll to game night
>I'm like you mean an action figure
>no just a doll
>not a pony?
>nope just a normal doll
>realize my bg group is pretty fucking normie tier

which one of you fags is a hoosier

>I don't actually have any reasons why EH would be worse other than memes so I'm going to go full retard instead

Well, at least you cleared this up fast.

Not from there, but I drive down for WYC and Gencon, and there's some really fucked up locals in the gaming scene there.

It just takes away parts of AH for no reason other than to make it more casual of a game. If that's what you want you'll like it more. If it's not you won't. It's not hard to understand, user.

>It just takes away parts of AH for no reason other than to make it more casual of a game. If that's what you want you'll like it more. If it's not you won't. It's not hard to understand, user.
I'm asking *what* changes people like/don't like. Of course people like different things. That's fine. That also wasn't the question. Like I said, I'm asking because I'm interested in knowing specifics rather than vague "oh you know, some stuff".

I wouldn't pay more than $25 for Azul. For the same cash I got some actual bathroom tiles; I'm in the process of crafting a proxy.

Not that user but I found these on Canada Amazon, maybe this can help
amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1/143-1204826-1919603?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=chess clocks

most economic way to travel with a small game that is 90 something percent cards without using the space wasting box?

deck boxes

Rubber band around the cards, then put it and the tokens or whatever in a draw bag or a pouch or something.

>rubber bands fucking up the card edges

But if you don't ruin your components, how are you supposed to buy new components to replace them and thus support the hobby, user?

he asked for most economic, not smartest

What are some good light/medium complexity games under $40 that are fun for 5 or 6 people?

I already have Splendor, Dixit, Citadels, Sheriff of Nottingham, Resistance, Betrayal, 7 Wonders, Cosmic Encounter, Power Grid, Eclipse, and Arabian nights.

>5-6 people

I said I already have it.

touché, user

that was not a a recommendation, he was trying to be a smartass saying splendor is not for 5-6 players, which wasn't even the point.

Complete garbage. The map is always the same, so there are optimal strategies, and there are unwinnable combinations for the countries in a game where the instructions tell you to pick at random.

I have no idea what games cost. I just buy them if they seem good and at the end of the month I find out how much money I have left.

Roll for the Galaxy
King of Tokyo
No Thanks
Space Alert
Puerto Rico
Ricochet Robots (Though this one is really just there for people to hop in after dying in games with player elimination to be honest)

Yeah, I'd seen these but was hoping there was a cheaper option.

Guess I just need to bite the bullet on them. Thanks!

I don't think I can recall a single more inappropriate update in a video game before.

What game? How many cards? Other pieces? Board/mat?

I would like to see the chess clock for Battlestar Galactica.

Came here just to tell you that you're not alone. My group would bitch and moan that we only did what I wanted to do but I was the only one organizing anything. Millenials are fucking entitled cocksuckers.

>All those (you) about the look not the actual gameplay

Look is important, but that aside, the game is actually pretty fun. Its a puzzly game about taking the tiles at good time and in order to maximize points while screwing up your friends.

It’s not the most exciting thing to announce and most will easily favor a game with more thrills. Still pretty fun tho

It should be spelt B-O-R-E-D

thanks norm

Thoughts on Gloomhaven?

Also any other games that are like this where there is a consistent world that changes based on the previous games? I think they are called legacy games?

>Any other games like this.
Yes. And you're correct, they are called "Legacy Games."

Legacy games were the big thing in 2015, and got their name from Risk Legacy, which then inspired the name for Pandemic Legacy, which was the big game of 2015. They're still being made, with something like 4-5 Legacy games slated to come out this year.

If you hop onto board game geek, you can find something like 28 games in the legacy "family". (Just click a link to get to Gloomhaven, and then scroll till you see "Legacy" on the side.

I don't have any personal thoughts, since the genre took off right around the same time I lost my main cash flows, so I've been limited in game purchases.

not really, but like said it really depends on the game. 18XX rewards long-term planning more than most games (out of everything I've played, Imperial comes the closest) so "AP" is a natural thing in strategic games. that said,
>Well I have to make the right move if I don't think it through how can I win user
fuck my housemate for taking literal 10 minute turns when playing as Jack in Letters from Whitechapel (after sulking about the rulebook suggesting that the most experienced player should play as Jack, and I was the only person who had played it in that specific session) and making everyone else resort to browsing through their phones while I'm sitting there trying to not let my seething anger come out, then he decided to abandon the game half-way because he made a rules mistake even though it's practically a learning game for everyone but me. I refused to touch my copy for almost a year as that was the second worst board game experience of my life. he also had an autistic shitfit last weekend when I bought and played Through the Desert and he was playing the enclosing rule wrong despite being shown examples from the rulebook, after the game one of the people at the LGS I played with was smirking at me and mentioned how he was taking it too seriously for a learning game. at least that made me laugh in relief, though I'm not sure what's more annoying between that housemate or my other housemate having a severe case of ADHD and arbitrarily declaring being bored of games because they require activating brain cells. at least everyone else I play with isn't a shitter

I was thinking about board game design and was wondering what market is there still for Legacy games?

More like tilesome.

I actually regret not thinking of that pun

A lot. It's a really cool concept that has not been fully explored and has a ton of potential. Eventually someone will find a way to make them more interesting to a slightly more casual crowd and that is when we will see another huge influx of legacy. Removable stickers are a step in this direction and I'm positive the innovation has only begun.

Personally I have no interest in any legacy games currently available but I look forward to trying one when I see a legacy game that tickles my fancy.

Oh snap, it's the hot new internet tabletop show GAME BOARD!

Your housemate is a complete dipshit that can't even comprehend rules. He's trying too hard during practice runs to compensate for that fact.

What was your worst board game experience then?

anyone know a us website where i can get 1/2400 scale sailing ships?


any dinosaur themed board game?

Raptor - Fun but only 2 players
Dinosaur Island - Not Jurassic Park. No one talks about it anymore because it's not very good and the shills have no reason to continue because the KS ended.
Evolution - Technically not about dinosaurs exactly but most of the illustrations are dinos and it feels like a dino game imo.

Dominant speceies, Bios: Megafauna, and seconding evolution

true, the moment I say any of my games are complex he loses interest in wanting to play them (though strangely enough he had no problem playing Cave Evil or Clash of Cultures, funny how theme or mechanical similarities between vidya makes a difference in tolerance for people) despite the fact that everyone else has no problem wanting to try out my games
>He's trying too hard during practice runs to compensate for that fact.
oh man that does bring up a funny sidenote, he refuses to play the Legacy format in MTG because it's "too hard" despite the LGS allowing full proxy decks so his format of choice is Modern, I watched him play a practice Modern match against the person at the LGS who made the comment in my previous post and I watched him look at his hand of three cards that had no impact within two turns for a solid three minutes before he decided to pass. he's known for slow play in the LGS
first time playing Catan before I properly got back into board games in 2014. 5 or 6 player game that went on for five hours. I refused to touch Catan again until late last year

light: Evolution: the beginning
Fairy Tail (you can play to 8p with reshuffling and creative dealing, have yet to try it LOL)
medium: nefarious 6p
Nevermore 6p

you should try flickem up it's actually a decent dex game

please tell me this are a real thing


light: evolution the beginning
med-heavy: evolution: climate
heavy: dominant species (just reprinted due may 2018)

the first two are by the same people and are both great in their own way

Any suggestions for a lightish game that isn't too difficult to learn on TTS for 3 people?

That was pretty good, kekked hard. 10/10


Ready for the next big legacy game, nerds?