Fantasy Interspecies Breeding

Is it possible in your setting? If so, what species can successfully interbreed? How are such beings treated by others? Do interbred kids come from loving relationships between two parents or is it only the result of rape?

Cross breeding between different non-human species is an interesting topic.

I think we had this thread several times by now.

The only way its possible is through a basically magical bacteria-sized parasite which uses DNA strangs as living space. It allows the "infected" individual to incorporate and mix almost any DNA at cellular level.

The humanoid expression of this are the so-called "mongrels", a "race" of true hermaphrodite chimaeras. They tend to have at least one of each (not necessarily human-looking) primary sexual characteristics, can become pregnant from nearly anything with an XY sex-determination system that has a pulse and are even capable of parthenogenesis.

They are also sexual deviants with a rather loose relationship to the concepts of "incest", "consent" (including "age of ...") and "morality". In the general population, they are about as liked as the Gypsies, if the Gypsies were prone to raping every person and all the livestock whenever they thought they could get away with it. They are the catgirls and puppyboys of the setting, too.

No but it should be

yes but op needs jerk off material again so its going to happen again, and again, and again

Someone post the chart

Only non-Eldarfags care aboutt hat.

>Is it possible in your setting?
Yes, always. D&D has too much of the mythic tales in its DNA for me to find it appropriate to lumber it with the boring realities of Earthly reproductive biology.

>If so, what species can successfully interbreed?
Depends on the precise setting, but general rule of thumb is that humans can breed with anything.

>How are such beings treated by others?
It depends on the culture and general relationship between the races; if the races aren't actively at war, usually, only bigots have any problems with them - they're seen as just a fact of nature.

>Do interbred kids come from loving relationships between two parents or is it only the result of rape?
Again, it varies depending on setting, species and individual circumstance. For example, in my magitek dieselpunk setting, Sil-kargs (half-hobgoblins) have a reputation for being spawned by rape, but plenty of them are actually born consensually - it's just a stigma attached unfairly to the race because hobgoblins are at war with everybody else.

That sounds awfully close to a magical realm. How did your players receive it? I trust you are using this in a civilised manner?

I'm not having it be possible in my setting as of now, but I'm thinking of changing that. Maybe more drama would come out of 'fruitless' romantic relationships if interbreeding was possible with some species but not all (e. g. human-lionman yes, human-frogman no).

Given that the mongrels are pretty much low-key villains and rather rare, my players only met one so far and predictably handled "her" over to the local authorities once it was clear "she" had been up to no good. As far as the PCs are concerned, this was the end of it. The details about what the mongrels are are mostly flavour.

Mortals and mortalized spirits can interbreed, but it just makes a slightly magical mortal. Humans are ascendant and the other mortal races have variously withdrawn from the open world or gone the way of the dodo, so it's pretty much just humans and mildly magical humans.

In one of my settings that I'm running a campaign for, orcs are effectively "corrupted" (i.e. unmolded / remolded) humans. Sort of like Tolkien's uruks, only less allegorical and more 'divine'. Either way, like humans in many fantasy settings, they are capable of breeding with a wide variety of other races. Orc-elves and orc-dwarves are usually just as common as orc-humans, if not more so in certain areas of the world.

Orcs in this setting are also associated with the element of water (as opposed to the humans' earth) and are known for their creative and moral flexibility, with mythologies steeped in world-spanning escapades. As such, half-breeds are generally looked upon with a favourable light — especially those that are half-orc. Many of their historic and influential figures were half-breeds, with their greatest and most renowned hero being half-merfolk.

All interspecies relationships produce offspring of the same species as the mother. It solves all potential problems these kind of questions can bring up and stops the world from devolving into patchwork crossbreeds breeding with more patchwork crossbreeds until it's all homogenised

The pokemon route? Sounds nice.

The elder races (i.e. dwarves, elves, dragons, and naga ) can interbreed but they largely despise eachother so it never happens, aside from a few elf-dragon mixes. The younger races (humans, halflings, orcs, goblins, giants, ogres, pretty much every other sentient species ) can interbreed with eachother as well and the commonality and attitudes towards it varies. Humans generally hate crossbreeds, especially halforcs since they're usually the result of rape. Orcs will rape and pillage no matter who it is they happen to be raiding, giants mostly keep to themselves in addition to the.. practical difficulties with the matter, and ogres unlike orcs prefer killing and eating to raping. However, since the younger and elder races can't interbreed that means no human-elf or human-dwarf mixes, although that doesn't stop some couples from falling in love.

I prefer "50% chance of either parent's race" to "100% always the race of the mother." Similar effect, but more interesting.

But then you get the "halfling mother with a giant baby" problem. If it's always the mother's race, then the mother can always succesfully carry the child to term

Possible, yes. But 99% of the time the result is sterile, and it tends to be difficult to conceive. So half-elves are possible, for example, but they cant have children of their own without magical help. Some species cannot breed, however, such as elves and orcs (though they can both breed with humans).

The smallest giants, ogres and hill giants, would eat a halfling female before attempting to fuck one. Anything involving a bigger and more civilized sort of giant is going to involve magic, at which point, you ain't gotta explain shit. The baby will just change size or something when it needs to, like baby frost giant Loki in the Thor movie.

I use Elder Scrolls rules because otherwise it gets too confusing.

Humans can breed with anything humanoid, however outside of the most similar races (Dwarf, Elf, Orc, Halfling [Gnomes do not exist]) hybrids rarely occur, and usually its a 50/50 chance of the progeny being either parents species.

No. They cannot make children, and as a result, half-elves are barred from my games and half-orcs are played as full blooded orcs.

Humans can breed with elves, orcs, and tieflings. Tieflings can breed with any humanoid but the offspring are just full tieflings because the curse is too strong.

Remember, kids, humans are breedsluts.

They're not much more compatible than many other races in that chart, and much less so than a couple of them.