/bbg/ Blood Bowl General

Fumbbl League Season XI in underway - deadline is March 12th 15:00 server time.


The rules that are being replaced on FUMBBL, the CRP (aka LRB6):

The new GW released 2016 edition books, including the Deathzones supplements: mega.nz/#F!uw4XiYxK!tboZyS7RM-rrPJ93nSAmSg

Stunty Leeg handbook:

Veeky Forums FUMBBL League group:

Veeky Forums Stunty Leeg group:

Veeky Forums Secret League group:

Veeky Forums Monkey League group:

Discord Server: discord.gg/3mpKZx2
FUMBBL IRC servers are dead. Go to the Discord instead.

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/2ednwzorq89gc4g/1000 Losses Ed1.pdf

Worthy Speculation:
>Team announcement soon in either March or April release
>Andy Hoare says it's a "slight surprise" and "genuinely excited" to reveal
>Also said at one point that Made to Order teams were not planned in the short term

Made to Order teams so far include:
>Chaos Dwarfs
>Dark Elfs
>High Elfs
>Wood Elfs

If we assume that all these teams are off the table, that leaves:
>Slann/Kislev Circus

Straight from Andy Hoare it seems Slann are out--Slann just aren't part of the universe anymore. Since Kislev Circus is Cyanide's, he thinks if they were ever going to use the Slann rules, they'd make something new. Since he also said new teams wouldn't come out before old ones, we can cross that off.

Nurgle concept art has been shown off and Nurgle has been rumored for months, see pic related. They're probably the safest bet, taking that into consideration, but the wording of "slight surprise" might mean they're not next. Who knows. It's worth noting that Nurgle was the first team planned to be resin/FW, but plans changed after sales for the starter set and first few teams proved to be way bigger than projected. Since every team planned after Elven Union had to be reworked to be plastic instead of resin, I think it's possible that Nurgle was either too far along, causing massive reworks, or in just a right spot to get finished.

A poster on Reddit claimed that Andy's wife had hinted at very impressive Amazon sculpts that were in development, but the post was deleted and Facebook screencaps were asked to be taken down. It's also worth considering the fact that GW has made a push towards increasing female representation in their range, from the female Sigmarines to the new snake elfs to the Escher gang models.

Meanwhile, there's been literally no discussion of Norse or Khemri. The two teams are pretty unpopular and it's debatable whether Khemri is still canon in Blood Bowl, like Slann.

With all this in mind I think it's a coin flip for either Amazons or Nurgle, with my bias going towards the Amazons cause I like them more. Nurgle had a whole year to themselves and they missed the boat on these, so they should wait their turn.

And of course, I forgot to mention, that all of this could be for naught, since any of the Made to Order teams are still technically on the table, especially the first three, as it's been nearly a year since those three were released and we don't exactly know what "short-term" means to GW.

Rolled 6 (1d6)


Norse are pretty fun. At least, the BB2 version.

Unfortunately Khemri brings literally nothing to the table. I could see a reworked Khemri team being the surprise though.

Is it me or everybody playing Blood Bowl has the same objective : injuring all opposing players.
I bought Blood Bowl 2 and the only teams i'm facing online are Ogres and Dwarves. I'm mainly playing Orcs and Bretonnia and i can't do anything against those type of teams, 3 turns into the game and i already have 1 injured and 2 KO's.
Like right now its turn 12 and i have 2 injuries and 4 KO's. It's extremely annoying to play against teams who don't play the ball; i fell like that's not Blood Bowl and i don't enjoy the game like i used to when players actually had a strategy

Nope, you're right, and it made me stop playing online except for friendlies as well.

Also It's not normal that a player who paid 7€ more than me just for a team is automatically winning everytime he is playing with that team.
It's called Pay-To-Win and i really hate it

The thing is is that the best teams are the ones you start with right out of the box. Orcs, Chaos, Dwarves. The DLC ones are more utility than optimal.

BB2 is fucking bullshit with its RNG, and still has shitter Wizards. Avoid at all costs on these facts alone


Worth mentioning that concept art was for a Star Player in the end, rather than a new positional for Nurgle.

What are their weaknesses then

It IS Blood Bowl. Ironically the one team I have used with the most success is one who doesn't have any decent kill options but later is a solid counter. Also without being stinkin elves

So how do you do in early league/tournament ? Do you give up the win and try to keep your players alive and not injured ?

Anyone who plays a passing game? Anything with claw? Hell, Elves of all stripes do well, that 2+ dodge is amazing. An Elf team should only get hit once or twice a turn by the dwarves

Big guys

What team is that?


Stupid hard to get off the ground but once they do, 5 str 4 ag 4 blodgers are hard for even clawpombers to pull down and the pitch becomes almost a free sprint zone.

That depends on multiple factors such as what team you are, who your opponent is etc. You go in and try to play and not get too attached to anyone in BB. Every action requiring a dice like blocking or dodging could be your players' last action of its like. You play, you fight and accept your roster losses. Its up to you to minimize the opportunities opponents have of hitting you.

he is a big guy

Strategy can also mean killing. You got to anticipate that. I had a wood elf way back in bb1 say he had never seen someone play so "pointlessly" as my goblins curb stomped his players to death and scored for the win. Its not called FOOT bowl or ELF bowl. Its BLOOD bowl.

Yeah i guess you're right, i have to deal with that

Pretty excited for my league game later, my Necros v. 'Flings! Is there a way to prevent their 1TT (besides killing them) or should I just pray to nuffle?

Set up your players in the rear in a line spread out 3 squares from the end zone.
Like so


P for player. X for empty square. | for the lines seperating center field and wide zone. Forces the Halfling to make several dodges.

Having kick helps a lot, otherwise you have to perform some dicemancy on him.

it's a cheerleader, my man

My problem with it is that the game favors it too heavily. Any team that isn't either dead 'ard or killy as fuck loses, even if it takes a couple of games for their roster to be decimated.

I need a name for a dark elf team

Related, how the fuck do I stop an Ork team from running all over me as Dark Elves at TV 1000?

My opponent literally has a 3x3 block of Orkz moving down the field and I can do nothing to stop them.

Got to screen. Pull back one space and make a two tier screen. So two players lined up seperated by two squares. Behind them do the same.

And how do I break through the wall of green meat lined up between me and the end zone? I'm down two elves, and he has everyone.

>down to two elves

Like, everyone else is depitched? I am afraid at that point just fall back and minimize damage. You cannot stop him at that point.

No, I'm down two elves. As in, 9v11.

Oh ok. Then you got to try to gang up on one of the front corners.



You use two, either one at the side and one at bottom or two on bottom etc, then blitz with the third to mark the ball carrier. Keep 2-3 elves a bit back ready to flood him when he tries to get you off him.

There are no corners. It is literally a solid cube or orks.

Oh. In that case you got to screen.


Keep falling back like this, it'll slow him down.

Just lost another elf, and lost the ball ball on offense. The one guy I managed to get around and get the ball to after my cage collapsed got blitzed.

Fuck this game. No room for finesse at all.

Correction: lost a fourth elf.

rip in peace

Yea, that's a ridiculously inefficient way to protect the ball and aside from when you find yourself in those unfortunate situations where your armor just keeps getting fucked, it should be very easy to defend against.

Either use the typical "elf screen", as he showed it there (you usually want the elfs right on top of each other in columns, spaced two squares apart between each column), or if you find yourself in contact with one of the corners of the cube, you can try for a block with the aim of pushing the ball carrier out and exposing him to a blitz. So something like this:


if you can create a situation like this, where "A" hasn't taken an action (E being friendly elfs and O being the orcs, finally B being the ball carrier), this will allow for a 2 die block by A (or if the orc in the corner is a Black Orc, a 1 die block). If you get any result besides a skull or both down, you'll be able to push the ball carrier out to an exposed edge, like so:


X being the player which was just knocked down. From here, since the right most elf is already stopping that corner orc from providing an assist, C was able to come in with a blitz from that position for a 1 die block on the carrier.

This can be risky since it involves at least one 1 die block, and leaving several elfs in contact for retaliation on the following turn (the blitzer can likely just dodge back out if he needs to though), but if you absolutely need to take the ball from them and this is how they're trying to cage up, it's pretty simple to. The aforementioned "elf screen" is more reliable for simply stopping the score, however, by slowing them down to where they cannot score in 8 turns.

Apologies, my formatting messed up how this should look. In both figures, the elfs should be offset by one square, like so:


Whose fault is it that I think all the GW Blood Bowl models (and a majority of the third-party models, like 80%) are fucking terrible and that the current BB2016 range is extremely high quality? Do I have shit taste or do all the nostalgic grognards have shit taste?

That's perfectly understandable. Most of the third party models are operations where a couple of guys are casting metal minis in their garage. It doesn't help that a lot of them are older. The GW models may have repeats but they are otherwise competent. The best BB models, both in sculpt quality and value, are probably converted Warhammer models IMO.

I have respect for the third party modellers who kept the game alive but damn, there's a reason why they're third party

Rolled 6 (1d6)


I got my gobbos built, new troll built, two metal trolls "built" and the FW special weapons built, might GS a foam finger or a megaphone for a hooligan what do you guys suggest?

Sounds solid.

Anyone wanna help me find something from the Orc/Ork/Orruk range that would make a good coach?

Dicemancy is a double edge'd sword. Tied the flings and only caused 2 casualties. My stupid sponsor thing rolled doubles for the 3rd time in a row- got a zombie with gaurd (no NI this time). I made enough to buy my 2nd FG tho. Next game I'll have my second block/mb wolf and my blodge wight back on the pitch v Orcs

I own Humans, Elven Union, Skaven, and Goblins, all without any paint on them. What color schemes do you suggest for each?

complementary colours off a colour wheel

For reference my Orcs are Purple/Black/White

Brutes from AOS Orruks would make menacing coaches

I use the grot from the ogor bull kit (just ogors now) the one in the banner that's pointing

Ironjawz Megabosses make for funny coaches

Well, problem is the other two Orks were busy marking and protecting the front corners, so I could never even get in that scenario, cause I was using my blitzes and so on to try and even get at the corners.

Game eventually ended in a 0-0 tie but only because my opponent failed to exploit two times there were gaping holes in my line. There was one point at which I only had 4 elves standing.

I did manage to get the ball off him once via a two-red block by my Witch Elf and then a blitz, but it just got recovered by an Ork and he mauled both of the attackers the next turn.

While not super safe, it is "safe" to red dice with one of your blitzers on a non block opponent. Just be sure to have a re-roll in your back pocket and not make a habit out of it.

Is there any way to do a "league" with two people?

Yes. Make a league and set it to Ladder format. Enter your team and his. There you go. Thats for bb2 anyway.

And to think i was really close to buying plastic kits to bash up a nurgle team.

Putrid blightkings for the warriors
Plague barrers for the pestigors
pox walkers for the rotters
new beast of nurgle for beast. only on a 50mm base

Might have to hold out and see what comes now.

Thanks user

You win by scoring TD's. It is easier to score TD's when there are only 6 of the other guys players on the pitch.

You also level up your own plays with cas points.

but im with you in that playing to kill and maim is unsporting.

user thats a star player. Plus Nurgle is expected so the surprise is likely zons.

No provlem. Have fun.

dorfs are slow to start. but when your blockers all have guard its hell to play. throw in some mighty blow and its lights out if you are not AV9.

At least Chaos trim them harshly.

How do the various teams fare at medium and high levels?

I mistakenly attached a picture of a star player but it’s one of several concept arts for the Nurgle team

Humans start good but scale badly
Wood Elves rock at all levels
Dark Elves same
High Elves are eh
Pro Elves are mediocre
Norse fall a bit later but still decent
Amazons fall stink later/rock early to mid
Dwarfs great at start ok later
Same with orcs
Nurgle and Chaos are poor at start but murder later
Skaven become brilliant mid to high tv
The stunty are stunty but they can get licks in and their stars can cause damage
Vampires go from one of the worst to one of the best later
Chaos Dwarfs are also strong later

Lizards are great at early to mid tv, but have problems at the higher tv ranges.

BB2 friendly anyone ?

Why is that?

Why do Nurgle, Chaos, and Vamps all rule later?

And what happens with Skaven? Seems like they would get shredded.

They struggle when their stronger players start getting removed, so they're very vulnerable against teams like Chaos and Nurgle at high TV.

All those teams have very good skill access, either from getting mutations or in the case of vamps, getting AGS on ag4 st4 players.


Agility, general and strength access.

My favorite I've seen is the Orc bully from the rock lobber kit.

Vampires start off with the best statline in the game and can get every skill tree,bar pass, without doubles. With Blodge, ag 4 and st4 with hypnotic gaze, the amount of control and freedom they can have over the field is second to none.

If they get any stat increase like strength or agility they can become near untouchable. They also have access to an apothecary and regeneration, letting them last surprisingly long later than most other developed players. Mix that with blodge making them hard to hit and you got keepers.

>Vampires go from one of the worst to one of the best later
What if you lose a vampire in the competition is the team still viable ?

Later generally means much, much later.

Yes. Normally you want 5 so losing one hurts but isnt team ending. Even if down to 4 or 3 they can still function. Hell if your 2 vamps are skilled enough after 3 die you can come back.

What is good fluff for circumstances how a coach could be in charge of a vampire team and not get himself killed? Same for Goblins.

I guess for Goblins at least it would be more plausible as the head coach could be as demented and crazy as them and seen as "one of the ladz". But how could a head coach convince rich aristocratic vampires to work for him?


blood bowl players get famous

don't you want to be rich AND famous mr vampire aristocrat? imagine all the teenage girls with a poster of you on their walls screaming for you to suck their blood

That's not a bad idea at all! But what happens if they lose? How does the head coach avoid getting killed?

If you're a shit coach you'd get killed no questions asked

However even a clever rookie coach could stay alive, if you're a well-known head coach you'd probably be untouchable through sheer brand power (and your team would be higher TV and more successful thus less angry vampires, even a losing bb team makes a lot of money + merchandising options)

If you're a rookie coach you'd have to convince the vampires that it's just a matter of time for the wins to start rolling in, maybe you could feed them some thralls which you were going to fire anyways. If you're distracting from a dead vampire then the typical "he was holding you back, now you can be the superstar" or some shit might work.

It's all cloak & punching dagger diplomacy man

Fair point. Guess similar logic could apply to Gobbos too? Though in some way since they're so used to losing, I could actually see Goblins being easier to coach. Mind firing some ideas my way in that regard too? You got good material.

Goblin would be super easy to coach, you just have to be more sneaky or more tough than them right?

So a retired Black Orc would be an amazing coach because except the fanatic, looney and bombadier the little fuckers would never be able to kill you and you could just scream at them.

The Fanatic would be easy to control, just keep him coked up on mushrooms and other drugs and don't chain him to his flail until the match starts, and after you finish the match don't go near him until he collapses due to exhaustion, then lock him up in a dwarf-made cage like a cat-carrier.

The looney and the bombadier would be more difficult to control but again, a bad coach would get ganked while a good one would convince his way out of a paper bag and then convince the paper bag to buy tickets to the next event.

Probably you'd focus on the goblin's love of mayhem and destruction, even if you lose the looney probably injured someone, unless it was himself due to kickback in which case problem solved he's injured and you can feed him hatred for the other team and get him riled up to cut up the next team you're against.

Just stay on the good side of the ref's association and keep your gobbos blood-hungry, winning while awesome isn't the point for the goblins.

Trolls would be easy, so long as your goblins don't stage a mutiny by convincing the trolls to eat you you'll do fine. Just keep the goblins planning and scheming against one another and make sure you're the only one directing the trolls and talking to them a lot. Also don't forget to feed them.

Remember that WHFB O&G suffer from animosity and constantly fight among themselves, it's only really black orcs which have the mind to unite groups of them. So just be tougher or smarter than your best goblin and the rest should take care of itself.

How do I git gut at Blood Bowl folks? I theoretically now the basics, but usually something still goes horribly wrong and I end up getting my ass whooped

I was thinking in both the Vampire and Goblin cases it would be a human but that sounds still plausible in the Goblins term, in fact that sounds like a solid foundation for a good story. After what you wrote though, I still find it darkly humorous how the Vampires could gank a human coach super easily due to their insane strength. Like superman around humans except without years of experience of handling them.

Thanks man cause I was hoping to do a few short stories for myself to pass the time as a hobby and I love BB. So it comes together nicely. Thank you user.

Practice, use a good team for basics like Orcs and check out some formation articles. Or check out Cknoor's video for beginners.


read the 1000 losses playbook dropbox.com/s/2ednwzorq89gc4g/1000 Losses Ed1.pdf

This looks sweet, thanks!
Welp, practice is obvious. Actually been looking into orcs recently. Is it generally better to take an orc thrower or rely entirely on goblins for passes?

For Orcs do not use Goblins. Use

4 Black Orcs
4 Blitzers
1 Thrower
2 Linemen
3 Re-rolls

You can put Goblins in later but as Orcs you got the toughest players in the game alongside Dwarfs. Put Goblins in later if you want as a fun gimmick but otherwise utilize your Orcs. Though one option is to swap a lineman for a Goblin.

NEVER pass with a Goblin, they get penalties for passing the ball. Hand-off to him maybe or catch with him but never pass.

>start up a human team again after ages
>decide I am going to make them long term
>super solid at the start
>don't believe the "humans suck late TV" meme
>actually get to 1560-1600 TV
>get completely ass blasted by Chaos and Nurgle
>utterly outmonouvered by Elves
>dodge 3+ without dodge sucks
>st3 across the board makes scrums literally make or break
>run into a Norse team
>pic related happens

I knew Humans would scale poorly but shit this is just not right. What am I doing wrong?

playing humans

Humans really lose their edge once you start getting into the higher TV ranges. They're just in the middle of the pack, which means that all of the niche teams will abuse their niche and stomp on you.