ITT we grade eachothers portfolios and give advice. Ill start! The holy chink trinity
Blockfolio/Portfolio Advice Thread
Started with $200 in September and I haven't put anything else in since then. Thinking of putting $200 more into my portfolio w/ BAT since I don't want to take anything out of my current coins.
Dump bitcoin and invest in REQ.
I really want ADA and XEM. I sold my stacks. They're both way too hot for me to buy in rn tho : * (
What do I sell biz? I want to make million this year
5k initial invest
I'm thinking of dropping CVC
Sia is my longshot bet
Might try to diversify some of my btc into eth
VTC is a med term hold that I'll sell once it gets to the 70k sat level
Monero I'm holding to forget about
NEO is another long termer
Made about 8k on ripple last week.
>not taking some profit out to mitigate crashes.
Dude.... You'll never buy a lambo. That's investing 101.
pls no bully
Not sure what to do at this point. Bitcoin and all the other currency coins feel like they're dying.
Non BTC currencies without utility will die.
>links ant image
>no bully
I hope you die.
pls help. i started with $850 in early December. afraid to sell off any of these
I kinda want to buy more XLM.
I feel the same way. I need to find the next kind of investments that are going to kick me into the 100k-500k plus range. I've made good trades all the way up to 36k and if I just keep doing the same percentages then I'll be there in no time. But I feel like I need to find a small project that I can put $10k into that will return 10-20x.
You probably should, sold everything and went all in with 32k usd.
I already know i'm gonna wake up tomorrow with some nice gains.
I'll buy more if it goes back down to 5000 sat.
That's honestly like finding a needle in a haystack. There are some solid projects that have just never taken off for whatever reason.
Bitcoin is literal shit compared to everything else and I'm only holding it for normies.
So you're anchoring with eth instead?
Started with 10k, and have already cashed it out.... don’t know my next move...
I feel like until it hits a dollar you’re getting a steal.
Sell IOTA for more ICX?
im similar to you, except i have REQ. i'm trying to accumulate BAT.
HODL nibba!
Look at that Xem. Even if you bought it one month ago you more than doubled your money.
This is a masterful portfolio. I'll see you in Lambo-land