Why didn't the Immortal Super-Genius who lived through the DAoT just recreate a full STC so humanity could win at everything forever?
Why didn't the Immortal Super-Genius who lived through the DAoT just recreate a full STC so humanity could win at...
Emps wasn't as clever as he thought he was and was prone to making incredibly stupid decisions.
I disagree with the Emperor is allwise and all knowing. He is, however, a tremendous and autistic douchebag as anyone who's read the HH series would know. It's more likely he can do this, but wont, as he finds the pointless suffering of the 40K universe hilarious as being a douchebag, that is kinda his sense of humor. It's also just as likely that the golden throne is just a toilet and he's refused to come out for over 10,000 years as he's way more interested in reading comics and playing vidya whilst the custodes bring him tendies then actually doing his job (which is also the real reason he fucked off after Ullanor). It's my personal 40k theory and the more I think about it the more it hlds up.
because it wouldnt be that easy, because it would piss of the backbone of his entire empire (aka mechanicus) because for them just randomly coming up with an stc would be either supreme mega heresy or faith ending AND all threats that you can defeat with tech the imperium (at the time pre nids and necrons) could already beat, while he attempted to defeat chaos by having primarchs be in charge and spreading atheism. It didn't work, but hey.
>because it wouldnt be that easy
Yes it would.
>because it would piss of the backbone of his entire empire (aka mechanicus) because for them just randomly coming up with an stc would be either supreme mega heresy or faith ending
With the STC the Emperor doesn't need the AdMech.
>all threats that you can defeat with tech the imperium (at the time pre nids and necrons) could already beat
The faster the Crusade goes the better and with STC the Crusade would've gone a lot fast.
>while he attempted to defeat chaos by having primarchs be in charge and spreading atheism
With STC he doesn't need the Primarchs. Without Primarchs the Heresy would've never been possible.
Because he's autistic.
That explains why he was so bad at dealing with people but that's not what we're talking about. The question is why didn't he tech up the Imperium?
As powerful and knowledgeable as he might had been, he isn't all knowing. That, and because his areas of expertise seem to be genetics and warp bullshittery. If he truly was as good at dealing with machines as he was with genetics, he wouldn't have needed to make a deal with the mechanicus or have them make new power armors during the crusade and overall delegating all tech-y stuff to them.
Which STC though?
The colonial STC where civilians can instantly pre-fab a info-age civilization?
The military STC infected with Men of Iron AI viruses that just make Men of Iron.
The military STC that is filled with more cyber-security than a Necron tomb purposely built to keep out Trazyn the Infinite?
Or you're talking about the sum-knowledge of DAoT Humanity STCs that are currently used as Arks by the Adeptus Mechanicus?
The military STC with tons
But then humanity wouldn't be incredibly reliant on him.
>yes it would
the Emperor wasn't the Emperor until he was the Emperor, just because His intellect is supreme doesn't necessarily mean had the blueprints for EVERYTHING EVER sitting in his back pocket. Besides, it's highly likely that the time it would have taken to compile a complete STC archive would have taken away from some other critical pursuit....you know, we never did find out exactly how the Men of Iron were defeated....
>Doesn't need the AdMech
sure DAoT tech was leaps and bounds ahead of the Imperium, doesn't mean it can't be improved upon, and with the blessing of the Omnissiah himself I'm sure the prohibitions against new tech wouldn't be there.
>a complete STC archive would have sped up the Crusade
yes, you're right. there is no counterargument for this as it is an objective truth and I will not contest it
>with a complete STC archive there is no need for the Primarchs and the H*rus Heresy wouldn't have happened
perhaps a complete STC archive would have prevented the Heresy, but it would be the result of STC tech being applied to the Primarch Project and by extension the Legiones Astartes. Demigod generals and superhuman soldiers are useful no matter how advanced your tech is.
He did, I don't recall any adeptus astartes or gloriana class battleships running around before Him, amongs a great many other things.
ADB, stop browsing /tg and go back to work
If he just made up an STC then you'd simply be replacing the Ad Mech with that. That is to say that, either way, humanity wouldn't learn from it. They'd just do whatever the STC said to do when it came to tech instead of the Ad Mech. It wouldn't help rebuild humanity's shattered knowledge base following the Men of Iron's rebellion. You'd just get a different flavour of cargo cult.
Also, fuck this guy .
The Emperor is supposed to be read as a tragic figure that tried his best to make Mankind the masters of the stars but failed due to a number of reasons. His hubris being one of them, the machinations of the Chaos Gods being another. In all of this, he's ideally portrayed as a good, yet flawed man. Someone who tried to reach beyond his grasp. What I can't stand about Black Library's portrayal of Big E is they focus on how different, unknowable, and inhuman his mind is compared to the average human but what they fail to recognise is that he is also the MOST human of all. He is the entire sum of our good and bad qualities, and our potential.
And that's why ADB can suck a dick.
While I certainly think he had, or thought he had, mankind's best interests at heart, I wouldn't say the Emperor was a good man. I think kinda the point of the Emperor is indeed that he is the entire sum of our good and bad qualities... and unfortunately the bad outweighs and will always drag down the good.
That's what 40K is about. The continual follies of man.
perhaps with an STC we could have dodged the cargo cult mentality altogether and just treated technology like technology, something to be used and built upon instead of something where the status quo must be preserved.
with an STC, tech is just that, tech. no arcane rituals, no machine "cult" (although it's likely the admech would live on as the R&D arm of the imperium), no fatwas against new technology. afaik, the whole mechanicus functions under the "we know that when we plug X component into Y component and run a current through it, Z happens because the Omnissiah finds it beautiful" system instead of actually understanding how the technology functions.
I say good, meaning good-intentioned. Perhaps even as a loving father to his sons. Though often his measures were uncompromising (Nikaea) it was always in humanity's best interest.
Then the Horus Heresy series started and we got Monarchia.
He launched a fucking crusade and gladly put to the sword EVERY SINGLE HUMAN CIVILISATION that did not fit into his personal vision of what humanity's potential was, whether that be physically, mentally or in outlook. The ONLY thing that fucking mattered was his vision and everyone and everything was expendable in pursuit of it. Individual humans did not matter and even his tools of war were on a timer. He greatly helped whatever portions of humanity passed his requirements but he was not some benevolent fatherly figure.
I never said he was benevolent. Just that he had a plan for humanity that was ultimately in their best interests.
do you think the rapid change in presentation of the emperor was due to writers of the BL, and in particular the Horus heresy writers, just trying to create a conflict or was the shaming of Monarchia something that could have happened before based off of the previous fluff? I'm curious because I don't know the feelings of the Horus heresy writers towards Big E
Then why not just keep important DAoT tech in very secure vault? He had literally thousands of years but lacked the foresight or resources to make some time capsules? Despite being an immortal psyker who was guiding humanity from the shadows for tens of thousands of years?
>the Emperor wasn't the Emperor until he was the Emperor, just because His intellect is supreme doesn't necessarily mean had the blueprints for EVERYTHING EVER sitting in his back pocket.
Then what was he doing for all those thousands of years?
>Besides, it's highly likely that the time it would have taken to compile a complete STC archive would have taken away from some other critical pursuit....you know, we never did find out exactly how the Men of Iron were defeated....
STC archive > muh space marines
>sure DAoT tech was leaps and bounds ahead of the Imperium, doesn't mean it can't be improved upon, and with the blessing of the Omnissiah himself I'm sure the prohibitions against new tech wouldn't be there.
The AdMech hold the Imperium back, if the Imperium had real scientists instead of a cargo cult with a monopoly on tech then they'd probably have advanced back to the DAoT by now.
>adeptus astartes
With DAoT every soldier is as killy as a space marine.
>gloriana class battleships
How do they compare to the Speranza?
>If he just made up an STC then you'd simply be replacing the Ad Mech with that. That is to say that, either way, humanity wouldn't learn from it. They'd just do whatever the STC said to do when it came to tech instead of the Ad Mech. It wouldn't help rebuild humanity's shattered knowledge base following the Men of Iron's rebellion. You'd just get a different flavour of cargo cult.
Except with the STC the Imperium would've had ten thousand years of relative peace and prosperity, instead of the clusterfuck of stagnation and failure they've experienced. Also the Imperium with STC is never going to turn into AdMech.
It was in the best interest of a portion of those within humanity. Don't confuse those that were deemed 'worthy' by the Emperor for all of humanity.
Different guy.
I'm not really sure much was changed in regard to how the Emperor was presented. The only thing different about 'old' Emperor and HH Emperor is that we know more about HH Emperor, because we get a closer look at him, and while I don't like everything about how he's portrayed it doesn't upset me. He was never really meant to be a benevolent ruler. It was always pretty obvious that he did terrible shit and a lot of his good press was the result of propaganda and religious fervour.
I think some people just bought into that in-game propaganda, which really just shows how effective propaganda can be.
To be fair i don't think anyone could have seen the scale of the clusterfuck that would become the Age of Strife coming, given that mankind had become an almost utopian civilization and it was several unrelated messes coming out of nowhere at once.
>Emperor is allwise and all knowing
He was completely oblivious to the flaws of the creatures he himself devised. All primarchs have faults of character, unrelated to the chaos taint they've experienced, but even if we are to assume that the taint exaggerated those - he didn't notice that and even fuelled the vices of his son-tools further. Often his suite or even the rest of the primarchs asked him to intervene because some of his son-tools behaved questionably - but he never gave a damn. But when there was an opportunity to provoke more hostility from his second-in-commands - he never missed a chance. But the biggest flop - the dearest and most beloved tool was the most treacherous of all, but he never even adequately prepared for that.
The impact of Heresy could be less severe if only the emperor wasn't such a dimwit.
sure the crusade was brutal, no argument there, but you don't form galaxy spanning empires and fight literal evil gods from a hell-plane by being nice to everyone.
>his personal vision
his personal vision was objectively correct: humans who had mutated in certain ways posed a danger to baseline genetic stock and need purged. Ogryn, squats, and ratlings got a pass, obviously they weren't just killing everything that wasn't a Terran-style human. I know it might offend your delicate sensibilities, but people abort defective fetuses all the time today and before that, a baby born with an obvious disfigurement would have been quietly smothered by the midwife and labeled a stillborn.
>everyone is expendable, individuals didn't matter
do you think that's ever NOT been the case, besides some very few exceptional figures like Caesar or Napoleon? people, even successful people, don't have to be exceptional, they just have to be competent.
>whatever portions of humanity
the vast majority of humanity
>benevolent father figure
He appears as you wish to see Him, no more no less. If you see him as a benevolent fatherly figure he is one, if you see him as a powerful conqueror, he is. If you wish for a cold, unfeeling scientist who makes decisions based solely on data you'll get that as well. The Emperor is unique and beyond mankind's understanding, but he is human, his soul is innately human, and I'd say its not our inner darkness that show most in him, but our pragmatism and will to do whatever it takes to survive.
2bee fare an immortal super-genius would make back up plans just in case shit did hit the fan. Instead of being so caught off guard that his "grand master plan" to save the galaxy is to make a deal with the Chaos Gods and hope everything turns out alright.
>the vast majority of humanity
The vast majority of mankind was slaving away in prison camps or similar circumstances under Big E, to feed his insane war machine.
The Emperor was not, contrary to popular opinion, all-knowing. He did not have a complete understanding of all DAoT technology, and in fact, as might be expected of any scientist, had his own specialties. Specifically, his was in the areas of genetics, biology, and biochemistry (and techno-Warp stuff). While by 30K and 40K standards he was still a supergenius in things like engineering, electronics, and so on and so forth, his knowledge in those areas was lesser, to the point where he would have probably simply not had the necessary knowledge to recreate a STC.
He did try to put together and build stockpiles of DAoT stuff, but it's also apparent that the Age of Strife caught him by surprise as well. Remember that when he was conquering Terra, it was so wrecked, torn up, and barbaric that Mad Max would seem the pinnacle of civilisation by comparison. Whatever stockpiles of technology he did have were probably either destroyed or not accessible enough to be viable (or simply damaged).
He had a plan for the future of humanity. The current humanity be damned.
>implying Monarchia wasn't actually the Emperor making a critical mistake of being TOO SENTIMENTAL with Lorgar
Be real, user. Any supposed superhuman, supergenius, inhumanly transcendent being would have terminated Lorgar's entire legion along with Lorgar himself after that fiasco. The only reasonable explanation is that he did not want to kill one of his sons.
The Emperor's problem is that, much like Itachi, he was too perfect and had too much compassion. This caused him to keep secrets and do things that unenlightened people would consider genocidal. But it was all for the greater good and peace and love.
the difference between science and engineering is why. a lot of it is just a fuck ton of work and time.
At least some haven't completely drunk the kool-aid but I wish most fans would stop buying into in-universe propaganda(of all fucking things) and realise the Emperor did really fucked up things for what he considered noble goals and wasn't some all-loving figure of compassion. Honestly and eagerly falling for something that is and was, at best, a misleading picture and depicted as such is baffling on so many levels. Makes you wonder about actual propaganda if fake-propaganda(packaged as such) is this effective.
Lorgar wasn't well liked among the Primarchs but if you think the Emperor killing him because "hurr he wasn't conquering worlds fast enough" would've gone over well then you're retarded.
This. They didn't matter. His vision for humanity mattered and current humanity was simply a means to achieve that end.
>what was he doing all those thousands of years
more important shit obviously, hell for all we know he did compile a complete STC archive and it got nuked during Old Night
>STC archives > muh space marines
don't be too sure of that
>admech holds the imperium back
no shit, I'm not saying a complete STC archive is a bad thing but it's just not the end all be all.
>every soldier a space marine
ok, who were the hyper killy not!astartes before the emperor really went to work?
>the speranza
is not an STC construct
>STCs prevent the stagnation
the stagnation is not the Admech's fault, sure they're not helping the current state but I'm pretty sure the Admech didn't strike down the Emperor and plunged the galaxy into Chaos both literal and figurative.
It wasn't that he wasn't conquering fast enough. That was like 20% of the problem, the other 80% being that he had ignored every single request, order, and suggestion that he not be a colossal fucking faggot with "muh worship" (doing exactly the opposite of almost every other Primarch) up to the point where the Emperor had to personally come with Malcador and tell him to knock it off, and he still wouldn't fucking stop, to the Emperor's face (metaphorically speaking). Lorgar couldn't even do what Guilliman had been doing with Imperial Truth, he had to go full retard.
Because they're making this shit up as they go along.
first off, nice repeating integers
second, if lorgar had been killed it would have been for being a defective religious nutter who actively undermined the emperor's vision and hindered his crusade. two legions were struck from the roles and no one rose up, whats one more?
fuck lorgar man
Don't be an el retardo. That would be a huge waste of resources and probably spark a Heresy-like war much earlier.
The actual logical and compassionate thing to do would be to arm the Primarchs with knowledge of Chaos. So many of them fell simply because they were ignorant of the enemy actively trying to corrupt them. If the Emperor had told Lorgar that giant psychic parasites that imitate gods and pervert mortal religions in order to subvert reality exist, that would have completely changed his path. Fulgrim would never have been seduced by an obvious daemon weapon had he known what a daemon weapon was. Horus would have been vigilant of Chaos corruption in his legion had he known it was a possibility.
Honestly the civilian STCs are far more important most internet armchair generals overlook two incredibly important factors for winning wars, unit organization and logistics.
If I was the emperor I would have made the Space Marines, some kind of mass-produced sudo-halo Spartans 1s and then spent a few millennia making a logistics and production system that could out produce any competition. Then and only then would I start fucking with the webway.
That's still a stupid reason, considering the only reason the Imperium hasn't fallen to Chaos is the Ecclesiarchy, which you can thank Lorgar for being the father of.
>If the Emperor had told Lorgar that giant psychic parasites that imitate gods and pervert mortal religions in order to subvert reality exist
The problem is, that's wrong. Emperor Worship protects you from Chaos, Atheism doesn't.
Belief protects you, sometimes. It doesn't matter what you believe in, so long as you have enough willpower or enough minds working in tandem to ripple in the Warp.
The actual best defense against Chaos is understanding its mechanisms. Grey Knights, for example, are not protected by their faith - they're protected by well-researched runic countermeasures and wards.
Well, for one the whole deal with chaos thing is more along the lines of "trick the gods to get power or flat out steal it", not to mention the situation was so fucked up galaxy-wide that that there really wasn't much of an option besides trying to get as many scraps from the DAoT and going along with it. That and bad writing from BL.
It should be noted that the benefits of belief are probably outweighed by how easily subverted and twisted these beliefs are. Inserting itself into religious doctrine is the primary way Chaos spreads.
>Belief protects you, sometimes. It doesn't matter what you believe in, so long as you have enough willpower or enough minds working in tandem to ripple in the Warp.
Wrong. Faith in the Emperor protects you because A. the Emperor is real and B. the Emperor is a stupidly powerful warp entity. Faith in any random thing doesn't do shit.
>The actual best defense against Chaos is understanding its mechanisms. Grey Knights, for example, are not protected by their faith - they're protected by well-researched runic countermeasures and wards.
The Gay Knights are super special mary sues and they're protected from Chaos because of that and no other reason.
i think a lot of people in this thread are forgetting some pretty important points:
>The God-Emperor is not actually an all-seeing, all knowing benevolent God
>The conquest of the galaxy was a means to an end not an end itself: he wanted to raise ALL humans to be like him eventually and destroy the Chaos Gods. to make such an immense omelette, many eggs must be broken.
>the machine cult and their squirreling away of knowledge and tech long predates the unification of Terra under the Emperor, it's very likely that he couldn't have compiled a complete STC even if he wanted to.
>technology is just as vulnerable to capital-C Chaos as living beings are, maybe we already have most of what is safe from corruption.
>the admech's prohibitions on certain old and most new technology started a matter of practicality, only the march of time turned it into stubborn dogma instead of common sense limitations. when you start messing with stuff you don't understand it has a bad habit of destroying planets and opening unclosable warp rifts.
>arm the Primarchs with knowledge of Chaos
>"Why coin new terms for its horrors when we have a bounty of old words that might suit us just as well? We use the words “alien” and “xenos” to describe the inhuman filth we encounter in some locales. The creatures of the warp are just “aliens” too, but they are not life forms as we understand the term. They are not organic. They are extra-dimensional, and they influence our reality in ways that seem sorcerous to us. Supernatural, if you will. So let’s use all those lost words for them… daemons, spirits, possessors, changelings. All we need to remember is that there are no gods out there, in the darkness, no great daemons and ministers of evil. There is no fundamental, immutable evil in the cosmos."
>‘I have seen psykers taken by the warp, sir,’ he said. ‘I have seen them change and bloat in corruption, but I have never seen a sound man taken. I have never seen an Astartes so abused.’
>‘It happens,’ Horus replied. He grinned. ‘Does that shock you? I’m sorry. We keep it quiet. The warp can get into anything, if it so pleases. Today was a particular triumph for its ways. These mountains are not haunted, as the myths report, but the warp is close to the surface here. That fact alone has given rise to the myths. Men have always found techniques to control the warp, and the folk here have done precisely that. They let the warp loose upon you today, and brave Jubal paid the price.’
>‘Why him?’
>‘Why not him? He was angry at you for overlooking him, and his anger made him vulnerable. The tendrils of the warp are always eager to exploit such chinks in the mind."
That's from Horus Rising, as said by Horus. He did tell the Primarchs part of the truth. They know how daemons work, they know the function of possession and so on. They even suspect that Emps is trying to unlock the Warp's secrets to share with them (half-right).
What he didn't tell them was that the Big Four existed.
dude i'm no fan of the super special secret graybois but he's objectively correct, you don't defeat an enemy by sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending they don't exist, you win by finding out as much about them as you can and finding and exploiting their weak points. the necrons don't believe in the Emperor and they absolutely BTFO chaos on a regular basis
He had tens of thousands of years and the resources gained from tens of thousands of years and from being a god like psyker. If the Age of Strife was so bad that it could destroy all the tech he could save up then humanity would be dead. I think it's more likely that the Emperor was a complete dumbass and didn't do something obvious, like put in vault on a random world in a uninhabited solar system. Instead he put all his tech in earth and somehow it got fucked up, despite the fact that there were still humans alive on earth. If your vault can't survive the apocalypse better than random humans living on the surface then it's a shit vault.
The Emperor is incredibly intelligent in a way no human irl has ever, or likely will ever, be. He is not in any, though, all knowing.
People seem to forget the Emperor wasn't fighting for humans, he was fighting to make humanity the supreme race of the galaxy. And much like the good old soviet union, anyone in the way would be crushed under the boots of an inexorable tide of bodies and materiel.
The Emperor wanted to make humanity take over the galaxy, even if that meant doing horrible shit to do it.
*coughs and looks at the last election*
>Faith in any random thing doesn't do shit.
Faith in any random thing is how Warp-entities are made. It's literally how orks do anything.
You can no more turn everybody in the Imperium into a Grey Knight then you can turn everybody into a Custodian. Specialty equipment for elite troops is never going to be an answer for preventing the average imperial citizen from turning to Chaos.
i get where you're coming from, but you might as well be saying "how come the emperor didn't invent everything, ever, and write it down so everyone else could copy his notes"
maybe he couldn't compile an STC because he had no idea how most of the shit worked. he was certainly a master genesmith and a powerful psyker, but that does not mean he holds the sum of the human race's technology.
>god like psyker
there's that word again
Humans don't have a Waaagh field.
Don't ascribe to every mortal the purposefully given traits of a race created for war.
no, but your average imperial citizen knowing that chaos exists and is evil as shit might go a long way towards them not falling to it. half of the reason people fall so easily is because it's a secret. if you've lived your whole life without any direct, visible intervention from the emperor and grow a second penis just from watching a chaos ritual, you're probably going to be drawn towards the one that actually gets results.
if people actually knew how dangerous chaos is, how to recognize it and nip it in the bud, then the galaxy would be a far safer place. I'm not saying give everyone a force pike and power armor, but you don't have to be a doctor to know what germs are and that washing your hands kills them, you know?
remember that stc humanity actually ended up winning against the men or iron. they had shit like portable single person void shields, actually reliable teleports etc. Astartes are nice and all but only once you got rid of all the tech that made them not that scary.
Friendly plug that terminator armor is just a poorly reconstructed DaoT radiation suit.
even better, why didnt he help figure out how to make AI not corruptible by chaos, start MoI 2.0 and conquer the galaxy sans necrons and tyranids in a week?
Or alternatively it might tempt them towards it. After all, you're not going to(knowingly) pray to something you don't even know exists.
Maybe if Chaos didn't act as a memetic virus, you'd have a good point. Why does everyone forget this?
not every piece of DAoT technology is an STC construct, and the exact cause for the defeat of the men of iron is never explicitly stated to my knowledge. for all we know it was orchestrated by the emperor and that's what he was doing instead of compiling an STC archive.
not saying STC and dark age tech isn't leaps and bounds ahead of the mechanicus because it certainly, but part of the reason the astartes are so successful is because they're NOT baseline humans. they are the emperor's grandchildren, they know no fear, they have different mindsets and concerns and priorities. an astartes will always be a superior lifeform than a base human no matter what kind of tech the human has.
>He had tens of thousands of years
He spent most of those tens of thousands of years working from behind the scenes. And hey, it was going pretty well until literally everything went to fucking shit at practically the exact same time, after which he couldn't even get off Terra because of the warp storms. I think you underestimate just how bad the Age of Strife really was for humanity in the galaxy, it literally took them from a species well on their way towards matching the Eldar (they weren't there yet, but they were getting there) to a couple of steps above apes.
>some kind of mass-produced sudo-halo Spartans 1s and then spent a few millennia making a logistics and production system that could out produce any competition.
It is not about how large of army you field when doing expeditionary warfair, it is how large of a army you can keep supplied to what ever random ass place that expedition is going to. Try to think in terms of "I am limited to getting X volume of tons as my first strike team and can only get Y volume of tons to them ever month ."
After seeing this truth investing in a very high stranded of troop quality makes sense for what the type of warfare the Emperor was getting himself into.
No. His plans were explicitly in the interest of humanity as a whole.
If you want to argue he was deliberately planning to fuck anyone over, then it would be those post-human creations of his that were unctrollable and unworthy. Because their existence, while temporarily useful and necessary evils, were detrimental in the long run.
After the Mechaniclysm, The Emperor proabbaly figures that a lot of things from the Dark Age were best left forgotten.
>all knowing
If he was so smart, why didn't he just copy Necron technology to make Dolmen gates, instead of fucking around trying to make a webway in his basement?
Because this is the same idiot who
Did fuck all until the Age of strife
Somehow completely missed an entire Chaos Incursion in New York city occurring under the behedst of fucking Belakor
Missed out stopping Ghengis Khan from becoming a Greater Daemon of Khorne
Didn't stop Zuckerberg/Google CEO from becoming a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch after merging with A.I, permanently preventing it's usage following the Iron men incident.
May have been Diogenes, which explains why he hated Guiliman so much due to said person having a synonymous visage as the rare two times E was seen in his true form.
And also basically lived out the entirety of our hellish age doing nothing at all, and accidentally Jews, and in addition to this was only able to sace mankind's lost progress up to the standards of the 19th Century applied to next century tech-levels and let everyone hold copypasta's of all the old dated dead cultures that died out on earth for a good reason, and failed to address his sons when it came to the issue of Daemons, especially the ones that had already made contact with them in combat, and in addition- failed to address human altruism to Xenos- at least before mankind got exploited by Greys, Dark Eldar, and just about anything else that didn't share their love of empathy as space pussy- replacing it with the need to murderhobo everything- which then resulted in them fucking up with that coalition thing on Horus's side.
Basically, the emperor is a lazy fuck who does last minute homework when under pressure that shows the signs of a great piece of work, but unfortunately incomplete due to own personal incompetence.
If you had this fucker doing shit in the Victorian era, mankind might not have been in such a mess before the Elves Woke Slaanesh up early, sending it into an eternal bitchfit due to being brought forth by Elven shit taste, and not superior human shit taste.
>Then why not just keep important DAoT tech in very secure vault?
He literally did this. So did the Sigilites.
Based on recent stuff, none of that mattered in the Men of Iron Revolt. It was a clusterfuck of unimaginable scale that involved both sides using horrifying weapons that could wipe out or destroy planets, even suns, en masse. Armor and personal shields were irrelevant.
There’s a reason a lot of that tech was best left forgotten.
Maybe because he couldn’t?
Also, there’s still no confirmation that Chaos is what corrupted the AI. It’s still just a theory.
>working from behind the scenes.
What do people even mean when they say this? And how is that suppose to be any kind of answer to the Emperor's lack of preparation to fight the Chaos Gods? The entire reason the Emperor was created was to fight the Chaos Gods, why the fuck did he make a deal with them? I mean, Chaos steals the Primarchs and places them on Chaos corrupted worlds and what's the Big Ediots answer to that? "Lets just wait and see" What could go wrong? The only reason the Horus Heresy is possible is because the Emperor was an idiot of the highest order and repeatedly cut corners during the Great Crusade because he didn't spend tens of thousands of years of prep time making any actual preparations.
>the necrons don't believe in the Emperor and they absolutely BTFO chaos on a regular basis
"Regular basis" is a bit strong. They have tools to deal with Chaos but they can get just as fucked as anyone else if they're not prepared. Plenty of tomb worlds were probably destroyed during the Noctis Aeterna.
A huge advantage for Necrons when fighting daemons is probably their incorruptibility, similar to Grey Knights. 99% of them are literally too stupid/mindless to ever be seduced or driven mad by the dark powers, and the other 1% are either way too proud or way too crazy to ever buy into Chaos bullshit.
All things considered, being a robot in 40k is pretty useful.
If he did the Imperium would have complete STCs.
>All things considered, being a robot in 40k is pretty useful.
He's autistic
He also got the knowledge to make the primarchs from the Chaos Gods, he was supposed to tell the Primarchs of their existence and when he didn't the gods stole them away. Just as planned.
Basically, he was trying to direct humanity down specific paths without needing to show himself and be the "golden glowing Emperor of Mankind" figure. He was doing all right at it, too. But rather than a lack of preparation, it was that the Age of Strife completely wiped out the progress he'd been making, put him back to basics, added a fourth Chaos God he now had to deal with, trapped him on Terra, and to add insult to injury turned it into Mad Max on steroids so he had no choice but to abandon all his subtle schemes in order to go Big and Loud (which he knew would draw the attention of Chaos very directly).
>why the fuck did he make a deal with them
Protip: daemons lie.
>no, but your average imperial citizen knowing that chaos exists and is evil as shit might go a long way towards them not falling to it
This might be true if the reasons that people turned to the worship of Chaos weren't completely valid reasons. You know why there are Chaos cults on tons of Imperial worlds? Because the Imperium fucking sucks. It regularly shits all over many of its citizens, or ignores them, or just generally treats them as disposable. And the average human has to live with this because you can't fight a power as great or vast as the Imperium of Man. It's like trying to fight a god.
But if Chaos gives you the means to hurt the Imperium, even in the tiniest, most insignificant way, then a lot of people are going to jump at that chance. It may be petty, short sighted, and ultimately self destructive, but the people who live without any kind of hope are going to view any kind of revenge as being worth the cost.
>Protip: daemons lie.
If only there was a race in WH40K that told the truth all the time...
>why the fuck did he make a deal with them?
That’s what Horus thinks happened. We still really don’t know what the Emperor actually did.
>Basically, he was trying to direct humanity down specific paths without needing to show himself and be the "golden glowing Emperor of Mankind" figure
No, What the fuck do you mean when you say "working from behind the scenes"? Tell me what the Emperor was doing instead of just saying shit like "trying to direct humanity down specific paths" and "working from behind the scenes"
>Protip: daemons lie.
So the Primarchs weren't stolen by the Chaos Gods and dumped on Chaos corrupted worlds and the Emperor wasn't a complete dumbass for letting those same Primarchs have free reign for centuries with no back up plan for if they turned on him?
That would be a bad thing. A lot of STC’s are full of Abominable Intelligence and other things best left forgotten.
Also, the Imperium actually does has some. It’s just that their AI’s consider the Imperium unworthy, like the Speranza.
yeah maybe "on a regular basis" was little too much, but my point it "faith in the emperor" or faith period isn't a prerequisite to successfully fighting chaos
besides, the reasons necrons are chaos resistant has very little to do with the fact they'e machines, sure it helps that most of them are unthinking, unfeeling automatons that can't power the warp, but they also deploy dedicated anti-warp technology and seem to have a thorough understanding of how the warp works, beyond that of even DAoT humans. besides, machines themselves aren't immune to chaos corruption.
Necrons can't be corrupted. They have no souls. It would be like trying to corrupt a rock, except the rock can also teleport away or repair itself if you try to do weird stuff to it.
>What the fuck do you mean when you say "working from behind the scenes"?
Arrange a death here. Arrange a death there. Hey, that guy's a genius, he could do great things for humanity's advancement, I'll give him a nudge down the path and arrange a support network. Okay, things are going good for now, time to take another hundred years or two to build some new identities and figure out some more of what I can do. Right, figured that out, it's been three hundred rather than two hundred, but doing okay, how's humanity been. Hmm, not bad. Encourage X, Y and Z. Ward people away from A, B, and C. Ah good, they discovered the Warp, oh, they're having problems stopping it from fucking them up, yeah, we'll have to address that. Hey, this David Gellar person is theorising how to protect from Warp energy? Definitely encourage that, fund some research or prod his supervisors that this guy knows what he's thinking, so maybe he'll invent some sort of shield or field that we'll need when humanity goes for serious FTL. Be a philanthropist for a hundred years or so I think, I've played the stock market and investments for centuries now so I've got some funds, and throw money at space exploration. Be the guy who might provide a little psychic prod to get a particular to support it and give it good press, social media's a bitch and they need to think this isn't a waste of money.
We are never specifically told EXACTLY what he was doing, so certainly the above is speculation, we are only told that he waited, he watched, he influenced, he took the role of various famous figures throughout history as he needed to in order to help accomplish that, and that he worked on developing his own abilities and powers. The Age of Strife forced his hand, and he had no choice but to change things up and go public.
But how you can be on Veeky Forums and not understand the concept in principle I'm not sure, unless your autism is more crippling than most.
What's a STC?
We know the Emperor set up Humanity’s technological advancement by throwing down with and locking up a Void Dragon shard.
At some point in the very early Dark Age, pre-Warp travel, he went to Molech and did something.
He and his merry band of misfit Perpetuals weren’t just fucking off for the better part of human history. It’s safe to assume they were up to shit. It’s possible, for example, that they had a hand in the creation of the Gellar Drive. Humanity as a whole didn’t know shit about the Warp, so it makes sense a few infividuals who did made it possible.
As for the path he wanted - Humanity was on the path towards evolving into a psychic race like the Eldar. He wanted to secure the Webway for Humanity and make them less reliant on the Warp, and to strengthen their souls against Chaos. To him, control was the means, not the end.
manipulating politics, events, and public opinion much like /pol/lacks accuse "muh j00s" of doing, guiding people down specific paths while making them think their ideas were home grown. he's the guy that ghostwrote Hammurabi's Code and let the king take credit for it, he was they guy who ensured separation of church and state became a value enshrined in constitutions and civil codes the world over, he was the one that worked behind the scenes to start and end wars, social movements, and models of economics and governance the world over. you might even say that the bulk of human history is one grand trial and error experiment carried out by the Emperor.
as to why he did or did not do certain things, we have the advantage of hindsight. the emperor was NOT a God, he is not an all seeing and all knowing being who controls everything in the universe. what he is is a master of persuasion, manipulation, politics, the biological sciences, and warfare. he tried to let humanity take it's own course and provide only a nudge in the right direction here and there, but we fucked it up repeatedly and drove ourselves into technobarbarism and near extinction. only when we were nearing the point of no return as a species did he assume direct control.
>average imperial citizen knowing that chaos exists and is evil as shit might go a long way towards them not falling to it.
lmao good one
Because the world and the game would be less interesting if he did. In-universe explanations are just ways of trying to circumvent around this truth.
but it's not because they are machines, it's because they have no soul and can't power the warp. plenty of machines have "souls" in the form of AI and machine spirits, there are plenty of examples of machines straight up falling to chaos, not just going skynet like the men of iron but full blown chaos corruption. titans for example can fall to chaos, not just their crew but the titans themselves. the dreadclaw drop-pod, fucking scrap-code, there's plenty of example of chaos-corrupted machines and tech.
Yup. The Castigator Titan STC AI literally decoded “fuckit, I’mma become a Daemon.”
>plenty of machines have "souls" in the form of AI and machine spirits
I see. And what about canoptek constructs? Or Tau drones? Or are human built machines 'special' in some way?
Iain Bank's The Culture is infinity more interesting than Warhammer 40k. Really the only people who find 40k interesting are teenagers and manchildren.
I've not read anything about Tau really, but I would imagine that their robotics is just as corruptable. Their Ethereals are somehow resistant to Chaos, but I don't think the average smurf is.
And Necron stuff is still Necron stuff, they know what Chaos is and presumably take measures with their robots as well.
The STC system was designed by the Iron Men AI and is beyond human ability to recreate.
>literally unaware that his favorite son was about to betray him
Sure dude.