Literally every general I have seen on here has been 90% anons shitting on the game in question. I know Veeky Forums is famous for its RAGE, but do you guys like *anything*?
Post shit you enjoy.
Literally every general I have seen on here has been 90% anons shitting on the game in question. I know Veeky Forums is famous for its RAGE, but do you guys like *anything*?
Post shit you enjoy.
Healsluts are love.
I'm primarily here for the character art threads, for inspiration on my own work and to steal for a setting PDF I'm working on.
Also to occasionally gawk at the cards in the Yugioh threads, even though I only play the app game.
I like filename threads
I like BRP systems, history, plausible fantasy art (specially if they embody a culture using simbols or whatever) and world building.
Liches are my very favorite thing.
Crafting reaction images
Trying to be a productive citizen, puppysar! Glory to Veeky Forumstzka!
I like running Godbound.
my nigga
I like running a game for friends who let me play fast and loose on the rules here or there and tell a story.
Non-adversarial players whom you don't have to remind day in and day out to get them to show up to the game are a gift from above.
I love Shadespire, wish there were more discussion of it on Veeky Forums desu
I like fun things.
I like that on Veeky Forums you can talk openly, honestly, and bluntly about games and ideas without having to walk on eggshells making nice or play personality politics else feel the wrath of some faggot with a chip on his shoulder for daring to disturb their personal circlejerk by suggesting someone with a high post count might not always be right.
Setting up TPKs
Drawthread, I got some awesome deliveries but I also like saving request that aren't mine, it contributes to my character folder
Like said, character arts
And of course all the other anons on this board
5e gives me nostalgia boner for ad&d days because it's simple fun if you actually play instead of theorycraft and argue about casters being OP
That and boardgames, most modern boardgames are phenomenal fun
So there is another Veeky Forums somewhere else?
When someone rolls a natural 20 and the whole table claps.
I like sarcasm.But for real character art threads, and artists who bother to draw a little patch of ground under their characters instead of leaving them in a white void.
I like MTG, but I'm worried it will actually die for real this time.
That would explain why there are never any discussions about The One Ring. Every time I see someone post about it (which is rarely), it's pretty much positive.
>Veeky Forums didn't agree with my shitty opinion so it's a hateful and toxic board!
It is, that's the whole point. Not sure why
is here.
Oh great, another system I want to run a game in now despite never running games
From visiting other blue boards relating to my interests (I'm looking at you /mu/ )
All the problems with teeg, even in the 40k general seem so minute
It tends to happen that way, negative emotions are more powerful than positive ones.
That's why even good systems like the One Ring, BRP or KIngs of War tend to have so little talk about them.
>They are nice and tight.
And thats all you will hear of them. Some minor nitpicking but that doesn't enliven a thread for more than a few bumps.
Oh no user, I'm so sorry you think that and hope you don't ever see an actual One Ring thread.
Wtf? Is that supposed to be one of those "gritty Disney re-imaginings"? Looks like Flynn Rider, from Tangled...
I like Sailor Moon on ice.
I really like it when a group is so attached to their character they get really sad if one dies.
If you post something you like and get replies, the spam bots will notice and repost your thread until everyone is sick of it.
We're not reddit, they're not -literal- bots.
I like age of sigmar over WHFB...
Only problem is pic related
I really like Star Wars Armada.
I'm also fond of board games. Been playing Gloomhaven lately.
I love lvl99 games stuff. BattleCON is the best 1v1 game there is.
Veeky Forums got me into the 'Getting shit done' ideal, and then proceeded to shit all over it.
Veeky Forums got me to try other systems besides D&D, and then hates on any system I like.
Veeky Forums got me into 40k, and now it hates 40k.
Veeky Forums got me into its memes and in-jokes, and then refuses to acknowledge they exist unless berating them for being cringeworthy.
Finally, Veeky Forums just barely got me into OSR and ACKS... and then OSR went to hell, and now I have no resource to rely upon for discussion.
More and more, I'm finding that the main problem with Veeky Forums, is Veeky Forums itself. I'm currently looking around for various alternatives, but until then, I'm stuck torturing myself with a useless community.
You're focusing too hard with your reptilian brain. If you stopped replying to the shitposters and just used the Hide feature you'd find places like /osrg/ are awesome.
It's not their fault you keep biting.
I'm posting a question, and getting no response. I've posted the same question in three threads. no response. It's not even that autistic of a question, it's "How do I do X in ACKS?"
Besides that, I don't reply to bait. Ever. I spent the better part of three months namefagging and posting "self-aware" bullshit about shitposting by saying I'm shitposting and that if you reply you're an idiot. Guess what? I got replies and was so sick of how stupid everyone on the board was that I left the site for a few months and only came back because I needed help on a campaign. I stopped being part of the problem months ago, why haven't you?
What do you mean by calling him part of the problem?
>if you dont have synesthesia you will never be a pro musician
>its never been studied correctly. color is static sound is dynamic. this is what muggle scientists have missed. the correlation between the two isnt comprehendable via math. they are mathematically different but exist on a cousin spectrum. its obvious your knowledge on this topic is extremely archaic and extremely limited. i wouldnt expect any less from a muggle although
I don't know what you're talking about user. /mu/ seems fucking amazing. Thanks for the heads up.
Honestly, It's just more accurate to accuse everyone on here of being part of the problem at this point. Veeky Forums is fundamentally broken at this point, and It's as much every user's fault as it is the mods, or Hiro's
I don't want to be part of Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums anymore. It's not worth it.
I'm basically sticking around until I get too focused on prepping for my weekly campaign to actually be on here.
>I stopped being part of the problem months ago
>currently complaining about Veeky Forums in a "thinks you like" thread
>I don't want to be part of Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums anymore. It's not worth it.
Then fuck off you cunt
>Muh memes
Veeky Forums is one of the NICER boards on this site.
Anyway, I don't really hate very much in the TTRPG world except Pathfinder and... That weird narrative 'game' where everyone is a horrible insectoid abomination, and it's clear the game is just a fucking novel that you're forced to be railroaded through for the 'experience'.
I complain mostly about my favorite games, because those are the threads and discussions I stick to.
So you're just mad because no one answered your question about immunities homebrew? Just decide how much it's worth and if you were wrong adjust later. It's OSR, rulings not rules.
I shit on things I enjoy because i want to know where they fail and how I can make them better.
Also because i'm physically incapable of not being angry by now.
The main reason I still come here is /wip/
I'm really lonely, so I come here and help people out as a productive poster. I really like when someone appreciates something I suggest, and my favorite is when people have engaging discussions with me about philosophy as applied to science fiction, or /edhg/. My life is much better than it was, but it's still pretty shit.
Getting people into the Games i like
Sadly i have yet to discover this joy
Cestree is love.
I flip through threads until I find something that annoys me, usually someone saying that you can't do something a certain way, or that there's no way to model a certain thing. Then I go away and try to come up with a solution. I come back once I've either proved it can work or ran out of ideas to try. I never share what I make, this place is full of one-way-only types.
That bone looks like a dick
>Post thread
>Thread with the exact same topic and different wording gets posted while my thread is still up.
>Gets more replies than mine.
I like threads about terrible GMs, that make me realise the good things about the ones I've had. Less cynically, I like threads about terrible players which give me a chance to think about what I could have done in that situation. Least cynically, I like threads where people recommend games to each other because I like to see people talk about things they've enjoyed recently!
If that's what your dick looks like you should seek medical care. Urgently.
Sorry he disturbed your circlejerk.
This. I love the freedom to say whatever you want here.
It's from some game, Tree of Saviors https:// treeofsavior. com/page/news/view.php?n=994
I just look for music recs in /meal/ and that's it now. The rest is garbage